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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

リトルビッグプラネット PlayStation Vita


Media Molecule



Release Dates

09/25/12 Sony Computer Entertainment
09/20/12 Sony Computer Entertainment
09/21/12 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 5
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


LittleBigPlanet PS Vita (PSV) > Opinions (70)

TrevDaRev posted 12/12/2015, 09:16
Still showing great legs. Over 32k for the week ending 29th, November.
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GdaTyler posted 13/01/2015, 10:29
:D 1M
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SnakeDrake posted 09/01/2015, 03:51
congrads to 1 mil :D
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Ninsect posted 09/01/2015, 12:31
The LBP legs doing well! :D
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fluky-nintendy posted 09/01/2015, 10:51
Every million seller counts on the Vita :)
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TrevDaRev posted 09/01/2015, 02:03
1 million!!! So deserved.
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TrevDaRev posted 03/01/2015, 04:50
Week ending, 13th, December. 29k sold.
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TrevDaRev posted 22/12/2014, 06:13
Week ending, 6th, December. 32k sold.
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TrevDaRev posted 15/12/2014, 05:35
Holiday legs kicking in. Almost 24k sold this week.
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zzamaro posted 07/12/2014, 07:04
Almost 1 million. You can do it Sackboy!
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TrevDaRev posted 21/08/2014, 04:25
800k. Awesome!
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Ganoncrotch posted 02/07/2014, 10:48
Considering this is now on sale on psn for 7euros there is no chance anyone is buying this at retail now.
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Kongfucius posted 27/06/2014, 05:44
Legs finally fading? No shame in that of course, 700k on PSV without digital is damn impressive, now doing less than 2k a week it seems. 800 might be doable depending on whether it repeats the great xmas it had in 2013, at which point I don't think it would be unrealistic to claim another million seller with digital,
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italo244 posted 13/05/2014, 08:27
Still no first week for USA... Damn, its higher than it seems and no one fix it!
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SnowPrince posted 02/05/2014, 10:45
This game deserves every unit sold thus far, and 700k is not bad if we look at other titles' performance.
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GdaTyler posted 09/02/2014, 09:23
This'll definitely reach a million. Maybe even this year if things go really well.
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GdaTyler posted 07/02/2014, 02:05
Man this game has legs! It might continue to have it due to the fact that it is a platformer in which you can create whatever you want. It will continue to attract customers since possibilities and replayability, depending if you make levels and check out UGC, is endless
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Kresnik posted 12/01/2014, 09:17
Looks like it's the kind of game people pick up when they get their new Vita's.

Good legs, I'm pleased. Hopefully it reaches 1m LT.
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SnakeDrake posted 10/01/2014, 10:14
Damn get legs, it sold only a little higher then its first year.
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TrevDaRev posted 05/01/2014, 02:34
Nice legs. Still missing first week sales in the USA. Won't hazard to guess Lifetime sales for this, LBP games tend to have very good legs. Then there's its digital sales.
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Kongfucius posted 05/01/2014, 01:42
@ktay95 Don't think so, just seems to have crazy legs and big xmas sales. Should jump further when the next global goes up
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ktay95 posted 05/01/2014, 05:34
did this get adjusted up?? Its ahead of Persona 4 now
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think-man posted 29/12/2013, 12:36
2nd year sales nearly as high as it's first years sales!
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GdaTyler posted 03/12/2013, 09:42
Hopefully half a million by years end in retail.
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hunter_alien posted 22/09/2013, 04:37
Absolutely brilliant game :D Loving every second of it and Im glad that its doing great both retail and download wise
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SnakeDrake posted 17/09/2013, 02:56
Surprised to see this in the NA chartz again
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Kresnik posted 09/09/2013, 01:32
Deserves to be up there among the best selling games on Vita. It's a shame Assassin's Creed & Call of Duty trounced this in sales; LBP was much more deserving.
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Cosmo posted 24/07/2013, 06:52
One of the Very Best games to own on Vita.
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WagnerPaiva posted 31/05/2013, 06:38
Bought it as a Digital Download, best VITA game ever in my opinion, i play all the time!
I guess it would be around 100k for the digital sales.
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-girgosz- posted 12/01/2013, 04:00
But still no first week sales for the USA wtf
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Kresnik posted 11/01/2013, 05:46
And this just got adjusted way, way down based on NPD numbers. Oh well, was fun while it lasted :P
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Mario_pana posted 12/12/2012, 02:07
Haven't got this yet but I think it's more like LBP 1 & LBP 2 which means I will buy it since I liked the first one better on ps3. 9.0 out of 10 I MUST BUY THIS. 😱
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-girgosz- posted 23/11/2012, 02:25
Good legs so far. Hope they VGC adds the proper first week sales...
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Kresnik posted 16/11/2012, 08:25
This got adjusted up by 6223 copies this week. Guess there has been some dodgy tracking going on with it. At the very least, nice. Gonna break the Vita top 10 next week :)
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TrevDaRev posted 08/11/2012, 11:36
@krafty89 VGChartz haven't yet included it's week one sales in the USA, so it's definitely undertracked.
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krafty89 posted 08/11/2012, 05:03
@sniper989 probably but where is the proof? Maybe we will hear a statement when Little big karting comes out.
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sniper989 posted 04/11/2012, 11:25
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Ganoncrotch posted 02/11/2012, 06:56
Given that LBP1+2 on the ps3 have a combined sales of 7.5m on a system that has an install base of close to 70million if the same attach rate was to happen on the vita's small player base it would be lucky to pass 300k with a single game, a million units I think is out of the question as things stand.
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Paul posted 28/10/2012, 01:15
Sales are terrible, the Vita is going to have a rough holiday season.
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curl-6 posted 23/10/2012, 03:51
@Tridrakious: They DO advertise. I saw plenty of ads for this game online, an even a few at bus stops and such around the city, not to mention game stores.
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Tridrakious posted 23/10/2012, 01:35
LittleBigPlanet Vita helped the PS Vita tremendously. I would like to know how the digital sales are for the Vita games. BTW, this game will hit 500k by March of 2013, just on retail sales.

