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Alternative Names

コール オブ デューティ4 モダン・ウォーフェア


Infinity Ward



Other Versions

All, DS, PC, PS3, XBL

Release Dates

11/05/07 Activision
12/27/07 Activision
11/09/07 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 1,341
Favorite: 31
Tracked: 4
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 8

Avg Community Rating:


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (X360) > Opinions (125)

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AmericanAli posted 12/02/2013, 11:26
Just bought it yesterday for the very first time....and i am hooked!
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Mordred11 posted 27/12/2011, 10:15
9M soon. well deserved!
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lordmandeep posted 12/11/2011, 04:26
9 million life time
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rexar posted 03/11/2011, 04:13
This game change FPS genre for forever.
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 08:49
My second favorite COD
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Etanclan4life posted 19/06/2011, 10:24
Best cod without a doubt
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SmYsiZ posted 03/05/2011, 07:56
Best Call of Duty
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hudsoniscool posted 09/04/2011, 09:22
9 million lifetime
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yahoocom1984 posted 11/02/2011, 10:04
10 million
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Mr Puggsly posted 24/01/2011, 05:46
In 2010 this sold almost 440K. This could have pretty good legs even when this gen comes to an end.
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MonstaMack posted 26/05/2010, 06:20
It's now available for digital download through XBox Live Marketplace at $40.
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Boneitis posted 22/12/2009, 04:22
@ Seece
Another 2 million will be easy if they cut the price to $30 or lower. New copies still go for $50.
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zzyoshiman posted 16/12/2009, 03:14
nearly 8 million
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Seece posted 13/12/2009, 04:24
Wonder if it's insane legs will now be cut short, 30k this week.

Another 2 mill will not be easy.
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Bullza posted 07/12/2009, 03:44
It not only passes 8 million next week but COD4 as a whole passes 13 million.
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Boneitis posted 26/11/2009, 02:22
I think MW1 and 2 will hit 10 million each sometime in the life of the 360.
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Barozi posted 24/11/2009, 04:59
Will hit 8 million pretty soon
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zaMy posted 08/11/2009, 11:20

well deserved sales! Best FPS I've ever played
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Bagaren85 posted 05/11/2009, 06:45
Crazy japanese legs! AAA game.
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Bagaren85 posted 05/11/2009, 06:45
8m, no problemo!
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Metallicube posted 27/10/2009, 10:56
Really fun single player mode, even though it's pretty short. Online is fun but I suck at it ha.. I'm REALLY looking forward to Modern Warfare 2.
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IxisNaugus posted 21/10/2009, 03:55
I will buy this when Modern Warfare 2 is released because over here in the UK it is still at full price.

I considered getting Modern Wiifare as i already have World at Wii, but i think i want to try the X360 original version this time round, that and i want to own a friend of mine at this :3
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angrypoolman posted 13/10/2009, 01:43
i have this game
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Strategyking92 posted 10/10/2009, 07:38

Because he assumed you were a ps3 fanboy I guess. No matter, I think it's overrated to. It's pretty good, but all those games you listed are superior.
But for a console fps, this ranks up there with halo 3.
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Gearbox posted 14/09/2009, 12:22
still my favourite fps of all time
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TiagoCosta posted 07/09/2009, 07:16
this one will reach 8 mil
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HelloMotto posted 31/08/2009, 11:44

correct, it's KZ2.


i find FPSs like team fortress 2, bioshock, half life 2, battlefield to be better than CoD4.

and why do you automatically assume it's KZ2?
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Rawnchie14 posted 25/08/2009, 05:15

