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Quantic Dream



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Release Dates

10/08/13 Sony Computer Entertainment
10/17/13 Sony Computer Entertainment
10/11/13 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 27
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Beyond: Two Souls (PS3) > Opinions (45)

Azhraell posted 13/01/2016, 08:39
Seems it will fall a little short of 2M, at least retail only
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TrevDaRev posted 03/10/2014, 01:18
Has been adjusted up by around 150k.
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think-man posted 02/06/2014, 06:25
Wonder if this will get that rumored PS4 release.
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TrevDaRev posted 12/05/2014, 04:29
I really think it's about time Sony purchased Quantic Dream. There's obviously quite an audience for their games on PlayStation. Heavy Rain did over 3 million. This, so far has over 1.5 million. Should definitely do over 2 million on PS3, considering it's now available digitally aswell. Plus, the very probable scenario of a PS4 version.

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fluky-nintendy posted 12/05/2014, 02:47
Way undertracked, like usual -_-
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TrevDaRev posted 03/05/2014, 06:10
1.5 million.

Very nice.
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Boutros posted 03/05/2014, 05:00
Now at 1.5 million:
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eFKac posted 28/02/2014, 03:32
This is has really surprisingly good legs, considering the critical reception, sure it's at half the initial price now, but I thought it will drop like a rock considering 70 meta and next gen launch. Great, and I'm yet to buy it myself.
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Dante_6667 posted 23/02/2014, 03:51
Absolutely stunning game, one of the best in my opinion of 2013!
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Azhraell posted 22/01/2014, 02:15
Just 5k to go. This game is actually holding pretty well, great!
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nnodley posted 10/01/2014, 06:20
QD just announced they sold through 1 million copies in 2013. Undertracked a bit, but they are pretty spot on though.
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girgosz posted 07/01/2014, 10:05
Great sales in Europe. 1.5 million for sure. had me worried there for a moment.
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late_release posted 06/01/2014, 11:49
Despite some flaws it had, it's performing really great. I can easily picture it getting a million and half! Another million seller for a Sony's exclusive :)
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hunter_alien posted 04/01/2014, 04:41
Solid performance... I could see this doing 1.5 million LT
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TrevDaRev posted 29/12/2013, 01:51
Going to be at or pretty close to 1 million by the end of the year.
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fireburn95 posted 29/12/2013, 01:33
FOr a game with low reviews, the sales aren't that bad, will hit 1 mill and be boosted with late ps3 sales / bundles
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DamnTastic posted 17/12/2013, 01:36
impressive legs
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WagnerPaiva posted 25/11/2013, 03:23
@ dirtylemons , I agree 100%, and it is a shame that QQ dream is such a easy target for trolling, because they really are talented and Beyond was indeed, to those who played start to finish, an amazing unforgetable game. But, it is a point and click kind of game in some ways, like Back to the Future and Walking Dead, but it a genre, not a flaw, not every game has to be a FPS.
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dirtylemons posted 20/11/2013, 07:46
No, it's a false argument to say that 'Beyond' puts players in the role of "cutscene activator" and nothing more. Technically, percentage-wise, there is less non-interactivity in this game than in most games. Because players control most of what is going on. There are only relatively few moments where control is taken away from the player.
As for challenge, David Cage has never shied away from his desire to have a story told to the player. He just wants players to have some control on the direction the story takes. Showing players a 'Game Over' screen and making them do exactly what the developer says over and over again until they get it right isn't really a challenge. In fact, it's simply more linear than a Quantic Dream game.
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AngryAztec posted 19/11/2013, 02:21
The problem with this game is that it reduces the player to be a cutscene activator. The game will only continue as long as the player can perform incredibly easy tasks to move to the next batch of cutscenes. And so on and so on. Not to mention the lack of challenge and that the game fails to punish you for doing something wrong or nothing at all. It reminded me of those "games" you find on DVD's where you have to select between a few options just to see a scene from the movie. Not very exciting. Some people might like this, but most PS3 users (79 million strong) didn't.
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Mr Puggsly posted 09/11/2013, 11:52
It could have been a solid game if it had a better story and your decisions had more impact.

