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EA Tiburon



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Release Dates

08/14/07 EA Sports
(Add Date)
08/31/07 EA Sports

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Madden NFL 08 (Wii) > Opinions (38)

atma998 posted 29/07/2011, 01:50
The game's dead at 958k. Sad... even if close to the million.
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primogen18 posted 27/04/2009, 01:41
The last honest Wii Madden title.

The next went with All Play (ok it was good but the cover was very confusing to those thinking it was another version all together)

2010 kills the Madden franchise on Wii altogether. It becomes ALL- All play, with really bad kid-sportz inspired cartoony graphics directly ported from the PS2 version which also got the "kiddy-toony" overhaul. I hope this and 2009 keep selling, and 2010 tanks, as EA just killed the Madden franchise on Wii.
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johnsobas posted 10/04/2009, 04:34
lol so in the end it outsold the ps3 version. I remember all the people saying it would never happen. It seemed pretty obvious at the time.
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stof posted 10/02/2009, 07:00
Well that's a mean downward adjust. 09 should still clear a million though.
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Roy03 posted 20/01/2009, 10:08
@stof: Maybe 0,01m....
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GregoryWeagle posted 19/01/2009, 02:42
It just outsold the PS3 version...Wow...
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stof posted 07/01/2009, 04:31
So how much did this game sell in others (I mean it was released right?)
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bigjon posted 05/01/2009, 05:49
best selling madden on an N Sytem in quite some time (ever? How did the SNES ones sell, I think they always did better on the genesis...)

Also zucas, madden 07 sold like 30k in december this year, I think 08 can manage 80k more, but is will be REALLY slow.
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Arius Dion posted 05/01/2009, 01:22
Whoa, the Wii version outsold the PS3 version.
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Zucas posted 04/01/2009, 09:52
Looks like after this week is done, it's going to have to leg out 70,000. I think it can do it.
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11ht11 posted 04/01/2009, 10:53
sold 20k last week

im sure it will make it to a million
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bigjon posted 31/12/2008, 03:01
it can do another 100k.... 07 did at least 100k in 08...
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Zucas posted 14/12/2008, 07:06
Must say I'm surprised it's still selling this much. Will be about 900,000 to 920,000 by year's end. Wonder if it can sell another 100k tops in 2009.
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smac posted 18/11/2008, 07:16
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arsenal009 posted 18/11/2008, 02:33
Did this even release in Japan? And how much does American Football sell in others?
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smac posted 22/10/2008, 11:21
With Other+Japan data this may sell 900k LTD
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FilaBrasileiro posted 30/08/2008, 10:32
I find it hard to believe that this is selling more weekly than the PS2/360 and even the PS3 version of the game.
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johnsobas posted 20/08/2008, 12:56
when is this gonna stop selling? madden 09 came out this week and it's still selling 7k, almost as much as it did week 7.
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itap08 posted 02/07/2008, 09:15
Chrizum, I have to respectfully disagree. NCAA for Wii actually looks pretty impressive. My ONLY complaint is that EA is waiting until next year to add online gameplay. Other than that, it looks very nice. This years sports line-up looks like they've put some effort into.
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Stever89 posted 18/06/2008, 04:20
@Chrizum: Where did you here that NCAA for the Wii was going to be totally gimped? And also NCAA 09 I believe is the first NCAA game to appear on a Nintendo console, or at least the first NCAA game to appear on the Wii.

There was a preview for the sports games from EA (Tiger Woods, NBA, NFL, NCAA, FIFA), and they all looked pretty interesting, both in what they were trying with the controls, and how they were trying to make the game fun for everyone while at the same time not gimping the games.
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Chrizum posted 14/06/2008, 01:37
Oops, ignore my last comment, I confused it for NCAA Football.
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Chrizum posted 13/06/2008, 12:44
Madden 09 won't even sell 500k. Check out the IGN preview, EA seriously gimped the game and only targeted it at idiots.
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kopstudent89 posted 11/06/2008, 11:39
yeah i bet this game will sell 1 mil next year... its gonna get better first week sales, and it wont drop off as this version did. I think next year's will sell 1.5 mil, and from the looks of it they tightened up the graphics which is a major plus
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jpelles posted 06/05/2008, 04:35
It's possible but this will probably stop at around 900k.

Next years will sell a million more then likely.

