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Review Scores



Alternative Names

ファイナルファンタジー X-2


Square Enix



Release Dates

11/18/03 Square Enix
03/13/03 Square Enix
02/20/04 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 725
Favorite: 26
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 8

Avg Community Rating:


Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2) > Opinions (59)

kems posted 09/09/2019, 12:10
worst shit ever created
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Kowan posted 18/09/2014, 01:17
This game is one of the most addictive FF games ever. Ignore all the hate and give this a try specially the remastered one.
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Kowan posted 18/09/2014, 01:17
This game is one of the most addictive FF games ever. Ignore all the hate and give this a try specially the remastered one.
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thewastedyouth posted 08/04/2014, 05:10
when I saw all the jpop crap and dresses in this game, I knew FF series took a turn for the worse

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narre posted 07/04/2014, 02:25
This is where everything went wrong. I was shocked after i watched its opening. It took me almost 2 f'ing years to get past the first hour, 2 f'king years. It's not a bad game, but it's a junk when you compare it to ff7-ffx.
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dexterneo posted 23/01/2012, 10:28
The worst Final Fantasy game ever
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Zim posted 08/01/2012, 03:09
For people who come upon this page know this. If you are wondering when everything went completely wrong for Square and the FF series, well this is it.
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hatmoza posted 22/12/2011, 06:58
I actually really loved this game to be frank.
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Salnax posted 25/07/2011, 08:15
People, when you complain about Square Enix's recent bad habits, bear in mind that you convinced them that this was a good idea by buying this.
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skeleton_fingers posted 23/06/2011, 11:15
I'm almost positive it's sold at least 5.60-ish by now. The funny thing is that I played this one without any clue there was X.
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Ali-Kharazi posted 06/11/2010, 05:34
If you are looking for an intense and serious story, you won't find it here. If you are looking for the most easy-going, fun, relaxed FF game. This is it. Very underappriciated game. I think its Phenomenal.
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ishiki posted 25/10/2010, 10:24
This games amazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing
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Yamaneko22 posted 13/05/2010, 02:55
It had potential but it wasted because of all this mainstream, pop-culture crap... I regret so much , that I bough it 1st day of it's release for the full price:(
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Wagram posted 16/04/2010, 08:13
I thought this game was great. Not as good as X but damn good non-the less!
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thelifatree posted 05/04/2010, 11:39
I love this game. It's extremely girly and fan
service at the start. And then it evolves into
one of my favorite Final Fantasy's. It made me
laugh more then every other FF but IX
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kowhoho posted 20/02/2010, 05:39
I don't care what people think about dresspheres, this game was great.
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rpg70 posted 13/02/2010, 07:55
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DaColdFlash posted 03/01/2010, 09:03
sure this game selled well...after playing X you just NEED to buy this one...doesnt matter how bad this one was reviewed
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Severance posted 09/12/2009, 12:59
i don't care what anyone says i love this game
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arcane_chaos posted 23/09/2009, 04:02
wow...I can't believe this game sold so well, it was an utter flop in my opinion
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DarthRat posted 18/07/2009, 10:38
I thought Yuna was the worst and most personality-less FF character ever until near the end of this game. I laughed out loud when she suddenly said "I don't like your plan, it sucks" to Nooj!
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joey123 posted 08/06/2009, 04:15
this game was okay. but like FFX the side quests sucked, but they sucked in this game more than they did in FFX
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sep85dd posted 10/05/2009, 09:50
This game was very strange, the girl who sings in the beginning...the 3rd Part of FF on DS is much much much better than this.
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whatz3rname posted 30/04/2009, 04:01
Beat it last night. I liked it, even though it's quite different from FFX. I would rate it 7/10 there 7 = Good :)
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Wickedshyn posted 13/04/2009, 12:00
I really enjoyed this game. Only downside was it was really easy.
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*~Onna76~* posted 19/03/2009, 04:04
Funny enough I find this one of the best FF games out there. Mostly because of its fun factor. Be said though, I played the JP version, soon to play the US version with the crappy Yuna voice. Shut the hell up in any other game in the future you suck!
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Aj_habfan posted 19/03/2009, 09:06
Am I crazy or are those the best legs for any game ever!?
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Beoulve posted 04/03/2009, 11:29
This was sort of embarassing to play. The gameplay and graphics were great if nothing else.
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ShadowSoldier posted 09/02/2009, 12:35
@Emin and Zen

We "Noobs" as you call it dont like 12 because it Sucked hard and the story wasnt worthy of the FF brand.

X-2 was a good game though
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bigjon posted 31/12/2008, 06:02
final meet the Pussycat dolls....
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ZenfoldorVGI posted 26/12/2008, 04:56

Oh, emin, the hardcore Final Fantasy fans DO like XII. It's the hardlycore FFVII 20 somethings that only played half the game and declared it "not what I expected." Real "hardcore" Final Fantasy fans, who know the intracasies of life and gaming, know a masterpiece when they see one.

Most of these other n00bs have never even booted up tactics.
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ZenfoldorVGI posted 26/12/2008, 04:53
Love the music in this game. It was no FFX, but it wasn't the travesty most hoped it would be.