While FPS is better then? And it better not be KZ2.
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HelloMotto posted 11/08/2009, 03:41
quite overrated, but still fun.
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Aion posted 22/07/2009, 11:39
Best fps ever.
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RockSmith372 posted 18/07/2009, 06:05
top 50 best selling games ever! Congratz
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st_muscat0 posted 27/06/2009, 03:51
last comment has to be a joke post surley? Seriously FootballFan if you think this is the best multiplayer experience anywhere than your got to be joking. Yes COD:4's is great but its the best, if you want the best go play some PC games, like the Battlefield series.
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FootballFan posted 20/06/2009, 03:40
last comment has to be a joke post surley?
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CatFangs806 posted 12/05/2009, 05:33
Best multiplayer experience ever.
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candy2500 posted 03/05/2009, 06:36
i just picked this one up and its great, in fact its to real. you really need to see it in action to understand. also IMO the single player isn't as short as a lot lead you to believe it is, its just one of those game you don't wont to ever end.
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numonex posted 13/04/2009, 03:42
One of the best games on XBox 360 this generation. Best Call of Duty game ever made and one of the best FPS games ever made.
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shinyuhadouken posted 24/03/2009, 06:15
finally passed 2 mill in others
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halogamer1989 posted 15/02/2009, 05:11
Congrats IW for 7 mil!
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Picko posted 09/02/2009, 05:14
@ deathgod33: There is absolutely no chance of that happening. Getting at attach rate equal or in this great greater than Halo 3 is almost impossible.
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Cheat1011 posted 04/02/2009, 06:51
Why exactly would it have outsold Halo 3? You sell more copies being multiplatform.
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MrBirdTurd posted 03/02/2009, 10:19
7 million Congrats Infinity Ward What a great game
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deathgod33 posted 31/01/2009, 07:36
it would of at least outsold halo 3 if it were xbox 360 exclusive, trust me.
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toastboy44562 posted 30/01/2009, 04:22
8 million is a lock at this point...
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HappyPerson14 posted 29/01/2009, 10:15
7 million
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Picko posted 29/01/2009, 01:51
@ deathgod33:

No, it really would not have.
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MrBirdTurd posted 26/01/2009, 12:35
Should hit 7 mill this week It wont get that much higher. Wonderful Sales
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Aj_habfan posted 20/01/2009, 10:33
Halo 3 didn't even come close to that...
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deathgod33 posted 08/01/2009, 10:41
it would of sold 12 million if it were exclusive for 360.
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toastboy44562 posted 12/12/2008, 01:50
Go,.... Go to 7 million!!!
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Seece posted 12/12/2008, 03:13
Finally slipping off the charts, should reach 7 mill lifetime.
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MrBirdTurd posted 01/12/2008, 04:43
It was a nearly perfect fps in all respects.
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RockSmith372 posted 26/11/2008, 04:32
could get 7 million...maybe
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Never Try posted 24/11/2008, 11:34
Great game with piss poor higher difficulty, gave me a head ache.
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thetonestarr posted 20/10/2008, 02:49
Put my first real play into this today. Really fun game - the flash grenades are a LOT of fun to toy with. And the P90 is the favored gun in my present favourite TV show (Stargate SG-1), so it's a lot of fun to toy with on here too. =)

If only I could also get a staff weapon or a Zat'Nik'Tel.
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RockSmith372 posted 29/09/2008, 03:54
outsold Halo 1.
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Barozi posted 07/09/2008, 09:26
that's not surprising cause here on vgchartz are more PS3 than 360 owners
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deathgod33 posted 29/08/2008, 12:41
more people on vgchartz own the ps3 version than the xbox version but the latter outsold the ps3 version by 2 million.
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Egghead posted 18/08/2008, 03:29
Because IW are busy making a true sequel while Treyarch cash-in between
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konnichiwa posted 15/08/2008, 11:11
We need a official COD4 thread were we can plan to play together ^^''.
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Bagaren85 posted 15/08/2008, 11:03
Insane sales! What a succe, and great fps. XbL = Awesome!
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Simulacrum posted 14/08/2008, 02:39
What a legs.
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toastboy44562 posted 14/08/2008, 12:45
The more practice you get the more you will like it. :)
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Chibilobolib posted 13/08/2008, 10:07
I never liked this game. Ive played it with my friends and wasn't keen on it at all...
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toastboy44562 posted 08/08/2008, 05:13
because then cod5 will be comming out next year not this year
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RockSmith372 posted 02/07/2008, 04:35
why does activision not let IW do every call of duty game? every one they touch turns to gold (Call of Duty 1, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4)
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toastboy44562 posted 20/06/2008, 07:58
i think it will

