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Alternative Names

ファイナルファンタジー VII





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Release Dates

09/03/97 Sony Computer Entertainment
01/31/97 Square
11/17/97 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 1,195
Favorite: 165
Tracked: 10
Wishlist: 7
Now Playing: 22

Avg Community Rating:


Final Fantasy VII (PS) > Opinions (182)

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Skeeuk posted 10/07/2008, 10:14
brill game. i can rember being on disk 3, and my new ps2 arrived, i tried it on the ps2 and it corrupted the game save so started again.

and was still well worth it.
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Gearbox posted 10/07/2008, 04:59
Lmao final fantasy 7 is the 7th top selling RPG of all time..
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Hoffmole posted 03/07/2008, 11:49
BTW, twas magical. Just on the cusp, when games matured but b4 they started trying to be cleverer than they really were. Good times, I miss them.
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Hoffmole posted 03/07/2008, 11:46
Fernando, wake up! I can understand your choice of fave FF, but VII the worst? Please, stop smoking crack, it's really hurting the ones you love.
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RockSmith372 posted 02/07/2008, 08:20
this game made me cry. that instantly puts it in the top 5.
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Fernando posted 28/06/2008, 11:53
Worst FF in the series.

Best is VI.
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weaveworld posted 26/06/2008, 12:06
My very first night of PS gaming, 4 years ago.
Still, the best i've had...
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HanzoTheRazor posted 25/06/2008, 11:55
10/10 best in the series and probably my favorite game. The orb system was awesome and the story was up there with the best. IMO, FF7 was the first rpg to make non gamers play games too. Bring on 13!
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bluster posted 25/05/2008, 10:28
I hope they never remake this game. It has to stay the way it is.
I do not understand people who wants to see it remade.
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K-DOGG posted 12/05/2008, 08:56
i herd some chick dies in this game.
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NYANKS posted 30/04/2008, 11:27
This game and Ocarina get my respect just for the fact that they have this impenetrable aura around them till this day. They are in rarified air.
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Edouble24 posted 30/04/2008, 07:39
Greatest game of all time
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.:Dark Prince:. posted 15/04/2008, 04:57
I just got the game, (yeah i know i'm a decade late) let's see if it's worth all the fuss.
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MontanaHatchet posted 13/04/2008, 06:43
I laugh at all the people who loved this game, then turned around and hated it because it overshadowed other games in the series.

Yeah, the other FFs are great too, I can attest to that. But please, shut up.

Thank you. I will delete the comments of anyone who posts anything negative.
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Harry Angel posted 04/03/2008, 01:50
FFVI is the best in this overlong series.
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Munkeh111 posted 09/02/2008, 09:23
If Square released remakes of the PS1 FFs, I would buy them all, having missed out on that era of gaming
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cool48 posted 03/02/2008, 01:23
DMeisterJ I completely agree. That's it, we need a petition.
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Kasz216 posted 31/01/2008, 06:25
Actually maybe FF7 will get a full PS3 remake after FF13 and FF Versus. It makes PERFECT sense when you think about it.

They expect to extend FF13 over a few years with spinoffs. If those spinoffs being worked on are DS, 360 and Wii one at a time, perhaps they will use the lack of producing a "main" FF game to focus as full dev team on a FF7 remake on the PS3.

What do you guys think? Plausable?
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Kasz216 posted 29/01/2008, 10:11
They can't without Square's premission first... and why would they want to do that when they can make way more money milking a remake?
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DMeisterJ posted 28/01/2008, 08:19
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Kasz216 posted 26/01/2008, 07:42
I'd agre e with that Dmeister J. Though i'd also agree that there were 20 games better then this on the PS1.

Off the top of my head.

Ogre Battle, Tactics Ogre, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 6, Final Fantasy 4, Final Fantasy 5, Final Fantasy Tactics, Fire Pro Wrestling, Front Mission 3, any of the King of Fighters games, any of the street fighter games, any of the samurai showdown games, Shin Megami games, any of the ROTK games and Civilization 2.

