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Level 5



Release Dates

11/06/15 Nintendo
07/11/13 Level 5
04/29/16 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 7
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Tracked: 1
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Yokai Watch (3DS) > Opinions (32)

boypita posted 07/02/2017, 09:18
700K in Europe as of 31st december :)
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boypita posted 31/10/2016, 06:22
Level 5 has confirmed 400K in Europe :D
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GamerCat98 posted 29/08/2016, 11:58
There's something real screwy about the tracking for this in the U.S. right now. It's having this miraculous surge that's not being captured by anyone but VGChartz. It went from having not been in the top 75 since its second week of release in the U.S. back in November 2015, to being on the charts here since around mid-June, including this week at #30 and nearly 5,000. Unlike something such as Super Mystery Dungeon, which obviously popped back up because of GO, we're being told this game surged some ridiculous thousands of percent apropos of absolutely nothing, and unlike SMD, its sudden wave of purchases wasn't captured by anyone (Amazon's charts, GameStop's, the eShop's) but VGChartz. I get Amazon is not the end all, be all, and the eShop is digital, but if a game has a 5,000% rise, it would surely show up there, and it hasn't, at all. According to VGChartz, YW has sold about as much in the U.S. between mid-June and August than it did between January 2016 and June 2016. I call B.S. Can't help but think they undertracked it and are inflating its numbers now to try and make up ground.
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boypita posted 13/06/2016, 06:36
Level 5 has confirmed that the game sold 400K in USA :) It´s actually a good number IMO n.n
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boypita posted 31/05/2016, 11:45
@Ryng_Tolu I really want this game to sell so much more, it deserves it. Can´t wait for YW2. I guess we´ll finally see the success of the first one when the second launched :)
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Ryng posted 29/05/2016, 02:14
@Boypita no lol. Those sales (USA sales) doesn't count 2DS bundle or digital.

While as i show, it's well undertracked in Europe too. It's just impossible total EU sales are under 25,000 when only Spain count for 6,000...
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Jranation posted 24/05/2016, 06:47
@boypita Then WOW! Didn't expect people to buy a 2DS for Yokai Watch!
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boypita posted 09/05/2016, 11:25
@Ryng_Tolu those sales included the 2DS bundle, I think VGchartz don´t count that because they are digital :P
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Darwinianevolution posted 09/05/2016, 06:45
Are those european sales good or bad? They are announcing the anime a lot on TV, but I haven't seen anyone talking about the game or the series.
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Ryng posted 09/05/2016, 02:45
Just noted this game is massive undertracked in USA... It sold almost 200,000 by end of 2015 in USA, while VGChartz has the game at 120,000 by end of April 2016.......

Not to mention those recent Europe numbers. VGC has:
Europe: 26,194
France: 13,608
Germany: 4,457
UK: 4,226
Europe sales outside Fra/Ger/UK = 3,903

This game has confirmed sold 6,000 unit first week in Spain lol.
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greencactaur posted 09/01/2016, 06:38
I believe the anime already started airing, but in terms of sales, Tomodachi life started off as having like 50k its first week, or soemthing really low like that, and it ended up selling a tad bit under 1m, so I think the nintendo publishing will carry it to cross over 500k eventually
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LipeJJ posted 02/01/2016, 05:23
Looks like it's having some decent legs. Question tho: when does the anime airs in the US?
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bowserthedog posted 25/12/2015, 10:03
You have to give a game like this some time. Once the anime series has aired sales will pick up. Looks like it will sell around 100,000 in sales in the USA after 2 month on market. The game only sold 300,000 in it's first 6 months in Japan. It will take time but I'm confident this will be a reasonably popular title in the United States. Not as big as pokemon because it doesn't have the depth to become a hit with core Nintendo fans but kids will love it. I would estimate that long term it will be half as popular in the west as it is in Japan. Which is still pretty good.
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boypita posted 23/11/2015, 06:00
It was released on 6th of november and the charts are from the 7th,only one day of sales. How could this be a flop???
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boypita posted 23/11/2015, 06:00
It was released on 6th of november and the charts are from the 7th,only one day of sales. How could this be a flop???
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LipeJJ posted 23/11/2015, 12:16
Right now it is a flop in the US, however we need to wait a bit to draw conclusions. Remember some games are sleeper hits (even Yokai Watch was a Sleeper Hit in Japan). Maybe the holidays will help a bit and the game's legs will be amazing? Let's wait a see (could be a total disaster as well).
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CWegzz posted 22/11/2015, 02:34
well, looks like yokai watch flopped in the us
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Clyde32 posted 19/12/2014, 07:11
Will the west really enjoy this game though?
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qwertyDANIELqwerty posted 01/10/2014, 01:10
I feel like this is another game people want localized just because it sold well in japan. Hell, it may be terrible! We don't know...
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 28/07/2014, 09:45
Please come to North America I see all the sales for this and Youkai Watch 2 and really want it
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NintendoPie posted 22/05/2014, 08:20
Hopefully someday.
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AshKetchum1992 posted 21/05/2014, 05:43
Will this ever be localized?
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tbone51 posted 19/05/2014, 05:59
Already should be a million by this post!

