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Review Scores

VGChartz Score


Guerrilla Games



Release Dates

09/10/13 Sony Computer Entertainment America
09/05/13 Sony Computer Entertainment
09/06/13 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe

Community Stats

Owners: 18
Favorite: 5
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Killzone: Mercenary (PSV) > Opinions (87)

hellobion2 posted 26/11/2023, 12:30
onely shooter series that rivals halo with its plot.
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Kresnik posted 03/11/2016, 12:24
So this was adjusted down massively based on these previous comments, lol. Currently at 780k!
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GdaTyler posted 27/10/2016, 12:53
Hmm, my prediction was very wrong, it actually did it!
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xboxonefan posted 17/10/2016, 09:00
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Shikamo posted 10/10/2016, 05:16
1m is coming!
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SnakeDrake posted 24/09/2016, 10:38
Wat I tell ya!!
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Dr.Vita posted 21/09/2016, 02:09
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Kerotan posted 05/07/2016, 04:26
So close to 1m
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Dr.Vita posted 08/01/2016, 08:24
It will reach 1M this year!
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SnakeDrake posted 23/12/2015, 12:30
The next million seller :) possibly by early or mid next year.
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OneKartVita posted 12/11/2015, 06:13
Probably my favourite vita game. Only killzones I enjoyed more were killzone 2 and shadow fall.
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GdaTyler posted 04/03/2015, 02:14
I bet it could reach a million by the end of Vita's life cycle.
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Mr Puggsly posted 02/01/2015, 07:48
This was a surprisingly fun game. Arguably more fun than console Killzone games.

However, the campaign is short and the multiplayer wasn't great. Still well worth the $7 I paid during a PS Store sale.
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small44 posted 27/11/2014, 06:02
If we add digital sale it will be close to psp Killzone games so not that bad sale
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thewastedyouth posted 29/09/2014, 03:13
insane how the call of duty vita game sucks and it sold way more than this and this game is really good

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EasternGamer posted 30/05/2014, 04:00
It's really one of the games with the best graphics on handheld console,probably without "one of",but contrary to it's poor sales...
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hunter_alien posted 19/05/2014, 11:33
Online community is strong :). I also love the bot mode and the fairly frequent updates it got :D. Man I would like a sequel, maybe in 3rd person view, or something like SOCOM tactics :). I wouldn't be surprised if this game legs it out to 800k+ with digital sales
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Meret posted 13/05/2014, 12:25
Sweet bomba...
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TrevDaRev posted 05/03/2014, 06:44
Stronger first year than Killzone: Liberation had on the PSP. Much stronger when you factor in it's digital sales.

Hope its legs hold up this year.
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GamingGuy1802 posted 25/02/2014, 11:08
How about Digital sales too? I guess we reached over 500k. One of the few reasons why Vita needs to survive!!
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DamnTastic posted 16/02/2014, 12:29
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ifahadx posted 28/01/2014, 12:43

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Zax posted 23/01/2014, 12:48
This must have been adjusted up because I checked this the other day and it was at 280k and now it's at 340k.
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DealWithIt617 posted 14/01/2014, 11:52
This game will be 9$ digitally in US today. I expect alot of people to buy it. To bad we will never know how much it sold.
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chase123 posted 13/01/2014, 10:59
30k this week,good push.
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GdaTyler posted 07/01/2014, 09:59
Considering it started from 0.03m, this is a HUGE jump. Logically sales might be halved next year, however LBP Vita is an exception since it sold more on its second year than its first year! So it should reach 0.45 - 0.60m end of next year.
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chase123 posted 07/01/2014, 09:29
Going decently.
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quadraticadder posted 05/01/2014, 02:59
Just finished the campaign. Amazing shooter! I even forgot it was hand-held while playing it. Buy this game. You won't be disappointed!!
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chase123 posted 04/01/2014, 09:24
Hopefully this goes to atleast close to a million in its lifetime sales.
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SnakeDrake posted 29/12/2013, 06:12
Well it only needs 31k in two weeks to pass Resistance.
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Kresnik posted 28/12/2013, 08:52
At least this is going to beat the LTD sales of Resistance before the year is up. Some slight justice, I suppose.
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quadraticadder posted 12/12/2013, 07:39
Its so much better than Call of Duty for the vita!!!
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SnakeDrake posted 11/12/2013, 05:06
18,951k this week!!!
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Kresnik posted 11/12/2013, 12:29
Well sales of this shot up from Black Friday. I'm pleased.
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SnakeDrake posted 08/12/2013, 10:05
177,777 lol five 7's it should be lucky right XD
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Kongfucius posted 03/12/2013, 05:22
Hmm, in the past two weeks this has sold 17,901 copies, that's 8,950 copies per week. Seems that the legs are good then. Add in digital and I'm not too worried any more about how this performed
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BlowoverKing posted 21/11/2013, 08:01
Just compared these sales to LBP Vita and they are tracking very close to each other with LBP at 170k at week 10. Gives hope that Killzone will leg out to 500k like LBP.
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soulfly666 posted 19/11/2013, 11:00
Shame the numbers aren't higher yet. The folks that made this game did a GREAT job. It is excellent.
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Kresnik posted 12/11/2013, 06:03
Don't see any problem with the numbers. Japan is correct because we have Famitsu/Media Create. Sales up to the end of September in the USA were ~43k which is correct. European numbers are all over the place because it was bundled in the UK for two weeks causing a substantial boost for those weeks.

