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ZeniMax Online Studios



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All, OSX

Release Dates

04/04/14 Bethesda Softworks
(Add Date)
04/04/14 Bethesda Softworks

Community Stats

Owners: 8
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


The Elder Scrolls Online (PC) > Opinions (4)

SlayerRondo posted 25/06/2014, 04:20
Wonder how the console versions are going to perform and the impact Destiny may have on subscriptions/sales.
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derdrik posted 10/05/2014, 08:44
Glad this game hasn't sold poorly, due to seeing a massive amount of people on since day 1 and not to mention digital sales. Also happy its not F2P because once that happens, the community will go to crap and I'll just quit altogether.
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tapout posted 04/05/2014, 01:30
I'm glad this game has sold poorly. I boycott subscription-based schemes, and as such, would like to see games that embrace such greedy antics fail.
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Ganoncrotch posted 15/04/2014, 03:56
guess a lot of this games sales are going to be digital so we wont really know how it's launch sales went until bethesda releases figures as to how many were online or... it goes free to play haha.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (4)

1 n/a 127,377 88,579 33,132 249,088
2 n/a 24,547 18,733 6,485 49,765
3 n/a 11,651 11,420 3,230 26,301
4 n/a 4,926 8,707 1,598 15,231
5 n/a 3,439 7,273 1,188 11,900
6 n/a 3,122 6,948 1,099 11,169
7 n/a 2,801 6,123 980 9,904
8 n/a 2,324 5,298 825 8,447
9 n/a 1,646 4,109 606 6,361
10 n/a 1,801 3,170 583 5,554
SlayerRondo posted 25/06/2014, 04:20
Wonder how the console versions are going to perform and the impact Destiny may have on subscriptions/sales.
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derdrik posted 10/05/2014, 08:44
Glad this game hasn't sold poorly, due to seeing a massive amount of people on since day 1 and not to mention digital sales. Also happy its not F2P because once that happens, the community will go to crap and I'll just quit altogether.
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tapout posted 04/05/2014, 01:30
I'm glad this game has sold poorly. I boycott subscription-based schemes, and as such, would like to see games that embrace such greedy antics fail.
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Ganoncrotch posted 15/04/2014, 03:56
guess a lot of this games sales are going to be digital so we wont really know how it's launch sales went until bethesda releases figures as to how many were online or... it goes free to play haha.
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