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Other Versions

3DS, All, And, iOS, NS, PC, PS4, PSV, Series, WiiU, X360, XOne

Release Dates

05/16/14 Sony Computer Entertainment America
06/24/14 Mojang
05/14/14 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe

Community Stats

Owners: 9
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Minecraft (PS3) > Opinions (20)

OneKartVita posted 15/11/2015, 12:51
This will pass 5 million
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darkenergy posted 18/01/2015, 07:33
@sales I feel the same way :)
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sales2099 posted 15/01/2015, 03:15
Im glad PS gamers care about Microsofts 2 billion investment and are doing their part to give them their money back. Warms my heart :)
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Kerotan posted 03/01/2015, 04:39
3 million incoming
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TrevDaRev posted 24/11/2014, 05:49
2 million seller.
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Ninsect posted 22/09/2014, 05:14
UNDERTRACKED in France and Germany, at least
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hunter_alien posted 04/08/2014, 08:14
I might give this one a shot on the Vita if I will find it for cheap
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NintendoSupporter<3 posted 01/08/2014, 01:08
Wonder how much this will cost on Vita/PS4, i still havent played Minecraft before.
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TrevDaRev posted 06/07/2014, 01:20
Damn! Over 600k already.
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Ganoncrotch posted 02/07/2014, 10:33
Heh, hope you enjoy it Slayer like the millions of others on the PC/Xbox and playstation are doing.
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SlayerRondo posted 25/06/2014, 04:26
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Ganoncrotch posted 14/06/2014, 03:01
you ever played with Lego SlayerRondo? that is more or less what minecraft is, except that you are a character the size of half a lego block and if you are in survival mode there are lego zombies, skeletons and other nasties trying to stop you getting to the best lego blocks to play with.
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SlayerRondo posted 11/06/2014, 02:53
Have still never played Minecraft and am holding out for the PS4 version.

Good to see this one doing well though.
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Ganoncrotch posted 08/06/2014, 08:04
Heard from a game show called player attack that if you have bought Minecraft for the ps3 from psn then you get the Vita version for free when it comes out and the ps4 version upgrade for just 5dollars.... but I wonder how that would work for those who buy it physically? I'd love to pick up a disk version of the game but obviously if it would cost me getting the vita version for free then I would just get it digitally.
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fluky-nintendy posted 06/06/2014, 03:49
This game is a beast
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TrevDaRev posted 02/06/2014, 07:21
Very nice 2nd week.
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Ganoncrotch posted 29/05/2014, 11:41
sadly if you excluded annualised stuff completely from gaming you'd see almost no million+ games. Everyone seems to complain about those games each year but then go and buy 6 copies of them, I don't understand it.
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fireburn95 posted 28/05/2014, 08:27
Excluding annualised stuff like fifa and cod
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fireburn95 posted 28/05/2014, 05:54
This and probably persona 5 will be the last ps3 million seller... arguably
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Ganoncrotch posted 06/02/2014, 02:13
Already over 1million copies of this sold digitally and no doubt climbing every day. Amazing piece of software.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (20)

1 n/a 36,732 83,341 26,333 146,406
2 n/a 57,285 64,328 30,168 151,781
3 n/a 63,498 58,413 31,300 153,211
4 n/a 49,426 37,028 22,962 109,416
5 n/a 36,234 33,340 17,862 87,436
6 n/a 31,084 28,478 15,303 74,865
7 n/a 30,441 33,103 15,853 79,397
8 n/a 27,292 32,045 14,605 73,942
9 n/a 23,486 32,443 13,375 69,304
10 n/a 21,084 30,590 12,250 63,924
OneKartVita posted 15/11/2015, 12:51
This will pass 5 million
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darkenergy posted 18/01/2015, 07:33
@sales I feel the same way :)
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sales2099 posted 15/01/2015, 03:15
Im glad PS gamers care about Microsofts 2 billion investment and are doing their part to give them their money back. Warms my heart :)
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Kerotan posted 03/01/2015, 04:39
3 million incoming
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TrevDaRev posted 24/11/2014, 05:49
2 million seller.
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Ninsect posted 22/09/2014, 05:14
UNDERTRACKED in France and Germany, at least
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