I can't think of any other title that had you make decisions throughout the entire game yet they have so little significance. It appears to me David Cage knew the story he wanted to tell and didn't want players decisions to change it.
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Altair posted 09/11/2013, 09:56
This game like all those before it, is all about the fuss made around it anyway.
Mr Puggsly gave his opinion, you don't like it, fine. Just stop with the fuss now, for real.

And don't count on me to start another pointless back and forth...
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Mr Puggsly posted 09/11/2013, 06:40
Once again, you're playing stupid. Had you ignored my original comment or said that's just my opinion, we wouldn't be talking. Instead, you went on the attack and we had a great discussion.

You accused me of disliking this Beyond solely because its a Sony product. But that's not the case, there is many other valid reasons to dislike this... "game."

It takes no effort to respond to your comments. That's why I am still here.
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Mr Puggsly posted 08/11/2013, 07:46
Awww... well I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. But I stand by what I said.

I haven't played EVERY Xbox exclusive. But there are some MS published games I played a little and consider bad like Too Human, Shadowrun, Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom, and Kinect Joyride.

If you didn't take my opinion seriously you would have ignored my original comment. However, if I said this game was great you would want to make love to me. I know how your Sony loving brain works.
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Mr Puggsly posted 08/11/2013, 07:05
You attacked me by implying I dislike this game simply because its a Sony game. I am clarifying I dislike this game because I think its a shit game.

Saying you're playing stupid is not an insult. But one would have to be stupid to not see the similarities between Walking Dead and Beyond. They are two games that can be compared.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed this discussion. Thank you for letting me elaborate a little on my feelings of this garbage game.
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Mr Puggsly posted 07/11/2013, 11:20
There are PS games I enjoy, there are games I didn't enjoy, and there are games I have no real opinion on. Simple as that and deal with it.

Maybe a week or two ago, I was listening IGN's Playstation podcast and they were comparing Beyond and Walking Dead. Why? Because they fall into a similar gameplay genre. Now quit playing stupid, its fair to compare the two.
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Mr Puggsly posted 07/11/2013, 11:10
Yeah... yeah... I think Beyond: Two Souls is a crap because its a Playstation game. Lets just ignore the gameplay is crap and the story is bad. You are under the illusion I play Playstation games just to shit on them, because that's what I enjoy doing with my time.

The critics I respect weren't crazy about this game, but I played it regardless because it seemed interesting. My mistake, I wasn't expecting such a god awful story that my decisions have practically no impact in.

Explain how Walking Dead is "NOTHING" like Beyond. Two story driven games where your decisions affect the story (more so in Walking Dead). You do some exploring, some puzzles, and many QTEs in both. The only thing that really separates them is one had a garbage story and the other was GOTY.
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Mr Puggsly posted 05/11/2013, 04:04
@CGI-Quality - Yes, I completed this game, it was in the Redbox. But I could have watched it on YouTube and felt just as satisfied.

I'm not opposed to this genre, I just don't think Beyond was good and many critics agree. To the contrary, I very much enjoyed The Walking Dead.
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Mr Puggsly posted 05/11/2013, 03:59
@WagnerPaiva - I agree, its nice play something different on occasion. But I simply didn't enjoy this game. You're lead to believe your actions mold the story and that just wasn't the case.

Shortly after completing this, I finally played through The Walking Dead. That was a much more satisfying experience. A game that actually makes me feel like my decisions matter and a more compelling story.
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WagnerPaiva posted 31/10/2013, 05:40
Amazing second week, almost half a million so far, it will break 1 million or even 1.5 in the long run, I am sure.
@Mr Puggsly , I disagree, sure, it defies genre, but I love to play crazy games like this once in a while, these day all we get are open world shooters and FPSs, all the same all the time. I loved my time with Beyond, shed some tears even, a really amazing and unique game.
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Mr Puggsly posted 31/10/2013, 05:32
@CGI-Quality - To be fair, this isn't a good game. I'm reluctant to even call it a game.

