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BioWare Edmonton



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PC, Series, XBL

Release Dates

11/20/07 Microsoft Game Studios
05/21/09 Microsoft Game Studios
11/23/07 Microsoft Game Studios

Community Stats

Owners: 1,116
Favorite: 95
Tracked: 16
Wishlist: 8
Now Playing: 18

Avg Community Rating:


Mass Effect (X360) > Opinions (193)

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hellobion2 posted 26/11/2023, 12:40
series rivals star wars in my book
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-girgosz- posted 06/04/2012, 12:36
Oh god VGC. Outsold ME PS3? The fuck... :O
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Metroid33slayer posted 11/01/2012, 06:48
Shephard is a beast
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Jexy posted 01/12/2011, 06:55
Well they don't track digital downloads, so no XBL sales are counted.
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 08:49
It's sad how low the sales for this game are.
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slipknotfan posted 26/06/2011, 02:57
Thought part 2 was better but still a good game. Could get lost kinda easy on this one though.
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zzamaro posted 17/03/2011, 04:50
probably the best 360 game out there, too bad not many people can play this game, well, since it's not an FPS, you expect to have cod numbers
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armchair_cynic posted 13/03/2011, 10:50
All in all, despite its flawed, by far the better game of the two Mass Effects. The shooter mechanics may have been weak, but at least the rest of the game wasnt sacrificed to make them better. Which is more than can be said of ME2, and its linear, boxed filled shooting gallery mission world.
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hudsoniscool posted 12/02/2011, 06:09
better story ya but the second one has better gameplay, better voice acting,way better graphics. overall id say they are about as good as eachother
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yahoocom1984 posted 03/01/2011, 10:01
The story is much better than Mass effect 2
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Salem posted 14/11/2010, 02:41
I didnt care for this at first, but bought it on a whim at blockbuster for 15 bucks. Really glad i got it, great game
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yahoocom1984 posted 13/11/2010, 03:56
I bought this via steam.. The original disk PC version of Mass effect is awful due to the messy DRM
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Strategyking92 posted 16/05/2010, 06:32
I would reccommend buying a platinum hits version or the PC version rather than an old used copy of ME, since you get the add-ons with them for free. They aren't half bad. Bring down the sky even carrys over into the sequel.
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Wagram posted 27/03/2010, 05:30
Damn this game had some legs. Lol.
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Anarky posted 03/03/2010, 09:15
It was a very good games i own and have beaten it like 5 times it never gets old cause of all the options u have
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MonstaMack posted 12/02/2010, 03:53
You can now also download this game via XBox Live digitally for $19.99, while the same price as a Platnium Hits version It's not worth it (You get a free Premium Theme and Bring Down the Sky and the soundtrack on the PH version) but I'm assuming they'll sell several more thousand via download.

I mean, if the download games weren't a success we would see a lot less. But it seems MS is bringing out one game a week.

With the release ME2 sales should spike a bit. No reason why this can't 2.5 million in the long run.
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Boneitis posted 24/01/2010, 02:52
@ gustave154
2 million is a respectable number considering the typical sales of this genre. Bear in mind this is more RPG than shooter.

But rest assured Mass Effect 2 sales will be even bigger. I'm guessing first week will be 800K.
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gustave154 posted 24/01/2010, 05:14
very low sales for the Xbox 360 version
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Mad55 posted 19/01/2010, 11:52
mass effect 1 was alright
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huaxiong90 posted 19/01/2010, 12:29
Week "6" has 666 sales, lmao.
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Mutiverse37 posted 11/01/2010, 06:03
This game is the reason I purchased an Xbox 360 back when it came out. There were other good games, but ME was the deciding factor for me. It was and is awesome! I can't wait for January 26. The Japanese gamers sure 'allowed themselves' to 'miss out' on an awesome story though huh.
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massiso posted 07/01/2010, 05:02
This was the reason why I just bought a 360, I have been reading about it for a long time and I'm glad I got it, awesome RPG and the music totally emerges you right into the story. Sort of like blade runner. :)
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Strategyking92 posted 01/01/2010, 12:38
Bought the bring down the sky and pinnacle stations DLC. Off to go on my second playthrough!
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Sanzee posted 07/12/2009, 06:36
I'm happy to finally see Mass Effect has gained a somewhat larger following due to the anticipation surrounding Mass Effect 2's release. However, there are few fans out there who've been with Mass Effect since the day it was released, and even the months leading up to that. I don't like to brag, so I won't. Instead, I'll be honest. This is the greatest game I've ever played. Nothing has immersed me and moved me so greatly in all aspects of human emotion and mental connection as Mass Effect. I've been with it from the beginning and so I'm going to be honest with you... Bioware is God. Mass Effect is Jesus Christ. And Commander Shepard is his apostle. Do not bear this title so willingly unless you've recieved the complete Mass Effect experience. I hope that ME2 moves mountains, both in sales and in design quality. And I know it will. But like the first game, I fear most people will take this game too lightly. All I want is ME2 to get the praise it deserves. Support Bioware and Mass Effect always. They've never let us down.
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loves2splooge posted 28/11/2009, 04:08
I'm going to be getting this in the near future. After seeing the ME2 specs and determining that it'll probably run like crap on my laptop since I only have a 256 MB video card (bare minimum spec requirement), I figure I might as well buy ME1 for 360 as well since you get to import your ME1 save to ME2.