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wareagle372 posted 17/06/2008, 01:38
could potentially outsell the 1st Halo
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toastboy44562 posted 11/06/2008, 03:11
This is the best fps game on the 360 so far
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Oemenia posted 01/06/2008, 01:24
This game is trash in comparison CoD 2, at least SP wise
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jerseyboy609 posted 30/05/2008, 10:09
6 million selller in the bag
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MontanaHatchet posted 22/05/2008, 01:07
You bet I am!

Ha ha, it's no big deal man.


This game might hit 6 million when the American data comes in. Incredible.
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wareagle372 posted 20/05/2008, 03:40
wow montana u really on my back about every comment i say huh?
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segajon posted 19/05/2008, 10:48
one of the best online shooters ever
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MontanaHatchet posted 19/05/2008, 01:14
Ha Wareagle, it really won't. It had several chances to and it didn't, so it ain't going to happen now when the PS3 version is only selling 14k copies less.
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wareagle372 posted 17/05/2008, 06:33
it will probably double the ps3s COD4 soon
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playnext3 posted 16/05/2008, 11:30
combined with ps3s numbers its already outsell it by a larg margin
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Picko posted 15/05/2008, 11:40
Its hard to believe that this could literally outsell Halo 3, although it'll still take some unbelievable legs to do so. Halo will continue to sell well for the rest of the generation.
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Mummelmann posted 18/04/2008, 09:25
Completely insane sales and fully deserved!
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Strategyking92 posted 14/04/2008, 12:40
4 million next week!
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DeadOnArrival06 posted 10/04/2008, 04:47
I cant believe how well this game is selling on the 360. I have both PS3 and 360 consoles and I got my copy on 360, but damn, I never expected it to get this big.
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PSXMASTER posted 08/04/2008, 09:08
this game will out sale Halo 3 counting just the 360 sales
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deathbeast posted 08/04/2008, 06:46
The little justice that exists on the internet banned you, Patriot7me. Don't come back. We prefer it without your ignorance.

Great visual update, the fanboy rating score needed to be removed. Nobody cares what a bunch of sony and nintendo fanboys think of all the games.
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nathantay posted 30/03/2008, 09:58
Very solid game but is way too short. 8/10
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Aj_habfan posted 28/03/2008, 07:11
This game will never die.
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rogerioscaff posted 17/03/2008, 08:47
best war modern games.
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MontanaHatchet posted 15/03/2008, 03:30
It's the 360's 2nd best selling game now!

360 owners love their shooters!
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slipknot0129 posted 14/03/2008, 06:17
cod4 will pass halo 3 in sales on the xbox 360
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fred posted 13/03/2008, 12:31
The PS3 owners come here to give this game a bad score and it just keeps selling more and more, I think buyers have now got wise when they see a low score but good sales they know its going to be a good game ..
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Daddo Splat posted 13/03/2008, 05:36
Its content that gives games awards not hype Halo3 and COD4 are the 2 best games on the 360 with a bunch right under them. H3 online is a bit deeper IMO the campaigns were both great! still I give the edge to COD4 as game of the year sorry SMG and H3 Bioshock and Mass effect and MP3 and zelda for that matter! Cod4 is awesome its shoild be around a 9-10 here, but there are a lot of geeks who hate here!
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slipknot0129 posted 07/03/2008, 07:46
i didnt think cod4 would outsell halo 3 but it did

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Wii7me posted 07/03/2008, 05:04
Lame game that's overrated.
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Oyvoyvoyv posted 05/03/2008, 07:34
This game is actually, alone, outselling SMG in America! That's quite something. Now just release one of these a month, and Activision will take on Nintendo :P
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erikers posted 23/02/2008, 03:57
You have an inability to understand the difference between using common sense and defensive rukusa. Somebody saying a game on two platforms will pass halo 3 really means nothing. By the end of this generation there will probably be 30 or 35 games that pass halo combined on multiple platforms...who cares? I would like to see a game pass it head to head on the system it's on, because that would be a feat.

