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Alternative Names

ファイナルファンタジー IX





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Release Dates

11/13/00 Square
07/07/00 Square
02/16/01 Square

Community Stats

Owners: 915
Favorite: 122
Tracked: 6
Wishlist: 7
Now Playing: 17

Avg Community Rating:


Final Fantasy IX (PS) > Opinions (111)

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Keybladewielder posted 05/06/2016, 10:29
This game is so wonderful
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iLikeEggs posted 05/11/2015, 03:26
Great game. Though flawed, still the best/favorite FF on ps1, and by a wide margin. This game is full of personality and character. I also love the forest area in the beginning. very beautiful.
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late_release posted 20/07/2013, 12:23
Best FF for me as well. FFXIII fans hate it because it doesn't have boobs flying inside the screen
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wolfofthepack posted 13/05/2013, 04:08
the best final fantasy to date! am a sucker for job classses and this one does it just right atb battles limit breaks, spells, story, hrs of play , damn y cant we go back to those days square ?
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ice posted 04/03/2013, 08:33
Best FF imo, 2nd favorite game of all time (only after Earthbound). If they ever did a remake I would buy it instantly. Square at their prime
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Scary4Eva posted 20/01/2013, 08:48
I love this game. It's one of my all time favorites.
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think-man posted 11/12/2012, 03:20
Still my all time favorite final fantasy AND game! I just downloaded it again of the psn and am up to the second disc. Still as good as I remember it being :D
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Lynx_7 posted 15/04/2012, 06:28
One of the finest FF titles of all times. Such an underrated game. IMO, it beats VII and VIII by far on almost all aspects. The only real complaint I have are the slow as heck battles. Aside from that, my favorite FF alongside VI. If only they remade it with a faster battle speed...
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Panama posted 21/02/2012, 06:03
This game was a homage to the NES and SNES era of FF titles. It just oozes with charm, It doesn't surprise me that quite a few didn't like it, but I love it either way.
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AceRandum posted 22/12/2011, 11:21
my least favorite ff, this is the only final fantasy i didn't like
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Galvanizer posted 05/12/2011, 08:23
This game is the reason Hiroyuki Itou needs to be the director of FFIX.
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A203D posted 16/06/2011, 08:54
Imo if it came out after FF7 instead of FF8, (and was called FF8 instead of FF9 - since they were both made at the same time) it wouldve been the 2nd best selling FF and elevated the series on top of what FF7 already achieved.
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TT Makaveli posted 08/06/2011, 11:29
this game deserves to be the best selling FF IMO!
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A203D posted 25/02/2011, 09:48
FF9 came at a difficult time - i think FF8 hurt the series especially in Europe. and the PS2 was on the horizon. and it when to a deformed look after photorealism in FF8. so multitude of things, which couldve been helped. but what can you do, shit happens!
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Yamaneko22 posted 14/01/2011, 05:45
This game deserves at least 2 milions more...
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Yamaneko22 posted 14/01/2011, 05:42
Well, I somehow understand why it didn;t sold well in Europe... I live in Europe and had a lot of trouble finding it when it was released. There was no such a problem with FFVII and VIII at the time of their releases...
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A203D posted 23/05/2010, 03:43
Its a shame it didnt do that well in Europe.
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Yamaneko22 posted 13/05/2010, 02:58
One of the best FF ever created:) My personal no. 2 most fav. FF game. FFVI is no.1;)
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thelifatree posted 05/05/2010, 08:42
@think-man I loved 9, but Trophies are boring in general... so that's not the best comparison. If
9 had trophies like XIII i'd be bored too. Which Is why I don't get-um
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think-man posted 28/04/2010, 02:14
and to all the comments below saying 13 is better than 9 LAMO iv got 80 hours on 13 and im bored as fuck trying to get the trophies i played 9 through 4 times and im tossing up weather to play it again. 13 is only slightly better than 12 and 10-2 but its got nothing on 9.
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think-man posted 28/04/2010, 02:12
my fav final fantasy!!
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RukiSama posted 22/04/2010, 01:02
best FF ever.
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Sensei posted 12/04/2010, 01:56
I loved this game. Nice end-game stat balance. Not everyone can have everything 9,999 *cough sphere grid cough*.
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RockSmith372 posted 03/04/2010, 09:33
I loved IX. It was so traditional yet still fun!
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darthdevidem01 posted 29/03/2010, 10:33
@TT Makaveli