My original plan was to get ME1 for the PC (I didn't have an Xbox last gen so I played KOTOR on PC and loved it) but the ME2 issue has changed things. I'll have to get Dragon Age for 360 as well since it's also likely to run like crap on my laptop.

Thank heavens that PC game manufacturers actually make games for consoles these days. Back in the day when I didn't have the specs to play a PC game, I was pretty much screwed since most high-profile PC games back then were personal computer exclusive.

Have they patched up the technical issues on the 360? I heard that if you install to the HDD (which I always do), the 360 performance is fine.
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donsterydo2 posted 18/11/2009, 03:45
I don't understand why the hell it's only 650k in others, people say that US is FPS oriented, hell no. Games like this and Dragon Age show that the only games that sell very good in EU are clones of Fifa...
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donsterydo2 posted 18/11/2009, 03:42
Great game, but has some technical issues. I hope ME2 makes it to the 3m in the same time period.
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drakesfortune posted 13/11/2009, 05:42
@Vangaurd, I agree it's a superb game, but you have to admit that from a technical standpoint, the game is a complete mess. Massive chugging, poor framerate, texture pop in, bugs, and so on. They really needed to spend more time polishing the game. It is still a superb game. I'd give it a 9/10 or so, but the presentation deserves to knock it down a lot.
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Monges79 posted 17/10/2009, 03:22
Good game. It has so much potential. I think ME2 will deliver.
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angrypoolman posted 13/10/2009, 01:51
i got 1000 on this game
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kyjoe9 posted 19/09/2009, 11:04
one of the best games i have ever played
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Proconsul posted 10/09/2009, 12:42
Not best game ever, but are really really good game! I love it. It's like a good novel and you can't stop to play.
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Malio posted 02/09/2009, 08:37
*shrug* It's a good game, but over-rated imo.
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nathantay posted 30/08/2009, 07:52
Excellent game that deserves all the praise it gets. 9.5/10
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Frinaldo posted 27/08/2009, 12:50
Should I download the DLC for the game after I have finished it or could I get them before I start playing?
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youjiro posted 12/08/2009, 08:51
i just picked up this game the other week and i have to say.... its totally awesome! and i got it for only £5 so its even better!
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PlaystaionGamer posted 02/08/2009, 08:52
i realllyyy want this game! it looks really good!
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Mutiverse37 posted 30/07/2009, 06:40
I've gone through this game like five times and loved it each time. This game is the reason I got a 360. Nobody should miss out on this experience, even if you don't like sci-fi you will love this game. I can't wait for ME2
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Jexy posted 29/07/2009, 10:12
Amazing game, can't wait for the second one!
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Intendo21 posted 17/07/2009, 06:10
The sales still did very well considering it was the first game in the series. Fable 2, Oblivion, and Fallout did better because they're more established.
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Gearbox posted 16/07/2009, 02:09
(every game i rent, if its multiplat, i rent for my ps3 because i have internet for that.)
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Gearbox posted 16/07/2009, 02:08
@ mrstickball - its mr deeds, i dont have many gamer points 2970G to be exact.. i couldnt get into this game at all, i was quite sad at that fact..
i guess im biased because when i first popped it in i was with a buddy and hes like "ur sure this is multiplaer" and i said "iunno, i think it is" THEN I WAS WRONG dum dum dummmmm

@ sanzee - wow fanboy much? valkyria was different. uncharted killed laura croft and indiana jones games

also, i seemed to be let down on a lot of games that i played on my 360. like the orange box. (i dont have live) and i was SO pumped for teamfortress 2 and portal.
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mrstickball posted 15/07/2009, 10:15
Gearbox - What is your gamertag on XBL?
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Sanzee posted 15/07/2009, 09:40

Seeing that you are clearly a PS3 supporter (you mention uncharted and valkyria chronicles, and have a sackboy avatar) how is that you played Mass Effect? And don't tell me you have a 360 too. In all truth though, this game is fantastic. Bioware kicked ass.

