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VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Nintendō Rando






Release Dates

11/18/12 Nintendo
12/08/12 Nintendo
11/30/12 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 89
Favorite: 5
Tracked: 5
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 7

Avg Community Rating:


Nintendo Land (WiiU) > Opinions (24)

b00moscone posted 07/12/2015, 09:48
Europe's third Wii U million seller!
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S.Peelman posted 30/10/2015, 12:32
Nintendo says 5.00m as of september 30.
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b00moscone posted 06/09/2015, 07:02
Even though this is undertracked, it should reach 5m.
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garretslarrity posted 29/07/2015, 05:46
Nintendo has confirmed that Nintendo Land has sold (shipped + digital) 4.88M as of June 30, 2015.
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tbone51 posted 29/01/2015, 02:07
4.44mil Shipped as of Jan 3rd. God damn, 5mil here it comes!
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gcube2000 posted 25/11/2014, 07:20
This game sold well mainly because it was bundled. But it has amazing mutiplayer and meh single player.
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Metallox posted 03/06/2014, 02:32
3 million.
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Nintentacle posted 22/05/2014, 09:18
Numbers like 2.99 really annoy me. Get to 3 million already!!!!
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 23/04/2014, 10:01
Nah, too much apathy! And,... kamehameha??! Wrong saiyan. =/
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Anfebious posted 19/03/2014, 01:47
@legendarysaiyanbroly I get it I failed at writing the word "game" but I can't edit these comments.

What are you going to do now broly? Kill me with a kamehameha?
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 07/03/2014, 04:11
@ anfebious: Game? What game? U mean this glorified Wii u tablet "demo" that in many fanboys' mind is a brilliant game? Must b...! Don't know what a gamie is.
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Anfebious posted 01/03/2014, 12:51
Now that the gamie is not bundled this clearly shows that no one really wanted to play this game...
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TravenousMaximus posted 15/12/2013, 06:43
Incredibly fun game that serves as the perfect introduction to the gamepad.
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Pillow posted 14/12/2013, 10:58
well the game is now 30$ retail, it should keep selling decently (relatively speaking) even if it's not bundled anymore. And it's probably at 3M sold already
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Proxy-Pie posted 11/12/2013, 12:34
currently the best selling 8th gen game :P
would've stayed this way had they kept it bundled.
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snorlax69 posted 19/07/2013, 07:56
Shifting Units incoming ! Probably approaching the 3 million barrier no ?
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OnlyOptional posted 05/05/2013, 05:30
So this game was actually undertracked by a fair bit, it sold 2.6 and it says 1.8, so was MarioU, it sold 2.1 and it said 1.7.
Software all together was undertracked, it sold 13.1 and VG says 6.7. Wow thats more than double.
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ljlrj posted 31/01/2013, 02:06
this is undertrack XD time for an fixing
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Barozi posted 24/12/2012, 01:32
Yeah it's bundled with the black WiiU, which accounted for 75% of all sales in the US (launch week) and 60% in the UK (launch week).
Safe to say that ~750k (+/- quite a bit) came from bundles, though that shouldn't mean that it would've sold bad if it wasn't bundled.
Realistically it should be somewhere between ZombiU and NSMBU.
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SunofKratos posted 24/12/2012, 08:24
Never expected this to sell better than Super Mario Bros. Is this game bundled?Anyway great sales.
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oniyide posted 14/12/2012, 05:37
this game is so much better than Wii Sports its not even funny. THIS is what a mini game compilation is supposed to be
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pokeclaudel posted 14/12/2012, 01:51
This is definitely holding my attention longer than wii sports. It's a lot more fun and I love the multiple gaming options. On wii sports I was just playing tennis and bowling all the time
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OneTwoThree posted 11/12/2012, 01:36
Just read through a Neogaf thread on the game - people are outright enthusiastic. Makes me want a Wii U... if only the system was a BIT cheaper :/
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sethnintendo posted 10/12/2012, 03:15
I'm actually liking this game more than Wii Sports. I need to invite some friends over because I haven't played with anyone but myself. I did show off DK Crash Course to one of my friends and he seemed to enjoy it.
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Shipping Total

5,210,000 Units
As of: March 31st, 2022

Opinion (24)

b00moscone posted 07/12/2015, 09:48
Europe's third Wii U million seller!
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S.Peelman posted 30/10/2015, 12:32
Nintendo says 5.00m as of september 30.
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b00moscone posted 06/09/2015, 07:02
Even though this is undertracked, it should reach 5m.
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garretslarrity posted 29/07/2015, 05:46
Nintendo has confirmed that Nintendo Land has sold (shipped + digital) 4.88M as of June 30, 2015.
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tbone51 posted 29/01/2015, 02:07
4.44mil Shipped as of Jan 3rd. God damn, 5mil here it comes!
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gcube2000 posted 25/11/2014, 07:20
This game sold well mainly because it was bundled. But it has amazing mutiplayer and meh single player.
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