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VGChartz Score







Release Dates

08/19/12 Nintendo
07/28/12 Nintendo
08/17/12 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 86
Favorite: 7
Tracked: 8
Wishlist: 3
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


New Super Mario Bros. 2 (3DS) > Opinions (86)

Machina posted 07/11/2023, 07:51
+10k in the last year.
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Machina posted 08/11/2022, 05:59
+10k in the last 6 months.
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Fededx posted 22/01/2017, 11:37
Passed the 10 Million mark! Awesome!
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leedlelee posted 22/01/2017, 11:37
Congrats NSMB2...
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fedfed posted 20/01/2016, 04:37
It should over take Super Mario 3D Land in 2 years time I will say 13.8 mil life time for this and 12.9 milion for SM3DL
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Munchies posted 11/01/2016, 09:58
This could reach 10M if it drops around 45%. The drop rates keep getting smaller and smaller, so it has 10M in the bag.
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Darwinianevolution posted 10/01/2016, 04:27
Will this reach 10m before the end of 2016? Only time will tell.
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S.Peelman posted 30/10/2015, 12:05
Nintendo says 9.47m as of september 30.
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NintendoPie posted 17/07/2015, 02:57
Hopefully VGC will update these sales soon. If Nintendo announced 9 million with digital at the beginning of the year it should definitely be above 9 million in retail sales by now.
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garretslarrity posted 29/01/2015, 03:23
Nintendo has revealed that this game has sold (shipped + digital) 9.01M units from launch to the end of 2014. When do you think it will join the 10M club?
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leedlelee posted 26/01/2015, 12:39
I would love to know how digital sales for this title have been given this is the first Nintendo game ever to release digitally and at retail simultaneously...
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garretslarrity posted 05/01/2015, 10:55
It looks like this game will join the 10M club.
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Screamapillar posted 04/01/2015, 04:35
Don't forget, with digital sales and "bundled with game pre-loaded" taken into account combined with these physical sales, this game is likely higher than 9 million.
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tak13 posted 17/12/2014, 12:40
Yeah!The bundle released in black friday week and sold 140k according to NPD but nsmb2 sales are at 20k for that week here.:P
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leedlelee posted 06/12/2014, 09:28
I remember hearing this was getting bundled again in the US for the holidays...
That should help it reach SM3DL...
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S.Peelman posted 08/10/2014, 10:33
Yeah this will catch 3D Land one day and surpass it, to reach 10m sales. Pretty good I must say.
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NintendoPie posted 18/03/2014, 04:40
This should hit 10 Million sometime in 2016.
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supernihilist posted 31/01/2014, 06:40
prolly a lil bit undertracked
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garretslarrity posted 30/01/2014, 07:29
Nintendo's has just revealed in their recent report that this game has sold 7.63 million units as of the end of 2013. This does include digital sales.
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benji232 posted 12/01/2014, 06:38
Will this be a 10M seller one day?

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Fededx posted 03/01/2014, 03:16
Lucky 7!
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Lelouch_Vi_Brittania posted 11/12/2013, 05:47
6.66m units... we need a priest, fast!
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acdcste posted 14/11/2013, 10:53
Seen as though this site does not include digital i doubt it. They should do though, especially when the numbers are confirmed by whichever company is involved.
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Juanky1 posted 31/10/2013, 04:11
are they going to add digital sales?
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Meret posted 23/08/2013, 11:32
@Juanky1 No. As of march 31, 2013, it sold 6,42M (physical + digital) so now it even higher (the end of the august!)
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Juanky1 posted 15/08/2013, 10:23
does this includes digital sales

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kopstudent89 posted 26/07/2013, 03:52
This has a lot of digital sales as well. As of March and according to VGC, that number was close to 700k downloads. It should be past the 7m mark by now!
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oniyide posted 16/07/2013, 05:19
for as much sales as this game has i dont see anyone playing it when i do street pass. its either Animal Crossing,Fire Emblem or Monster Hunter
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Ljink96 posted 08/07/2013, 11:06
This game is really sneaky...
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S.Peelman posted 28/06/2013, 10:55
This week was proof of how the NSMB-series has the most stable attach-ratio of everything. 3DS sales shoot up, NSMB2's sales shoot up as well and reenters the top 10. Attach-ratio will remain the same indefinitely; this game will probably end up the #2 best selling 3DS game at the end of the generation, behind Mario Kart 7.
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snorlax69 posted 10/06/2013, 08:30
To me one of the best platformers out there !! Nice sales !!
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DieAppleDie posted 07/06/2013, 02:00
i loved the game, coins were my fav part of the classics, so im very pleased with its coin rush focus, you gotta love the golden mushroom!

but how much until it passes 3D land?
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tbone51 posted 03/06/2013, 03:47
6 mil in under a year....... pretty good :X
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JonStark posted 12/05/2013, 07:03
New Super Mario Bros. sold nearly 30million. Watch NSMB2, how much can it sell? No more than 20million.
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Fededx posted 01/05/2013, 04:50
I don't know why you complain so much, I loved the game, it's an amazing platformer, really enjoyable. The only bad thing I find is the bad use of 3D, everything else, just perfect. Great game!
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Salnax posted 30/04/2013, 07:19
The funny thing is, this isn't that bad a game. The graphics are pretty, the level design is great, and the gameplay is as good as ever. Plus, the coin addition is a great idea. It just lacks CREATIVITY. Only one stage really makes use of the 3D effect, levels have a "best" way to go through them to collect coins regardless of power ups, there aren't any crazy gimmick stages save for the running cannon ones... the whole game is lacking in flavor. Like great steak but without seasoning.
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Otakumegane posted 01/03/2013, 07:07
NSMB2 wishes it has the legs of Animal Crossing right now.

