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11/22/13 Nintendo
12/26/13 Nintendo
11/22/13 Nintendo

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The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (3DS) > Opinions (87)

Keybladewielder posted 28/08/2017, 05:23
This game deserves to sell much better
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killeryoshis posted 13/08/2017, 10:25
This game was decent. Pales to A Link to the Past though.
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leedlelee posted 01/02/2017, 03:28
While these numbers might not appear all that impressive on the surface, they're by no means bad...
Especially when you consider the fact that any hype this game could have built would have been eclipsed by Pokémon X and Y, which were released only a month before this title...
Additionally, we know nothing of the game's digital sales...
The Japanese numbers are actually pretty typical for the series...
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OneTwoThree posted 17/01/2017, 11:59
Isn't it weird that this didn't sell any better?
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PAOerfulone posted 15/06/2016, 12:04

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PAOerfulone posted 06/03/2016, 06:16
3 Million.... So close... Yet so far...
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Keybladewielder posted 04/12/2015, 05:39
This game is great.
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Goodnightmoon posted 06/10/2015, 07:03
What a freaking amazing game, the best original game on 3DS for me.
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PuswiTendo posted 20/09/2015, 06:23
This is the first Zelda I've played, amazing game, cool soundtrack, the dungeons are incredible and some of them were difficult.

I hope it reaches 3 million of units soon, or even more.
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NintendoPie posted 06/07/2015, 03:40
Agreed, all you under-tracked whistle-blowers below me. And this game deserves all the sales it can muster.
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S.Peelman posted 14/06/2015, 01:44
It really didn't. Game is probably near 3m by now, if not over. Nintendo had this at 2.5m over a year ago. It's Skyward Sword all over again here on VGC...
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DanneSandin posted 08/05/2015, 12:31
These numbers haven't moved at all for the past year, has it? Too bad we didn't get any new numbers from Nintendo yesterday
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seinsmeld posted 07/05/2015, 10:41
loved this game, bought it at launch. total nostalgia. funnest Zelda ever
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Ryng posted 04/04/2015, 01:40
Massive undertracked, as the other Zelda games...
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S.Peelman posted 04/03/2015, 01:59
Yeah hopefully they'll update the sales of this game in their next financial reports!
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 16/02/2015, 03:47
Some serious undertracking or high digital
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tuyiooo posted 07/02/2015, 12:28
Nintendo has this at 2.5 million as of March 31, 2014, i´m sure this should be at 3 or 3.5 million LTD sales at this moment.
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S.Peelman posted 16/01/2015, 05:24
@ TK14: Lol, as if I could feel you replied to that post of mine months ago.

What you say is true though, A Link Between Worlds has a lot going against it. I had hoped for some kind of 'New Super Mario Bros.'-nostalgia effect, but no joy.

I agree there won't be a Zelda curse finally on WiiU, would be a disaster if Zelda U wouldn't break 1.5m :-| .
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TK14 posted 16/01/2015, 10:20
S.Peelman, I think that has more to do with Ocarina's legacy, it being a 3D Zelda, and the vastly superior asthetic of the game.

A Link Between Worlds is a masterpiece. Unfortunately though, its graphic style looks cheap/lazy/uninspired, AND it's a 2D Zelda game, so it seems like many believed it wasn't worth their time because "it's just a rehash of A Link to the Past," which couldn't be further from the truth. It's just too bad Nintendo didn't have enough faith, in the genius design and freshness of the changes they made, to give this game the art-style and graphics that would better communicate its quality to the mainstream and hardcore gaming market.

That being said, I can guarantee you that the "Zelda curse" will NOT rear its head on Wii U. There's no way in hell the new open-world Zelda game for Wii U fails to outsell The Wind Waker HD just because WWHD came out first.
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DanneSandin posted 27/10/2014, 06:14
Well well, like I said just a minute ago: 2.5m copies sold - as of March 2014. I'm sure it's at 3m by now, or will be at the end of this year. Digital sales makes it pretty hard to estimate overall sales...
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DanneSandin posted 27/10/2014, 06:11
I'm pretty positive this game has sold 3m so far: by the end of January 2014 Nintendo's own official numbers were 2.18m. I guess that includes digital as well, but I find it hard to believe sales have been at a stand still since then...
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S.Peelman posted 06/10/2014, 02:35
Even though this is severely undertracked, it seems the Zelda curse strikes again. Apparently it never mattered that Ocarina was 'just' a remake, it still, as the system's 'first Zelda', easily outsold this game.
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Toxy posted 24/08/2014, 01:07
This game appears to have done well digitally.