Aside from possible undertracking in mainland Europe or under-estimating USA sales in October, I don't think there's anything wrong here. And I doubt either of those things would make a massive difference to the numbers.
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-girgosz- posted 05/11/2013, 12:21
These sales are a joke. Europe is all over the place, USA is way waay too low, even Resistance: Burning Skies had better first 7 weeks according to VGC. This can't be true.
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quadraticadder posted 01/11/2013, 06:21
Great game!!!!! Can't understand the sales.

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LeoAlonso posted 31/10/2013, 01:52
increase sales on UK. It was sold about 4500 units. Strange
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venuse8102 posted 29/10/2013, 01:02
i bet it is because the average person doesnt even know this game exists and that the average store has the game located in an odd location that people cant see. at my walmart they practically had the game hidden behind little signs. a single copy was there for a few weeks until they moved the game over to the right some
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GdaTyler posted 25/10/2013, 09:49
I still don't get why people don't buy Vita games. They want more but they don't buy them. I would have thought out of 1.6 million US sales at least 100K would have come out of that total since US likes shooters. Smh. Poor Vita man...shit
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GdaTyler posted 23/10/2013, 11:57
At least it sold over 100K, so that's a start. Hopefully lifetime it can make 500K
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Kresnik posted 18/10/2013, 10:28
Has been adjusted up, but the front page totals aren't showing it yet.

Not quite to the 41k figure Creamsugar gave us, but closer now (37k for September instead of the 17k that was there).
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DietSoap posted 18/10/2013, 08:28
@soulfly666: Cream&Sugar over at Neogaf claims September NPD has 41k for Killzone, so purely as far as September goes, VGChartz is only tracking 39% as much as it should be in the US.

Still terrible, terrible numbers, but that would at least bring the figure up to over 100k before digital sales.
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soulfly666 posted 10/10/2013, 11:00
This is a GREAT game. Tied with Gravity Rush and P4G for best game on Vita. Are the US numbers actually right ??? I find full multiplayer games, all modes, anytime day or night with no lag...
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think-man posted 10/10/2013, 02:17
Somethings up with the USA numbers, how could this be selling so much better in Japan than USA
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Meret posted 06/10/2013, 06:02
@Gamer4life95 Hardware bundles helped Call of Duty a lot.
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Meret posted 06/10/2013, 06:00
@leyendax69 kiss my a** :3
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Gamer4life95 posted 06/10/2013, 12:48
This is really a shame as this is a great game. It's sad that Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified sold more units
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Azhraell posted 30/09/2013, 10:19
Meret, your brain is dead.
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think-man posted 29/09/2013, 07:37
Damn Meret never learns sigh...
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DamnTastic posted 28/09/2013, 12:52
Sad, deserves way better numbers.
The trolls here are sad too...

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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 28/09/2013, 09:54
PSV isn't as dead as the underpowered Wiik u. Plus, this sales r O.K. when compared 2 the "WONDERFUL" sales of W101, the biggest BOMB of all. Hahahahahahahahaha, that lil' game was sooooo overhyped by fanboys, and for what? Well, at least u have a great exclusive in Rayman Legends, huh?! Hahahahahahahahaha,.. ..."WIIK" U mad, nintendrones? ;)
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Meret posted 27/09/2013, 11:23
oh dear what a bomba AHAHAHAHAHAHA Vita is dead.
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Zax posted 26/09/2013, 04:26
lol second week sales in US ranked 70th.

Vita's dead.
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Azhraell posted 25/09/2013, 09:40
Can't believe fw in japan was just 3k less than NA
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LeoAlonso posted 24/09/2013, 08:18
PS "Why sony lost the monster hunt 4 for 3ds. Very impressive sells on first week on Japan. Others monster hunt was PSP games"
About Killzone, i will buy mine in psn. But it is sad the numbers of sales. Like DemoniOtaku said, it can possible explained by realeasing the game just before GTA V. Let´s see the next month sales, because now it's just GTA for all gamers.
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Zax posted 24/09/2013, 05:30