Hard to say where the sales will end. Perhaps 2 million is a possibility down the road after price cuts. Assuming Ellen Page doesn't have it taken off shelves. :-p
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JustThatGamer posted 22/10/2013, 11:34
At ~300K Beyond: Two Souls 1st week is ~240K less than Heavy Rain's ~540K (not including Japan) despite releasing on a much larger install base and coming off the big success of Heavy Rain.

Not great really and this games sales will drop a lot faster due to the poor word of mouth, mediocre reviews and all the people who, like me, just watched a play-through on Youtube... not to mention next generation consoles arrival next month.

It will probably pass 1m lifetime, can't see it passing 1.5m though. At a production cost of $27m (probably ~$35m including marketing) I doubt it'll make much or any profit since it's already had £10 knocked off the price after just over a week.
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DarkFury posted 21/10/2013, 10:39
It all depends on how much it cost to develop.
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dirtylemons posted 21/10/2013, 09:08
Definitely a respectable first week for this type of game, even if somewhat underwhelming compared to 'Heavy Rain.' I hope it sells consistently well, because this title should not be missed by any who have previously enjoyed a Quantic Dream title.
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DamnTastic posted 20/10/2013, 10:14
Not too bad.
And doesn't need to sell as much as 3rd parties to be profitable :)
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WagnerPaiva posted 20/10/2013, 08:19
Not bad at all, 300k at the launch, it can get to 1 million for sure, even 1,5mi in the long run.
Amazing game, I loved, not for your Fifa/COD average "gramer", but really cool.
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Turkish posted 20/10/2013, 05:12
Good sales for a new IP at the end of a gen.
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T.Rexington posted 19/10/2013, 04:14
It's a bit too soon to say flop, but it is up against some stuff competition with new consoles and GTAV right now. It is interesting to see the current sales though. 2.5 million sales for Heavy Rain would argue that Beyond Two Souls should've had more units moved.
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late_release posted 18/10/2013, 08:57
High production costs, low sales, mild critical reception... Something is wrong with this "game", okay let me guess
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think-man posted 17/10/2013, 11:04
30K less than HR not bad all things considering.
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chidori-chan2 posted 17/10/2013, 02:57
Only 160 k in NA ? Man what a flop.
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dirtylemons posted 09/10/2013, 09:16
Wonderful so far. Lived up to my high expectations after 'Heavy Rain.' Definitely hope it tops the sales of that game.
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Meret posted 08/10/2013, 10:16
This game getting many low review scores...
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WagnerPaiva posted 06/10/2013, 12:31
Paid in full, just waiting for my copy to arrive. Played the demo yesterday and it was amazing, really fun and interesting!
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:VN: posted 19/06/2012, 05:12
Looking forward to know more about the plot.
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Shipping Total

2,000,000 Units
As of: 2015

Opinion (45)

Azhraell posted 13/01/2016, 08:39
Seems it will fall a little short of 2M, at least retail only
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TrevDaRev posted 03/10/2014, 01:18
Has been adjusted up by around 150k.
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think-man posted 02/06/2014, 06:25
Wonder if this will get that rumored PS4 release.
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TrevDaRev posted 12/05/2014, 04:29
I really think it's about time Sony purchased Quantic Dream. There's obviously quite an audience for their games on PlayStation. Heavy Rain did over 3 million. This, so far has over 1.5 million. Should definitely do over 2 million on PS3, considering it's now available digitally aswell. Plus, the very probable scenario of a PS4 version.

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fluky-nintendy posted 12/05/2014, 02:47
Way undertracked, like usual -_-
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TrevDaRev posted 03/05/2014, 06:10
1.5 million.

Very nice.
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