As for our PS3 friend, I'm not sure if his comment is funny or just sad.
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Fab_GS posted 14/07/2009, 05:02
LMAO @ Japan!
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Gearbox posted 10/07/2009, 09:13
i rented it because of how good u all say it is. not my kind of game :( im more Uncharted oriented for tps and valkyria for rpgs.
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RockSmith372 posted 08/07/2009, 03:57
one of the best games ever
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yusuke93_ita posted 30/06/2009, 05:15
my second 360 game :D
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Adobo posted 21/06/2009, 03:43
feels good to get all the achievements for this game =)
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Egghead posted 19/06/2009, 06:26
Yeah this didnt do so well, Fallout 3, Fable 2 and Oblivion all did very well.

So let that be a lesson!
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piggychan posted 17/06/2009, 11:42
bah those poor japanese sales I guess japan got fed up waiting for it.. wth was up with the 2 year wait till it was released in japan MS?? >.>
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NexZen02 posted 15/06/2009, 06:11
thank you futureshop for da $9.99 deal!!
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Adobo posted 10/06/2009, 09:46
great great game! still trying to get my character to lvl 60 on insane mode.
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Gearbox posted 31/05/2009, 03:25
i couldnt get past the first level because its not the kinda game im into. looks nice tho
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drakesfortune posted 28/05/2009, 03:12
Just finished this. It's a super great game, great story, great atmosphere, but damn the screen tearing and texture pop in is just insane in this game. I hope ME2 they fix the engine.
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piggychan posted 27/05/2009, 06:03
I think Japan will add about 50k of sales to this game
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yo_john117 posted 26/05/2009, 07:29
One of the best games ever!!
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Mutiverse37 posted 09/05/2009, 05:45
Even if someone doesn't like this game........(I can't imagine that) they have to respect how much work and love went into developing it.
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tyig posted 05/05/2009, 02:48
Almost two years to translate to japanese , wow that's a lot.
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heruamon posted 04/05/2009, 06:14
A Japanese release...why? Oh well, maybe there might be a few takers, but it seems to me that they like the JRPG format, and this ain't it!
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starcraft posted 21/04/2009, 06:55
Japanese release incoming.

50k likely.
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Gabriel84 posted 20/04/2009, 09:41
It won't do anything in Japan lol, Japanese gamers ain't that open minded.
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mrstickball posted 20/04/2009, 07:39
Oh wow, finally gets a J-release. I hope they play and enjoy this beastly game. I'd think the Japanese would like it for all of it's sci-fi goodness.
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Beoulve posted 09/04/2009, 05:08
One of the best games I've played in years.
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piggychan posted 05/04/2009, 03:11
wow this is getting a may release in japan!!! i wonder if they lost interest in the loong wait.. and I wonder if they tidied up the graphics engine too! anyway hope the japanese players get to enjoy this as much as I did ^__^
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RockSmith372 posted 03/04/2009, 03:04
the sequel will get better sales, but 2 million is not bad for a new IP.
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Avarice28 posted 25/03/2009, 09:50
this game has been adjusted down, it "was" at 2.3 and now it is at 2.02
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tyig posted 15/03/2009, 09:23
mjc2021 tranlsating tons of dialogue this game has is not easy, I think that is the reason the game isn't in japan yet.
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mjc2021 posted 09/03/2009, 12:43
I'm surprised this took so long for a Japan release. I mean RPGs do great over there and this is one of the best 360 has to offer.
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ShadowSoldier posted 05/03/2009, 06:30
This game was awesome and would have been better if not for the technical hiccups. Bioware are great though and I applaud them on their efforts
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drakesfortune posted 03/03/2009, 05:20
At Wiigamer,

Since when is 2.3 million bad sales? Sure, if a GTA or a Halo only sold 2 million then it would be bad, but this is a new IP. 2.3 million is very good.
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black7xxx7 posted 27/02/2009, 03:30
has this game not been released in japan??? i think it would do really good there.
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wiigamer posted 23/02/2009, 02:49
good game, horrible sales
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halogamer1989 posted 11/02/2009, 04:50
Now a platinum hit @ $20 as of 2/11/09.
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Baddman posted 11/02/2009, 01:39
just beat this game and wow this game is one of my favorites without a doubt
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halogamer1989 posted 10/02/2009, 03:21
I hear you scott! Alien sex ftw
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Baddman posted 09/02/2009, 05:25
this game is amazing about 13 hours in and so far one of my favorite games this gen
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Mr. sickVisionz posted 08/02/2009, 05:37
Great game. This is easily my favorite game this gen and one of my Top 10 for all time.
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ikilledkenny posted 17/01/2009, 12:39
Great game, only had it for 3 days, but I love it. Well worth the $20 I spent on it!
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terislb posted 02/01/2009, 07:54
this could be the best bioware title yet.. if only they would stop dumbing down the gameplay ..uh.. i mean make it "console friendly" uh. .yes but its still a great game
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Bloodlustre posted 27/12/2008, 01:43
Bioware improved on their strengths here, char. interact. and dev. are the best. Gameplay much better than t-based kotor but ai needs a tweak. Story, music, graphics v-good, texture pop, menus are'nt.
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FPSrules posted 21/12/2008, 11:22
this game is addicting, the only problem i had with it was that it was extremely repeative which got to the point i stop playing it, but i logged in 30 hours of it.
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scottsdone posted 18/12/2008, 08:42
We need more alien sex for ME2. We can only hope..
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coolestguyever posted 18/12/2008, 05:02
trash, absolute trash this game is
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coolestguyever posted 18/12/2008, 05:02
trash, absolute trash this game is
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Commando posted 06/12/2008, 06:23
Just Traded in Star Wars:FU(Wii) for this. I've already got more play outta it in 2 days than I did for SW:FU. It felt good to get that crap outta my collection.
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toastboy44562 posted 28/11/2008, 09:33
picked this up for $30
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piggychan posted 13/11/2008, 05:10

