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Alternative Names

ファイナルファンタジー VIII





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Release Dates

09/07/99 Square EA
02/11/99 Square
10/27/99 Square

Community Stats

Owners: 958
Favorite: 106
Tracked: 8
Wishlist: 6
Now Playing: 18

Avg Community Rating:


Final Fantasy VIII (PS) > Opinions (58)

StreaK posted 21/06/2015, 01:33
The ballroom dance scene will forever and FOREVER be the greatest FF moment of all-time for me. I never thought I'd ever witness anything so fancy and stylish in a video game before.
Music, world, characters, story...all so beautiful.
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think-man posted 11/12/2012, 03:23
Was my third favorite, this was actually the first ff I played but I like them in this order. 9, 7, 8, 10, 6, 4, 12, 5, 13.
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AceRandum posted 22/12/2011, 11:18
had the best music, no final fantasy has topped it yet
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NintendoFanDj posted 07/12/2011, 03:07
dont understand all the hate for this FF game this is my favorite and the best one. I played 1-10 and 13. FFVII isn't even in my top 5. FFVIII was great cause you don't need MP, GIL that much, you can get strong easily, best bosses, best music, and best scenes.
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Mordred11 posted 10/09/2011, 09:29
Pretty disappointing game for me.but only because VII was so amazing.
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Yamaneko22 posted 14/01/2011, 05:38
How can 8 million seller be underrated? >_>
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Ali-Kharazi posted 06/11/2010, 05:36
Seriously underrated game.
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Squall1989 posted 24/10/2010, 11:20
7.86 million this number is old. I read on the square-enix website the game sold 8.15 million copies till 31 march 2003. The real number now must be around 8.5 - 9 million.
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VsionEffectable posted 25/05/2010, 10:23
More than a videogames.
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thelifatree posted 13/05/2010, 10:07
My second, favorite game and second favorite final fantasy... (then other game IP's come into the picture :)
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Cman107 posted 27/03/2010, 08:29
Uh, FFVII sold 3.9 million in Japan, so VIII can't be the best selling FF game in Japan. Maybe the fastest selling...
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StreaK posted 09/03/2010, 07:27
The best Final Fantasy, hands down! Best-selling FF game in Japan and 3rd best-selling FF game worldwide (just shy of FFX.)
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Kinneas14 posted 05/02/2010, 08:59
A W E S O M E game, nothing more to say.
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amacfantasy posted 18/12/2009, 07:48
does anyone know how many days this game was on sale for its first week japan recording listed on this site? I heard that 2.6 million was in 3 or 4 days, anyone know the facts on this?
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ErudonRonan posted 27/10/2009, 12:01
th-th-th-that opening week is CRAZY!

maybe, its in the Japanese store already, i think.
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Jumpin posted 18/10/2009, 04:41
This is my favourite game of the series. It has one of the best worlds/settings of any game I have played to date. In the series, only FF6 and FF7 really start to compare in my opinion. If I wanted to live in an RPG world, it would be FF8's.
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ps3_jrpg_gamer posted 15/10/2009, 05:35
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TheConduit posted 06/09/2009, 08:22
Hope this comes to the Play Station Network soon
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TheConduit posted 06/09/2009, 08:22
Oursold by Dragon quest 9 in Japan
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joey123 posted 08/06/2009, 04:07
this was the first FF game i played and i loved it. its diff from the other games but stil great
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Beoulve posted 04/03/2009, 11:23
Hated it at first, but with time it really grew on me.
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sonyfanatic posted 21/02/2009, 03:13
This game is on par if not better then ff7 imo
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TheConduit posted 09/01/2009, 12:28
Final Fantasy 9 was the best final fantasy game of all time.
If anything 8 was the worst ff game for the PS1.
Still great though

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erodrig85 posted 07/01/2009, 08:27
i followed ff series when 7 came out loved that story i went and i got this one and it didn't disappoint at all with better character detail loved this game the only one i dint like from ps1 was FF-9
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MetalSabe posted 04/01/2009, 12:47
Gets a lot more flac then is warranted, was really ambitious for the time.
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Druff posted 30/12/2008, 06:44
One of the best FFs. Typically underrated by small minded twerps.
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BroFe posted 29/12/2008, 03:47
Worse 3D FF along with FFXI IMO
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Utaku posted 30/10/2008, 05:27
The combat mechanics in this game are HORRIBLE.
Basically, the best way to play it is to stack 300 of each spell to max out your stats (which is very tedious) and spam your summon spells when you fight (which has no cost and protects your characters).
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zexen_lowe posted 11/10/2008, 09:00
Best battle system ever in an FF
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Branko2166 posted 28/09/2008, 07:34
One of the best FF games. Made me an RPG fan.