XIII is not just better than IX, its far better than it.
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TT Makaveli posted 28/03/2010, 01:27
@darth: sry but XIII is no way better than IX!
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darthdevidem01 posted 19/03/2010, 12:52
because other ones were better than it burning_pheonix.....I'm talking about 7, 13, 6, 10 & so on.
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burning_phoneix posted 13/03/2010, 01:49
Why don't they make Final Fantasy games like this one anymore :(
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StreaK posted 09/03/2010, 07:47
Wow, I can't believe how much less this sold compared to VII, VIII and X. Almost 3 million units apart.
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Kinneas14 posted 09/02/2010, 05:17
Second-last great Final Fantasy!:D
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WiiRHardcore posted 19/01/2010, 06:19
The last great Final Fantasy game IMO.
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PhantomLink posted 31/12/2009, 04:16
Garnet is the best summoner ever
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joey123 posted 05/12/2009, 05:16
Cant wait for the PSN release.
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Sulvi posted 24/11/2009, 02:13
The best Final Fantasy to date. Even the Hironobu says so :)
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tonio_13 posted 16/10/2009, 05:02
I am sure this game has reached 1 million at least in others
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Thechalkblock posted 21/09/2009, 09:44

Not to mention it skipped all the emo crap in FFVII and FFVIII.
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TheConduit posted 06/09/2009, 08:27
Outsold by Dragon Quest 9 in Japan
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TheConduit posted 25/07/2009, 09:38
The is my fav game of all time

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joey123 posted 08/06/2009, 04:26
this is my fav FF. its like a tribute to all the other FF games before it. some parts were a little skechy but every game has some flaws.
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Xen posted 15/05/2009, 02:17
It's okay. 7/10.
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TyePhoid_PAL posted 05/04/2009, 02:05
Just started this last night.
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Grass posted 04/04/2009, 10:55
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masterb8tr posted 30/03/2009, 02:19
makes me sad to think that jrpgs were once this great, but now nothing even comes close:(
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blaydcor posted 26/03/2009, 04:14
By far the best latter-days Final Fantasy
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shakarak posted 23/03/2009, 04:29
best final fantasy
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ViceKingz posted 22/03/2009, 08:28
Very good ff. the ps1 ffs are my favorites. ff7 ff8 those were the days
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oliist posted 19/03/2009, 06:17
My most beloved PSOne Final Fantasy. It brought the emotional touch back that was lost after FFVI.
Plus Vivi & Steiner are awesome.

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Sledge posted 23/02/2009, 06:35
i'd love to see an updated re-release
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GOONYDUDE posted 09/01/2009, 09:25
Awesome game.
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bigjon posted 30/12/2008, 05:10
this game pushed the PSX to its limits... hard pressed to find a game that looked better than this one.
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Baddman posted 05/12/2008, 04:33
2nd best final fantasy...i am sad to say i haven't enjoyed any game in the series that came after
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Yajimari21 posted 30/11/2008, 04:02
Great game. I still prefer FFX, though, since that was my very first FF. I also may not have spent enough time with this one, though, since I rushed through it in around 35 hours, while I spent 91 hours on FFX. :X
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Shinlock posted 04/11/2008, 09:28
I lucked out, saw this game at local game store and brought it! 100% brand new, still in its Shrink wrapped. Felt bad opening it but I wanted to play it.
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mamboula posted 13/10/2008, 06:01
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321tttrini4everz posted 07/10/2008, 07:21
FF9 > ff7+ff6+ff8
FF9 > ff10 > ff tactics

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Dante G posted 26/09/2008, 04:10

