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Ready at Dawn



Release Dates

02/20/15 Sony Computer Entertainment
02/20/15 Sony Computer Entertainment
02/20/15 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 30
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 7
Wishlist: 1
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The Order: 1886 (PS4) > Opinions (73)

Lekzie69 posted 23/10/2018, 02:03
@Dadrik my problem with this game is they concentrate on human enemy, they should have concentrate more on halfbreeds on that way they can remove the cover shoot mechanics and didnt become a gears clone
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Kerotan posted 30/11/2017, 06:06
With digital this is over 2m now.
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thewastedyouth posted 06/09/2016, 06:54
this sold way more than I exprected
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Dadrik posted 19/05/2016, 09:07
+1 Mr. Puggsly on that one.
So much potential, but it just ended up being a boring game. Cool story, amazing visuals, but not a lot of fun. Big disappointment.
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Teeqoz posted 05/04/2016, 07:49
This is overtracked by like 200k in the US.
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Mr Puggsly posted 15/02/2016, 03:59
I think Rise of The Tomb Raider is gonna catch up with this, so that means this is a flop! (joking... kinda sotra)

So anyway, I just finished this game. And... I like the story but the gameplay is underwhelming. Slow, linear, repetitive combat, no replay value, too many QTEs, cliff hanger ending, much more focus on story than gameplay. If you could skip cutscenes this game would probably just be a few hours. This is the kind of game many core gamers don't want but they made it anyway. Did they not see the criticism Ryse received? Ryse is an arguably better game by the way.

Its a shame because it seems like there was so much potential here. In fact, I would like to see a sequel to this. They need to overhaul the gameplay to something that feels more like Gears. More freedom, more dynamic combat, more gameplay, maybe good multiplayer and split screen co-op. The has many great ideas and this could become a great series, but they fucked up its first outing.
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darkenergy posted 25/12/2015, 12:15
@Colocho there are other people that are admitting that the Order is a failure(did you miss fluky-nintendy comment here?), I am not the only person saying it.
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Colocho posted 24/12/2015, 08:12
@darkenergy... Not sure how a game that sells close to 1.5M units in less thn a yr on the market is considered a failure! Not a huge success but certainly not a "failure"
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darkenergy posted 22/12/2015, 02:01
Dude it is still selling even with competing games like Fallout 4 and COD BO3, when I went to my local retailer it is still full price while the Order drop fast in about two weeks even though it didnt had any competition so the comparison is laughable. I guess people are trying to grasp at straws to make the Order look less of a failure lol.
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fluky-nintendy posted 19/12/2015, 12:16
less than 20$ bin simply cause it's not selling anymore even during christmas. In the end Rise will be the most profitable but that will be thanks to the other platforms, not xb alone. (jesus this site is bugging on me)
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fluky-nintendy posted 19/12/2015, 12:14

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fluky-nintendy posted 19/12/2015, 12:10
Seriously we're comparing failures for different reasons at failing. TO was a new IP and the hype was negative for a long time before it released since I remember people saying it was a QTE driven game and with no gameplay long before it debuted. Rise is also a failure soon-to-be on the
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darkenergy posted 15/12/2015, 01:58
@fluky-nintendy lol no don't compare ROTTR with this game. First his game scored really low and ROTTR scored really well. Second like Mr Puggsly said this game was develop for 5 years while Tomb Raider was about 2 years, the long the development the more expensive the game is while Rise was also help/funded by MS so I'm sure costs was down compared to the previous installment.Third Rise will outsell the Order with the holiday boost, positive word of mouth, and...well its Tomb Raider a franchise that is known for years.
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Mr Puggsly posted 08/12/2015, 05:58
ROTR wasnt developed nearly as long and will trounce this when its on PC and PS4. This also became $20 quickly and poor reviews impact legs.

