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メタルギア ライジング リベンジェンス





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Release Dates

02/19/13 Konami Digital Entertainment
02/21/13 Konami Digital Entertainment
02/19/13 Konami Digital Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 5
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
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Avg Community Rating:


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (X360) > Opinions (23)

Mr Puggsly posted 29/09/2013, 10:26
@ Cyrip - I guess you're ignoring this is a spin off that may not have much if any impact on the series. Also, most fans are on PS3 given that's currently the only platform that has MGS4.
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Cyrip posted 27/06/2013, 01:46
Massive flop. Especially considering this game has the Metal Gear brand plastered across it.
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Cyrip posted 27/06/2013, 01:46
Massive flop. Especially considering this game has the Metal Gear brand plastered across it.
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GlockBuddie posted 26/03/2013, 08:16
Collectively, the title sold over 1 million copies. Good enough for me
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tracyllrkn posted 26/03/2013, 02:46
It sold so bad because this is the 360. It sold much better on the PS3.
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GlockBuddie posted 21/03/2013, 02:43
Excuses, excuses....
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Kindro posted 19/03/2013, 10:06
User review is useless when it's obviously composite from angry haters who haven't even played it but they hate the fact that the series got rebooted, or that the devs have said that the old Dante isn't cool anymore. It has nothing to do with actual quality of the game. Fans review with 8-10 and haters with 0, when you got 50% of the fans who like it and 50% of the retarded childish haters it's obvious that the average score from a ranking system like that will be between 4 to 5 from 10.

User score is completely useless. For example 1 million people might buy the game, but only a couple of them will bother to register on some stupid metacritic to tell everyone how they like it. In contrast, it takes only a few hundreds of obsessed haters who will bash the game on every discussion, under every DmC vid on YT and they are even obsessed enough to register at metacritic and give it a 0. Hate is a strong emotion. Unlike that, people who enjoy it will remain silent, maybe a couple of them will write somewhere that they like it, but they have better things to do than posting obsessed stuff on the internet, they're playing a good game, and don't feel a need to force everyone their opinion.
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GlockBuddie posted 18/03/2013, 11:49
You should look at the user reviews for both games, also. Metal Gear Rising had better reception with the fans than DmC did. Compare an 8.0 on Xbox 360 and an 8.1 on PS3 to a 4.6 on Xbox 360 and a 4.4 on PS3. Do that math. I'll take the fans over the critics, any day. Throw that on top of sales, too.

Capcom is losing.
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Jozu posted 18/03/2013, 05:51
Woah a metacritic difference of 6! that really makes up for the hundreds of thousands of copies that DMC is behind lol.
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A203D posted 18/03/2013, 02:43
Who cares what the game sells. I played the demo and it was decent. I'll get it when the price drops. Its a good game. As for DmC comparisons, MGR has an 80 Metacritic, DmC has 86. Do the math.
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GlockBuddie posted 18/03/2013, 02:11
Too bad DmC sold worse. Haters gonna hate, trollers gonna troll.
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Kindro posted 18/03/2013, 01:10
LOL What a shitty sales :D:D:D
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Rafux posted 18/03/2013, 03:15
Already a million seller combined at 60$ price, Kojima already talking about a sequel, DmC killed its franchise. Suck it down haters.
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GlockBuddie posted 15/03/2013, 07:10
Cyrip, If MGR is thrown together, DmC must be worse with its overly-simplistic gameplay (compared to previous Devil May Cry games; the game isn't even challenging) and its numerous glitches and bugs. If you think MGR has basic graphics, why not point out the fact that DmC was developed using the most basic game engine in the market? Unreal? Seriously? The level design throughout the game just looked like a bunch of bright colors. There's nothing amazing about the graphics or the level design in the game (and some of it was based on the same designs used in Devil May Cry 2). The game's selling point, you know, "Limbo trying to kill you," was wack. At what point was Limbo trying to kill me? Development for the game was half-assed. I had to go back and play Devil May Cry 3 to get some peace of mind.