That's gotta be atleast 20 games.
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valen200 posted 22/01/2008, 11:30
The impact of this game cannot be understated. I doubt I was the only person to see how different a game could be after playing this.
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kopstudent89 posted 20/01/2008, 01:50
I didnt even play it, but thought it deserves some sort of justice. i know the game though, changed the course of history!Deserves a 10!!
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Heavenly_King posted 10/01/2008, 03:52
I WANT A REMAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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beto89 posted 02/01/2008, 07:48
The Game That made Me Like FF games...To Me it's just the best hands down...maybe cuz it was the first idk...i also like IX,VI,and X a lot.
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SHMUPGurus posted 23/12/2007, 11:47
Now c'mon, do you seriously think my last comment was that bad compared to some other people's here? Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed a bunch of games that came out for both the PS1 and the PS2 (I have yet to get myself a PS3), especially games from Konami, Capcom (including Clover Studios), etc.

About saying the exact opposite thing that reviewers and gamers do... I don't know about you, but all I've said is that it was revolutionary for it's time (and I'm sure everyone would agree with me here), I didn't bash the game at all. I mean IT IS the one that made all those other lousy spin-offs possible...!

Anyways, I just want to say that I've played and finished a bunch of RPGs in my life, and after going through the "beautifulness" that Chrono Trigger and Tales of Phantasia were, the story in FF7 is nothing (... or yeah, being emo was a great quality at the time, right?). I've played FF7 when I was a kid, I've enjoyed it pretty much, but like other people here have said, it didn't age well at all compared to all the other great classics that came before it.

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hunter_alien posted 22/12/2007, 02:16
SHMUPgurus : because your saying the exact opposite thing , that reviewers and gamers do ... and untill interestingly youl bash mostly just PS games , untill than Il bash you ...
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Smooth Criminal posted 18/12/2007, 07:52
GEEZ, does it even really matter which FF is better???
The way I see it, beginning with FFVII right through FFX, I find them all nearly equal in terms of quality and appeal. It's not until FFX-2 where things kinda went downhill. FFXII while good, I can definitely say is not as good as the previous 4 (exclusing X-2) due to the fact I wasn't compelled to move forward with the inclusion of a boring, tedious story that had no emotion whatsoever.

FF is one of the games I DO NOT play for gameplay as the sole reason. I rank story in this series above all else which defines how strongly I enjoy the game. FFVII-FFX had some of gaming's GREATEST stories ever told.
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Mummelmann posted 16/12/2007, 05:18
A revolution in RPG's, no question about that.
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zexen_lowe posted 10/12/2007, 02:52
An amazing story with an unforgettable moment that everyone knows which is, great battle system with lots of customization options, One-Winged Angel, the Cosmo Canyon theme, Vincent, the Turks, what more could you ask for? 10/10 for the third best RPG I've played (Suikoden II and Persona 3 are first and second, respectively)
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Lord_ash posted 26/11/2007, 06:49
I agree that FF9 is better (my fav rpg on the PSX) but this game is damn good too.
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Kasz216 posted 25/11/2007, 08:28
It's not Nintendo fans who are dropping it... it's RPG fans. I'd give this game a 4. (Keep in mind, for me an average game is a 5.)

Aside from the FMVs the graphics were very subpar. People used the FMVs to excuse it though. The story wasn't very good... the pacing was way off... and it was really easy.

Other great games i didn't care much for I can see why people liked them. This one... i'd say you'd be better off playing FF1 for the NES. The story while almost non existent made more sense, and it actually looked better. Plus the main characters are less annoying. They don't speak!

