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Release Dates

03/19/13 Capcom
12/08/12 Capcom
03/22/13 Capcom

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Owners: 25
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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (WiiU) > Opinions (38)

korn62586 posted 16/09/2015, 10:07
I think 750,000 lifetime
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Skullwaker posted 03/04/2015, 01:14
600k retail! I wonder if that's the last milestone it'll ever reach. Is 700k even a possibility?
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NoirSon posted 23/03/2015, 02:54
Surprisingly apparently has the second best sales of a console Monster Hunter game behind Monster Hunter 2. Sadly, Japan seemingly has spoken on their feelings for consoles in the post HD era, and the Japanese companies that don't have to are not even going to try.
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OfficerRaichu15 posted 22/02/2015, 03:57
I love how capcom thinks probably 650k(with digital) on a console with less than a million userbase isnt enough to justify a mh4 port
that would have done very well capcom XD
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Materia-Blade posted 07/02/2015, 07:32
Meanwhile, capcom takes 18 months to localize MH4G to 3ds and no sign of a Wii U version. Pathetic.
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Emme posted 10/01/2015, 07:34
Still dont know if I will ever buy this, played it a bit on Wii, failed, and dont have 100+ hours for this. Plus, losing a fight and do it all again really exploded my frustration armour.
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OfficerRaichu15 posted 18/12/2014, 01:29
must be over 600k with digital
I bet europe devoured this when it was free with mk8
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OfficerRaichu15 posted 18/12/2014, 01:29
must be over 600k with digital
I bet europe devoured this when it was free with mk8
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Nuvendil posted 04/11/2014, 06:04
DANG IT! I mean 500k. argh, why can't you edit these? xD
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Nuvendil posted 04/11/2014, 06:03
If a (very) cheap port of a 3DS and Wii game can sell 50mil with zero marketing or promotion, imagine what a full HD console Monster Hunter on Wii U could sell, especially with a strong ad campaign. I mean, if you can't make a game that is all about having - as ProJared put it - "kick ass boss fights" look cool and desirable in an ad, you need to quit your job and go home. But this idea makes too much sense for Capcom, so it probably won't happen. :P
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AngryAztec posted 20/11/2013, 02:28
@NoirSon - Actually, Nintendo is paying for the servers, not Capcom. So there is no loss for them on that front.
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IamAwsome posted 27/10/2013, 01:52
This game is undertracked. Capcom said it sold 500k.
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DevilRising posted 27/08/2013, 10:01
I'd wager that if they ported an "HD" version of MH4 to Wii U eventually, it would sell much better than this. This sold pretty well, as it is, considering most people who really wanted it already had it on either Wii or 3DS.
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NoirSon posted 01/08/2013, 03:24
Given the game was made on the cheap, the only probably loss Capcom has from MH3U for the Wii U might be the servers for online play. Still, I had figured before the Wii U's release that the Western audience would gravitate more toward the home console port... live and learn.
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AZWification posted 27/06/2013, 10:30
Capcom themselves that Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on the Wii U is a smash hit.
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curl-6 posted 18/06/2013, 04:13
@AZWification, that would be a dream come true for me. Huge MH fan!
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AZWification posted 15/06/2013, 08:47
This game is insane. I hope Capcom makes Monster Hunter 5 for Wii U.
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curl-6 posted 05/04/2013, 01:45
My sig? I have one? I can't even see it XD
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tbone51 posted 02/04/2013, 02:55
@curl, of course, your sig says it as well o.o
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curl-6 posted 01/04/2013, 11:06
I expected this to get a lower proportion of the Western sales vs the 3DS version considering Wii U has a much smaller base and is more expensive. Westerners really like their big screen HDTVs it seems...
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tbone51 posted 31/03/2013, 06:27
61k+ FW US/Euro
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JTurner82 posted 30/03/2013, 07:40
The first week sales for MH3U are roughly around 36k, but in truth, it's the second biggest third party WiiU title opening here in America. ZombiU cleared 91k in its first week, while many others netted 21k-16k. So while this number may not seem like much, it's a start.
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BossPuma posted 29/03/2013, 05:26
You guys are forgetting the 3ds
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Red4ADevil posted 29/03/2013, 05:58
200k? (for japan) Not bad........not bad at all. Lets hope it sells just as well here in the Americas and in Europe at least (if not a little more).
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NoirSon posted 28/03/2013, 02:51
Honest given the state of the Wii U's user base, I see it only getting a boost to push the sales up toward 0.30 million, maybe up to 0.50 million out of NA and Europe.
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JTurner82 posted 20/03/2013, 03:45
Too premature to say how this is doing so far, but someone on IGN forums who purchased his copy said this:
"On a related note, they sold 7 copies of the 3DS version, and 3 copies on the WiiU version in front of me. She said they were selling well. Don't know if it's moving systems, but Atleast third party is getting support."