If you account digital and physical sale... I don't think it is a stretch that this will reach 3.5 million lifetime minimum.
I do believe it will be easier to gauge the legs on this when we see how well it does over the Christmas holiday season.
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DanneSandin posted 18/08/2014, 01:01
Man, I really want this to be the best selling hand held LoZ yet... Doesn't seem like that'll happen
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ExplodingBlock posted 25/07/2014, 07:13
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NintendoPie posted 24/06/2014, 05:00
Even without digital sales this should still get to 3 Million. It still has a way to go, though.
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bosslug posted 22/05/2014, 02:40
deserved so badly too do bigger numbers. Oh well, still one of my favourite games of all time
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S.Peelman posted 18/05/2014, 12:04
Too bad the game couldn't replicate the 'New Super Mario Bros.' effect that game enjoyed. Would've been cool if sales surged on a wave of nostalgia, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.
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Roar_Of_War posted 08/05/2014, 07:59
Yup, Nintendo just announced 2.51 million sales global. Digital sales for ALBW are good.

This means the pace of the game is doing better than VGchartz is actually showing. It'll still make it to 3 million+ lifetime. Might outsell Spirit Tracks, actually.
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FarleyMcFirefly posted 08/05/2014, 02:05
According to Nintendo, it has sold 2.51 million. Quite a few digital copies methinks
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oniyide posted 07/05/2014, 08:37
i wouldnt bank on alot of digital sales. Its a huge file. and yes 3d games are more popular but it hasnt had a year on market yet or a price cut. I just got my copy
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supernihilist posted 07/05/2014, 03:35
ugh. it slowed down a lot. now im not confident it will pass Oot3D
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NintendoPie posted 11/04/2014, 02:11
Right on the edge of 2 Million, and a game that deserves to sell so much more.
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TK14 posted 09/04/2014, 07:53
I'd really like to see Nintendo's official sales (which include digital) for this game now, cause at this point 2 million seems awful disappointing. Especially considering the 3DS's healthy install base. Hopefully this title is doing well digitally.
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Roar_Of_War posted 08/04/2014, 05:37
2.18 million, according to Nintendo (at the time they said it). VGChartz doesn't track digital (non-bundle) sales, so this isn't the whole picture I think. This is about a 3 million lifetime seller.

Probably because it's a 2D Zelda without the install base of the DS to back it up. 3D ones always sell this is being labeled a remake by a lot of people.
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NintendoPie posted 07/04/2014, 05:50
This is falling behind Spirit Tracks, Ocarina of Time 3D, and definitely Skyward Sword. Why in the world is this selling so badly in comparison to those?
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Roar_Of_War posted 15/02/2014, 05:43
VGchartz tracks bundle deals, right? Even if it's digital, they should be able to tell how much it sold in the Gold XL. I don't think NPD counts the bundle for ALBW because it's technically digital, but I think VGchartz does. Depends on that.
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Roar_Of_War posted 15/02/2014, 05:35
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Roar_Of_War posted 15/02/2014, 05:35
@knocturnal: Those are physical retail sales only, which doesn't include digital+bundles. This isn't overtracked.
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knocturnal2435 posted 14/02/2014, 02:56
A bit over tracked in the USA. Nintendo revealed, with the latest NPD, that this game has sold 715k through January. They also stated that Super Mario 3D World's sold through 655k, and that Pokemon X/Y has sold a combined 3.25 million in the USA through January.

Thought Link Between Worlds would have done more in the USA between November, December, and January than 715k.
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knocturnal2435 posted 05/02/2014, 06:17
At 2.18M, meaning 310k in digital sales? I wonder how many of those are from the special edition 3DS (the one I got!).