It IS being released for japan its just coming in 2009 there. its most likely to be in with english voice and japanese subtitles
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Egghead posted 09/11/2008, 06:28
Tis shame this didnt get a Japanese release. After how Oblivion has sold, this couldve done well, im simply guessing its due to the pain of redoing all the voice acting
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Bitmap Frogs posted 07/11/2008, 06:11
I ran through the game two times.

It's really nice, it's just a shame they couldn't deliver their promise of a random planet/location generator.

Anyways, there's a lot of promise for ME2. UE3 will have had two years of improvement and with the groundwork laid out they'll be able to expand the game.
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SleepWaking posted 28/09/2008, 11:29
Stands next to Galaxy and Twilight Princess as the best games of this generation. It is really stupid though, I wanna play it again but I'm afraid it won't be so magical as the first time. Damn I can still remember the feeling while finishing this, a mix of total happiness and sadness at the same time. this game totally blew me away.
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Picko posted 06/09/2008, 02:41
@ Slavedemonxi:

Better late than never is definitely right. The game was awesome.
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spaceworlder posted 05/09/2008, 11:56
One of the best games of this generation. Can't wait for the sequel.
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Slavedemonxi posted 04/09/2008, 06:27
I feel stupid that i'm just now beating this game. Better late than never i guess, awesome game!
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Billy D posted 01/09/2008, 08:39
I'm a PS3 fanboy but you gotta give this games its props. Like Uncharted on PS3 it's an amazing game that deserves better sales.

Currently enjoying the PC version.
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RockSmith372 posted 30/08/2008, 05:31
2 million...again. anyway congrats. deserves even more than this
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toastboy44562 posted 30/08/2008, 02:37
2 million in the bag!
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scottsdone posted 27/08/2008, 07:32
Gearbox you don't like anything Xbox related. You've never said anything but crap when in reference to a 360 game and throw a fit when they're successful and sell well.

This game was awesome and fun as hell. Graphics, story, game-play were all top notch. Only problem was how textures (character models, environments, etc) took a while to load when entering a new area (happens occasionally).
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De85 posted 20/08/2008, 12:39
@ Gearbox moving 1 single slider in the character customization won't change much, and there are forums of people who do celebrity look-alikes who would disagree with you.

I only have 30 hours in 1.5 playthroughs so far, but this is a game I can see myself coming back to over and over again. I will get 1050/1050 eventually.
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Batman...WTF? posted 17/08/2008, 04:48
Woah. Lesbian Sex? You called that sex? Who knows what was going on. they could've been playing checkers and I wouldn't have known. I mean, is there a different cutscene that freaked everyone out?
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 1   2 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (193)

1 n/a 219,773 97,283 54,620 371,676
2 n/a 169,313 56,023 38,999 264,335
3 n/a 88,542 31,345 20,728 140,615
4 n/a 82,654 31,630 19,735 134,019
5 n/a 100,178 37,325 23,754 161,257
6 n/a 49,304 27,539 13,184 90,027
7 n/a 31,107 15,376 7,992 54,475
8 n/a 21,237 8,457 5,125 34,819
9 n/a 16,748 11,071 4,758 32,577
10 n/a 18,470 9,148 4,748 32,366
hellobion2 posted 26/11/2023, 12:40
series rivals star wars in my book
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-girgosz- posted 06/04/2012, 12:36
Oh god VGC. Outsold ME PS3? The fuck... :O
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Metroid33slayer posted 11/01/2012, 06:48
Shephard is a beast
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Jexy posted 01/12/2011, 06:55
Well they don't track digital downloads, so no XBL sales are counted.
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 08:49
It's sad how low the sales for this game are.
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slipknotfan posted 26/06/2011, 02:57
Thought part 2 was better but still a good game. Could get lost kinda easy on this one though.
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