I don't vote though.
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Heavenly_King posted 24/11/2007, 03:30

I WANT A REMAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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black-katana posted 12/11/2007, 03:48
Good Game but not the best
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lolita posted 10/11/2007, 06:39
All I can say is that it's over rated... I much prefered IX over it. Out of the PS FFs, it is second imo. Not a bad game but it isn't the best either.
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LeonGama posted 10/11/2007, 04:21
God bless FFVII. 10/10

My 1st game, and what a game it was :)
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TYLERxDURDEN posted 09/11/2007, 03:48
greatest game of all time
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josenieves1 posted 06/11/2007, 06:52
Good game, but FFIX, FFIV, FFVI are better.
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Pinpi_snakeZ posted 02/11/2007, 09:12
8.43, it's unbelievable o.O

10/10, of course. Best game ever made.
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ziss posted 17/10/2007, 10:24
my first FF ))
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SHMUPGurus posted 14/10/2007, 01:51
hunter_alien, my question is why are you bashing ME all the time? I think I've explained myself enough last time: I don't like everything you do.

Once again, I'm going to ask you this question: May I ask why you seem to be affected a lot by my recent comments?
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weezy posted 11/10/2007, 01:54
FF6> FF4=FF7
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hunter_alien posted 09/10/2007, 11:51
SHMUPGurus ... so your here to , bashing yet a nother excelent game ...
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SHMUPGurus posted 02/10/2007, 11:14
Such an overrated game... It was revolutionary for it's time though so it at least deserves something, but I never was a fan of turn-based RPGs anyway.

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DarkNight_DS posted 20/09/2007, 05:32
The game isn't complete crap. Then again compared to FF4 and FF6, it didn't exactly match the hype that surrounded it. I liked it at the time, but having since replayed it I realize that I've been wearing rose tinted glasses. The game doesn't stand up anymore.
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tombi123 posted 17/09/2007, 11:14

are you joking?, its difficult to tell.
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leo-j posted 16/09/2007, 07:39
The rating is dropping again
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leo-j posted 16/09/2007, 03:50

I was stupid back then..

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zackblue posted 09/09/2007, 01:23
I like this game, but just because its not on a nintendo system it gets a 1.
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nathantay posted 05/09/2007, 09:38
This game is complete crap and deserves no more than a 5/10.
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PeoplesChamp posted 01/09/2007, 12:09
I'm going to try FFVI, .........FFVII is not the best. Its just the 1st next gen model. IT IS A GREAT GAME, but, way to easy. In no way do this game compare to FFII & FFIII in challenge(or in my opinion fun factor). Cloud was immortal with the right gem combo. Way too easy. Both the Ruby & Emerald weapon was not hard enough(and i've read how impossible they were to beat?). But ....again it is a great game
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leo-j posted 30/08/2007, 01:38
The rating is dropping....nintendo fanboys are attacking..
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ethomaz posted 28/08/2007, 02:42
For me FFVI is better (and FFXII, FFIV and FFVIII too).
Still FFVII is a great RPG, then FFVII 8/10.
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MontanaHatchet posted 25/08/2007, 05:44
The FF series has made a little over 75 million copies sold. According to GameInformer at least. That makes 3rd top selling series behind Mario and Pokemon.

Not true. The Sims is 3rd. Never forget the Sims. Also, some analysts are predicting that Madden will beat FF in a decade or so, if trends continue.

Oh, and manuel, while the games you listed are great, FF7, even if you didn't like it, does not deserve a 1/10 just for being "overrated". That's just immature.
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manueldelalas posted 23/08/2007, 05:02
Awful game.
Very boring, I've tried to play it like 10 times, but it just isn't a good game.
1/10 for being the most overrated game in history.
If you disagree, go play FFVI, Chrono Trigger or DQIV to see what a good RPG is about.
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tombi123 posted 22/08/2007, 02:16
now that this game has entered the top 10 ranked games on the front page, it seems the number people rating this game 1/10 has increased.
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outlawauron posted 20/08/2007, 04:28
no. that would seem about right.