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Okain posted 24/09/2008, 03:59
The avant-garde final fantasy, my favorite tied with number 6. This game had it all. Graphics that look descent to this day, apposed to VII and VIII dated looks. Music was ace and well done. A sweet art style. Nice story, and some cool characters. Unfortunately didn't get the attention it deserved.
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FinalEvangelion posted 02/09/2008, 03:53
One of my favorite games ever. Very Underrated IMO.
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oliist posted 30/08/2008, 12:40
Ein Meisterwerk,das auf der PlayStation Seinesgleichen sucht.
Danke SquareSoft!
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TyePhoid_PAL posted 25/08/2008, 10:32
Love the music in Burmecia. Gona try and find this should work on PS3.
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sc94597 posted 12/08/2008, 10:03
Just replayed all the PS FFs, and this one definitely aged the best. It is actually tied now with FFIV as my second favorite. FFVI being my first. Amazing game.
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Cowboys4u86 posted 01/08/2008, 11:47
Vivi is so awesome in this game, easily my favorite character from FF IX...this is my second favorite FF title right behind VII.
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MontanaHatchet posted 07/07/2008, 06:02
VIII is definitely, definitely not better than VII. People generally hate VII because it's the most popular, but it's a better game than VIII in character development, combat system and stats, and the world map. IX is the best of the three in those stats so it takes the trophy overall.
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outlawauron posted 06/07/2008, 08:55
Zidane is like my childhood hero.

Best game ever.
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oliist posted 05/07/2008, 05:44
Amen @ the wise words of sc94597. :)
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sc94597 posted 05/07/2008, 05:16
Excellent game, and Imo much better than VII and VIII. One of the best rpgs on the PS.
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MontanaHatchet posted 04/07/2008, 12:25
I don't remember the game exactly, but I remember quite a few Emo moments.
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321tttrini4everz posted 03/07/2008, 05:20
i enjoyed every minute of this game

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konnichiwa posted 03/07/2008, 03:00
I agree with Montana but Calling Amarant Emo Cool is a bit of the top. Pity you don't know much about him if you go trough the game.... I would love to see more about him and his parnet/ GF?
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oliist posted 01/07/2008, 11:46
Emo cool?
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MontanaHatchet posted 01/07/2008, 04:28
I'm not saying that Steiner isn't too cool, I love his obsession with smelly pickles. But Amarant and Freya are just like...emo cool. Normally I'd hate that but Square pulled it off well.
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oliist posted 29/06/2008, 04:02
No.Not until at least MY 2nd most favorite character is going up in this list.
Steiner deserves a better position than being No.4.


There may be a lot of denying.But i don't care. Xp

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HanzoTheRazor posted 25/06/2008, 12:16
9/10 one of my favorite FF games. Nice change of art and time. Not quite as good as 10, but still very good. !3 looks to ROCK!
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MontanaHatchet posted 25/06/2008, 09:02
You at least have to admit that my list is absolutely flawless.
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oliist posted 05/06/2008, 08:32
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MontanaHatchet posted 02/06/2008, 12:45
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oliist posted 20/05/2008, 02:41
Viva la Vivi Montana ;)
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MontanaHatchet posted 19/05/2008, 11:44
The awesomeness of each character goes in this order:

1. Viva

2. Amarant

3. Freya

4. Steiner

5. Zidane

6. Garnet

7. Eiko

8. Quina

There is no denying my logic.
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oliist posted 05/05/2008, 10:17
Truly crystal again.Loveable characters,sooo many sidequests and an overall warm & lovely atmosphere.At least for me.Plus:no other existing FF that i spent more time on the first run.Over hours.
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outlawauron posted 01/05/2008, 03:14
best game of all time, anyone?
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Jessman posted 30/03/2008, 11:53
My favourite FF game.
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lolita posted 03/03/2008, 11:35
Ugh it deserves a much better score! >_
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TyePhoid_PAL posted 07/02/2008, 09:52
Loved the music in Burmecia. brilliant game, square are the masters.
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johnsobas posted 03/02/2008, 07:01
what i think is great about japan is that the sales don't go down even if it's the 3rd FF game on the console. Sales outside of Japan continued to fall but not japan.
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Squall_Leonhart posted 28/01/2008, 03:30
I mean't 150+ hours :D lol
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Squall_Leonhart posted 28/01/2008, 03:29
There was just so much to do in this game, with the chocobo and mognet side-quests the game could easily be played into the 1509 hours!

This game is only bested by FFVIII and X IMO, XII was quite a disappointment i think... I still haven't gotten round to finish it as i just did not feel the need to!

