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VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

BioHazard 5






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All, PC, PS4, X360, XBL, XOne

Release Dates

03/13/09 Capcom
03/06/09 Capcom
03/13/09 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 678
Favorite: 34
Tracked: 10
Wishlist: 20
Now Playing: 10

Avg Community Rating:


Resident Evil 5 (PS3) > Opinions (383)

 1  2  3  4 
Tbone posted 05/05/2009, 11:06
Great co-op game.
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urameshixr posted 05/05/2009, 01:01
this game not is more survavil horror imo its ridiculous now re..
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Jo21 posted 05/05/2009, 02:54
my only problem with the game it' the green filter they used to it... doesn't look nice with LCDs
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chris1_16 posted 04/05/2009, 12:08

True, but Lost Planet's online was DAMN AMAZING. It's the only reason why I'm getting Lost Planet 2
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xxxvitoxxx posted 04/05/2009, 07:27
it will reach 500k LTD in japan =)
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haxxiy posted 02/05/2009, 11:08
Did better than Capcom expected.
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Squall_Leonhart posted 02/05/2009, 05:24
Not long till 2 million sold! Pretty impressive numbers, wish Killzone 2 would pass the 2 million barrier as soon as this game! KZ2 is just amazing!
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cochise313 posted 01/05/2009, 01:14
microsoft buy to have exclusives. but whatever. we still have killzone, LBP, uncharted, and GOW3
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geddesmond2 posted 30/04/2009, 10:50
because lost planet wouldn't sell on the ps3. I mean come on ps3 owners.Who here was looking forward to playing lost planet 2 anyway. I just hope capcom does an exclusive for the ps3 now or i shall stop supporting them.
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cochise313 posted 30/04/2009, 08:51
lost planet wasn't a good game anyway. it was way too boring. microsoft can have lost planet 2.
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xxxvitoxxx posted 30/04/2009, 06:43
easy skeeuk:

micrsoft paid capcom to keep it exclusive
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Skeeuk posted 29/04/2009, 10:57
a tremendous success for capcom on ps3 and 360........why wont they bring lost planet 2 to ps3 its puzzling.
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sabby_e17 posted 28/04/2009, 10:36
TBH RE5 wasnt that great.

But I am surprised that it has almost reached 2 mil.
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_mevildan posted 28/04/2009, 09:04
I was one of the sales for this game. Don't regret buying it, but after beating it, I really doubt I will ever play it again.

RE2 still my favourite.
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xxxvitoxxx posted 28/04/2009, 09:00
damn 2 million seller in 2-3 weeks =)
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xxxvitoxxx posted 28/04/2009, 05:33
your loss i guess kantor
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Kantor posted 28/04/2009, 01:39

I just realised that this game sold a million first week.

I personally have no interest. Tried the demo, hated it.
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xxxvitoxxx posted 28/04/2009, 04:01
????? adjusted down 3K???
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xxxvitoxxx posted 25/04/2009, 01:50
are u talking about the GC version? cuz the ps2 version is at 2.90 million
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metalgearmatt posted 24/04/2009, 09:23
Sold half as uch as RE4 did but in its first week.
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xxxvitoxxx posted 22/04/2009, 12:53
i agree both games have epic soundtracks
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AFFLICTION posted 21/04/2009, 08:24
just bought this game but ps3 is still getting fixed damn i want to play :(
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Thechalkblock posted 21/04/2009, 03:35
This game has incredible replay value. I have spent way too much time getting all the guns.
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iron_megalith posted 20/04/2009, 09:00
Even with the disappointment of the non-scare factor, I'm still playing this game.... I just don't get it.... :S
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Magic Monkey posted 18/04/2009, 11:11
this game is amazing, ive completed it like 4 times, and im still going great replay value
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AFFLICTION posted 18/04/2009, 01:56
so close to getting this game looks like good fun
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sabby_e17 posted 18/04/2009, 12:09
Woah, 1.8 million already.
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playnext3 posted 17/04/2009, 04:24
adjusted up,1mil first week,good sales
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whatz3rname posted 17/04/2009, 10:07
Undertracked in America. According to NPD it sold 585k in March in USA. So it should be above 600k somewhere here.
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BladeOfGod posted 17/04/2009, 08:47
i didn't like the story very much but the game has lots of replay value. I love playing with noobs on Amatuer and ruin their fun :)
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johnny_ownz posted 16/04/2009, 09:38
Amazing game, loved every minute 9.5/10
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snyperdud posted 16/04/2009, 03:22

that's at least an agreeable score.

