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Square Enix



Release Dates

12/26/09 Square Enix
11/12/09 Square Enix
02/05/10 Square Enix

Community Stats

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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (Wii) > Opinions (128)

 1  2 
supernihilist posted 23/01/2014, 05:43
good game

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Kihniƶ posted 11/09/2012, 09:22
Expanding my game library. Found it in wraps for 9,99 e in Europe
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DieAppleDie posted 07/08/2012, 10:54
its a good game
and im pretty sure its been undertracked severely by this site

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Zim posted 08/01/2012, 03:19
Square completely screwed the hype and release of this game. I didn't even realise it was released. They announced it way too early, then went totally quiet on it for over a year. Could have reached a million if they didn't mess up.
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MRKs posted 12/09/2011, 07:21
Worst battle system ever
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stitch55555 posted 28/07/2011, 10:23
poor sales...but is an excellent game
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Salnax posted 25/07/2011, 08:23
@kcoward Don't let people get started.
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JTurner82 posted 02/07/2011, 04:05
It's definitely not a perfect game, but I don't think it is a terrible one either. It's an interesting but flawed experiment. I'm actually surprised it raked up 173k in America.
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kcoward posted 20/04/2011, 08:22
This game is not even an RPG and it has the Final Fantasy name. WTF is wrong with Square Enix these days?
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Sunshine posted 14/03/2011, 11:07
I really like this game. Shame it didnt make much. I thought it'd make more seeing that its a "Final Fantasy" game.
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MiSan7573 posted 31/01/2011, 08:37
a looker on the Wii. Hard to find your way around though.
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stitch55555 posted 27/01/2011, 04:49
One of the best Wii games, if you spend time on it is one of the best adventures you can find
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Galvanizer posted 30/12/2010, 07:24
This game flopped. These sales are even more alarming when you consider that it was announced at E3 2005 and only came out over 4 years later. WTF is up with Square Enix this gen? They've been full of fail.
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Moren posted 24/12/2010, 10:55
This game doesn't deserve these sales..... It deserves to have 1/3 of these sales LTD. Horrible monstruosity, at least SE will kinda make up for it when they release DQ10
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gumby_trucker posted 18/12/2010, 04:45
got it for 15$ new plus shipping, just beat it. can't say it's a bad game, there is enough to love about it, though it feels somewhat incomplete.. still, a refreshing experience. too bad about the sales because i was left intrigued by this new direction...
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Venox2008 posted 04/11/2010, 03:34
I liked this game, but I've stucked :/
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SaviorX posted 14/05/2010, 08:31
I don't think this game sold more than two copies at my local Gamestop.

They still have a rack of about 8 copies just taking up space in the "New Releases"section, at full price mind you.
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KillerJawz posted 06/05/2010, 01:56
@Ixis, I think we both know this game is amazing :3.

No, in all seriousness, I am actually struggling to see as to why this game got anything above a 5 :/.
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lightningsouls posted 22/04/2010, 05:56
Your Right! I'm Bleeding for a Chrono Game.
But thruth be told I really enjoy this game
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widescreen posted 12/04/2010, 12:55
Can SE stop the Crystal Chronicles series for the Wii and give us Crono Trigger remake?
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IxisNaugus posted 09/04/2010, 07:58
Crystal Bearers was adjusted down again! You're suffering SE, you're suffering.
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IxisNaugus posted 01/04/2010, 02:43
Adjusted down? Good. Suffer Square-Enix. Suffer.
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oni-link posted 19/03/2010, 01:03
In spite of the mediocre reviews this still sold 220K at full price. Honestly what else can you expect from a game that scored 66 on metacritic!!!
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oni-link posted 17/03/2010, 01:48
A mediocre game is a mediocre game whether it has a final fantasy name on it or not. Unfortunately this game isn't getting mediocre sales.
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oniyide posted 15/03/2010, 11:42
these are terrible #s for a game with Final Fantasy in the name. Even Chrono Trigger did much better and that was a damn port of a port
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oni-link posted 15/03/2010, 10:45
decent numbers for a game that scored a paltry 66 on metacritic.

