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Alternative Names

BioHazard 5






Other Versions

All, PC, PS4, X360, XBL, XOne

Release Dates

03/13/09 Capcom
03/06/09 Capcom
03/13/09 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 678
Favorite: 34
Tracked: 10
Wishlist: 20
Now Playing: 10

Avg Community Rating:


Resident Evil 5 (PS3) > Opinions (383)

 1  2  3  4 
RafaelKaito posted 21/02/2017, 09:55
RE5 > RE4.
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Azhraell posted 05/02/2014, 03:36
This still can reach 5 million.
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withdreday posted 05/06/2013, 12:31

Shut the hell up. You post the same thing on every comment. The west doesn't buy JRPGs and Japan buys Apple which is from the US. You should at least know wtf you're talking about when you post stuff like that
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 29/12/2012, 10:57
They count GE but yeah it over tracked.
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Heavenly_King posted 20/10/2012, 10:51
This game in reality has sold lot less because the cumulative shipments of RE5 (PS3/360/PC) are 5.8M.
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Jac0b posted 20/05/2012, 12:19
Defiantly going to reach 5m thanks to Resi6 :)
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thewastedyouth posted 22/04/2012, 04:03
find it amazing that Japs always bitch about western shooters and violence yet resident evil 4 and 5 have people losing heads and hardcore violence

japs are just xenophobic against western companies and developers
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SnakeDrake posted 13/04/2012, 03:05
Going to have a sale increase when we close to RE6 release
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Cold Light posted 08/04/2012, 12:44
Excellent performance. Can't wait for RE6. And maybe Revelations would visit PS Vita in the future... I hope so ;)
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VGKing posted 21/03/2012, 09:42
Well ORC doesn't look like it is going to sell very well. Pure action isn't what people want in Resident Evil.
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DarkFury posted 14/03/2012, 04:58
Looking at these numbers, you can see why Capcom went more towards action. This is what consumers want.
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VGKing posted 10/03/2012, 10:48
Will reach 5mil before the end of the year. People will buy it due to hype for RE6.
Nice to see sales so much high than the 360 version. Why the hell Capcom would give Raccoon City and Resident Evil 6 exclusive content on 360 is beyond me.
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leatherhat posted 10/02/2012, 05:07
Second PS3 million seller in Japan
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Veit posted 31/12/2011, 02:29
It sold ~50k this week. Nice holiday boost.
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Mordred11 posted 24/12/2011, 07:03
AMAZING sales!
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jester2358 posted 20/12/2011, 08:52
resident evil 6(whenever it comes out) is going to do huge numbers
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Boutros posted 08/12/2011, 12:18
I never realized it sold SO much O.o
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Veit posted 30/11/2011, 09:50
Wow, 4,3 million!!
Message | Report posted 24/10/2011, 09:06
PSN version only £11.99, Couldnt resist.
Message | Report posted 24/10/2011, 09:04
I love this game. Great job Capcom.
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Iveyboi posted 10/10/2011, 02:36
This game just keeps on trucking!
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Mordred11 posted 18/09/2011, 12:07
do we have any numbers for this?
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A203D posted 09/09/2011, 07:34
Combined with the 360 version, its sold 7 mil copies. its the best selling RE ever.
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zuvuyeay posted 06/09/2011, 03:26
4m good job resi
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Salnax posted 03/09/2011, 07:31
Considering how the PS3 has been the only competitive console for a while now in Japan, it's surprising that this will only be the second million-seller in the country.
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Veit posted 02/09/2011, 05:22
@bullza90: Capcom counts the Gold Edition and the Move Edition separately.
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bullza90 posted 30/08/2011, 07:07
How come according to this RE% has only sold 5.6 million copies
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 20/08/2011, 05:41
Holy crap. This is so close to a million in Japan. They made this game for the Western market and ended up winning back the Japanese. lol
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hitman2500 posted 15/08/2011, 03:22
resident evil 4
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Heavenly_King posted 05/08/2011, 10:38
PS3 version raped the 360 version lol
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italo244 posted 26/06/2011, 05:59
Next step: 1 million in japan!
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Veit posted 24/06/2011, 07:22
Finally! 4 million!!!
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italo244 posted 24/06/2011, 02:17
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blue7x7 posted 15/06/2011, 09:27
wow what happened last time I checked the Xbox and PS3 version where pretty much tied and now the PS3 version has outsold it by 1 million. Did the move edition or gold edition really help that much. Great sales for the series.
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italo244 posted 13/06/2011, 07:16
@scabab07 yeah, it will week 1. xD
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scabab07 posted 08/06/2011, 07:56
Final Fantasy XIII-2 will get to a million first.
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Veit posted 03/06/2011, 01:42
It will be the second PS3 millionseller in Japan :)
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Veit posted 03/06/2011, 01:41
2,936 this week in Japan! At this rate it will hit 1 million in 7 months. Awesome legs.
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italo244 posted 25/05/2011, 04:48
Omg, will hit 1 million in japan this year!
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Iveyboi posted 10/05/2011, 03:37
Wow 4 million on the PS3 alone? Can't say I would have foreseen this.
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 21/04/2011, 06:07
soon 4 million.
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NSS7 posted 13/02/2011, 08:28
I mean legs not total sales.
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NSS7 posted 13/02/2011, 08:27
This games has better in Japan than other region. Very rare for HD game. This week sold 4k. Might pass 1 million at the end of year if RE6 not released
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yahoocom1984 posted 28/01/2011, 06:09
8 million lifetime across 2 platforms
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Galvanizer posted 24/01/2011, 03:55
This game has serious legs in Japan.
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Joel12345 posted 15/01/2011, 12:34
This is the beat RE game by far! :D
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Veit posted 04/01/2011, 12:13
This can reach 1 million in Japan and it's already the second best selling PS3 game there!
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 01/01/2011, 02:36
apart form remake, me.
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-girgosz- posted 31/12/2010, 01:34
Yeah it's the best selling but who thinks it's the best game? No1...
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Jay520 posted 21/12/2010, 01:18
best selling RE. Wow
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 17/12/2010, 05:31
wow this could reach more than 4 million by the looks of it.
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Veit posted 09/12/2010, 09:31
The gold edition is the same game, it's like the goty editions of other games.
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 09/12/2010, 07:24
yes but witout gold edition it should be at 3.0 million so it needs a little more.
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Veit posted 06/12/2010, 09:24
It outsold the Playstation version of RE3!
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Iveyboi posted 26/11/2010, 02:11
Wow legs...move bonus haha
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Ali-Kharazi posted 06/11/2010, 05:38
Very fun game. It may not be scary, but its still fun and co-op is a blast.
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haxxiy posted 30/10/2010, 01:33
Nice sales. It could very well reach 4m.
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 28/05/2010, 11:22
you do know it includes fold edition sales right?
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oni-link posted 28/05/2010, 10:02
Wait something doesn't add up here!? Even accounting for the HUGE 1 month release of this game which is from 03/06-04/06 this game sold an amazing 1.7 million (PS3) copies for the first 4 weeks[7675]®2=All&game2=Resident+Evil+5+-+X360[7676]®3=All&game3=&weeks=5 . Then it sold ONLY 950K for both the 360 and PS3 combined according to Capcom's report. So does that mean VGC has a heck of a OVERTRACKED for this game!!!
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Carl posted 27/05/2010, 05:31
Outsold the PS2 version of Resident Evil 4
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down-down-down-down- posted 25/05/2010, 05:10
very baaaad horror game
great TPS action game
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 12/04/2010, 10:34
@ atma