This game was something special. I hate how all of these games are under tracked now because of digital sales. I'd love to see this one crawl past the 4 million mark.
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supernihilist posted 05/02/2014, 12:08
this should be around 3M shipped + digital for March 31st at the very least.
It looks it will hold up to DS installments on much lesser userbase YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Roar_Of_War posted 29/01/2014, 04:16
2.18m actually lol But yes, nice sales. Also, this game is repeatedly at the top of the eShop charts, and the bundles aren't even sold in stores anymore I think. This game is a pretty popular digital choice for some reason. Good for Nintendo. :)
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S.Peelman posted 29/01/2014, 01:42
At 2.16m according to Nintendo... Nice digital sales!
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orniletter posted 19/01/2014, 07:26
Rise and Shine ALBW !
Rise and Shine !
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legendofzalda posted 07/01/2014, 10:51
fuck yeah, japan!
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supernihilist posted 07/01/2014, 09:40
around 2m sold in 2013
4m LTD in 2015?
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Pillow posted 06/01/2014, 02:51
225k in the first 4 days in Japan, PH level sales which is great for a Zelda! Should be able to surpass it since it's a better game.
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legendofzalda posted 03/01/2014, 01:30
in 5 weeks this game has a quarter of a million more sales than OOT3d did in 10 weeks, and that game has over 3 million sales. and japan sales for this aren't even up yet. this shall be good.
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Anfebious posted 01/01/2014, 11:55
This game was awesome! I hope it sells more than the DS games. Those ones are horrible compared to this one!
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S.Peelman posted 30/12/2013, 08:05
A million, great!
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Boutros posted 30/12/2013, 05:00
Amazing game!
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Salnax posted 29/12/2013, 03:43
1 million!
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supernihilist posted 28/12/2013, 04:23
next week should be big for this game. Nintendo did a great job with the release schedule with this game. will hit 2m in early January
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Roar_Of_War posted 27/12/2013, 08:27
Another good week for ALBW. Those legs are holding steady.
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supernihilist posted 27/12/2013, 03:53
No way this is doing 5m LTD. Ill give you chances for 4m LTD...still i dont think it will hit that milestone. and if it does it wont be by much.

I guess depends on Japan as you said
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Salnax posted 21/12/2013, 11:32
Honestly, I think this can outsell Link to the Past for the SNES, at least in at least one region if not the entire world. LttP sold about 2.4 million in North America, meaning this game is likely to be 1/4 or 1/3 of the way there by year's end. Proportionately, Europe is similar, if not better off due to Zelda's low popularity there in the early 90's. Really, it all depends on how Japan views a new 2D Zelda based on a classic for the 3DS. Even if it's only about as popular as Phantom Hourglass there though, Worldwide figures could still put this game at over 4 million easily, maybe 5 million.
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supernihilist posted 20/12/2013, 12:37
will this beat Oot 3D?
ufff it will be close
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Roar_Of_War posted 19/12/2013, 11:35
Yeah, after adjustments its not that overtracked anymore actually. Subtract 30K, roughly.
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acdcste posted 18/12/2013, 11:58
We had it 434k for end of november and npd had it at 405k so its really not that much overtracked.
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supernihilist posted 18/12/2013, 09:31
not bad. i think well see this range between 3 - 3.4m LTD
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Roar_Of_War posted 18/12/2013, 01:40
Not heavily overtracked. About 100K. VGchartz said 500k and Nintendo with digital + bundles was 400k. No word on Europe, though VGchartz tends to initially overtrack USA more.

So just subtract 100k for now.
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legendofzalda posted 17/12/2013, 08:17
screampillar, nintendo said over 400,000 including the special 3ds version, so you are wrong.
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knocturnal2435 posted 17/12/2013, 07:03
Oh, and has this not come out yet in Japan?
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knocturnal2435 posted 17/12/2013, 07:02
Perhaps Nintendo is only including sales of individual SKU's? I know I bought the limited edition 3DS for it.