If anything SE should be happy with these numbers seeing how poorly rated this game was received by critics!
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bmmb1 posted 15/03/2010, 02:20
@namekuseijin, this is not a jrpg though...
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namekuseijin posted 14/03/2010, 11:19
decent number??! It's a very BIG FAIL, even in Japan, land of JRPGs and Wii...
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marcianito posted 12/03/2010, 02:27
those are descent numbers
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fgkiller posted 11/03/2010, 05:54
pick it up from NewEgg for 30 brand new decent game not amazing but not too bad.
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oni-link posted 23/02/2010, 07:34
Box art on this is really meh!!!
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oni-link posted 22/02/2010, 10:20
@ swordplay
I hope so too but knowing SE they'd rather sit out stubbornly. The lowest this would probably go is $30 unfortunately!!!
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swordplay posted 21/02/2010, 05:35
The game is going to be dirt cheap very soon. I still wont pay more than $10 new.
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torchmoney1 posted 19/02/2010, 06:24
and plus they forgetting others
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torchmoney1 posted 19/02/2010, 06:23
this game sould be at the 400.thousand.point if im not mistkae just bought this game yesterday an plus it not being tracked right and they they out of order at 2 game stop for about 2 days right now bought this at toys r us
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Chrizum posted 16/02/2010, 03:29
Why isn't this tracked in Others? It's selling pretty well in the UK and it's a best-seller in many retailers in the Netherlands.
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IxisNaugus posted 16/02/2010, 01:45
I hate Square-Enix so much. This is their own fault, i hope they suffer.
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Mubtee posted 14/02/2010, 12:45
This game was rubbish. I hope it doesn't sell any more than it already has. Don't feed Square or they will make more.
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Tayne posted 13/02/2010, 05:17
Going for $39 at Wal-Mart
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sorento posted 10/02/2010, 11:18
Better game than i though.

Hope sequel who corrected the mistake.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 08/02/2010, 10:52
yeah, playing this now and enjoying a lot, can't say i'm dissapointed after all!!

recommended, so far!
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NeoStar9 posted 07/02/2010, 07:29
Square really screwed up with this game. *sigh* Nothing can be done now though. I still enjoyed the game and would still recommend it to others. However I think I'm done caring if these games get pushed or not at this point. It's their lose if they want to spend money on a game and not bother trying to sell it.
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torchmoney1 posted 06/02/2010, 06:26
if square-enix drop dragon quest x out and promote this as well. this could reach 3 million because u will also have mh3 this game would probably coast 30 buck at the time
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oni-link posted 03/02/2010, 08:31
my predicted sales before a price cut to $20-$30 is: Jp: 90k, Americas: 140K, Others: 80K = 310K worldwide before a major price cut!
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Mr Puggsly posted 01/02/2010, 04:51
I still think it'll eventually sell a million. It'll only be $20 when that happens, but it'll happen.
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IxisNaugus posted 28/01/2010, 11:45
@ widescreen

Not happening. The only disc based Wii game by Square-Enix with effort put into it will probably be Dragon Quest X, they've reserved all their worthwhile games for other consoles, even the DS.

This company makes no sense.
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oni-link posted 27/01/2010, 08:51
SE actually deserves this because they released the game A DAY AFTER the biggest retail event which is Christmas!!! (it's sad but hopefully americans would once again learn it's roots and celebrate what this special event really means). It's like S/E wanted this game to fail in the Americas!!! Also it had barely any advertising; the least they could do is run a month long session on Nintendo Channel!!!
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widescreen posted 26/01/2010, 05:22
Can SquareEnix please release a true FF game on the Wii...please?
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primogen18 posted 22/01/2010, 03:32
I am reluctant to do this as I did actually love the original which some consider boring, but the combat and everything just seemed better.
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primogen18 posted 22/01/2010, 03:30
This game is starting to disappoint me. It's just not that fun and I am getting tired of running around, especially with the horrible camera. I might actually return this and just try FFXIII when i get my PS3 sometime down the road. Sorry Square-Enix =/
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damkira posted 21/01/2010, 07:41
850k to 1m is impossible now. :(
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Tuulikk posted 21/01/2010, 06:26
850k to 1m. It can be done, right?
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IxisNaugus posted 21/01/2010, 01:05
I hate Square-Enix.
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intro94 posted 21/01/2010, 12:24
I love the game, but i wished for meatier good as it is. could be perfect.
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hunter_alien posted 18/01/2010, 11:49
It could do soem decent numbers LT... maybe 400k...
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JTurner82 posted 15/01/2010, 11:02
Well, in all fairness, it looks like the legs of this game are a little bit better than the Japanese ones; in Japan it dropped really fast. Here it isn't dropping so much. It'll probably be a 250K worldwide seller overall.

