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Remedy Entertainment



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Release Dates

04/05/16 Microsoft Studios
04/07/16 Microsoft Studios
04/05/16 Microsoft Studios

Community Stats

Owners: 18
Favorite: 4
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 2
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Avg Community Rating:


Quantum Break (XOne) > Opinions (76)

darkenergy posted 20/03/2017, 06:11
@king lol no one said this was the "Uncharted killer" what the hell are you talking about? No we actually do play other games those 3 main Xbox games are the most popular similar to Mario, zelda is to the Nintendo consoles. Also there are concerns regarding those canned new IP's so that was inevitable. Think before speaking nonsense.
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kingdevil999 posted 16/03/2017, 06:00
Well well look how bad the ''Uncharted killer'' sold, first time in my life i'am actually happy (aside terrible games like rambo, duck dynasty) a game sold poorly, this serve as an example how xbox user give rat ass to anything except the same, it's always Halo, Gears of war and Forza, anything new either becomes canceled or don't sell well neither have great reviews, the only last one i can think of that did well was ori and the blind forest, and that was it, my it may sound horrible what i said earlier, but this deserved thelow sales, no one asked for those for those god forsaken live actions, they suck and are boring.
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Mr Puggsly posted 11/02/2017, 10:56
@Mentore - This game wouldnt exist without MS funding it. So if theyre gonna go multiplat they need to find funding and good luck getting the money for a AAA game.
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Mentore posted 30/01/2017, 10:41
You know you can buy them except SO on steam, right?
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pitzy272 posted 11/01/2017, 04:44
Crap I forgot about Ori. That game looks great.
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pitzy272 posted 11/01/2017, 04:43
MS's inclusion of a 4K player in the XBOs got me to buy one. Plan to buy QB once it drops in price. QB, SO, and Cuphead are the non-PS4 games games I've been excited to play.
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Mentore posted 18/12/2016, 08:02
What a flop.

Remedy should go multiplat like CD Projekt Red. One of the most underrated devs out there, they deserve much more than this.
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Mr Puggsly posted 23/11/2016, 06:06
Might be fair to say this game flopped. Between physical, digital, and PC, it would be lucky to be at a million. I would hope it at least breaks even because I genuinely enjoyed this game.

I hope it develops a following when its free on GWG or dirt cheap on Steam. Its a standout release in this gen.
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pitzy272 posted 08/07/2016, 09:27
These are abysmal sales, no?
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Mr Puggsly posted 17/06/2016, 11:04
They should do a update for the Scorpio. It could look amazing on that hardware.
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darkenergy posted 12/06/2016, 01:02
@hiccup I think the first Gears of War is still the fastest selling new IP :-p
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hiccupthehuman posted 10/06/2016, 05:38
I thought it was the fastest selling new IP, but apparently Sunset Overdrive is beating it now
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darkenergy posted 05/06/2016, 11:41
@LibertadFr ????????

@SolidSnack read my other comment which makes your first sentence wrong.
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LibertadFr posted 05/06/2016, 10:02
It is clear that your figures are wrong , the last time you announced 432,000 and now down , no logic !!
The Demat is not even included and the figures date back a month ago !
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SolidSnack posted 03/06/2016, 09:13
Damn, MS and Phil hyped the shit out of this game. Watched quite a bit of it on twitch, I felt embarrassed. MS obviously pays Remedy well to keep putting out E3 demos, I have hope that someday they'll simply make their own game.
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KiigelHeart posted 25/05/2016, 07:17
I find these sales disappointing because it's one of the best games I've played this gen. Deserves more people playing it. I hope MS will continue to fund Remedy games though.
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Mr Puggsly posted 20/05/2016, 10:50
@Kerotan - Seriously Kerotan, give it a rest. Nobody was pushing this as a major game changer, it was just a game people were looking forward to.

