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Release Dates

04/07/15 Namco Bandai Games
02/05/15 Namco Bandai Games
04/02/15 Namco Bandai Games

Community Stats

Owners: 21
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 8
Wishlist: 3
Now Playing: 1

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Dark Souls II (PS3) > Opinions (15)

SlayerRondo posted 15/05/2015, 03:07
Will be getting the PS4 version soon and am looking forward to trying it out.
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fluky-nintendy posted 25/06/2014, 12:01
According to VGC the game simply stopped selling. And by the 4th week, disappeared from US charts. Strange...
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benji232 posted 18/04/2014, 03:26
Heavily undertracked, sold 350k on PS3 and xbox360 In the US alone according to NPD.
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RaiZeNoblesse posted 15/04/2014, 07:39
this game should be selling more on both PS3 & 360..., but it's still selling more than DS1...

this game should be nomintated for GOTY at both VGA and A.I.A.S, which should boost sales a bit too.. (if it's not nominated, then both are full of BS.. well the VGA is full of it anyways..)

wonder if a nextgen port will help the sales much..., this game so deserves to sell more than games like the last Tomb Raider..
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T.Rexington posted 02/04/2014, 08:50
I think the brand of this game and developer is fairly strong. It's just a stones throw away from a million copies.
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Ganoncrotch posted 01/04/2014, 08:00
This was in a store here lol... there is multiple copies because I bought a lot of them to trade in elsewhere for more money, but lol'd at this and thief ending up in a bargain bin on launch week.
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Azhraell posted 31/03/2014, 08:57
Great launch, in line with the first game. A little better except for japan I think.
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Wright posted 27/03/2014, 09:48
Yeah, what the hell is going on >_>

Though, I think I speak in the name of everyone when I say that this game is brilliant. Such an impressive sequel. Maybe the downgrade was a bit "meh", but we got a polished, brutal sequel to one of the best games of the seventh generation (Which was the spiritual sequel to another one of the best games!). For me this may take the crown and become my favourite DS game.
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fluky-nintendy posted 27/03/2014, 05:28
Numbers for PS3 version in US have been adjusted down like 100K, wtf vgchartz?
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Wright posted 27/03/2014, 09:33
Demon's/Dark Souls are NOT western centric. What's so western about it? Seriously. You could argue that Dark is indeed more appealing to the western than Demon's, but that doesn't make it less japanese. And "Mediocre sales", lulz again. Dark Souls on 360 managed to have 850,000k and without a japanese release, which gave Dark Souls on Ps3 the modest amount of 550k units sold. (Same scenario than in Dragon's Dogma). Now we have that Dark Souls 2 on 360 has half the sales of Ps3, which is awesome no matter how you want to put it, considering that an opening on Ps3 of 600k is great for such a franchise.

Legs will keep on going in both platforms, and PC will give it the edge at the end.

And regarding the Shooterbox, I'm guessing if you ignore the kinect games, Forza, Fable, Project Spark and XBLA it could fit your case of " HALO GEARS HALO GEARS URRR SHOOTERBOX", but unfortunately it isn't a valid one. :)
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OttoniBastos posted 27/03/2014, 03:40
"...wRPG sell much better on 360!"

And that's why dark soul 2 sales on 360 are so mediocre. Although this game is made by a japanese developer the game style is Western centric.

BTW i'm not taking you THAT seriously.I just found funny that you brought a random thread discussion to the Dark souls 2

"Also,shooterbox.Is this 2007?"

Actually,in 2007 xbox 360 was an more diversified console.Was just after the kinect that 360 become the "halo->gears->kinect->halo->gears->kinect" machine.
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Wright posted 26/03/2014, 11:31

I can't believe you take my sales comments that seriously. Thanks for the lulz, Ottoni. I suggest you check my comments on Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze sales page, to see a superb objective analysis of it.

Seriously, I lulz with you xDDDDDDDDDDD Thank you very much.

And Souls games are the most japanese games out there. No matter how much you want to keep the "wRPG style". And by the way, WRPGs sell much better on 360, which still voids your argument pretty well :)

Also, shooterbox. Is this 2007?
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OttoniBastos posted 26/03/2014, 06:52
@Wright look at x360 then. 2.20:1 ratio FW.

And we are talking about a jRPG with wRPG style.

Stop with the butthurt and just accept the fact that shooterbox 360 is not good for jrpg.
BTW DkS 2 will probably cross the 1 million on PS3.
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Wright posted 26/03/2014, 02:32
Wow, didn't break a million already? JRPGs are so dead on Ps3 at this point.
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WagnerPaiva posted 26/03/2014, 04:32
Amazing first week, specially with all the downgraded graphics controversy, it will probably get to 2 million in the long run.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (15)

1 256,509 138,791 108,640 65,255 569,195
2 37,164 31,392 31,371 15,888 115,815
3 17,414 10,415 19,755 6,823 54,407
4 9,605 6,435 12,280 4,229 32,549
5 5,069 3,783 9,214 2,817 20,883
6 3,075 2,457 6,970 1,993 14,495
7 1,876 2,072 6,172 1,730 11,850
8 1,755 2,075 4,541 1,460 9,831
9 1,336 2,056 3,636 1,303 8,331
10 882 2,190 2,618 1,179 6,869
SlayerRondo posted 15/05/2015, 03:07
Will be getting the PS4 version soon and am looking forward to trying it out.
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fluky-nintendy posted 25/06/2014, 12:01
According to VGC the game simply stopped selling. And by the 4th week, disappeared from US charts. Strange...
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benji232 posted 18/04/2014, 03:26
Heavily undertracked, sold 350k on PS3 and xbox360 In the US alone according to NPD.
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RaiZeNoblesse posted 15/04/2014, 07:39
this game should be selling more on both PS3 & 360..., but it's still selling more than DS1...

this game should be nomintated for GOTY at both VGA and A.I.A.S, which should boost sales a bit too.. (if it's not nominated, then both are full of BS.. well the VGA is full of it anyways..)

wonder if a nextgen port will help the sales much..., this game so deserves to sell more than games like the last Tomb Raider..
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T.Rexington posted 02/04/2014, 08:50
I think the brand of this game and developer is fairly strong. It's just a stones throw away from a million copies.
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Ganoncrotch posted 01/04/2014, 08:00
This was in a store here lol... there is multiple copies because I bought a lot of them to trade in elsewhere for more money, but lol'd at this and thief ending up in a bargain bin on launch week.
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