No, it has RE5: Gold Edition.
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atma998 posted 11/04/2010, 08:47
Wow this game has HUGE legs!
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haxxiy posted 03/04/2010, 01:32
Japan sales never cease to amaze me.
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Frieza posted 02/04/2010, 03:40
Well RE4 was far better than this. RE5 was quickly forgotten.
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whatz3rname posted 01/04/2010, 05:07
I would like too see the separate numbers for this version and not just the merged numbers with RE5.
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m1987mp posted 31/03/2010, 05:04
what are you talking about, games are supposed to be fun. and re5 was really fun. re4 was not scary at all unless your 10
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 30/03/2010, 05:13
re4 scary?
characters had some depth?

what the fuck are you talking about man? 0_o
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kowhoho posted 28/03/2010, 11:26
I:/ Dude, m1987mp, cool it. I for one could see immediately that RE5 wasn't going to be as good as RE4. It had the same tired control scheme (which was great in RE4, but outdated now) and wasn't scary. RE4 was truly frightening and the characters at least had some depth. In RE5, Sheva and Chris basically have no reason to get all lovey-dovey when they do. I was gagging during that "emotional" scene because there was zero character development outside of the whole Spencer Estate thing. Get a grip, this game was not as good as past entries.
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huaxiong90 posted 23/03/2010, 09:07
Huge difference in the Americas.
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m1987mp posted 21/03/2010, 06:24
So it had to change or it would lose 1/2 of the fans it has now
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Bladeneo posted 21/03/2010, 06:06
@m1987mp: You should probably calm down mate, alot of people consider this the poorest main series entry. While it's by no means a bad game, it's certainly not up to par with the earlier entries. It has very little of what originally made RE successful, it's basically a TPS.
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Wagram posted 21/03/2010, 05:55
Wow this outsold the 360 version? I didn't know that. I will be picking up the Gold Edition soon.
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m1987mp posted 21/03/2010, 05:32
TheConduit: put a dick in it
resident evil 5 is awesome. i don't get it. if the gameplay stayed the same people would be complaining that the game is old. And than when changeso that people like it, fuckbags like you compain about it.
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sjhillsa posted 20/03/2010, 06:42
Ordered, not easy to find here in the U.K.
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 19/03/2010, 06:39
the conduit:

worst? i bet u haventy played the survivor or outbreaks series lol
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nen-suer posted 18/03/2010, 04:19
I liked this alot more than RE4
much better action game
and i get to finally fight Wesker