Like I said, MGR isn't that short. Its elapsed time is 10 hours or more with cutscenes, codec conversations, continues, and the like. The 4 hours of length you mentioned is Platinum Games timer. They ONLY count play time at the end of the game and omit the total time of gameplay and everything else. Check your save file at the title screen. I bet it's longer than 4 hours, unless you skipped every single cutscenes and codec call, and then played the game on easy or normal.

You can make excuses for sales all you want. Devil May Cry was huge franchise until this game came out, so I don't know what you're on about. The numbers speak for themselves. DmC won't break one million copies, and it was killed the moment it was released.
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Cyrip posted 15/03/2013, 02:12
I laughed out loud at the last comment. I have played both MGR and DmC. I am a fan of neither franchise. MSR feels thrown together, is incredibly short, and the fighting system is very shallow. DmC is polished, is 12 hours long and the fighting system is deeper. The later is worth $60, the first is close to XBLA arcade quality with its flat, graphically basic levels and 4 hour length.

MGR has the huge Metal Gear franchise to sell off of, so of course it outsold DmC. Metal Gear IS of the BIGGEST game franchises. Still doesn't explain why MGR fell off so massively second week? I guess word of mouth is killing it.
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GlockBuddie posted 14/03/2013, 09:22
Kindro, it's worth $60, considering the unlockable content and the option to play much harder difficulties for a challenge. The campaign isn't exactly 5 hours in total. Play time is (and Platinum Games doesn't count anything besides gameplay). If you factor in the cutscenes, the game is actually longer than that. People have beaten the game in 5-6 hours, but then noticed that their total game time (which is recorded in their save data) is well over ten hours long.

Either way, the game is over much better quality than DMC, not to mention that it sold better than DmC ever will. You can't talk about a "drop in sales" for MGR and fail to mention that DmC has had shitty sales since it's release.

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Kindro posted 13/03/2013, 02:21
Yeah, gamers finally realized that 5 hours long campaign, tedious design, lack of depth and broken combat system is not worth the 60$. LOL !!!!!!!
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Cyrip posted 11/03/2013, 08:18
Massive second week drop. Wow.
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Kindro posted 07/03/2013, 08:08
Game sucks... combat is not deep enough and very easily broken - so you can block all the incoming attacks without any problem and not take any damage for the rest of the game. It's very short and full of *@$*$%#^#!@# QTEs.... :-/

I've enjoyed DmC much more.
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Wright posted 28/02/2013, 08:28
Great game, just too short. Hope it sells well.
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MichiGen posted 26/02/2013, 05:55
Good game, the cutscenes are pretty cool, but it didn't last too long. It's rather short. If you like this type of games I would rather recommend new DmC Devil May Cry - sank around 50 hours into it, and still playing it.
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CatFangs806 posted 12/08/2009, 06:40
This game should be good.
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sonicshuffle posted 02/06/2009, 12:09
Can't wait for this game.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (23)

1 n/a 90,852 37,432 22,088 150,372
2 n/a 18,879 15,564 5,057 39,500
3 n/a 9,281 5,767 2,373 17,421
4 n/a 5,691 2,717 1,405 9,813
5 n/a 3,921 4,147 1,105 9,173
6 n/a 2,684 2,194 718 5,596
7 n/a 1,622 1,862 466 3,950
8 n/a 1,383 1,578 397 3,358
9 n/a 1,285 1,588 376 3,249
10 n/a 1,195 677 302 2,174
Mr Puggsly posted 29/09/2013, 10:26
@ Cyrip - I guess you're ignoring this is a spin off that may not have much if any impact on the series. Also, most fans are on PS3 given that's currently the only platform that has MGS4.
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Cyrip posted 27/06/2013, 01:46
Massive flop. Especially considering this game has the Metal Gear brand plastered across it.
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Cyrip posted 27/06/2013, 01:46
Massive flop. Especially considering this game has the Metal Gear brand plastered across it.
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GlockBuddie posted 26/03/2013, 08:16
Collectively, the title sold over 1 million copies. Good enough for me
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tracyllrkn posted 26/03/2013, 02:46
It sold so bad because this is the 360. It sold much better on the PS3.
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GlockBuddie posted 21/03/2013, 02:43
Excuses, excuses....
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