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Alternative Names

Dragon Quest VII: Eden no Senshitachi





Release Dates

09/16/16 Nintendo
02/07/13 Square Enix
09/16/16 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 11
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

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Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past (3DS) > Opinions (50)

NoirSon posted 17/12/2016, 03:26
Solid sales, but could be better. I am thinking despite being an excellent remake with much improved graphics, the ghosts of the original game still haunt this one. Although I don't think DQ8 will do that much better since it is coming out so soon and right before Switch is rumored to be releasing. But then again DQ8 is one of the more popular games among long time DQ fans so they may surprise me.
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b00moscone posted 01/12/2016, 09:38
Considering the situation, i'd say these are certainly good enough sales. In the first 6 weeks it's sold about ~120k in the west, that's probably bagged them a good profit discounting translating, which I believe Nintendo covered, so Squeenix didn't have to worry about that. There's still a holiday to go too.
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Fededx posted 22/11/2016, 02:48
Well, clearly we don't deserve these games getting released here. I don't want to read any complaints in the future, about Nintendo or square Enix not supporting DQ in the west, it sold so bad... Such a fantastic game, bought it day one, going to support 8 day one as well. It should have sold up to now at least double the sales it has now.
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b00moscone posted 11/10/2016, 07:43
It's certainly on-track to. USA FW was about 1.7x more, while EU has 4x more, and it should easily outpace the sales of DQ6. Hopefully that will convince Squeenix that, while not as big as Japan, there is a big enough market to translate and sell to the west, making a good amount of money in the process/
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Fededx posted 29/05/2016, 05:30
I'm so glad it's coming. I really hope it sells much more than DQ6 on DS, and DQ8 as well, so that they consider bringing DQ11 here. I'm gonna buy both for sure, big DQ fan, have all the DS ones!
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kooltrex posted 28/12/2015, 04:43
I am so excited for this game I seriously cant wait.
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kooltrex posted 28/12/2015, 04:43
I am so excited for this game I seriously cant wait.
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GamingGuy1802 posted 13/11/2015, 03:36
Guys, localization for both Dragon Quest VII and Dragon Quest VIII has being confirmed for 2016!! Get ready guys!!
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NintendoPie posted 06/07/2015, 03:20
Horii says this and DQ VIII will be localized. The man better not be lying!
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NintendoPie posted 02/12/2014, 05:18
Fuck you Square Enix for not even trying with this game's Western release.
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leedlelee posted 22/08/2014, 02:32
Perhaps Nintendo will spring to publish this after Fantasy Life...
Or perhaps not...
I actually StreetPassed somebody from Japan playing this a few months ago...
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NintendoPie posted 14/06/2014, 06:38
I guess I'm going to die a sad man...
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NintendoPie posted 14/05/2014, 04:24
If this is never localized, I will die a sad, sad man.
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qwertyDANIELqwerty posted 20/01/2014, 12:11
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Anfebious posted 19/01/2014, 01:22
I want this game to get localized! Please Square show us some love!
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Fededx posted 12/01/2014, 12:19
No announcements yet :S Starting to get worried!
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Fededx posted 01/09/2013, 02:43
Still waiting for this one to get localised... I loved every DQ game there was on the DS, I really want to play this one!
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NoirSon posted 29/07/2013, 05:57
@atma998: Square Enix won't likely localize this, they have gotten too used to Nintendo doing the heavy lifting for them when it comes to Dragon Quest. Nintendo's schedule is already full up for 2013 so I am hopeful for a late 2014 release some time after Bravely Default.
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atma998 posted 05/07/2013, 06:01
1.22M in Japan only! What are they waiting for to localize this?
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Azhraell posted 17/05/2013, 11:03
This sold less than I expected in Japan
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DieAppleDie posted 02/04/2013, 01:18
wow this HAS to come to the west, really looking forward for it.
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Otakumegane posted 27/03/2013, 02:19
I wonder why this hasn't dropped off the JP charts yet. Has better legs than I expected.
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Fededx posted 18/03/2013, 02:50
I really enjoy this remakes, 4, 5 and 6 were amazing. Here's hoping for this one to come to America! And I hope they port 8 too! I've always wanted to try that one! And a 1-2-3 compilation wouldn't be a bad idea either!
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ice posted 08/03/2013, 04:56
Wow Japan alone destroyed KHDDD globally
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Ljink96 posted 01/03/2013, 02:38
I hope that Horii and his team now know that JRPG gamers like this style of JRPG, not an online MMO like Dragon Quest X. This game already outsold Dragon Quest X and more people in Japan own a Wii over a 3DS. This is sad. I want a real, new, Dragon Quest for Wii U. Dragon Quest XI will probably be for 3DS and then Dragon Quest XII will be for Wii U hopefully.
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leedlelee posted 28/02/2013, 08:22
This page will be updated eventually, right???
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Heavenly_King posted 27/02/2013, 05:26
Nintendo payed them for the exclusivity. Just like with Castlevania, and RE:Revelations.
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DieAppleDie posted 27/02/2013, 12:27
not updated yet, it should be 1m+
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NintendoPie posted 26/02/2013, 09:13
Pretty good sales. Got to 1 Million quite fast!
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shadowii posted 23/02/2013, 09:03
its a pity, think what it would be like if dragon quest was this popular in the rest of the world
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lurkerwithnosoul posted 22/02/2013, 09:13