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Okain posted 24/09/2008, 04:04
Decent game but man FFVII's story was like on lsd or something. The game's story just got ridiculous from starting in a school to spacestation to something other stuff that i don't remember...
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Rei posted 20/09/2008, 09:58
My favourite PSone FF. It also has the best music score ever in the series.
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Dante G posted 18/09/2008, 05:27
Worst PS FF. Enough said.
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gerol posted 07/08/2008, 08:33
for me this is the best rpg series of all time. i wish SE would make a remake for FF8. :))
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TyePhoid_PAL posted 12/07/2008, 07:33
My second favourite game
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konnichiwa posted 03/07/2008, 02:58
@Soriku: Their will be always lovers and haters.
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weaveworld posted 26/06/2008, 12:10
My second gaming experience on the ps...
Very good, but couldn't beat my first
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HanzoTheRazor posted 25/06/2008, 12:08
8.5/10 Good game, but not my favorite in the series. Great music, nice characters and good battle system. I am very glad SquareEnix mixes the FF games up with different battle systems, worlds, characters and themes with each incarnation, keeps it very fresh. So, they all possibly can't be like FF7, but, all good in there own right . FF13 is at the top of my MWL now that we have MGS4... can't wait. Bring it on SE!
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MontanaHatchet posted 01/06/2008, 04:24
I agree Soriku. But you have to admit that the plot twist near the end of Disc 2 was pretty lame.
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Red*Pokemon*Trainer posted 29/04/2008, 10:43
Fails in comparison to FFVII.
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squall747 posted 05/04/2008, 09:48
My all time favorite rpg. Heck my all time favorite game.
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MontanaHatchet posted 15/03/2008, 06:25
The only real flaw about the game was that it was too easy (in my game, Squall had 9,999 health in Disc 2), but besides that, it's got a great story, music, and battle system.

It's just a refined experience throughout.
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Harry Angel posted 04/03/2008, 01:51
Better than the vastly overwhelmingly, highly overrated FFVII game.
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oliist posted 01/03/2008, 08:06
I just didn't like it to much in 1999.But after playing FFXII,i think it was a good game(only the 2nd worst FF).
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josenieves1 posted 15/02/2008, 01:43
Worst FF ever. Can't compare with FFIX.
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ClaudeLv250 posted 10/02/2008, 09:49
Definitely the worst FF game ever.
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Squall_Leonhart posted 31/01/2008, 11:13
One of the best games i have ever played, just so good :D
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beto89 posted 02/01/2008, 07:53
I think its one of my Least liked FF games ...still it's a great game ...
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Chadius posted 26/12/2007, 08:38
Wow, other people besides me liked FF8? Nice. Laguna's battle theme was too awesome.
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Smooth Criminal posted 18/12/2007, 07:54
I just LOVE this game SOOOO much. I think I went through it like 3 times. Squall is by far my favourite of ALL FF characters.
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Stats87 posted 17/12/2007, 09:21
Yeah I agree Kain.

After playing FFX, which had a story that really sucked me in, FFXII disappointed me in that sense. I still enjoyed FFXII immensely, but it didn't have a story that made me think "I need to keep playing to see what happens next". I kept playing because of other aspects. Whereas in FFX, Tidus' story kept me hooked on the game. (not to mention that the scene in the pond was artistic brilliance. The CG, the music, just everything)

While I prefer VIII above all, FFX had the advantage of voice acting, which really gave the story that much more strength. I can only imagine what FFVIII would be like with quality voice acting.
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Quartz posted 08/12/2007, 09:08
The one thing that made this game too easy? Being able to go into the training area at the start of the game and spend many hours there before really starting the story (Just after being introduced to the training area). Fighting a T-rex was Fun especially a level 90+ They BIT HARD!. Although I admit the enemies did level up along side your characters. Being able to 'Draw' all the stuff you needed made interesting character strengths.
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zexen_lowe posted 03/12/2007, 07:30
Simply, it has the best battle system. Draw, junction, GF, everything is perfect. I still can't understand why is this game criticized.
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Lord_ash posted 26/11/2007, 06:51
While this game isn't bad it’s not great either, I got bored at the end of Disc 3.
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MontanaHatchet posted 16/11/2007, 12:36
I love this game simply because it's so beautiful and mature.

The ending of Disc 2 was the most epic moment I had played in a videogame since the FF6 Opera Scene.
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Lost tears of Kain posted 28/10/2007, 07:17
Very Very awsome, by far one of my favorite FF, i agree def character driven.

FF 12 should have taken lessons, id still rather play FF 8 then FF 12, and thats comparing two games almost 7-8 years apart....
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Stats87 posted 24/10/2007, 09:14
So true,

A lot of people didn't like this game because of the direction it went, but I thought it awesome. Squall is my favorite FF protagonist of all time. FFVIII was more character/story driven then any other FF IMO. (FFX was a close second)
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MontanaHatchet posted 12/09/2007, 07:03
What, no love?

This game was amazing!
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Shipping Total

8,600,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (58)

StreaK posted 21/06/2015, 01:33
The ballroom dance scene will forever and FOREVER be the greatest FF moment of all-time for me. I never thought I'd ever witness anything so fancy and stylish in a video game before.
Music, world, characters, story...all so beautiful.
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think-man posted 11/12/2012, 03:23
Was my third favorite, this was actually the first ff I played but I like them in this order. 9, 7, 8, 10, 6, 4, 12, 5, 13.
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AceRandum posted 22/12/2011, 11:18
had the best music, no final fantasy has topped it yet
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NintendoFanDj posted 07/12/2011, 03:07
dont understand all the hate for this FF game this is my favorite and the best one. I played 1-10 and 13. FFVII isn't even in my top 5. FFVIII was great cause you don't need MP, GIL that much, you can get strong easily, best bosses, best music, and best scenes.
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Mordred11 posted 10/09/2011, 09:29
Pretty disappointing game for me.but only because VII was so amazing.
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Yamaneko22 posted 14/01/2011, 05:38
How can 8 million seller be underrated? >_>
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