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Alternative Names

Tearaway: Hagareta Sekai no Daibouken

Tearaway ~はがれた世界の大冒険~


Media Molecule



Release Dates

11/22/13 Sony Computer Entertainment America
12/05/13 Sony Computer Entertainment
11/22/13 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe

Community Stats

Owners: 32
Favorite: 7
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Tearaway (PSV) > Opinions (62)

Dr.Vita posted 20/01/2016, 01:35
This game deserves so much better sales... :/
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Kresnik posted 29/10/2015, 11:07
Because it didn't chart on Media Create or Famitsu so VGC had no reference for numbers.

This is what it had sold by the end of 2013: 4,229.
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Darwinianevolution posted 29/06/2015, 07:04
How is it that we don't have the japanese numbers for this title?
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fluky-nintendy posted 12/08/2014, 07:06
Looks like someone was wrong ^^
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hunter_alien posted 29/06/2014, 02:50
Wow... so many calls for multiplatform release... do people know how this game is played? In no way this could work on anything else BUT the vita... :|
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fluky-nintendy posted 16/06/2014, 05:06
They really should port some Vita exclusives to PS3 or even PS4. Some games really deserve to be recognized and this one is one of those games. Cmon Sony!
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Meret posted 13/05/2014, 12:27
Amazing game with bomba sales(((((((
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fleischr posted 05/05/2014, 05:57
Now that we know the game is a sales failure, it's time to take it multiplatform.
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benji232 posted 14/03/2014, 03:41
Unfortunetly, this is overtracked by 30k in the US according to the February January. This is sad because this IS a masterpiece.
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jecht69 posted 09/03/2014, 02:29
I hope development costs were low enough to make a decent profit. This game was great, and i'd say it's the best of its genre. I originally had zero interest, and thought it looked lame. I eventually got it, but it just sat there for a few months before trying it out, and wow, I was blown away by how great the game actually is! I was addicted enough that I beat it in 2 days. I recommend this to all Vita owners. Also Danganronpa, that game also had me glued to the Vita with its great story.
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Mentore posted 03/03/2014, 12:41
man, sad to see such low sales for an amazing game.. media molecule did outdone themselves wit this game friicking brilliant!
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chase123 posted 28/02/2014, 06:10
Yay 300k!
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late_release posted 07/02/2014, 06:45
With digital figures, the game is a solid 500k.
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chase123 posted 06/02/2014, 01:32
Selling almost 300k it's first ten weeks is pretty good for a new ip made by only 15 people.Counting digital and this may well have passed 500k sold altogether.
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GdaTyler posted 24/01/2014, 01:42
This game must have made pretty good profit. MM should make another game for Vita after they make their PS4 game!
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chase123 posted 21/01/2014, 08:55
15 people I think,still good sales though.
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ifahadx posted 20/01/2014, 02:13
vita games have good numbers for digital copies ... in amazon psn 20$ was most sold item in games and 50 $ was the 5 !!

i dont know why sony don't share numbers for digital numbers

hover if tearaway sold 250K as physical copy i am sure there more than 250K for digital copies so 500K not bad for games was made from 8 people only
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SnakeDrake posted 13/01/2014, 02:48
Where's Japan sale figures I know its not a lot but ever k counts
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chase123 posted 12/01/2014, 05:17
Sold only 16K this week,still has good legs.
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chase123 posted 11/01/2014, 02:04
@Coody Couldn't have said it better myself.
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Azhraell posted 10/01/2014, 03:55
@Coody: You nailed it xD
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Coody posted 10/01/2014, 03:45
Also, with Tearwaway being as much as half the price of other Vita games on the PS Store, you can all but guarantee that the vast majority of its sales will be digital. It's only £19.99 on the UK store whereas COD BODC is £44.99 and Tearaway has been that price since day one so it's easier just to buy it digitally and as we all know, this site doesn't have digital sales figures.

