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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

ソニック&オールスターレーシング TRANSFORMED


Sumo Digital



Other Versions

3DS, PC, PS3, PSV, X360

Release Dates

11/18/12 Sega
05/15/14 Sega
11/30/12 Sega

Community Stats

Owners: 12
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed (WiiU) > Opinions (11)

b00moscone posted 31/08/2015, 05:47
Compared to the other versions, and taking into account the install-base, this did pretty well.

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Kuksenkov posted 08/01/2015, 06:23
This could possibly be almost at 500k if digital sales are good!
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fleischr posted 14/05/2014, 04:04
Launches tomorrow in Japan. I think it might just do well there.
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FarleyMcFirefly posted 05/05/2014, 02:58
This has become my favourite racing game of all time. I enjoyed it more than Mario kart. It definitely deserves more sales!
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curl-6 posted 26/07/2013, 01:55
This has actually passed the PS3 version in sales now.
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Metroid33slayer posted 27/06/2013, 12:23
This is the second game i bought on wii u and is perfectly suited for using the pro controller. World tour mode is packed with a variety of fun challenges including battle races, boost races, ring races, pursuits, speedruns, drift and traffic challenges. You are going to need a certain amount of patience and skill to attain all 232 stars but it is possible with a bit of determination. Grand prix mode is good for 2 players because one player can play on the gamepad screen and the other can have the full tv screen without it being carved up. Overall this is one of the best games on wii u and is also heavily discounted so there is every incentive to buy this very underated game.
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Pokemonbrawlvg posted 13/05/2013, 04:38
The game is undertracked. It reached 310k (including digital I think) from Sega's latest reports.
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Kresnik posted 01/05/2013, 01:05
Discounted or not, sales for this game are extremely good in the context of comparing them to the PS360 versions.

While the future for another Sonic karter doesn't look good considering < 1 million across 5 platforms (without downloads), it bodes well for the future of Sonic on Wii-U. Maybe they'll just have to roll the dice and go exclusive with the next game; may well actually end up paying off.
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oniyide posted 27/03/2013, 06:47
i got a feeling that Mario Kart U is gonna be big, bigger than the 3ds one
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curl-6 posted 27/03/2013, 04:44
This is selling equally to the PS3 version so far, and is only slightly behind the 360 version, which is impressive when you consider install bases.
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Shadowfest3 posted 16/02/2013, 10:49
This games is undertracked...
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (11)

1 n/a 21,062 n/a 4,600 25,662
2 n/a 4,002 10,623 1,511 16,136
3 n/a 7,880 7,950 2,197 18,027
4 n/a 11,803 11,080 3,243 26,126
5 n/a 13,457 14,484 3,808 31,749
6 n/a 8,004 8,121 2,235 18,360
7 n/a 4,103 4,031 1,138 9,272
8 n/a 2,244 2,331 630 5,205
9 n/a 1,641 1,794 466 3,901
10 n/a 1,234 2,141 398 3,773
b00moscone posted 31/08/2015, 05:47
Compared to the other versions, and taking into account the install-base, this did pretty well.

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Kuksenkov posted 08/01/2015, 06:23
This could possibly be almost at 500k if digital sales are good!
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fleischr posted 14/05/2014, 04:04
Launches tomorrow in Japan. I think it might just do well there.
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FarleyMcFirefly posted 05/05/2014, 02:58
This has become my favourite racing game of all time. I enjoyed it more than Mario kart. It definitely deserves more sales!
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curl-6 posted 26/07/2013, 01:55
This has actually passed the PS3 version in sales now.
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Metroid33slayer posted 27/06/2013, 12:23
This is the second game i bought on wii u and is perfectly suited for using the pro controller. World tour mode is packed with a variety of fun challenges including battle races, boost races, ring races, pursuits, speedruns, drift and traffic challenges. You are going to need a certain amount of patience and skill to attain all 232 stars but it is possible with a bit of determination. Grand prix mode is good for 2 players because one player can play on the gamepad screen and the other can have the full tv screen without it being carved up. Overall this is one of the best games on wii u and is also heavily discounted so there is every incentive to buy this very underated game.
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