You spend too much time talking about Xbox, is this what you got unbanned for?
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darkenergy posted 18/05/2016, 01:07
It didn't really receive a major push actually they mostly showed anything new about it during Gamescom 2014 and haven't really heard anything about it until Gamescom 2015 then it got a "push" one month before release. Dont forget PC sales as well to help push sales.
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Kerotan posted 18/05/2016, 04:34
It was hyped as a game changer and received a major push from MS. IT didn't perform well and don't forget these retail sales are overtracked. Digital ain't saving it. It's not the type of game to have high digital sales anyway.
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darkenergy posted 17/05/2016, 10:50
No one stated it to be a second coming of Jesus and no it isn't a dead horse for a new game/IP single player game. By the way make sure you make a better post next time or else it won't be taken seriously.
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DaaaBeast posted 17/05/2016, 09:20
What is there to understand? It sells like a dead horse, two weeks in a row sitting at 0.43m sold. It is a disastrous flop for a game that was marketed as second coming of Jesus for the Xbox.
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darkenergy posted 15/05/2016, 12:37
@DaaaBeast your comment is confusing to understand.
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DaaaBeast posted 14/05/2016, 08:20
I also don't see how these sales are bad. It had only 0.43m sold last week and this week we are at 0.43m already! What an amazing success! Take that Sony :)
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darkenergy posted 14/05/2016, 06:03
@Kerotan again not really also don't forget about digital which MS gave incentives for those who preorder the digital version to get the PC version free.

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Kerotan posted 14/05/2016, 04:02
@darkenergy that is incorrect. NPD shows its heavily overtracked. The game hasn't sold well at all. Legs also not good.
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think-man posted 14/05/2016, 03:04
El-shamen its overtracked by over 100k
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El-shaman posted 12/05/2016, 01:51
I fail to see how these sales are bad for a new IP, with digital on XB1 and the PC version we're probably looking at 600K and that's not bad.
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GodOfPeace3 posted 11/05/2016, 07:13
The game looks really fun to me, but when I think of xbox owners I think of people who really only want to play multiplayer games. I may be wrong, but that's what I see. I wish it were on PS4, I'd have bought it day 1.
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Mr Puggsly posted 10/05/2016, 10:23
@Skeetys - I can think of a few single players games that have sold a million or millions on X1.

These numbers are nothing to boast about, gonna be a while before this does a million. Hope the PC version is doing well.
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chidori-chan2 posted 10/05/2016, 04:53
Bad sales for sure.
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Lauster posted 09/05/2016, 05:14
So with approximately the same userbase when they released (20-21 million), QB has currently been sold twice less than TO 1886... that's a little disappointing, I hoped it would have the same legs at least :/
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darkenergy posted 08/05/2016, 11:51
@skeetys so over 400,000 people is considered no one? I wonder what is SF5 with a 40 million userbase.

@Kerotan for a single player game it is performing decently, not underperforming.
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H3ADShOt3 posted 08/05/2016, 08:54
@Skeetys you say that but this game has a pretty good chance of outselling SFV in it's first 10 weeks. Ps4 can't even get all AAA titles at 1 mil first 10 weeks with a 40million userbase.
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GodOfPeace3 posted 08/05/2016, 06:40
I guess no one wants to play single player games on xbox with these poor sales.
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Kerotan posted 06/05/2016, 07:09
44k WW week 3. This definitely is under performing.
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darkenergy posted 06/05/2016, 11:53
@Web umm the people who thought it is in a better position than ROTTR? Also for your last sentence you may never know.
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WebMasterFlex posted 06/05/2016, 09:48
LMAO who cares about SFV. Bet we won't hear you about U4.
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darkenergy posted 04/05/2016, 08:23
@Skeetys also consider the install base on the PS4 compare to the PS3 regarding Street Fighter, you should do the math.
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darkenergy posted 04/05/2016, 08:20
@Skeetys when you said "ouch" it reminds me of one of Mr. Puggs thread where it shows SFV selling way below SF4 so......
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NobleTeam360 posted 04/05/2016, 02:28
Shame, while 1 million lifetimeis still possible, I'm sure MS and Remedy were hoping for better results .
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GodOfPeace3 posted 03/05/2016, 11:05
@darkenergy What does a Japanese fighting game have to do with Quantum Break? lol
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busbfran posted 03/05/2016, 06:53
great sales
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hiccupthehuman posted 03/05/2016, 05:43
On my second playthrough right now, it's growing on me. I'd really love more of this IP. Needed more enemy variety, but the graphics/cinematography were top notch. Gameplay was pretty enjoyable for me too.
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darkenergy posted 02/05/2016, 01:22
@Skeetys you should be saying that to Street Fighter 5.

