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Review Scores



Alternative Names

コール オブ デューティ4 モダン・ウォーフェア


Infinity Ward



Other Versions

All, DS, PC, PS3, XBL

Release Dates

11/05/07 Activision
12/27/07 Activision
11/09/07 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 1,341
Favorite: 31
Tracked: 4
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 8

Avg Community Rating:


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (X360) > Opinions (125)

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Damstr8 posted 27/01/2008, 10:58
Sweet lord 4.3 Million? god this like....almost halo sales
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PATRIOT7ME posted 25/01/2008, 03:02
Game sucks. Everyone just likes it cause they are just idiots who like to shoot people.
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wareagle372 posted 24/01/2008, 11:11
this game is doing better than even infinity ward thought! this game could make 6-7million easily
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fred posted 24/01/2008, 04:01

Hmmm Shouldn't you ask that on the PS3 or PC section ? why would you ask that here, do you need a spoon ?. anyway back to the 360.

9.6/ 10

Great game and 4.32 million and rising can't be wrong..
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tokilamockingbrd posted 23/01/2008, 07:33
Should I get it for PC or PS3 someday?
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Bass.exe posted 22/01/2008, 06:59
I just got this game and loving it. 9.4 out of 10 (gave it a ten though)
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tokilamockingbrd posted 20/01/2008, 09:54
add maybe as much as another million to this one from the US....
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Jessman posted 16/01/2008, 06:16
God i hate when fanboys put down a game just because its on xbox.
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fred posted 16/01/2008, 11:05
3.21 Million whew.....
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 08/01/2008, 09:54
this game absolutely incredible!
best graphics i've ever seen and the best first person shooting in any game EVER!!

20 out of 10 :D
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fred posted 31/12/2007, 12:48
2.80 million and still going strong..
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SergeantPwn posted 21/12/2007, 06:13
Great game. 10 from me. Multiplayer is fantastic. Definite must-buy.
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Jessman posted 19/12/2007, 09:37
Awesome game, i have it on PC and Xbox.
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Picko posted 18/12/2007, 10:52
Seems to be an issue with the sales data on this page. It says that it has done 1.07m in the US, whereas the charts say 1.70m
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Daddo Splat posted 13/12/2007, 05:16
If this is a one then they should burn supermario galaxy and get rid of all games! damn this was and is a great gaming experience! mario was my first console gaming experience. robotron in the arcades was the best game ever not as good on xboxlive though so ripping shooters all the way platformers are for passing time! this was truly a great game!
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Myahon posted 24/11/2007, 03:19
I gave it a nine. The multiplayer could have been better and the single was short and when you play the US side, annoying, but otherwise AMAZING. The good maps are few and far between but the great leveling system making it a sort of FPS RPG.

I loved it and am still playing it. It's the second best online shooter i ever played second only to battlefield 2, it's even better then halo 3
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Dyunak posted 20/11/2007, 01:33
cool game...dont know why the grade is low...anyway i was expecting more..
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erikers posted 18/11/2007, 11:13
"The Xbox 360 version of ‘COD 4’ is huge, claiming 63% of total sales over the formats and is the 11th biggest weekly sell-through ever and second only to ‘Halo 3’ in terms of Xbox 360 titles."

Yes that's right, 11th biggest opening week ever in the Uk and it has debuted at #1 for the 360 version in almost every country chart that has been released including UK, Germany, and Australia. Globox, stick to the PS3 game threads where you spell every game wrong, leave the trolling to the professionals.
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Globox posted 18/11/2007, 07:34
Fake EU numbers, what is the source? Give me a brake.
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erikers posted 18/11/2007, 01:24
Damn right, I should have made a "which 360 game will sell 1 million next" the day before the numbers came out then put COD 4 and I would've already won my own thread ;/
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MontanaHatchet posted 17/11/2007, 10:05
Gee, that was an easy million seller for the 360.
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RaptorGTA posted 16/11/2007, 02:31
awesome game. Simple...
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Lost tears of Kain posted 12/11/2007, 12:38
Wow, 1st vote gave it a 1
Fucking fanboys go away
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moedameyer posted 21/09/2007, 04:11
If you liked COD 2 more than COD 3 then you will surely like this game. I've been playing the MP beta since the first day, and to sum it up, COD 4 plays like COD 2 except its more modern (duh), has way better graphics (especially lighting), and you can create custom classes (choose your grenade type, weapon, weapon add-ons, weapon skins, special abilities, etc.) and more.

If you liked Call of duty 2, you will love this game. Must buy.
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waterbear91 posted 12/09/2007, 09:26
*NO INFO CAUSE I DONT HAVE 100 POST...* This game looks awsome. Single player and Multiplayer...if you have not seen videos or anything about the game you must check it out. This game is a must buy!
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Player Total

11,000,000 Players
As of: March 2009

Opinion (125)

1 n/a 605,269 246,883 147,002 999,154
2 n/a 269,155 128,990 68,496 466,641
3 n/a 222,891 71,710 51,008 345,609
4 n/a 147,636 66,973 36,956 251,565
5 n/a 220,398 87,965 53,214 361,577
6 n/a 336,609 104,761 76,456 517,826
7 n/a 391,181 141,821 92,119 625,121
8 27,648 162,941 89,197 46,505 326,291
9 10,975 95,393 54,570 27,584 188,522
10 8,221 78,854 37,276 21,426 145,777
AmericanAli posted 12/02/2013, 11:26
Just bought it yesterday for the very first time....and i am hooked!
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Mordred11 posted 27/12/2011, 10:15
9M soon. well deserved!
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lordmandeep posted 12/11/2011, 04:26
9 million life time
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rexar posted 03/11/2011, 04:13
This game change FPS genre for forever.
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 08:49
My second favorite COD
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Etanclan4life posted 19/06/2011, 10:24
Best cod without a doubt
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