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TheConduit posted 18/03/2010, 08:00
For the worst entry in the series on the worst selling Sony platform this is selling really well.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 17/03/2010, 11:21
Tied with Uncharted 2 D:
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Munkeh111 posted 17/03/2010, 07:29
Congratulations Resi!
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Veit posted 17/03/2010, 02:27
3 million!!!
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scabob posted 16/03/2010, 04:01
No it isnt.
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_mevildan posted 14/03/2010, 08:22
Preferred Lost in Nightmares to this. Was OK I guess. Always nice to play as Jill.
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Skeeuk posted 14/03/2010, 01:34
this is much better than res4
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nen-suer posted 13/03/2010, 11:26
3 million next week
impressive sales
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Cold Light posted 11/03/2010, 09:40
When Japan data will arrive, it'll cross 3 millions mark.
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nen-suer posted 06/03/2010, 10:08

Because its RE, we grew up playing it and we are deep into the story sowe can stop now
That's said i actually liked RE5 better than 4 (the shock is gone)
I still don't like what they did to RE but am still staying for the story (yes am a sucker for storys)
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abcdario posted 04/03/2010, 01:15
I loved RE 4, i just wanted RE 5 on my Wii :(
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 04/03/2010, 01:10
yea its weird, why follow something u dont like?
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Ninpanda posted 03/03/2010, 03:35
Umm... Ok...
If you hate the new direction the franchise has taken, why buy the games?
I get the fact that you're a RE fan, but why pay 50$ for something you don't even like? That's just... weird...
Hell, if you hate the new games, why are you even a RE fan in the first place? If you're a fan of the old RE games, but hate the new ones, then just... stick to the old ones...
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AnarchyWest posted 01/03/2010, 01:58
im just saying I buy anything with RE attached to it despite hating the new direction the series went since RE4

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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 28/02/2010, 09:09
yes u said that but why the hell havent you play it? and how the hell buying it and not playing it makes you a true fan?
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AnarchyWest posted 28/02/2010, 03:51
I bought the DLC last week the day it came out
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 28/02/2010, 06:04
WTH? how is buying the dlc and not play it makes you a true and loyal RE fan? no offence but thats sounds stupid.
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AnarchyWest posted 28/02/2010, 12:45
I bought the DLC and still haven't played it yet, true and loyal RE fan here
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 26/02/2010, 12:55
impresive sells on japan!! it will reach 3million with GE hell maybe even 3.5-4 million
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Dark Odin posted 25/02/2010, 04:53
I though that the sales of the alternative edition wouldn be added here...
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Carl posted 25/02/2010, 04:44
Heh, 3 million coming up!
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Ghazi4 posted 25/02/2010, 09:55
this is closing in on 3 million!
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 20/02/2010, 02:31
you do? how desperate escape?
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 1   2   3   4 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (383)

1 323,228 n/a n/a 323,228
2 60,755 337,453 296,572 166,940 861,720
3 28,508 133,854 142,015 74,712 379,089
4 16,497 77,715 68,167 38,424 200,803
5 10,221 54,265 46,173 26,323 136,982
6 7,036 33,514 33,029 17,829 91,408
7 5,335 23,461 25,084 13,165 67,045
8 4,417 17,331 22,064 10,955 54,767
9 4,248 13,656 17,341 8,624 43,869
10 3,974 11,497 14,294 7,160 36,925
RafaelKaito posted 21/02/2017, 09:55
RE5 > RE4.
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Azhraell posted 05/02/2014, 03:36
This still can reach 5 million.
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withdreday posted 05/06/2013, 12:31

Shut the hell up. You post the same thing on every comment. The west doesn't buy JRPGs and Japan buys Apple which is from the US. You should at least know wtf you're talking about when you post stuff like that
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 29/12/2012, 10:57
They count GE but yeah it over tracked.
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Heavenly_King posted 20/10/2012, 10:51
This game in reality has sold lot less because the cumulative shipments of RE5 (PS3/360/PC) are 5.8M.
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Jac0b posted 20/05/2012, 12:19
Defiantly going to reach 5m thanks to Resi6 :)
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