Still still keep selling throughout the 3DS lifecycle though.
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Otakumegane posted 01/03/2013, 07:07
NSMB2 wishes it has the legs of Animal Crossing right now.

Still still keep selling throughout the 3DS lifecycle though.
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OneTwoThree posted 18/02/2013, 11:25
The least appealing of all Mario games... I'm not into collectathons.
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kopstudent89 posted 08/01/2013, 04:03
5 milliooooon
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aimancooper posted 15/12/2012, 08:26
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acdcste posted 13/12/2012, 10:10
Judging by this weeks sales im going to say it will be at 5m by the years end. I think the week before xmas you could be looking at a 350-400k week.
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tbone51 posted 12/12/2012, 07:38
As of now its 3.72 It will pass 4 mil in two weeks at this rate and be around 4.3-4.5mil by years end!!! Lifetime this game will pass 10mil but i dont think this game be as successful as its prequel on the ds!
Might even pass 15mil because it does have the legs!!!
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acdcste posted 10/12/2012, 08:47
Should be passing 4m in the next couple of weeks. Catching mario kart 7 every week.
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Pavolink posted 25/10/2012, 02:49
3.25 according to Nintendo. Includes digital sales.
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DieAppleDie posted 15/10/2012, 09:56
8 m easy
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acdcste posted 15/10/2012, 01:18
Yeah will probably start to overtake zelda in the next couple of weeks or so. Its going to be interesting to see how much this finishes on by the end of the year. To be honest its not sold quite as well as i thought it was going to so far, even though its going to have trmendous legs in the long run. Im going to say 5.5-6 million by the years end although i hope it ends up being a bit higher.
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Salnax posted 12/10/2012, 02:51
Will definitely be the 3rd best selling 3DS game by the end of October, most likely sooner.
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sundin13 posted 12/10/2012, 02:28
by my math its dead on...unless its been adjusted in the last hour >.>
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Olivernintentoal posted 10/10/2012, 02:13
I predict this will sell between 12 and 17 million copies lifetime
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samuship posted 08/10/2012, 04:49
I bet this game will sell over 20m LT.
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acdcste posted 07/10/2012, 03:46
Just completed this. Took me 16 hours to finish all the worlds, including the secret mushroom, flower and star worlds, as well as getting the three dragon coins on each level. I also purchased the pack of three coin rush level for £6. Honestly its not worth that much but the first of the three packs make getting to the million coin mark so much easier. Very happybwith the game itself. Good graphics, excellent level design and just a whole heap of fun to play.
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bazmeistergen posted 05/10/2012, 06:19
To add games you now need to head to
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cunger posted 27/09/2012, 10:02
Digital sales has gotta be killing this game's vg chartz data.
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Fededx posted 22/09/2012, 09:43
Awesome game! Can't add it to my collection though... :( What's wrong VGC?
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ECM posted 21/09/2012, 11:07
Just chiming in to agree w/ bsp77--the level design is sublime and certainly the best of the three NSMB games to date.
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acdcste posted 21/09/2012, 12:36
Yeah should be oassing nintendogs in a couple of weeks for sure. Holiday season will see this game selling well at the the very least through till january week on week.
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S.Peelman posted 20/09/2012, 09:40
No, two weeks for Nintendogs I mean, more or less 6 for OoT.
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S.Peelman posted 20/09/2012, 09:39
Will catch up Ocarina of Time in two weeks to become the #3 3DS game. Excited to see where it ends up after the holidays!
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justin6d posted 18/09/2012, 08:58
This has a good chance of being number 1 after the holiday season
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Ganoncrotch posted 11/09/2012, 03:41
no one sets out to dislike a game.... apart from you know people like GGC94 down there with his spam of "fuck nintendo" messages :D it's great to see this flying towards 2million it's really great to have such a good 2d mario next to 3d land on the 3ds's line up. Kinda a bit old now the stuff about mario games being rehashes because they feature mario as the main protagonist of the series, I think games like fifa 2013 get less stick for it and the 2013 in the name isn't even referring to the year anymore...
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bsp77 posted 11/09/2012, 01:10
acdcste - I agree. Yes, the game is really not original at all, other than the new gold-related stuff, but the level design is fantastic. When it comes to Platformers, nothing is more important than level design. Anyone that thinks the level design is poor must be really set out to dislike the game.
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acdcste posted 10/09/2012, 10:04
I honestly dont know how anybody could call this game atrocious but everybody is entitled to their opinion. I have to disagree with you however. Granted, its not all that different from the ds game, but its still an awesome platformer. I would say 3d land is better, but not by much.
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Iveyboi posted 10/09/2012, 06:49
It wasn't a troll DieAppleDie...That is my honest opinion. I LOVED SM Galaxy 1 & 2, 3D Land....but this is atrocious and the misadvertising was a crime
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acdcste posted 10/09/2012, 04:24
Should be passing the 2m mark next week.
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ggc94 posted 10/09/2012, 03:27