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Xen posted 21/12/2008, 07:45
A worthy sequel of a terrific game. 9/10.
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emin posted 11/12/2008, 08:03
Another underrated game, like FF12, that hardcore FF fans don't like because it is different from the classics. This game is pure fun. I honestly enjoyed it more than FF X
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haxxiy posted 03/12/2008, 04:55
The true FFXI it seems. At least sales-wise
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Godot posted 01/12/2008, 02:02
This game was the beginning of the end for Square Enix.
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novasonic posted 27/11/2008, 08:41
hated it..stopped playing cause it was just too lame
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zexen_lowe posted 01/11/2008, 04:39
It's not that bad of a game, sure, it was a quick cash-in, it may be a tad ridiculous, some character are annoying (Brother), and I won't play it again, but the battle system was pretty solid and engaging, the story, while nothing spectacular, was decent enough to not be a bother, andthe game overall was enjoyable, I didn't feel when I finished it that I had wasted 25 hours playing it. 7.9/10
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Simulacrum posted 28/09/2008, 02:51
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Okain posted 24/09/2008, 04:15
I wished for a final fantasy sequel, and square delivered, but this was just so bad...why did i buy this anyway...this marked the end of final fantasy for me.
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forevercloud3000 posted 02/09/2008, 05:43
Once again, a game whose plot is missunderstood by those who did not fully get the first game. FFX-2's plot is actually a great one. It's low point is the rediculous girly nature of the Gullwings.

The plot is valid seeing as it describes how Sin was formed in the first place. It also goes into how history always repeats itself and such. It also had an assorment of other great insights to the game such as the origins of the sphere/pyre flies. And combat was just like 4's so how can you complain?
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 30/08/2008, 07:37
what are you talking about? the battle system was terrible. all i did was press X over and over and over.
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Baddman posted 12/08/2008, 12:22
terrible game! i hate myself for buying this POS!
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Cowboys4u86 posted 30/07/2008, 01:05
This game only has one redeeming quality and that is it's battle system. It has the best battle system of the FF's in terms of flow and amount of fun but the rest of the game is seriously lacking.
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RockSmith372 posted 24/07/2008, 07:33
this is by far the worst final fanasy game ever
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321tttrini4everz posted 11/07/2008, 08:40
GREAT GAME ! ! ! !
beat it 4 times
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marciosmg posted 10/07/2008, 04:43
I´m ashamed to say I did buy this game.
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IllegalPaladin posted 15/05/2008, 12:23
Sadly I own this game. Underrated it may be, but I can hardly stomach playing this game and have to turn it off whenever I try to load it up.
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Munkeh111 posted 15/04/2008, 10:10
An enjoyable game, even if not as good as X, I would guess that it is currently undertracked in Europe, it must have crossed the million mark there
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*~Onna76~* posted 07/04/2008, 08:58
This game was my first Japanese game and still enjoy playing it. I refuse to buy the Western version as I know how horrible the voices are.

This game is underrated IMO as well and belongs even to 1 of my most favoriete FF games, its 10 times more my favoriete than FF12 which I didn't even finish...
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exd06 posted 02/04/2008, 06:31
wow i can't believe this game sold that much
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aaronmendola posted 29/03/2008, 02:07
I've played every FF released in USA and I found this one to be the most fun & most interesting even though FFX had a better overall story.
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ITBobby posted 31/12/2007, 04:48
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Schwarz posted 20/12/2007, 09:55
I liked it.Even most people disagree with me.
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Stats87 posted 17/12/2007, 09:47
I enjoyed the game, BUT I had low expectations since I knew it would never be as good as FFX. I only really played it for the story, especially the ending and what happened to Tidus. If this wasn't a direct sequel and just a new story with these 3 characters, I might not have played it.

But even an inferior sequel by Square Enix tops a lot of what else is out there.
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segajon posted 16/12/2007, 12:29
C'mon people this is the most underated FF game ever this is truly the best ff game in my opinion. But thats ok we all have our different opinions.
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Mummelmann posted 28/11/2007, 08:45
A letdown following X, but then again; almost anything would be...
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Lord_ash posted 26/11/2007, 09:05
Worst FF ever, couldn’t play a second more after around 10 hours; I gave it a try I really did.
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Stats87 posted 24/10/2007, 09:22
This game was pretty good. I only played it to see the story/ending and what happens with Tidus. As a standalone game, I probably would have liked it less. But because of the game that preceded it, I enjoyed it a lot just to see the same world again.
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Shipping Total

5,500,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (59)

kems posted 09/09/2019, 12:10
worst shit ever created
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Kowan posted 18/09/2014, 01:17
This game is one of the most addictive FF games ever. Ignore all the hate and give this a try specially the remastered one.
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Kowan posted 18/09/2014, 01:17
This game is one of the most addictive FF games ever. Ignore all the hate and give this a try specially the remastered one.
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thewastedyouth posted 08/04/2014, 05:10
when I saw all the jpop crap and dresses in this game, I knew FF series took a turn for the worse

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narre posted 07/04/2014, 02:25
This is where everything went wrong. I was shocked after i watched its opening. It took me almost 2 f'ing years to get past the first hour, 2 f'king years. It's not a bad game, but it's a junk when you compare it to ff7-ffx.
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dexterneo posted 23/01/2012, 10:28
The worst Final Fantasy game ever
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