Umad Vita owners?
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hunter_alien posted 24/09/2013, 08:55
Can we report users on game walls? I mean seriously? With downloads the game is probably ~100k, and I bet it will have a decent holiday. It will do Liberation-like numbers, mark my words
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think-man posted 24/09/2013, 04:41
chidori-chan2 Your* If you can't understand me than that cements my theory.
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DemoniOtaku posted 24/09/2013, 04:12
Releasing a Week before GTAV and Poor PR on the US (not bundle with Vita hardware) could be two reasons...
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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 24/09/2013, 02:22
I don't have a Vita but even I'm a little sad to see this flounder so badly. It looked superb and played well from the reviews. Bad news for the dedicated handheld industry is bad news for everyone.
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venuse8102 posted 24/09/2013, 02:09
where the hell are the sells for this awesome game?
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chidori-chan2 posted 24/09/2013, 02:04
Dude,You comment makes as much sense as putting screen doors on submarines
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think-man posted 24/09/2013, 01:38
@krenik yeah its probably missing around 8-10k from germany.
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think-man posted 24/09/2013, 01:37
@chidori-chan2 You should care about it, cause your hard to understand. And why do you care if its a flop? all you do is stalk the vita and talk about how bad its doing. This is number one downloaded game on the Vita store so Id guess it sold pretty good on the digital side.
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chidori-chan2 posted 24/09/2013, 01:29

think-man@ Honestly never cared about my english.

Anyways, game still a giant flop , just deal with it.
Game still a flop,
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italo244 posted 24/09/2013, 01:14
No german sales, besides its being #44 this week(2nd week?) and 14k in USA, really? It sold 11k FW in Japan and 14k FW in USA? Just cant believe.
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Turkish posted 24/09/2013, 12:07
Hey Kresnik :)
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Kresnik posted 24/09/2013, 12:06
It's at #44 in the Germany chart this week, which is apparently its second week of sales.

Looks like they just forgot to add any numbers for the first week -_-
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think-man posted 23/09/2013, 11:05
@chidori-chan2 English not your first language? Sales in the US are very poor, It should have done at least 30k+ It shouldnt have released so close to GTA 5.
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chidori-chan2 posted 23/09/2013, 04:50
*14,251=NA salles.
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chidori-chan2 posted 23/09/2013, 04:50
14,251 OUCHHHH!!!!! this is big flop consired Killzone is flag ship portable game.
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LeoAlonso posted 19/09/2013, 12:22
No sells on Germany. Estrange. I think that we will see this week sales on next one. I will by mine by psn. It doesn't count in statistics. But hopefully it will pass 1 million mark
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Kazuya88 posted 18/09/2013, 11:45
WTF? O.o What happend? The half of my first Comment is gone...strange. Anyway, i write it again. ^^ Yes, I love Killzone! I think its a good start for a Vita Exclusive but i'm disappointed. The Vita-Call of Duty has a lot more Sales and it doesn't deserve it. Killzone Mercenary is by far the best Handheld-First Person Shooter ever made and it should be a great succsess!
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Kazuya88 posted 18/09/2013, 11:35
@Kresnik: Killzone Mercenary was released in Germany. I'm from Germany and i owned my Copy at Day 1. @Think -man: Yes, I
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think-man posted 18/09/2013, 02:16
Yeah thats weird it wasnt released in Germany, They usually love KZ aswell.
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Salnax posted 17/09/2013, 11:56
A decent start for a game with its reviews and exclusive platform, but a bit disappointing for a hopeful system seller, especially when you consider hardware sales. PSP sales were still greater than Vita sales in Europe this week. Hopefully it does better in America.
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Kresnik posted 17/09/2013, 11:23
No German sales, was it not released in Germany this week?
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italo244 posted 17/09/2013, 11:07
20k in Europe, 10K in Japan and next week... dont know, 50k in NA?
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think-man posted 16/09/2013, 11:14
Decent first week in the UK for a vita title.
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Mario_pana posted 12/12/2012, 04:59
I hope Killzone Mercenary is a good game for the Vita. I hope it is very similar to the ps3 versions and gets a good review. MAN I AM SSOOOOOO EXITED ABOUT THE HELGHAST CAMPAIN THO. TWO ENDING MATE TWO ENDINGS. 😱
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MrMofongo624 posted 03/12/2011, 05:42
I know, i didnt know it was going to be called vita
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Propaganda posted 09/07/2011, 02:41
Killzone what?! I havent heard of this?
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (87)

1 11,143 n/a 29,028 7,896 48,067
2 4,229 28,251 12,510 16,456 61,446
3 2,279 8,012 4,699 4,979 19,969
4 1,379 4,881 3,840 3,299 13,399
5 1,051 3,221 3,488 2,436 10,196
6 889 2,929 2,919 2,148 8,885
7 777 2,308 13,754 4,807 21,646
8 1,403 1,941 11,139 3,926 18,409
9 1,085 2,451 5,953 2,751 12,240
10 932 1,255 4,727 1,866 8,780
hellobion2 posted 26/11/2023, 12:30
onely shooter series that rivals halo with its plot.
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Kresnik posted 03/11/2016, 12:24
So this was adjusted down massively based on these previous comments, lol. Currently at 780k!
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GdaTyler posted 27/10/2016, 12:53
Hmm, my prediction was very wrong, it actually did it!
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xboxonefan posted 17/10/2016, 09:00
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Shikamo posted 10/10/2016, 05:16
1m is coming!
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SnakeDrake posted 24/09/2016, 10:38
Wat I tell ya!!
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