To prove that fact, go to the PS Blog and Tearaway was the number 1 selling Vita game on the store and is still in the top 5.
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Coody posted 10/01/2014, 03:41
@ANYONE AND EVERYONE who takes the time to reply to Meret, don't bother, just ignore him. The fact of the matter is he is so butthurt by WiiUs appalling sales and he is such a sad (virgin GUARANTEED) that he has to spend all his time trolling Vita games sales pages just because he's that sad that games are his life and he feels so threatened by such a superior handheld that the Vita is.
He only comes on these pages cos he's scared the Vita might start selling well.

Just ignore him.
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DealWithIt617 posted 09/01/2014, 12:55
Nice legs on this game.
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think-man posted 08/01/2014, 03:45
@Meret whats your psn account I don't believe you for a second.
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GdaTyler posted 07/01/2014, 10:02
Nice legs. I think it could reach close to half a million next year. It should be even more in downloads since this might be more of a digital game. I even have it digital! ^_^
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chase123 posted 07/01/2014, 09:31
Oh sorry,I meant from 200K to 240K in a week.
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chase123 posted 07/01/2014, 09:28
From 170K to 240K in a week,nice!
Hope it gets good lifetime sales.
Seems to be going good in Europe.
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Meret posted 06/01/2014, 04:14
@think-man I like to to follow the sales. And I bought Vita for FFX HD, so u r wrong.
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think-man posted 05/01/2014, 11:44
@Meret Why do you even care? you don't even own a Vita, we all know why you're here.
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GdaTyler posted 05/01/2014, 05:02
This games seems to have pretty good legs. Impressed at the outcome since its slow start.
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Meret posted 04/01/2014, 11:19
yeah, but japan retail sales are at ~5k or so, so japan's data will not make overall picture brighter.
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chase123 posted 04/01/2014, 09:18
But still,it should be tracked.
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Kowan posted 03/01/2014, 11:12
Sad this didn't do well in Japan. This is a wonderful game! It's kinda touching too how they made the player really involved in the story! If anyone hasn't bought this game yet, go now and buy it! It's worth it. I hope it sells steadily throughout the year.
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Meret posted 03/01/2014, 08:25
@chase123 In Japan this game bombed hard. According to official trackers (Media Create and Enterbrain / Famitsu) Tearaway not even reached the top 50 in first week (
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chase123 posted 03/01/2014, 09:06
Why isn't this being tracked in Japan?
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Azhraell posted 03/01/2014, 02:52
Glad the game is showing decent legs. It should surpass lbp vita at this rate.
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stuffmakesmelol posted 01/01/2014, 09:51
Oh, I forgot to say this on my comment. Anyways, damn, this game is not doing to hot in the U.S. compared to Europe, have Americans lost taste on quality games in favor of shooting. :( I have lost faith of the Western gaming audience.
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stuffmakesmelol posted 01/01/2014, 09:46
With digital sales, it mostly likely selling well for a Vita game, hope this game help boost sales of the Vita along with Killzone: Mercenary, Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Persona 4: Golden, and much more. :)
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SnakeDrake posted 29/12/2013, 06:14
Pretty solid forth week too.
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benji232 posted 29/12/2013, 12:25
Bought this game with my brand new vita and it is absolutely amazing. One of the best platformers/puzzle games of 2013 imo.
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Azhraell posted 19/12/2013, 05:50
Great first 3 weeks. This game really deserve good sales.
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DamnTastic posted 19/12/2013, 03:14
@LukasHeinzel jokes on you, it's already over a 100k!
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think-man posted 18/12/2013, 05:41
Seems to have legs.
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LukasHeinzel posted 17/12/2013, 10:09
I dont see how this game will ever get over 20k, abysmal sales numbers.

And chill Gda, you are seeing trolls and fanboys everywhere.
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GdaTyler posted 17/12/2013, 01:25
To be honest, for a new IP it did ok, considering it also needs to be released in Japan. 100K is above my expectations. I think this game will have good legs and can make more than 400K-500K lifetime after a couple years.
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GdaTyler posted 17/12/2013, 01:22
Paul, you're a moron. Who said they can't release these titles on Vita? On the Vita they could do so much more, and they executed their idea the way they always imagined. F*** off you troll.
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Paul posted 15/12/2013, 07:42
Should have been released on the 3DS. Games that appeal to the childrens market don't fair well on the Vita, Nintendo has really cornered that market. Sony should focus on more hard core titles for the teenage market.
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GdaTyler posted 14/12/2013, 02:39
Meret is a troll lol. This is where Nintendo fanboyism goes too far.
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Kresnik posted 11/12/2013, 12:07
Only dropped 1k in its second week on sale in Europe. I hope it has legs enough over here to take it to some level of decent numbers. It really, really deserves it.
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Coody posted 09/12/2013, 07:36