Where did you get the Nintendo information from?
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Screamapillar posted 17/12/2013, 02:59
Heavily over-tracked in USA. Nintendo says 290k physical + digital in November. VGC has it at almost 500k.
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Screamapillar posted 17/12/2013, 02:59
Heavily over-tracked in USA. Nintendo says 290k physical + digital in November. VGC has it at almost 500k.
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Salnax posted 17/12/2013, 01:01
@legendofzalda VGChartz figures out these numbers by basically polling stores and retailers for info. Since digital sales are done without a middleman between consumers and Nintendo, one would have to get the info from Nintendo themselves. And seeing as how Nintendo, like most gaming companies, gives out relatively little sales info, digital sales are extremely hard to accurately account for.
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Kongfucius posted 16/12/2013, 07:10
I know a lot of it will be down to Xmas and Black Friday, but even still a 30% drop into 2nd week is ridiculously small, this is going to be extremely successful. I wonder if it will beat OoT3D LTD?
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Pillow posted 11/12/2013, 09:50
@ leedlelee knowing the 3DS outsold the Wii and many other console in Japan, and with still 3 years worth of sale left (or more), it's a safe bet to believe ALBW will reach that 1M Zelda milestone in Japan :)
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leedlelee posted 11/12/2013, 07:14
I wonder if this will be the first million seller Zelda title in Japan since Ocarina of Time...
I doubt it, but it would certainly be a nice return to form for a series that is pretty much dead there, minus the blip that was Phantom Hourglass...
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legendofzalda posted 11/12/2013, 01:54
is there anyway of finding digital sales for games? and if so, why doesn't VGCHARTZ report them?
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Cheebee posted 10/12/2013, 09:15
This could very well be close to a million sold already, taking into account digital sales.
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DanneSandin posted 10/12/2013, 07:51
Yeah, it's fast approaching 1m - and that's 2 weeks worth of sales, and without Japan...
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ArtofAngels posted 10/12/2013, 07:09
5 million doesn't seem so unrealistic for lifetime sales adding digital.
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acdcste posted 06/12/2013, 02:21
Great first week sales considering no japan yet. Should be about 700-750k once its updated this week.
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Aidman posted 04/12/2013, 06:50
I have just finished The Legend of Zelda - A Link Between two worlds -. The game is a masterpiece. Truly Happy about everything in the game. 10/10. Wish it will sell 5 Millions in order to have more Zelda in the 3DS.
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S.Peelman posted 04/12/2013, 05:02
Good start. Higher than Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks and Ocarina 3D. I don't think'll outsell PH though. Hope this game will bring the Japanese back on the Zelda wagon.
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acdcste posted 04/12/2013, 04:19
With the install base of the 3ds compared to the wii u not really. This will hopfully sell 4m or above lifetime.
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oniyide posted 03/12/2013, 04:14
didnt think a portable Zelda would have better FW numbers than a 3d mario game on a console, im surprised but should I be?
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Meret posted 03/12/2013, 01:32
Great launch sales!!
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Pillow posted 30/11/2013, 09:37
forgive me. Didn't know PH and ST had low fw numbers. I'm biased because of SS decent opening... I remove what I said and predict 4,3M+
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Meret posted 30/11/2013, 05:54
@Pillow What? FW sales are better than Spirit Tracks & Phantom Hourglass + aLbW selling digitally.
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tbone51 posted 30/11/2013, 01:54
Its not NA numbers, its US and it beat PH+ST FW which both games sold a respectable 3.2mil/4.9mil each. Also digital sales are pretty good considering bundle has the sales of it on eShop.

This game will sell between 4mil-6mil lifetime
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Pillow posted 29/11/2013, 11:40
294k NA opening. Low numbers, but I hope for much better numbers at BF with the 150$ bundle deal and throughout the holidays.
We could maybe expect better numbers than SS lifetime, but beating PH just doesn't seem possible atm.
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tbone51 posted 05/09/2013, 01:32
My prediction! FW in US will be 400k
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tbone51 posted 24/06/2013, 04:10
First to post! Now I'll say 5mil lifetime O.o
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Shipping Total

4,240,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2021

Opinion (87)

Keybladewielder posted 28/08/2017, 05:23
This game deserves to sell much better
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killeryoshis posted 13/08/2017, 10:25
This game was decent. Pales to A Link to the Past though.
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leedlelee posted 01/02/2017, 03:28
While these numbers might not appear all that impressive on the surface, they're by no means bad...
Especially when you consider the fact that any hype this game could have built would have been eclipsed by Pokémon X and Y, which were released only a month before this title...
Additionally, we know nothing of the game's digital sales...
The Japanese numbers are actually pretty typical for the series...
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OneTwoThree posted 17/01/2017, 11:59
Isn't it weird that this didn't sell any better?
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PAOerfulone posted 15/06/2016, 12:04

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PAOerfulone posted 06/03/2016, 06:16
3 Million.... So close... Yet so far...
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