So yeah, it under performed. Especially for a 1st party shooter with a ton of hype.
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fluky-nintendy posted 30/11/2015, 09:40
May outsell ROTR ltd, so not a big failure.
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Colocho posted 05/11/2015, 02:23
Great sales. Should end up north of 1.5m ltd. Not too shabby!
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Mr Puggsly posted 27/10/2015, 07:54
Given this hit the bargain in a matter of months, its a failure. However, there is still potential here. The successor just needs to be a real game. This series can still become Sony's answer to Gears.
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xboxonefan posted 29/08/2015, 07:17
a million
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fireburn95 posted 19/07/2015, 01:02
Should've atleast had a full multiplayer experience for the price and considering the length of single player. Can't imagine the numbers on this game strike sony too happy when RAD have likely been working on it for 4+ years.
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asqarkabab posted 11/07/2015, 11:40
Good game sad that its not long
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fluky-nintendy posted 01/06/2015, 07:00
Soon another billion seller.
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DitchPlaya posted 05/05/2015, 06:07
Sales for the game are crashing.
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kivi95 posted 21/04/2015, 09:44
More like by 100k in the US.
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TheGoldenBoy posted 17/04/2015, 06:13
This is also overtracked by at least 50k in the US.
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hunter_alien posted 10/04/2015, 12:39
I think the sales of this game are "meh". The overall quality seemed decent. I just had the chance to try it out, and it looked good, damn good actually. The gameplay was pretty solid too, and I always enjoyed a healthy does of QTE if it was implemented well, and luckily this game seems to do just that. But yet again I only played a little under an hour and I cannot make a complete judgment about it. Still the pacing seemed off, and the extreme linearity was obvious. I also didn't like the color tones too much. I have a feeling it will age quickly, just like Resistance FoM did.

Never the less, with DD a total north of 1.5 million is the more then likely outcome, and then thewy will be able to push it trough PS+. IMO it will be enough to keep R@D afloat.
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Mr Puggsly posted 07/04/2015, 06:08
Yeah I payed some. The point is Playstation fans want actual games, not a cinematic experience that makes us think of Ryse.

When this game was announced people thought Sony finally had an answer to Gears and it could have been. The potential for a great game was here but instead someone wanted to push graphics and story. Not enjoyable gameplay or even multiplayer. The Order is wasted potential and sales expections have certainly dropped.
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ps3-sales! posted 07/04/2015, 01:54
@mr Puggsly

"If this game was actually good like Gears of War"

Did you play The Order? If not what are you biasing that claim off of? Just curious. Also the first Gears kind of sucked. The story was absolute trash.
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Mr Puggsly posted 06/04/2015, 07:56
bleh... "I don't think The Order: 1886 IS doing great." :-p
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Mr Puggsly posted 06/04/2015, 07:55
@Dadrik - Forza Horizon 2 did pretty well, but Xbox doesn't have massive driving fanbase. That same game on Playstation would do amazing.

Sunset Overdrive did modest numbers, but that's expected given the audience. Either way, going with MS was still a good idea given Insomniac wanted someone to fund it without losing the IP.