@thewastedyouth pretty sure the Xbox is doing ok and QB will likely pass 1 million physical and digital before the end of 2016.
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barneystinson69 posted 01/05/2016, 05:24

I hope that is a joke. Remedy has never been known to make games that sell millions. Alan Wake did less than 100k FW, yet went on to sell over 1 million. This game is fine.
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Mr Puggsly posted 01/05/2016, 04:31
Xbox is doing fine, but if this doesent do well between Xbox and PC then that may affect MS and Remedy's relationship.
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thewastedyouth posted 30/04/2016, 05:24
this game is barely gonna break 1 million, xbox is done
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GodOfPeace3 posted 29/04/2016, 11:50
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kofaye posted 28/04/2016, 03:07
Lillian . true that Shannon `s postlng is flabbergasting, last monday I got themselves a Car after I been earnin $8512 this past 4 weeks and would you believe, 10/k last-munth . with-out any doubt it's my favourite job I've ever done . I actually started six months/ago and immediately was bringin in more than $87, p/h .

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El-shaman posted 25/04/2016, 01:09
I would imagine that with digital on XB1 and the PC version the sales are a bit better than this, I actually think that the game is selling well though considering that its a short SP only game.
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FloatingWaffles posted 25/04/2016, 12:18

Good to know. Now why are you posting that here exactly? That was completely irrelevant, especially in the Quantum Break comments section.
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sales2099 posted 24/04/2016, 07:25

You say you report on facts but then say that Xbox One owners don't care for their exclusives.......which is a subjective comment and a little offensive to loyal Xbox supporters.

When its just the simple matter of market conditions being as such that Xbox One doesn't have the userbase or the spotlight this generation.

Those PS3 exclusives I listed were all "slow-burners" to varying degrees. All great games too. Doesn't necessarily mean PS3 owners didn't care about exclusives. Just meant that its sales in NA compared to 360 limited their growth, which is whats happening now, more or less.

Like Tomb Raider and Sunset, this will too reach 1 million+. It will crawl there, but we will make it happen.
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darkneal posted 24/04/2016, 01:25
@darkenergy There's no such thing of negativity or positivity when you're reporting on facts. What a weird comment. And anyway, you could say RB6 Siege was a dissapointment sales wise but i'm pretty enthusiastic on its comment i am if any game does well. And in turn that game had legs. Lets hope Quantum does too, i want it to be a success, i want Xbox exclusives to be a success.
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sales2099 posted 23/04/2016, 09:35
StreaK + darkneal

Your comment doesn't change what I said. It doesn't have to be an exact 100% reversal to hold the same general point. Non top tier PS3 exclusives tended to have slow sales too.

Starhawk, Sly Cooper, Resistance 3, Motorstorm 2-3, all Ratchet & Clank, MLB, LBP 3, Twisted Metal, LBP Karting, Socom 4, PS Battle Royale, Modnation Racers, Warhawk, Valkyria Chronicles, MAG, Heavenly Sword, Infamous 2......

I could go on, and I really just want to prove my point, which is market conditions limit the sales of a otherwise great game, which the above PS3 exclusives all were. Each ended up below 1 million or slowly crawled to somewhere between 1-2 million. You can see each game for yourself if curious.

Point being, keep that in mind when seeing this games sales. This time, its Xbox Ones turn.
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darkenergy posted 23/04/2016, 04:36
@darkneal you really need to drop your negativity on these kinds of wall posts.
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darkenergy posted 23/04/2016, 04:33
For a single player game, it is doing ok. I wonder how much it sold digitally.

@streak hate to break it to you but your comment isn't relevant here.
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StreaK posted 22/04/2016, 10:02
Hate to break it to you guys, but...the PS4 is killing the Xone a hell of a lot harder than the X360 ever did to the PS3. In fact, when all was said and done the X360 hardly killed the PS3 at all and its exclusives did quite well.
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sales2099 posted 22/04/2016, 11:00
The same thing happened last gen on PS3 with non top-tier exclusives. Market conditions are reversed. Xbox One doesnt have as much influence in North America, and especially Europe this gen. This means games open less and legs are less if you aren't top dog.

Like Sunset, this will crawl to 1 million.
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Mr Puggsly posted 21/04/2016, 08:44
@darkneal - These new IPs aren't doing abysmal numbers, they just aren't doing great. Between physical, digital, and PC its selling more than we actually know.