So this game seems to be shaping up to have success in America. That's good.
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JTurner82 posted 17/03/2013, 08:28
Oh baby! This is going up in the Amazon pre-order charts! From 31 to 29! This is awesome news for the game. WiiU sales uptick, here we come!
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JTurner82 posted 17/03/2013, 03:15
Preorders for the game in the west are sold out already.
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RobDX posted 17/03/2013, 01:39
I think it can reach a million with the ww sales and through all wii u's life, but capcom can't keep selling tri we need MH4 for bigger numbers
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curl-6 posted 16/03/2013, 06:46
Will be interesting to see if this can cross the million mark.
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JTurner82 posted 10/02/2013, 05:16
Third best selling WIiU game in Japan so far. And Capcom considers this a smash hit!
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enrageorange posted 06/01/2013, 03:15
keroncoward, Media Create and Famitsu also track this game. There is no chance this is undertracked. It just has a more dedicated fanbase. For a launch game thats just a port of a port, sales certainly aren't bad. It should certainly have better legs than a typical monster hunter game like the 3ds one did.

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NoirSon posted 06/01/2013, 01:12
Hm, given that this is a port of a game that was released a year ago, most of the fanbase prefers portable games and previous portable ports like MHP3 HD version released on the PS3 didn't sell that well, it is fine. Any real sales for this game at least will have to come from Western markets.
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JTurner82 posted 03/01/2013, 06:29
150k sales for a console base that (so far) is roughly around 550k is hardly what I would call awful. It's still among the top 5 selling WiiU games in Japan, and Capcom DID confirm more support for WiiU some time ago... not necessarily ports, but more original IPs.
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sniper989 posted 02/01/2013, 08:04
awful sales
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keroncoward posted 24/12/2012, 02:39
i know this game is undertracked. the community in miiverse is Japan only and its probably as populated as NSMBU
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Thechalkblock posted 16/12/2012, 04:19
i want :(
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JTurner82 posted 14/12/2012, 06:21
great sales so far.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (38)

1 108,135 n/a n/a 108,135
2 23,915 n/a n/a 23,915
3 15,712 n/a n/a 15,712
4 14,558 n/a n/a 14,558
5 13,908 n/a n/a 13,908
6 5,713 n/a n/a 5,713
7 3,678 n/a n/a 3,678
8 3,101 n/a n/a 3,101
9 2,441 n/a n/a 2,441
10 1,893 n/a n/a 1,893
korn62586 posted 16/09/2015, 10:07
I think 750,000 lifetime
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Skullwaker posted 03/04/2015, 01:14
600k retail! I wonder if that's the last milestone it'll ever reach. Is 700k even a possibility?
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NoirSon posted 23/03/2015, 02:54
Surprisingly apparently has the second best sales of a console Monster Hunter game behind Monster Hunter 2. Sadly, Japan seemingly has spoken on their feelings for consoles in the post HD era, and the Japanese companies that don't have to are not even going to try.
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OfficerRaichu15 posted 22/02/2015, 03:57
I love how capcom thinks probably 650k(with digital) on a console with less than a million userbase isnt enough to justify a mh4 port
that would have done very well capcom XD
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Materia-Blade posted 07/02/2015, 07:32
Meanwhile, capcom takes 18 months to localize MH4G to 3ds and no sign of a Wii U version. Pathetic.
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Emme posted 10/01/2015, 07:34
Still dont know if I will ever buy this, played it a bit on Wii, failed, and dont have 100+ hours for this. Plus, losing a fight and do it all again really exploded my frustration armour.
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