As for the game itself, it could be better in places: the camera and the length, for instance. But it's not at all bad. It's actually one of the better Square-Enix games on the Wii (it surpasses Dragon Quest Swords easily).
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guy327 posted 15/01/2010, 07:18
Was there a comercial for the us and others ? I see that some people talk about advertising for the game at walmart, but i have see thing on my local stores. I am planning to buy this game some time soon. So far all i seen looks like is going be a fun game, and i believe it deserves better sales than this. Hopefully it will pick up momentum here and when is release in others.
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Jaguarandine posted 14/01/2010, 08:17
This is not a good game people :(
I don't want to judge it too harshly just yet, as I've only played around 2 hrs or so, but so far I think it's deserving of its lackluster sales
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oni-link posted 14/01/2010, 08:16
Damn, these reviewers for being to critical with this game:
are giving this game less than 70% rating which will definitely affect it's target audience. Honestly this game is great I don't understand the hate it's getting from the gaming press. It's definitely an A- or a B+ from the first hour I've played.
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Tayne posted 14/01/2010, 02:18
It's going to be a slow crawl to 250k. I'll play my copy when I'm done with Muramasa.
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oni-link posted 13/01/2010, 12:15
Nor am I dissappointed with it too. It's a wonderful game and I'm sure most trolls out there secretly wish to have it in their PS3 or 360's. Honestly, the Wii is $199. or $130 used there is no reason to miss out on great a multi-platform owner it helps with the hate!!!
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NeoStar9 posted 12/01/2010, 02:29
I'm still not disappointed with the game. I wish it was doing better however. I guess this is how those that bought No More Heroes or Madworld felt.
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swordplay posted 12/01/2010, 01:33
This will be hitting the bargain bin very soon.
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Zephyr-Wings posted 10/01/2010, 07:50
Played the entire thing with my sister as the co-op player. It was fun but I was surprised for how short it was. I'm not a hardcore player by any means but we still won it in only 3 days! (10 hour gameplay). I didn't really get the ending but I'm still satisfied with my purchase.
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BigGumby posted 10/01/2010, 06:30
I was really looking forward to this game, but reviews and user opinions really turned me away. Is it worth 50 bucks?
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Zucas posted 10/01/2010, 03:27
Yea just beat this game. Definitely about a 9 hour game for just a straight play through. I enjoyed it but definitely wasn't a great game. But still fun.
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Seraphic_Sixaxis posted 09/01/2010, 07:15
Not as good as i thought it would be.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 09/01/2010, 05:25
i love this game

nice to have an PRG with Wii controls
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Zucas posted 09/01/2010, 06:58
Played this quite a bit today. About halfway through now. For the most part it is fun and enjoyable and of course want to see how the story unfolds. Definitely agree with most of the reviews though, fun game but it has a lot of flaws and definitely could have used some more publishing time. But I do like the action adventure route just needed more depth.

And hey I think the person who voiced Marta in ToS: Dawn of the New World also voices Belle in this game. She's got a pretty cute voice haha.
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NeoStar9 posted 06/01/2010, 06:28
Guess we'll know for sure when the new NPD numbers come out. The breaking of the release date makes this hard to judge at the moment I think.
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Hobowan posted 04/01/2010, 10:12
it would include preorders as well.

10-20k in others for the first week and they are looking at a 90k opening week.


100k if they are lucky! good recovery after the fear the japanese opening created
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Buzzi posted 04/01/2010, 10:57
I Think it's one day sales because it launched on the 26th and the data ended on the 26th. Maybe some retailers sold the game before the official launch...
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GianCarmen posted 04/01/2010, 05:03
Does anyone know if these numbers are for one day sales?
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marcianito posted 04/01/2010, 03:00
nice debut
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ash3336 posted 04/01/2010, 02:41
Atleast it got a decent start. It might be over 100k if Others numbers are decent.
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Tuulikk posted 04/01/2010, 12:47
I think this is a game that has to sell a million. so 900k to go.
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ash3336 posted 03/01/2010, 02:58
I see heavy if not strong promotion for this game especially in walmarts. I just think that noone is buying it after it getting promoted this much. If only it was released 3 weeks earlier. It would have atleast reached 200k by now.
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Hisiru posted 31/12/2009, 02:36
What's wrong with the game?
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NeoStar9 posted 27/12/2009, 11:37
The local Walmart the The Crystal Bearers image surround the New Releases section with several rows of the game. All were almost empty as well. So there is some hope. Not to mention many stores pretty much said screw the release date and started selling it before Christmas. It's almost as if Square-Enix wanted to help the game die (wouldn't be surprising as others have done the same thing when it comes to Wii games). Here is hoping it does well regardless. Also it not being an RPG but an adventure game might be the reason why it wasn't really that accepted in Japan. Didn't considered that.
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brinmat posted 27/12/2009, 10:44
@Tayne - I'm expecting you're right. I think the fact it's not an RPG pretty much killed its sales in Japan, while outside of Japan adventure games are more popular.

