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Monster Games



Release Dates

05/24/13 Nintendo
06/13/13 Nintendo
05/24/13 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 32
Favorite: 5
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

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Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (3DS) > Opinions (28)

Machina posted 04/08/2023, 03:09
+10k in all of 2022.

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boypita posted 10/11/2017, 04:14
2M :D
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Mr Puggsly posted 31/03/2017, 08:00
Just beat this game recently, one of my favorite platformers ever. I'm not a fan of the Rare SNES games either.
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fedfed posted 18/08/2016, 02:56
2 mil isn't impossible now
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Ljink96 posted 22/03/2014, 07:01
Wow... I didn't think a million would show for a remake not even 2 years old.
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Fededx posted 28/12/2013, 05:57
Million seller! DK is one of Nintendo's strongest sagas, this game alone sold 7m+, hope Tropical Freeze sells well too :)
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Salnax posted 21/12/2013, 11:24
I guess there were either great sales or adjustments, because this is only about 20,000 sales from a million!
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acdcste posted 04/12/2013, 04:21
Should be around the 950k by the end of the year. Will be another million seller for the 3ds sooner or later.
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Ganoncrotch posted 31/10/2013, 11:18
according to Nintendo they've shipped 1m for this so there is 200k units between shipped into stores and digital downloads of this game.
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Meret posted 23/08/2013, 11:30
1M+ incoming!
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NintendoSupporter<3 posted 11/08/2013, 03:05
This game is still doing well! Wonder how Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze will do[Wii U].
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Ganoncrotch posted 15/07/2013, 02:11
134% complete after 30 hours of monkeying around, this is one great game. Definitely worth picking up if you like a hard platformer, imo infinitely better than NSMB2
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oniyide posted 11/07/2013, 04:29
loving this version of the game, screw that waggle wiimote crap
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Meret posted 11/07/2013, 03:49
Good sales so far!
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snorlax69 posted 19/06/2013, 09:10
Japan first week 104K units without the digital downloads (prob around 10 % increase)
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Meret posted 17/06/2013, 04:13
In Japan it will sold 120-150K first week.
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dawn853 posted 16/06/2013, 06:33
my roomate's sister makes $80 an hour on the computer. She has been out of a job for ten months but last month her pay was $14916 just working on the computer for a few hours. Go to this web site and read more
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Ganoncrotch posted 14/06/2013, 01:25
such a beautiful looking game on the 3ds, odd touch of slowdown in the first minecart level, just like a tiny amount but still wish they would at times consider playability and perfect framerate just a bit over the shiny factor. Great game tho definitely worth getting if you played the Snes game. (I know it's been on the wii for years now but I never played it on that)
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AlphaCielago posted 13/06/2013, 10:02
Dammit! My 300k for this year prediction is going to be so wrong.
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DanneSandin posted 13/06/2013, 12:08
I think we realistically could add 10% to that figure since that's probably how much it's downloaded from the eShop... So it should be somewhere around 200k (excluding next weeks update)
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globalisateur posted 12/06/2013, 01:43
Really suprised how well it has been ported on the 3ds. The game is even better than on Wii thanks notably to the waggle free controls. Great job!
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acdcste posted 08/06/2013, 05:54
Yeah should end up around the 2m mark eventually. Maybe a little lower considering the game is only 3 years old. Should look better week on week when the game is released in japan.
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DieAppleDie posted 08/06/2013, 01:01
it looks like its tanking.....nahhhh, just look at those beautiful legs growing...yeah babe
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snorlax69 posted 03/06/2013, 08:10
The portable format is better ! Hopefully it'll get pas one million !
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swii26 posted 03/06/2013, 05:48
Totally makes sense as portable title... it should have legs for awhile
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tbone51 posted 03/06/2013, 03:40
can this be another million seller by years end>>>? we'll have 2 see if it'll have legs
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oniyide posted 03/06/2013, 01:40
yup bought mind a few days ago. I would say its better than the Wii version
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NintendoPie posted 02/06/2013, 04:49
What? This is already out?!
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Shipping Total

2,940,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2022

Opinion (28)

Machina posted 04/08/2023, 03:09
+10k in all of 2022.

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boypita posted 10/11/2017, 04:14
2M :D
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Mr Puggsly posted 31/03/2017, 08:00
Just beat this game recently, one of my favorite platformers ever. I'm not a fan of the Rare SNES games either.
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fedfed posted 18/08/2016, 02:56
2 mil isn't impossible now
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Ljink96 posted 22/03/2014, 07:01
Wow... I didn't think a million would show for a remake not even 2 years old.
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Fededx posted 28/12/2013, 05:57
Million seller! DK is one of Nintendo's strongest sagas, this game alone sold 7m+, hope Tropical Freeze sells well too :)
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