Congrats :)
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Cheebee posted 14/05/2014, 06:25
This will likely hit a million before June.
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NintendoPie posted 14/05/2014, 04:23
So very close to 1 Million. I expect we'll see it quite soon unless this takes a dive-bomb.
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mtachi posted 11/05/2014, 03:36
This is just slaying. Youkai is one to Watch. *I should be shot for that pun*
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NintendoPie posted 15/04/2014, 08:37
This week's numbers were weak, but expected due to the tax increase. (That was this week, correct?)
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Kongfucius posted 06/04/2014, 11:19
Seems like L-5 have bottled lightning for the third time. It's impressive how good they are at creating these sorts of hugely successful cross-media franchises and then running them into the ground. Still, should get another 3 or 4 games out of YW before that happens, maybe more if they can stop themselves from fucking up
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NintendoPie posted 05/04/2014, 10:07
Youkai Watch is a phenomena in Japan. It's mad.
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ktay95 posted 15/03/2014, 05:47
Top 20 3DS Games in Japan =D
Congrats L5
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Azhraell posted 11/03/2014, 02:23
I have to watch the anime, crazy numbers of this game after many months.
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ktay95 posted 20/02/2014, 09:00
This game is legs
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Shipping Total

2,970,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2018

Opinion (32)

boypita posted 07/02/2017, 09:18
700K in Europe as of 31st december :)
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boypita posted 31/10/2016, 06:22
Level 5 has confirmed 400K in Europe :D
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GamerCat98 posted 29/08/2016, 11:58
There's something real screwy about the tracking for this in the U.S. right now. It's having this miraculous surge that's not being captured by anyone but VGChartz. It went from having not been in the top 75 since its second week of release in the U.S. back in November 2015, to being on the charts here since around mid-June, including this week at #30 and nearly 5,000. Unlike something such as Super Mystery Dungeon, which obviously popped back up because of GO, we're being told this game surged some ridiculous thousands of percent apropos of absolutely nothing, and unlike SMD, its sudden wave of purchases wasn't captured by anyone (Amazon's charts, GameStop's, the eShop's) but VGChartz. I get Amazon is not the end all, be all, and the eShop is digital, but if a game has a 5,000% rise, it would surely show up there, and it hasn't, at all. According to VGChartz, YW has sold about as much in the U.S. between mid-June and August than it did between January 2016 and June 2016. I call B.S. Can't help but think they undertracked it and are inflating its numbers now to try and make up ground.
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boypita posted 13/06/2016, 06:36
Level 5 has confirmed that the game sold 400K in USA :) It´s actually a good number IMO n.n
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boypita posted 31/05/2016, 11:45
@Ryng_Tolu I really want this game to sell so much more, it deserves it. Can´t wait for YW2. I guess we´ll finally see the success of the first one when the second launched :)
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Ryng posted 29/05/2016, 02:14
@Boypita no lol. Those sales (USA sales) doesn't count 2DS bundle or digital.

While as i show, it's well undertracked in Europe too. It's just impossible total EU sales are under 25,000 when only Spain count for 6,000...
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