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Sony Online Entertainment



Release Dates

11/08/04 Sony Online Entertainment
(Add Date)
11/12/04 Ubisoft

Community Stats

Owners: 26
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


EverQuest II (PC) > Opinions (3)

Aj_habfan posted 21/10/2009, 12:19
Game was fun but raped my computer, maybe I will restart when I upgrade mine.
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ozsman posted 12/01/2009, 08:11
Apathy of Fear(guild) may you r.i.p.
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ozsman posted 12/01/2009, 08:00
i've invested 138 days into 1 toon
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Legacy Sales History

Opinion (3)

Aj_habfan posted 21/10/2009, 12:19
Game was fun but raped my computer, maybe I will restart when I upgrade mine.
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ozsman posted 12/01/2009, 08:11
Apathy of Fear(guild) may you r.i.p.
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ozsman posted 12/01/2009, 08:00
i've invested 138 days into 1 toon
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