Because Vita is selling like crap, and since these two consoles are completely different, most developers chose to ignore it. That's why.
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Otakumegane posted 20/02/2013, 03:18
2nd week sales 170k. We got another million seller.
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Otakumegane posted 20/02/2013, 03:18
2nd week sales 170k. We got another million seller.
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tbone51 posted 20/02/2013, 06:44
at least another 300k coming in for the second week. COMG has the game at 441points! (im leaning more around 385k)
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ice posted 18/02/2013, 07:54
This game is selling very well
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S.Peelman posted 18/02/2013, 03:52
Sales are awesome.

Also, Dragon Warrior was the original name of this game, so it's entry in the database is as such I gather. It wasn't until later that they decided to use 'Quest' like the Japanese name.
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Deyon posted 18/02/2013, 11:09
I don't understand you Japan.
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Ljink96 posted 18/02/2013, 08:47
I don't think they'd pay for exclusiveness. That'd be money out of Nintendo's pocket and Square Enix's. I think they chose DS for 4-6 and 9 because DS was/is the best selling game machine of all time and they'd make more profit on a Nintendo DS rather than a PSP. It costs to port games believe it or not. Especially if it's on a different company's console.
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ECM posted 18/02/2013, 06:36
@Heavenly_King: paid them? Really? After the remakes for IV-VI were on DS and not PSP? I suppose they paid for those, too...*rolls eyes*
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Ljink96 posted 18/02/2013, 05:03
Wow, this game really deserves these sales. Keep in mind that this is a remake. I've seen gameplay videos and I want it so bad now. The 3DS and Vita aren't even of comparison as of now. There's not one killer app on vita and I see no reason in buying one. Will vita have Pokemon... nope, 3DS for me.
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Heavenly_King posted 18/02/2013, 12:18
and yeah, it is called Dragon QUEST VII
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Heavenly_King posted 18/02/2013, 12:17
@scisca: Nintendo payed them for the exclusivity.
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Scisca posted 17/02/2013, 04:53
Why don't we get such games on Vita? How is it supporsed to compete with 3DS, if it doesn't even get ports of such games? :(
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ROFLMAO posted 17/02/2013, 07:15
*Dragon Quest
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ps3-sales! posted 17/02/2013, 06:13
It's almost unfair at this point to include the Vita in the same conversation as the 3ds.
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Meret posted 17/02/2013, 04:42
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Otakumegane posted 17/02/2013, 03:39
...Dragon Warrior?

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Salnax posted 17/02/2013, 03:21
This basically opened at 45% of what the original DQ7 opened at. I can easily see this selling at least 1.5 million in Japan and/or 2 million worldwide.
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Fededx posted 17/02/2013, 02:46
And the next millon seller for the 3DS is gonna be...
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gigantor21 posted 17/02/2013, 01:43
...well, damn.
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Shipping Total

1,600,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (50)

NoirSon posted 17/12/2016, 03:26
Solid sales, but could be better. I am thinking despite being an excellent remake with much improved graphics, the ghosts of the original game still haunt this one. Although I don't think DQ8 will do that much better since it is coming out so soon and right before Switch is rumored to be releasing. But then again DQ8 is one of the more popular games among long time DQ fans so they may surprise me.
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b00moscone posted 01/12/2016, 09:38
Considering the situation, i'd say these are certainly good enough sales. In the first 6 weeks it's sold about ~120k in the west, that's probably bagged them a good profit discounting translating, which I believe Nintendo covered, so Squeenix didn't have to worry about that. There's still a holiday to go too.
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Fededx posted 22/11/2016, 02:48
Well, clearly we don't deserve these games getting released here. I don't want to read any complaints in the future, about Nintendo or square Enix not supporting DQ in the west, it sold so bad... Such a fantastic game, bought it day one, going to support 8 day one as well. It should have sold up to now at least double the sales it has now.
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b00moscone posted 11/10/2016, 07:43
It's certainly on-track to. USA FW was about 1.7x more, while EU has 4x more, and it should easily outpace the sales of DQ6. Hopefully that will convince Squeenix that, while not as big as Japan, there is a big enough market to translate and sell to the west, making a good amount of money in the process/
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Fededx posted 29/05/2016, 05:30
I'm so glad it's coming. I really hope it sells much more than DQ6 on DS, and DQ8 as well, so that they consider bringing DQ11 here. I'm gonna buy both for sure, big DQ fan, have all the DS ones!
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kooltrex posted 28/12/2015, 04:43
I am so excited for this game I seriously cant wait.
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