Quite honestly, I don't think The Order: 1886 isn't doing great. Its not a flop, but this is a gritty shooter and was hyped. If this game was actually good like Gears of War it would already have sold millions. Sony dropped the ball on this one, it could have been a huge hit for Sony if they focused on gameplay.
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elric316 posted 05/04/2015, 10:32
lmao at the saltiness
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Dadrik posted 03/04/2015, 12:22
Teeqoz: I must say I agree, I don't get why XBO's exclusives don't sell so well...
SO and Forza Horizon 2 are great games, but the sales, while they're pretty good, don't do the games justice...
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GodOfPeace3 posted 02/04/2015, 05:59
Wow, great numbers! I loved this game, short or not (took me close to 10 hours). I'm glad it's having so much success.
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Teeqoz posted 02/04/2015, 02:10
It has nearly outsold Sunset Overdrive. Which is great numbers from The Order, but sad, because SO is a better game. Oh well.
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Goodnightmoon posted 31/03/2015, 08:56
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Goodnightmoon posted 31/03/2015, 08:56
I think that this game need to sell milions to be profitable. That´s why I think that this is a big flop. I will have no legs.
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Ruler posted 27/03/2015, 09:51
But numbers are not bad for being 1 platform
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Rafux posted 23/03/2015, 01:14
The Order is already $40 on amazon for comparison Dying Light , Evolve and Dragon Ball Xenoverse cost $50. It will soon be on the bargain bin
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thedawghousev2 posted 23/03/2015, 02:56
honestly seeing as how far cry, gta and watch dogs have sold a lot more in europe compared to the united states on the ps4, i'm willing to bet this game is heavily under tracked in europe. especially because it's a game set in london.
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Girthquake posted 22/03/2015, 04:36
@LukasHeinzel I don't believe fireburn means that the game has sold 50% digitally. What I believe he means is that judging that these stats are from Feb 21st, there is a good chance that a month later, with digital, it has passed the million+ mark. And I really hope it has.
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LukasHeinzel posted 21/03/2015, 11:08
@fireburn95 If You truly believe that 50% of the sales were digitally I really pity you.
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darkenergy posted 20/03/2015, 04:56
Overtracked in the US. It barely passed 200,000 for the month of February and I wouldn't be surprised if it is overtracked worldwide.
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sales2099 posted 19/03/2015, 06:37
IMO week 1 is too high. Tells me gamers are content with sub-par games with no re playability so long as it looks pretty.
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fireburn95 posted 17/03/2015, 01:59
Lol @Lukas, Sales failure after 1 week? And a fairly good week, 560k Week 1 is nothing to scoff at considering the bad press. It's probably already at a million by now including digital
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GodOfPeace3 posted 16/03/2015, 11:04
I loved this game, but I understand people on a budget want a longer experience than a 9-10 hour game. Still, I bought digitally Day 1 and don't regret it one bit. I am glad to see the high sales, I really REALLY hope there is a sequel.
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LukasHeinzel posted 16/03/2015, 08:33
Despite any discussions about quality, even The hardest fans cant really deny the sales failure this game has become.
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Roronaa_chan posted 16/03/2015, 02:31
"Get over" what? The "opinion" of people who haven't played the game?
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Mike_L posted 15/03/2015, 09:43
@Goodnightmoon - I enjoyed The Order quite a lot but I can totally see why the game with its many cutscenes and QTEs isn't for everyone. That said, have YOU ever played the game? If not you should be the last one to tell people to get over it. Especially when those people actually HAVE played the game. That'd just be sad man :/
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Goodnightmoon posted 14/03/2015, 12:14
the only fascist here is the people who say "Oh you think the game is bad? YOU ARE A HATER", the game is BAD get over it.
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zzyoshiman posted 14/03/2015, 05:58
Not bad sales for a meh-ish game
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Roronaa_chan posted 11/03/2015, 03:46
Deserved 1M FW, but gaming fascists will keep doing their thing.
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Turkish posted 11/03/2015, 03:24
Great numbers, with digital sales it will be a multi million seller. Bring on the improved sequel.
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darkneal posted 11/03/2015, 02:02
Impressive week one for a universally derided game! Makes me wonder just how massive Bloodborne's sales are going to be!
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veritaz posted 11/03/2015, 10:31
The game is solid and definitely worth a rent since you can beat it around 7 hours. The gunplay, visuals, atmosphere, story are all good and the game has no bugs from what I played. Looking forward to the sequel.
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veritaz posted 11/03/2015, 10:28
Still see Rafux spitting venom like it insulted him on anything that has to do with this game.
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Rafux posted 11/03/2015, 06:04
first week as expected for this horrible game (I was guessing 600K with all the hype) now watch it crash and burn in the coming weeks.
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Colocho posted 11/03/2015, 05:01
Great sales!!! 1.5 to 2 mil by year end? Awesome! Cant wait to play this game. Im get
ting my copy this weeknd!
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Mr Puggsly posted 11/03/2015, 12:49
@fireburn95 - I recommend watching the Angry Joe video review. Nobody is saying its a completely bad game by the way.
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TheGoldenBoy posted 11/03/2015, 12:06
Pretty solid FW.
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fireburn95 posted 11/03/2015, 12:04
@Puggsly, what is then? Because no one certainly complained about the visual fidelity, the sound design(+music) or the actual gun gameplay. Infact those three were top notch and probably some of the best in gaming for a while. As for gun gameplay, maybe not the best, but I like how different it was to a standard third person shooter.
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Mr Puggsly posted 10/03/2015, 11:08
@fireburn95 - Those arent the main complaints from critics.
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fireburn95 posted 10/03/2015, 09:56
I hope this sells well for them. If we isolate the main complaints, it's length & quicktime events.