If nothing else, I hope it does well because I'd love to see Square Enix step out of the box and experiment more often.
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haxxiy posted 27/12/2009, 10:24
Well after beating the game I think it is more like 7/10 or even 7.5/10.
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Tayne posted 25/12/2009, 02:38
The West will bail out another Japanese game.
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haxxiy posted 24/12/2009, 05:27
I had a review ready for this game when suddenly VGC refreshed. Fuck you IE T_T

I don't really feel like doing it again. Keeping simple, the game scored a 6.5/10 to me.
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primogen18 posted 19/12/2009, 02:11
so far I am really liking the game. The story is much better then the original GC game and the graphics are pretty good. I hope this sees better sales given it is out before xmas.
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swordplay posted 19/12/2009, 02:09
This game is going to bomb hard. I really wanted this game to be epic :( I'm going to have to get my reserve money back.
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Siko1989 posted 18/12/2009, 05:08

argh im getting pissed off with publishers not doing much advertising campaign's... but they will do advertising for the HD Consoles, haven't they got confident in wii owners or something? anyway thanks for letting us know its shipping early ill pick it up soon. :)
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 17/12/2009, 07:48
i guess Echoes of Timas had a VERY negative impact : (
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primogen18 posted 17/12/2009, 05:14
*now we know
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primogen18 posted 17/12/2009, 05:14
Yes, it shipped yesterday and I am picking it up today. Not sure why, I only knew because I got my call from gamestop to come pick it up. Shame, not we know they put nothing into promotion and advertisement over here.
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cliffhanger posted 17/12/2009, 05:03
Yes, this is a major flop in Japan :(
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SilentWolf posted 16/12/2009, 11:36
So the game really is releasing early?
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primogen18 posted 16/12/2009, 07:53
I have this paid off, picking it up at Gamestop tomorrow. I would love to see stronger sales over here, but I am not counting on it. They never advertised it at ALL, especially the fact the date was pushed up. Sad.
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BoneArk posted 15/12/2009, 09:46
This got an 8 by Nintendo Power.

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Cobretti2 posted 15/12/2009, 07:39
why are people expecting this to sell. as stated already it is 12 hours long.

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Buzzi posted 15/12/2009, 05:42
This had a huge advertising in Japan, but the fact of being launched just one month before the main FF, his length (12 hours according to SE) and the review of Famitsu (30/40) killed more sales (still probably not over 50k FW).

And according to the Americas preorders will not do good numbers at opening, maybe also lower than in Japan (atleast in Americas...).
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MarioGalaxy posted 14/12/2009, 02:51
Third parties inJapan for Wii are a total fail (except MH3). For a game that a lot of people expects higher numbres, 50.000 units in 4 weeks it's a great fail. Maybe in occident 'll do better.
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SnowFlow posted 13/12/2009, 05:45
Willing to bet this got zero advertising.
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IxisNaugus posted 13/12/2009, 09:24
I thought maybe it could redeem itself from the 35K opening in Japan, but i come back on week 4 and its sales are like this. What a dissapointment. I'm still getting this though.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 13/12/2009, 05:29
flop : (

i guess Japanese are waiting for FF13 and not CC
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NeoMatrix posted 11/12/2009, 10:24
What a bomb.
2,426 on 4th week for a Final Fantasy game, come on.
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 1   2 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (128)

1 35,044 n/a n/a 35,044
2 9,002 n/a n/a 9,002
3 4,009 n/a n/a 4,009
4 2,426 n/a n/a 2,426
5 2,848 n/a n/a 2,848
6 3,726 n/a n/a 3,726
7 5,655 35,822 n/a 6,800 48,277
8 4,696 12,746 n/a 2,446 19,888
9 1,958 10,989 n/a 2,088 15,035
10 1,285 7,919 n/a 1,503 10,707
supernihilist posted 23/01/2014, 05:43
good game

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Kihniƶ posted 11/09/2012, 09:22
Expanding my game library. Found it in wraps for 9,99 e in Europe
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DieAppleDie posted 07/08/2012, 10:54
its a good game
and im pretty sure its been undertracked severely by this site

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Zim posted 08/01/2012, 03:19
Square completely screwed the hype and release of this game. I didn't even realise it was released. They announced it way too early, then went totally quiet on it for over a year. Could have reached a million if they didn't mess up.
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MRKs posted 12/09/2011, 07:21
Worst battle system ever
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stitch55555 posted 28/07/2011, 10:23
poor sales...but is an excellent game
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