i never said it will start selling WELL, i said it wont start selling until well into next year. However, something that neds to be taken into consideration is the absence of DIGITAL figures. Tearaways price of £20 onthe ps store more or less guarantees that a HUGE % of its sales will be digital n its the top selling Vita download in both EU n NA regions.

But i still suspect its not getting the sales it deserves after the ridiculous decision to launch it on the same day as Xbox One n thePS4 window.
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Meret posted 08/12/2013, 04:05
@Coody Do you really believe that this game will start selling well in 2014? Lol
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DealWithIt617 posted 08/12/2013, 01:34
They should have never delayed the game, what did you expect ! You release a game right next to the launch of ps4 and x1. People have already wasted there gaming $. On top of that your media buzz was none existent because once again you released next to ps4 and x1.
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Coody posted 06/12/2013, 07:53
It launched on the same day as Xbox One n Zelda FFS, it's obviously not going to start selling till well into 2014. It is a superb game though. Very very special n I still can't believe it was developed by only FIFTEEN people.
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Meret posted 05/12/2013, 05:08
What a sales! *rofl*
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Kresnik posted 03/12/2013, 04:45
Deserves more than this. Shame. Hopefully a few more people pick it up over the holidays.
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PlayMatt posted 03/12/2013, 04:32
Yeahhh Right on target! I knew it would get 50k! o//
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SlayerRondo posted 03/12/2013, 01:45
The reason I'm getting a PS Vita for Christmas along with Persona 4 the golden and PS4 connectivity and functionality.
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Azhraell posted 02/12/2013, 01:07
One of the best games I've played this year so far.
Oh, I almost forgot. F*** off Meret :D
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PlayMatt posted 30/11/2013, 06:16
Seems like 5 -6 k in the UK, 25 - 35k in the US... Hope it reaches 50k with rest of Europe

"Also Meret, you can prematurely **** off if this game does not sell well."

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GdaTyler posted 29/11/2013, 10:39
Hope it sells at LEAST 10K. If not, I'm disappointed in humanity for not trying out this absolutely charming game. Also Meret, you can prematurely **** off if this game does not sell well.
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Cosmo posted 29/11/2013, 06:53
This game is fantastic makes use of all the features of the Playstation Vita.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (62)

1 n/a 11,336 25,710 12,231 49,277
2 n/a 4,954 24,093 8,842 37,889
3 n/a 4,266 31,635 10,575 46,476
4 n/a 4,556 25,375 9,008 38,939
5 n/a 9,840 28,004 12,164 50,008
6 n/a 10,508 21,430 10,684 42,622
7 n/a 3,222 11,936 4,734 19,892
8 n/a 1,749 7,001 2,712 11,462
9 n/a 1,328 6,923 2,496 10,747
10 n/a 1,144 4,948 1,875 7,967
Dr.Vita posted 20/01/2016, 01:35
This game deserves so much better sales... :/
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Kresnik posted 29/10/2015, 11:07
Because it didn't chart on Media Create or Famitsu so VGC had no reference for numbers.

This is what it had sold by the end of 2013: 4,229.
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Darwinianevolution posted 29/06/2015, 07:04
How is it that we don't have the japanese numbers for this title?
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fluky-nintendy posted 12/08/2014, 07:06
Looks like someone was wrong ^^
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hunter_alien posted 29/06/2014, 02:50
Wow... so many calls for multiplatform release... do people know how this game is played? In no way this could work on anything else BUT the vita... :|
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fluky-nintendy posted 16/06/2014, 05:06
They really should port some Vita exclusives to PS3 or even PS4. Some games really deserve to be recognized and this one is one of those games. Cmon Sony!
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