Would do more if Sony advertised their games and systems.
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SunofKratos posted 21/10/2012, 08:01
Little bIg Planet is a typically holiday game.It willsell the most during christmas. And if the vita will rise this christmas so will Little Big Planet. I think this game will easily get to one million if we can take Little Big Planet 1+2 for an example.
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Heavenly_King posted 20/10/2012, 04:03
This sales are so lame :(. I was expecting more sales. I have not bought it, not plan to do so (cause I find it too hard to be enjoyable); but still, the game screams AAA quality all over the place.
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italo244 posted 17/10/2012, 02:37
Thanks. Btw, VGChartz needs to fix the USA 1st week.
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think-man posted 15/10/2012, 11:11
So where is lbp's first week sales in USA??? vgchartz needs to sort there Sh*t out.
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Tridrakious posted 15/10/2012, 09:09
@italo244 I think the UK got a system bundle. The USA got a special LittleBigPlanet PS Vita carrying case bundle (that didn't include the game).
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italo244 posted 14/10/2012, 06:20
There isnt a bundle of the game with the Vita?
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-girgosz- posted 13/10/2012, 12:54
If USA's 2nd week is 37k than 1st week could be really high for a Vita game.
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Heavenly_King posted 13/10/2012, 07:30
I think most people are buying the PSN version :D
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sundin13 posted 12/10/2012, 10:50
These numbers make no sense anywhere o.o im so confused
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Kresnik posted 12/10/2012, 05:38
I still wonder what's up with those missing first week sales for USA. I though initially it was just referring to the fact that the game was in its second week of sale, but that's not true because it's in the third week (as seen from the Europe figures). But, it can't have been that anyway because - taking for example God Eater Burst - that game came out in Japan in 2010 and USA in 2011 and its first week sales for USA are counted as week 1.

So literally, there's just a week's worth worth of missing sales :(

Still, some numbers to work with is better than nothing!
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sniper989 posted 12/10/2012, 03:31
still undertracked!!
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Andrespetmonkey posted 11/10/2012, 06:56
Oh actually I didn't account for FW USA sales which is at least 40k. So maybe it's hit 200k.
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Andrespetmonkey posted 11/10/2012, 06:55
It's done about 100k so far, I would estimate 110-130 with digital sales added.
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sniper989 posted 10/10/2012, 04:46
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hallgren posted 09/10/2012, 03:43
So why are there no numbers for the U.S. after 2 full weeks on the market? I don't think that is complaining, it is asking a question that we would like an answer to!!
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Ganoncrotch posted 08/10/2012, 08:55
all the people here complaining about vgchartz and that the issue with this games numbers being the sites fault, guys this games release date was messed up especially in USA so shops who had boxes of it last week had put it out and sold it and sony took down the servers for it but couldn't do much about people buying it early.

The numbers being messed up is because the launch was messed up.
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hallgren posted 07/10/2012, 12:43
ditto the comments below about U.S. numbers , but why aren't the Japanese and UK numbers showing up in the database? The game isn't even registering when you click on the Vita database, I would love to know what this info is, please fix this!
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Fusioncode posted 06/10/2012, 06:06
US numbers???????
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Salnax posted 06/10/2012, 03:44
VGChartz, I love you, but you need to get your shit together.
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think-man posted 06/10/2012, 03:00
Where is the sales for america??
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Tridrakious posted 03/10/2012, 05:58
And the USA numbers
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warhalohog posted 03/10/2012, 05:23
where are the numbers for France and Germany?
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Tridrakious posted 03/10/2012, 02:49
I don't know how accurate these numbers are.
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Teflon02 posted 23/09/2012, 04:39
I got this Oct 18th instead of 25th. One of the best games ever!
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Iveyboi posted 18/09/2012, 05:43
Got it: Retailers leaked one week early in Canada. YAY
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sniper989 posted 17/09/2012, 03:17
amazing game
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Aj_habfan posted 22/02/2012, 03:20
Adorable boxart
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PlaystaionGamer posted 04/02/2012, 08:49
i hope they give this a real name
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (70)

1 5,433 n/a 16,493 7,068 28,994
2 1,366 n/a 8,266 3,543 13,175
3 669 28,379 15,292 10,795 55,135
4 418 4,471 10,179 5,030 20,098
5 319 2,696 7,208 3,492 13,715
6 287 4,402 5,835 3,159 13,683
7 277 4,636 5,486 3,044 13,443
8 272 4,287 5,505 3,000 13,064
9 242 3,179 6,970 3,462 13,853
10 251 5,615 9,037 5,052 19,955
TrevDaRev posted 12/12/2015, 09:16
Still showing great legs. Over 32k for the week ending 29th, November.
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GdaTyler posted 13/01/2015, 10:29
:D 1M
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SnakeDrake posted 09/01/2015, 03:51
congrads to 1 mil :D
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Ninsect posted 09/01/2015, 12:31
The LBP legs doing well! :D
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fluky-nintendy posted 09/01/2015, 10:51
Every million seller counts on the Vita :)
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TrevDaRev posted 09/01/2015, 02:03
1 million!!! So deserved.
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