People had unrealistic expectations for Rise of the Tomb Raider. That's selling at par with Tomb Raider (2013) on 360.
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C_Hollomon posted 21/04/2016, 07:44
Sold less than MLB 16: The Show is surprising. I guess XB1 gamers not feeling this game. It will probably reach a million with price cuts like ROTR did.
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darkneal posted 21/04/2016, 07:02
Oh no...not again. First Sunset Overdrive, then Tomb Raider, now this. This is half than what i thought what be modest. Xbox One owners just don't seem to care about exclusives..if anything its hurting potential sales.I don't really know a reason why these games can't open big...
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Mr Puggsly posted 21/04/2016, 01:04
I had a feeling it would be a modest. Oh well, they delivered a good product and hopefully its profitable.
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barneystinson69 posted 20/04/2016, 01:31
Sales aren't insane, but good enough. I can see it reaching 1 million with decent legs. Alan Wake only did 83k FW (granted its second week did almost 200k), yet still has sold over 1 million. I think it'll do well, and hopefully we continue to see some great games from Remedy!
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Kerotan posted 20/04/2016, 12:18
Yeah thought this would sell more. Not a bad start but legs will be crucial to its success.
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darkenergy posted 19/04/2016, 11:02
Hopefully it passes 1 million sold physically before the end of 2016.
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think-man posted 19/04/2016, 10:46
Well it sold alot less first week than i thought it would. Lets hope it has legs.
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DEAD_ORIGINAL posted 19/04/2016, 03:38
This has summer 16 buy written all over it?
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Shikamo posted 19/04/2016, 07:56
I bought this game ( day one ) and regret considerably , played just over 2 hours and i really dont liked , what I played at last when finished will be able to give my final opinion.
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Mr Puggsly posted 09/04/2016, 05:37
Just finished this game the other day, really enjoyed it.
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darkenergy posted 03/04/2016, 12:02
@Dead your comment makes no sense.
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DEAD_ORIGINAL posted 01/04/2016, 05:49
The Xbox One has a bundle comming up homies. The white Xbox One system is gonna take 'murica by storm and sell like hotcakes. This bundle will surely allow the xbox One to dominate NPD in september (it comes at the beginning of April) aint no one who wants a free game will get the Halo 5 bundle. whos with me???.
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darkenergy posted 26/03/2016, 12:22
Something tells me that this will performed better in Europe than North America.
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darkenergy posted 02/03/2016, 02:36
@Mr. Puggsly I wouldn't really judge it base on these preorders, if good word of mouth of the game is good it might have legs in the long. However one thing MS/Remedy should've done is release more gameplay during E3 and not just Gamescom.
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Mr Puggsly posted 28/02/2016, 07:38
Pre-orders arent so great right now. People on the web want new IPs but everybody flocks to sequels.

Glad they are putting it on PC where many Remedy fans are.
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darkenergy posted 29/11/2015, 09:58
Well it won't have multiplayer but Sam Lake says there are dinosaurs in the game.
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darkenergy posted 20/12/2014, 05:05
Day one for me, I hope it has multiplayer.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (76)

1 3,105 97,482 80,817 26,138 207,542
2 778 27,875 28,694 7,809 65,156
3 400 14,764 14,325 4,084 33,573
4 352 11,650 8,728 3,068 23,798
5 314 10,349 5,920 2,615 19,198
6 200 9,296 3,452 2,237 15,185
7 162 6,317 3,386 1,583 11,448
8 127 5,807 3,144 1,457 10,535
9 127 5,379 1,907 1,289 8,702
10 122 4,302 2,799 1,108 8,331
darkenergy posted 20/03/2017, 06:11
@king lol no one said this was the "Uncharted killer" what the hell are you talking about? No we actually do play other games those 3 main Xbox games are the most popular similar to Mario, zelda is to the Nintendo consoles. Also there are concerns regarding those canned new IP's so that was inevitable. Think before speaking nonsense.
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kingdevil999 posted 16/03/2017, 06:00
Well well look how bad the ''Uncharted killer'' sold, first time in my life i'am actually happy (aside terrible games like rambo, duck dynasty) a game sold poorly, this serve as an example how xbox user give rat ass to anything except the same, it's always Halo, Gears of war and Forza, anything new either becomes canceled or don't sell well neither have great reviews, the only last one i can think of that did well was ori and the blind forest, and that was it, my it may sound horrible what i said earlier, but this deserved thelow sales, no one asked for those for those god forsaken live actions, they suck and are boring.
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Mr Puggsly posted 11/02/2017, 10:56
@Mentore - This game wouldnt exist without MS funding it. So if theyre gonna go multiplat they need to find funding and good luck getting the money for a AAA game.
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Mentore posted 30/01/2017, 10:41
You know you can buy them except SO on steam, right?
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pitzy272 posted 11/01/2017, 04:44
Crap I forgot about Ori. That game looks great.
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pitzy272 posted 11/01/2017, 04:43
MS's inclusion of a 4K player in the XBOs got me to buy one. Plan to buy QB once it drops in price. QB, SO, and Cuphead are the non-PS4 games games I've been excited to play.
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