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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names



SCE Japan Studio



Release Dates

10/28/14 Sony Computer Entertainment
06/26/14 Sony Computer Entertainment
10/31/14 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 18
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Freedom Wars (PSV) > Opinions (10)

Dr.Vita posted 06/01/2016, 11:51
700k is really nice for a new IP!!!
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fluky-nintendy posted 16/12/2014, 10:18
Still selling well for a Vita game in the west. Will easily break the 100k mark by the end of the year on US and Europe.
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venuse8102 posted 29/11/2014, 02:37
got to agree it is a fantastic game but these sales are alittle low in my opinion. wish more people would atleast try it or something.
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Ultr posted 27/11/2014, 09:01
Man this game is very good... I had to force myself to stop tonight...Else I wouldn't have slept. There is so much stuff to do and the gameplay is demanding and heavily rewarding.
I just hope it sells good enough to warrant a sequel!
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hunter_alien posted 22/07/2014, 04:21
Strong sales... this one will easily do 400k+ with DD in Japan alone. Hell if the legs hold out we could see it reach even 500k...
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Ganoncrotch posted 13/07/2014, 11:01 if anyone hasn't heard of the number 1 selling game in the world right now like me, here is a vid of it from E3 looks pretty damn awesome for a vita game... or any game really.
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Squall_Leonhart posted 12/07/2014, 08:12
I really hope that Sony decide to make a physical release here in the EU of this game as it looks great and wont get the attention it deserves otherwise! No doubt they will be doing this to reduce costs but still...
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fluky-nintendy posted 11/07/2014, 12:44
Good to see a #1 Vita game WW once in a while!
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Azhraell posted 08/07/2013, 08:04
Looks good. Probably getting Vita for it and killzone
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ktay95 posted 26/05/2013, 12:45
Japan Studio ΔOX□
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (10)

1 189,634 n/a n/a 189,634
2 42,850 n/a n/a 42,850
3 20,559 n/a n/a 20,559
4 10,636 n/a n/a 10,636
5 5,341 n/a n/a 5,341
6 4,049 n/a n/a 4,049
7 3,839 n/a n/a 3,839
8 4,500 n/a n/a 4,500
9 2,345 n/a n/a 2,345
10 1,446 n/a n/a 1,446
Dr.Vita posted 06/01/2016, 11:51
700k is really nice for a new IP!!!
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fluky-nintendy posted 16/12/2014, 10:18
Still selling well for a Vita game in the west. Will easily break the 100k mark by the end of the year on US and Europe.
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venuse8102 posted 29/11/2014, 02:37
got to agree it is a fantastic game but these sales are alittle low in my opinion. wish more people would atleast try it or something.
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Ultr posted 27/11/2014, 09:01
Man this game is very good... I had to force myself to stop tonight...Else I wouldn't have slept. There is so much stuff to do and the gameplay is demanding and heavily rewarding.
I just hope it sells good enough to warrant a sequel!
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hunter_alien posted 22/07/2014, 04:21
Strong sales... this one will easily do 400k+ with DD in Japan alone. Hell if the legs hold out we could see it reach even 500k...
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Ganoncrotch posted 13/07/2014, 11:01 if anyone hasn't heard of the number 1 selling game in the world right now like me, here is a vid of it from E3 looks pretty damn awesome for a vita game... or any game really.
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