I really hope XIII is a return to form like the previous games :D
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valen200 posted 22/01/2008, 11:27
This was one of the first games that stunned me with it's presentation. Dated now, but at the time is was revolutionary.
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Frozenfuryblade posted 21/01/2008, 11:57
Easily my favorite FF of all time. The characters developed quite well, it was a change from the last two installments, everyone had character. Underrated more than them all IMO
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ArtofAngels posted 11/01/2008, 06:35
I love this game, one of the few games I will always go back to for the rest of my life, best FF.
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beto89 posted 02/01/2008, 07:50
10/10 Memorable game...i loved every minute of it...
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ITBobby posted 31/12/2007, 04:44
The last real Final Fantasy game for me. And my favourite :P

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Schwarz posted 20/12/2007, 09:51
It brought the crystal back!!!Awesome!!!
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Stats87 posted 17/12/2007, 09:36
Some very dissenting opinions on peoples ranking of FF games...I like it! Naznatips hated the FFX story, whereas I loved it. But I find that FF12 has polarized fans more then any other game. (FF8 used to hold that "honor")

Naznatips, what you said is true, FFIX was the traditional FF style. (taking out the Sci-Fi/Future element) So in this sense, it is a nice change from the other FF's. But I think it lacked a single key aspect of the game that really made it amazing. It didn't have any serious weakpoints, everything about it was great, but nothing truly amazing.

My biggest complaints with the game are the character design/personalities and "Trance". There wasn't really a character that was a cut above when it came to the coolness factor, someone where you went "this guy rules). (like a Shadow, Sabin, Kain etc.) Zidane had his perks, but I find him a step below the rest. Steiner looked like a knob, Vivi was great but he was a little mage. Honestly, I thought the coolest character was Blank...

Second, I would have preferred some tweaking to the Trance attacks, I found them underpowered.

Although I will say, the ending CG in this game great and well played.

But despite my criticisms, I still loved this game.
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Mummelmann posted 16/12/2007, 05:12
Among the finest, definately the best on this format!
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fazz posted 15/12/2007, 06:03
I've always preferred it over VII and haven't played VIII. But I've heard bad stuff about VIII so mustn't be that great.

In few words, best Final Fantasy on Playstation. Second only to VI.
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Lost tears of Kain posted 15/12/2007, 04:53
really good game, though not on par with 7 8 and 10 IMO def better then 12.

Still one of the best RPGS ever, i hope SE stays in its roots with 7 8 9 or 10 like games from now on.

The setting was fantastic in 9, just didnt like the main guy, nor the bad guy. Vivi was awsome though, he was the only guy i actually had feelings for.

Lol naz its all opinion remember that
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fazz posted 15/12/2007, 03:44
Well, the map screen and the other one lol
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fazz posted 15/12/2007, 03:25
There's any way to delete screenshots? The first two look pretty... well, uh... bad.
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naznatips posted 10/12/2007, 12:54
Ugh, no one appreciates how brilliantly this game brought FF back to what it's supposed to be: a FANTASY game. None of the sci-fi technology bullshit of FFVII and FFVIII. Sadly, the series's return to glory was short lived, as FFIX was followed by FFX (some of the worst characters every in an FF and an awful plot and voice acting) and FFXII (THE worst characters ever in an FF and an even worse plot though with great voice acting).

FFIX was the last swan song of the FF series for me. It's final game of glory sandwiched in between a stream of mediocre of 3D FF games. It's really too bad, because when I played it, I thought "There is still hope for FF in 3D!" then nothing. Thanks Sakaguchi for such an excellent game.
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pearljammer posted 07/12/2007, 06:48
I actually agree with stats87, other than I also preferred it over XII.
Still loved it, regardless.
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Shipping Total

5,500,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (111)

Keybladewielder posted 05/06/2016, 10:29
This game is so wonderful
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iLikeEggs posted 05/11/2015, 03:26
Great game. Though flawed, still the best/favorite FF on ps1, and by a wide margin. This game is full of personality and character. I also love the forest area in the beginning. very beautiful.
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late_release posted 20/07/2013, 12:23
Best FF for me as well. FFXIII fans hate it because it doesn't have boobs flying inside the screen
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wolfofthepack posted 13/05/2013, 04:08
the best final fantasy to date! am a sucker for job classses and this one does it just right atb battles limit breaks, spells, story, hrs of play , damn y cant we go back to those days square ?
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ice posted 04/03/2013, 08:33
Best FF imo, 2nd favorite game of all time (only after Earthbound). If they ever did a remake I would buy it instantly. Square at their prime
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Scary4Eva posted 20/01/2013, 08:48
I love this game. It's one of my all time favorites.
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