The FF series has made a little over 75 million copies sold. According to GameInformer at least. That makes 3rd top selling series behind Mario and Pokemon.
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leo-j posted 18/08/2007, 12:44
It sold 10 million only? is the data wrong?
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Pikutara posted 17/08/2007, 06:24
The best game, FF VII.
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Lafiel posted 16/08/2007, 02:08
the most impressive and immersing video game experience I've ever had
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leo-j posted 15/08/2007, 12:19
Dude nintendo fanboys or xbox fanboys that give this anything lower than a 10 is a fag.
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tombi123 posted 10/08/2007, 01:04
one of the best games of all time, yet it only scores 8/10... unbelievable
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Maverick Hunter Z posted 29/07/2007, 12:32
Still best FF game to date IMO. 10/10
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ziss posted 20/07/2007, 01:00
10 years ago... i played this game and think, OMFG! what a game, what a game
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konnichiwa posted 16/07/2007, 02:03
Agree with fazz.
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MrMarc posted 10/07/2007, 02:43
More than that KillUiu - The.Best.Game.Ever.

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KillUiu posted 03/07/2007, 09:22
The Best FF Ever. 10/10
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Rath posted 29/06/2007, 09:48
This game truly deserves to be a top ten game.
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tombi123 posted 29/06/2007, 04:25
leo-j you cant compare the graphics of this game to graphics of today, thats just stupid
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leo-j posted 29/06/2007, 03:18
Look the graphics are way off, if you would compare it to any game right now on the PS2 it would get wooped, but graphcis arent everything according to nintendo guys, 10/10 not really
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V1P3R posted 29/06/2007, 03:04
Rating system is insecure and needs to be patched.
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fazz posted 29/06/2007, 02:59
Nahhh, FF VI and IX were way better than this one
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DonWii posted 29/06/2007, 02:54
There is a review section...
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leo-j posted 27/06/2007, 04:52
Why is this game's rating dropiing this game deserves a 10..
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Fuzzmosis posted 26/06/2007, 09:30
A game that may have popularized RPG's in North America, but by no means their best offering. Historically quite important. Just not really worthy of the greatest game title.
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wyx posted 25/06/2007, 03:00
the game that changed the course of history muahahahaha
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Quickdraw McGraw posted 20/06/2007, 06:54
Same here NightStalker.
This game is the epitome of RPG's. Definitely Final Fantasy's best for me, easy 10.
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NightStalker posted 18/06/2007, 07:51
FF IX was def. better than VIII, but I cannot agree it was better than VII. Ten for me on this game.
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nelsonbianchi posted 11/06/2007, 04:11
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jonboy101 posted 09/06/2007, 06:38
It was indeed, but VI was best.
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Slayer of God posted 08/06/2007, 06:24
I agree
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nelsonbianchi posted 07/06/2007, 07:57
FFIX was better
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Shipping Total

9,900,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (182)

CarriedLawyer45 posted 18/08/2020, 11:04
Woah... those sales are incredible. People wanted to play better games not just depressing games. The PS1 had a better library than the N64.
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RafaelKaito posted 21/02/2017, 06:19
FF7, FF9 and FF4 >>>>... FF6.
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RafaelKaito posted 21/02/2017, 06:10
One of the best games of all time. Keep crying haters.
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StreaK posted 21/06/2015, 01:19
FFIX is totally an awesome game but no matter what, I just can't get over the character designs. I can't relate to them. Still, they're not so bad that it hinders my game experience. The story in IX is well done but I definitely enjoyed FFVII and FFVIII more, as well as FFX. In any case, these 4 are definitely the best ones. I refer to them all as the SQUARE GOLDEN AGE. VII started the craze and then peaked with FFX - after that, the game's became weak for me.
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gamingpotato7 posted 09/11/2014, 03:45
what a great game. Brings a lot of memories. Anyway, should have more than 10 million by now
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Dadrik posted 29/03/2014, 10:37
FF VII is a masterpiece. FF IX is a masterpiece. FF VIII is a little weird, but it's still great. But seriously, none of these are as good as FF VI. This game is the ultimate Final Fantasy, if not the ultimate JRPG.

Please Square, make FF XV the way a FF is supposed to be: great.
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