Especially if they can finally get the Wii version right.
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Leni posted 29/03/2008, 10:15
hm.....another million seller!
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Zucas posted 28/03/2008, 01:35
Maybe Madden 09 will go platinum. Seeing that it's building up quite a userbase on the Wii platform.
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johnsobas posted 22/03/2008, 09:46
yea i think 09 will easily be a million seller, this one will get within 200k at least. The lesson to be learned here is do not judge a game by first week sales particularly in america or europe.
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bigjon posted 20/03/2008, 03:39
09 will be a Million seller. this actually has a shot too.
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quigontcb posted 06/03/2008, 12:06
@stof: aye, Madden usually comes out around early/mid August. I'm surprised it's shown these kind of legs. I'm still pissed at EA for the pathetically broken online, but it's nice to see it selling. One thing's for sure, I'm not buying 09 until after it's released for a week or two. If there are any rumblings about the online mode not working, I'm not buying.

09, or maybe 10 should be a million seller. This is the best selling Madden on a Nintendo console in years. I believe the Madden's on the Cube all sold between 250k-450K(American sales, not total North American).
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stof posted 21/02/2008, 04:54
It will do a lot better than 600. It's fallen in to a decent grove of about 10,000 a week. If it keeps that up it will hit 600k in 5 weeks. This game should sell fairly well until Madden 09 comes out. That would be in August?
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AJM Ruler posted 11/02/2008, 10:59
This did better than Madden NFL 07 which was a launch title, maybe people are finally taking the Wii seriously. Madden NFL 08 should max out at 600K which is really good considering all the Cube maddens were like 300-400K usually.
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johnsobas posted 09/02/2008, 01:35
At first i was quite dissapointed by the sales of this game but its at 530k and still going 11k a week.
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bigjon posted 31/01/2008, 04:26
I am going to bet the Next Madden will go platinum. Madden is a casual based game, and the Wii has a huge casual fanbase.
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Zucas posted 24/01/2008, 03:28
500k. Not bad for a Madden game on Wii. Next one should do even better. Possibly down the road we'll have a Madden game to go platinum on Wii.
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tibisor posted 09/01/2008, 11:02
Where are the euro numbers?
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johnsobas posted 09/01/2008, 12:44
i don't think madden was that popular during the SNES days, and it probably sold better on genesis. The n64 maddens might have come close, but i'm gonna lean towards no.
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stof posted 08/01/2008, 01:27
Of course, there isn't any sales data for Snes or 64 Madden's... So I'm most likely wrong... Oh well, it'll still outsell Gamecube iterations.
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stof posted 08/01/2008, 01:25
This Week's NA numbers should make it the highest selling Madden on a Nintendo Console. So the franchise is doing better on Big N hardware, but it's got a long way to go.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (38)

1 n/a 63,310 n/a 11,172 74,482
2 n/a 23,919 n/a 4,221 28,140
3 n/a 17,642 n/a 3,113 20,755
4 n/a 14,091 n/a 2,487 16,578
5 n/a 11,460 n/a 2,022 13,482
6 n/a 8,991 n/a 1,587 10,578
7 n/a 7,965 n/a 1,406 9,371
8 n/a 7,045 n/a 1,243 8,288
9 n/a 6,428 n/a 1,134 7,562
10 n/a 6,139 n/a 1,083 7,222
atma998 posted 29/07/2011, 01:50
The game's dead at 958k. Sad... even if close to the million.
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primogen18 posted 27/04/2009, 01:41
The last honest Wii Madden title.

The next went with All Play (ok it was good but the cover was very confusing to those thinking it was another version all together)

2010 kills the Madden franchise on Wii altogether. It becomes ALL- All play, with really bad kid-sportz inspired cartoony graphics directly ported from the PS2 version which also got the "kiddy-toony" overhaul. I hope this and 2009 keep selling, and 2010 tanks, as EA just killed the Madden franchise on Wii.
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johnsobas posted 10/04/2009, 04:34
lol so in the end it outsold the ps3 version. I remember all the people saying it would never happen. It seemed pretty obvious at the time.
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stof posted 10/02/2009, 07:00
Well that's a mean downward adjust. 09 should still clear a million though.
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Roy03 posted 20/01/2009, 10:08
@stof: Maybe 0,01m....
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GregoryWeagle posted 19/01/2009, 02:42
It just outsold the PS3 version...Wow...
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