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Other Versions

3DS, All, And, iOS, NS, PC, PS3, PS4, PSV, Series, WiiU, X360

Release Dates

11/18/14 Microsoft Studios
11/27/14 Microsoft Studios
11/18/14 Microsoft Studios

Community Stats

Owners: 13
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:


Minecraft (XOne) > Opinions (13)

Rob5VGC posted 02/09/2017, 05:10
4 million!
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Cream147 posted 09/02/2017, 06:19
It only looks like a 90s game to an incredibly unsophisticated eye. In particular note the very long draw distance, which you certainly would never be able to achieve on a 90s console.
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Mentore posted 31/01/2017, 09:56
They just want a slightly better game with their brand new Xbox One.
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Mr Puggsly posted 13/01/2017, 02:25
I'm surprised this is the bundle people are picking considering its a $20 game that looks like a 90s game.
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Mentore posted 19/12/2016, 03:46
Mass bundling can really change things.

They need to bundle this with every Xbox One, not only this holiday
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Shikamo posted 19/12/2015, 08:38
Ps4 version will crush the Xbox One version for sure :)
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xboxonefan posted 03/07/2015, 07:01
20th million seller
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darkenergy posted 20/03/2015, 02:54
Not talking about WW, only NPD in the US but I wouldn't be surprise if the PS4 version is overtracked.
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Kerotan posted 11/03/2015, 08:09
Darkenergy it sold half the ps4 version WW. Not exactly a holy shit moment.
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darkenergy posted 16/01/2015, 02:37
HOLY SHIT!, according to NPD(US only) this version outsold the PS4 version despite the lower user base :-0
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darkenergy posted 19/12/2014, 01:41
Noble that thread was made by spurge and now there is a thread made by seece predicting 100 million sales for minecraft and spurge says it will happen by the end of 2015.

So much for minecraft being the next Rare.
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NobleTeam360 posted 18/12/2014, 02:21
Seems like just yesterday there was a flop thread about this game on Xbone because it only sold 30k opening week. Looks like it's got good legs.
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darkenergy posted 15/12/2014, 03:59
This will keep selling for a very long time.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (13)

1 n/a 35,036 n/a 7,651 42,687
2 n/a 42,026 46,261 11,954 100,241
3 n/a 54,612 45,162 14,636 114,410
4 n/a 47,630 39,030 12,744 99,404
5 n/a 75,545 44,777 19,185 139,507
6 n/a 67,895 45,903 17,582 131,380
7 n/a 25,569 19,826 6,774 52,169
8 n/a 14,475 8,435 3,667 26,577
9 n/a 6,948 8,174 2,008 17,130
10 n/a 12,078 7,839 3,108 23,025
Rob5VGC posted 02/09/2017, 05:10
4 million!
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Cream147 posted 09/02/2017, 06:19
It only looks like a 90s game to an incredibly unsophisticated eye. In particular note the very long draw distance, which you certainly would never be able to achieve on a 90s console.
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Mentore posted 31/01/2017, 09:56
They just want a slightly better game with their brand new Xbox One.
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Mr Puggsly posted 13/01/2017, 02:25
I'm surprised this is the bundle people are picking considering its a $20 game that looks like a 90s game.
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Mentore posted 19/12/2016, 03:46
Mass bundling can really change things.

They need to bundle this with every Xbox One, not only this holiday
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Shikamo posted 19/12/2015, 08:38
Ps4 version will crush the Xbox One version for sure :)
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