The way I see it they've perfected the gameplay and graphics, so a future game could focus on that cinematic gun action moreso and hopefully get more positive reviews.
I'd like to see RAD create a fictional, gothic-horror universe. That'd be so nice with the tech they have.
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thedawghousev2 posted 10/03/2015, 09:40
two days people, good sales regardless
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Nirvana_Nut85 posted 10/03/2015, 09:24
Great first week sales. I expected over 600K but given the bad publicity it received, this is a good opening.
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Mr Puggsly posted 10/03/2015, 09:19
1 and even 2 million for gritty shooter should be easy. But imagine what this could have sold if it was good.

Sony does enough cinematic games. They need a great shooter. Uncharted is a good action/adventure series but not a great shooter.
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Dadrik posted 10/03/2015, 09:05
Also solid start in Japan for a Western game !
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Dadrik posted 10/03/2015, 09:04
For an exclusive new IP released in this time of the year and that got so much bad feedback, it did amazing. Here's to a (better) sequel !
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Kerotan posted 10/03/2015, 08:16
Hopefully this is not overtracked at the very least. This will cruise over 1 million if these numbers are true or undertracked. As long as they ain't over I'll be happy.
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Erwin-VGC posted 10/03/2015, 08:12
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Galahaddy posted 02/01/2015, 10:01
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Mario_pana posted 27/04/2014, 05:04
I'm pretty sure this game will have some new E3 gameplay footage and a release date for like November 2014 or March 2015.

To be honest NA for a release date with already at 118,924 Thousand pre-orders is heaps for the start of the new Generation.

I'm not including Destiny for PS4 or X1 because I think I here rumours that it will come out September 9th. Or is it?
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Shirrako posted 18/02/2014, 04:47
Gameplay of the game revealed:
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Marks posted 16/01/2014, 05:42
Sounds pretty cool, but a lot like Resistance. Hope it's good!
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hamo0odi90 posted 28/11/2013, 08:20
This game looks promising

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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (73)

1 25,596 175,743 212,213 95,020 508,572
2 4,848 45,294 69,821 27,001 146,964
3 2,627 15,248 34,209 10,866 62,950
4 1,344 5,291 20,963 5,281 32,879
5 942 3,315 16,143 3,807 24,207
6 942 3,143 20,137 4,413 28,635
7 896 3,045 19,761 4,317 28,019
8 707 2,288 15,637 3,374 22,006
9 604 1,621 11,493 2,459 16,177
10 586 1,351 6,485 1,536 9,958
Lekzie69 posted 23/10/2018, 02:03
@Dadrik my problem with this game is they concentrate on human enemy, they should have concentrate more on halfbreeds on that way they can remove the cover shoot mechanics and didnt become a gears clone
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Kerotan posted 30/11/2017, 06:06
With digital this is over 2m now.
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thewastedyouth posted 06/09/2016, 06:54
this sold way more than I exprected
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Dadrik posted 19/05/2016, 09:07
+1 Mr. Puggsly on that one.
So much potential, but it just ended up being a boring game. Cool story, amazing visuals, but not a lot of fun. Big disappointment.
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Teeqoz posted 05/04/2016, 07:49
This is overtracked by like 200k in the US.
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Mr Puggsly posted 15/02/2016, 03:59
I think Rise of The Tomb Raider is gonna catch up with this, so that means this is a flop! (joking... kinda sotra)

So anyway, I just finished this game. And... I like the story but the gameplay is underwhelming. Slow, linear, repetitive combat, no replay value, too many QTEs, cliff hanger ending, much more focus on story than gameplay. If you could skip cutscenes this game would probably just be a few hours. This is the kind of game many core gamers don't want but they made it anyway. Did they not see the criticism Ryse received? Ryse is an arguably better game by the way.

Its a shame because it seems like there was so much potential here. In fact, I would like to see a sequel to this. They need to overhaul the gameplay to something that feels more like Gears. More freedom, more dynamic combat, more gameplay, maybe good multiplayer and split screen co-op. The has many great ideas and this could become a great series, but they fucked up its first outing.
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