As for deathbeast, thousands of people on forums said what you just said about HALO 2 and then halo 3 comes out and is selling much faster on a platform that had a smaller userbase than Halo 2 did. You really lack intelligence or you just have no knowledge of sales. If halo 4 was to be released on the 360, I bet you it would end up selling more than Halo 3. You also have no knowledge of what "millions of people" think of any game. You're another genius who's decided his own personal opinion and few friends has translated to millions of people because you can't differentiate fact from your own opinion.

I have both games and I don't really care about either game in particular as both have short, disappointing single player campaigns and stellar multiplayer modes. I only feel the need to post because of the stupid responses I get for thinking a game on multiple consoles beating a game only on one isn't that suprising.
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deathbeast posted 17/02/2008, 07:05
Erikers, it's amazing that COD4 took so many sales and awards from Halo 3 given the absolutely crushing hype and marketing behind Halo 3. Myself, I was fooled by the hype and marketing and wrongly assumed halo 3 would be a good game, so I bought it. Big mistake. 20 of my friends did as well. All of them hate it and prefer COD4 in every single way. Millions who bought halo 3 were disappointed. The next halo game will not sell nearly as much after a fiasco like this, with this kind of negative publicity and word of mouth.

However, in the end the better game prevailed. Major game industry awards didn't even NOMINATE halo 3, whereas COD4 walked away with either overall game of the year or runner up and many other awards.

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rukusa posted 12/02/2008, 03:19
why are you being so defensive Erikers? ;)
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erikers posted 08/02/2008, 11:06
Gee wow, a game on two platforms will pass one. I can name a bunch of other games on multiple platforms that will sell more than Halo 3 combined. That doesn't mean anything. Wake me when a game passes it on the same platform head to head.
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naznatips posted 08/02/2008, 04:18
It will easily pass Halo 3 combined. It's now less than half a million away.
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segajon posted 03/02/2008, 03:30
^^^^ I doubt it will pass Halo 3, but it will definitly pass Gears of War.
Of the three games, it will be like this sales wise,
1. Halo 3
2.Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
3. Gears of War
I think it should be the opposite though, more like this......
1. Gears of War
2. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
3. Halo 3
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Kasz216 posted 30/01/2008, 10:04
It should. It's much better that halo in my opinion.
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naznatips posted 28/01/2008, 05:35
Hah, this game could actually pass Halo 3.
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 1   2 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Player Total

11,000,000 Players
As of: March 2009

Opinion (125)

1 n/a 605,269 246,883 147,002 999,154
2 n/a 269,155 128,990 68,496 466,641
3 n/a 222,891 71,710 51,008 345,609
4 n/a 147,636 66,973 36,956 251,565
5 n/a 220,398 87,965 53,214 361,577
6 n/a 336,609 104,761 76,456 517,826
7 n/a 391,181 141,821 92,119 625,121
8 27,648 162,941 89,197 46,505 326,291
9 10,975 95,393 54,570 27,584 188,522
10 8,221 78,854 37,276 21,426 145,777
AmericanAli posted 12/02/2013, 11:26
Just bought it yesterday for the very first time....and i am hooked!
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Mordred11 posted 27/12/2011, 10:15
9M soon. well deserved!
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lordmandeep posted 12/11/2011, 04:26
9 million life time
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rexar posted 03/11/2011, 04:13
This game change FPS genre for forever.
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 08:49
My second favorite COD
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Etanclan4life posted 19/06/2011, 10:24
Best cod without a doubt
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