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ggc94 posted 10/09/2012, 03:27

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DieAppleDie posted 07/09/2012, 09:22
nice trolling dude.....well, actually it was pretty mediocre and can do it a lot better!!!
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Iveyboi posted 07/09/2012, 06:41
This was a truly rushed, awful game. It felt like they just copy & pasted Mario 3 + NSMB Wii and spit this out. First game I traded in in a LONG time
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Ganoncrotch posted 03/09/2012, 11:18
@acdcste one click on the guys profile and you'll see why he is upset that this sold 3 times more than the highest selling vita game within a month of it's launch, probably even more upset knowing that you are right about how mario goes on to sell for years, considering we still see mario kart DS and NSMB in the top 100.
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acdcste posted 03/09/2012, 10:37
Also sniper989 what the hell are you talking about its a great game and well worth the money.
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acdcste posted 03/09/2012, 10:36
People who are saying the sales are poor clearly have little to no understanding of the mechanics of mario title sales life. They dont do gangbusters in the first week like ps3 and 360 marquee titles, however, it will still be charting in five years. So to people who are panicking over the numbers i say this, calm down alll will be fine!
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sniper989 posted 03/09/2012, 02:46
waste of money for £35 maybe buy for 15
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Skyerist posted 02/09/2012, 03:20
@xxbrothawizxx63 Sorry, but fuck off... NSMB 2 selling better than the first one, which is been released on DS in 2006. It's summer time, slow month. Mario always selling a lot.
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Ganoncrotch posted 01/09/2012, 03:33
Perhaps all those who bought it are inside playing it and not on the streets walking about just yet :D
Its a new super Mario bros game, it's pretty much guaranteed to sell.
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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 01/09/2012, 05:16
VERY disappointing opening numbers.....

300k-400k would have been the sweet spot. I don't really see this title having the ridiculously strong legs of the other two titles either (higher percent drops each weeks than other two titles seems likely). We'll see though. It's too early to tell whether the title will be a relative disappointment.

It's a bit sad that Kingdom hearts sold more in its first week. My Streetpass encounters seem to reflect this too. The majority of the Miis I've met have had KH3D as their last played titles in the last 3 weeks or so. None of the Miis I've met so far have had NSMB2 at all.....
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Sam3o posted 31/08/2012, 01:35
I'm having a blast already 150k+ coins! But... Why can't I add this game ? >:(
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Mandalore76 posted 27/08/2012, 07:08
sorry, that last was in answer to acdcste
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Mandalore76 posted 27/08/2012, 05:03
@leedlelee - no, it released on the 19th in NA. These sales figures are as of the 18th (day before US release)
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S.Peelman posted 25/08/2012, 08:24
I can't add this game to my collection yet...
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Ganoncrotch posted 25/08/2012, 06:42
It's not like this is a big game or anything.... vgchartz focusing more on getting sales figures and box art for the Zelda clone that came out on the 360+ps3 .... priority's and how this site could use some at times. but yeah, picked up a copy of this and have to say, absolutely amazing game mario still keeping up the pace nicely, and I see so many reviews cutting themselves about the overworld theme.... it's so good even the Koopas and goombas stop to dance to it... how can you not like that theme seriously. It's about as addictive as buying Mario games for a Nintendo system. :D
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leedlelee posted 25/08/2012, 04:14
Good Lord...
Get it together, vgchartz...
Anyway, congrats to NSMB2 on being the sixth million seller on the 3DS...
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acdcste posted 25/08/2012, 07:52
Was this not released in the us in time for this weeks numbers i thought it was?
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Kenology posted 21/08/2012, 06:56
Why no sales or boxart?
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Ganoncrotch posted 15/08/2012, 06:08
don't think its been set up properly with the sales, if you check the top 100 games list the past two weeks new super mario bros 2 has been up at the top but yeah it's not linked to any system even nevermind properly set up as the right game.
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swii26 posted 10/08/2012, 09:34
Why no updates?
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Shipping Total

13,420,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2023

Opinion (86)

Machina posted 07/11/2023, 07:51
+10k in the last year.
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Machina posted 08/11/2022, 05:59
+10k in the last 6 months.
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Fededx posted 22/01/2017, 11:37
Passed the 10 Million mark! Awesome!
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leedlelee posted 22/01/2017, 11:37
Congrats NSMB2...
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fedfed posted 20/01/2016, 04:37
It should over take Super Mario 3D Land in 2 years time I will say 13.8 mil life time for this and 12.9 milion for SM3DL
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Munchies posted 11/01/2016, 09:58
This could reach 10M if it drops around 45%. The drop rates keep getting smaller and smaller, so it has 10M in the bag.
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