I'd give it around a 7.9 for me.
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Gearbox posted 16/04/2009, 12:12
presentation also includes menu screens, titles screens, etc etc

i agree with these cause i dont have an hd tv and its ridiculous trying to read text (off topic i guess)
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st_muscat0 posted 15/04/2009, 06:24
While I'd give it higher for gameplay and valve imo, but Vgchartz giving it an 8 and 8.5 I'm ok with. Them giving it only a 8.5 in presentation is just stupid, easily 9.5, no way is this a 8.5 game for presentation I think Vgchatz needs to take another look at that.
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Jo21 posted 14/04/2009, 01:32
i got my copy today.

its nice but waiting for my friend to get his to play co o.
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xxxvitoxxx posted 14/04/2009, 01:14
resident evil 5 is easily a 10 in presentation, 9.0 in gameplay and 9.5 in value
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GameAnalyser posted 13/04/2009, 06:17
mgs4 had 10 on presentation, 9.5 for gameplay and 9.0 for value
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DiplomaticImmunity posted 12/04/2009, 09:33
i guess the 360 bundle didnt help
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Xen posted 11/04/2009, 10:10
Capcom shipped 4mln mate.
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xxxvitoxxx posted 11/04/2009, 06:22
its shipped not sold
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saimcheeda posted 11/04/2009, 12:26
wonder why ive read in most places that this game has sold 4 million..while here ive calculated sales to be 3.15
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GameAnalyser posted 10/04/2009, 08:44
i wasted wesker with my rl accidentally beating the feeling it as the top 10 boss battles of all time
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xxxvitoxxx posted 10/04/2009, 06:51
not really, i enjoyed the ending quite a bit, didnt last 1 hour =P

also re5 does have an impresive soundtrack aswell.

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outlawauron posted 10/04/2009, 06:32
This is selling pretty well!
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Gearbox posted 10/04/2009, 05:43
(mgs4 is way better)
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xxxvitoxxx posted 08/04/2009, 06:24
yea it can get confusing if u dont know what to do =p
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iron_megalith posted 08/04/2009, 04:39

Don't get me wrong. I liked it! It was just so damn confusing because if you did it wrong then you're bound die no matter what you do.

I like being pissed off. XD

Ahh.. My cousin and I had no bullets left so we had to upgrade the capacity just to get them refilled to max. XD

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Barozi posted 08/04/2009, 12:00
I agree. The final battle was epic and much longer than my brother and I thought.
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xxxvitoxxx posted 06/04/2009, 10:14
what are u talking about? the final battle was the best of the series

easily on the top 10 boss battles of this gen
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iron_megalith posted 06/04/2009, 11:24
This game has one of the most bitching moments! And I played co-op!

One of the most confusing final battles I've ever experienced!
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xxxvitoxxx posted 06/04/2009, 05:21
if the legs are good it will reach 3million in the long run
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Barozi posted 05/04/2009, 06:43

The 4 million number is obviously shipped, but still made a lot of money for Capcom.
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geddesmond2 posted 05/04/2009, 11:36
I give it 10 out of 10 and i dont play co-op. I've finished it about 30 times already playing with A.I. and she does improve. The only problem is the A.I. adds minutes to the time on each chapter compared to doing it with a real person.

You can finish the game around 1 hour faster using a co-op partner than using the A.I. and i find real co-op partners always stand in front of your aim and shit.Ther A.I. always stand beside me or behind me
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Onimusha12 posted 04/04/2009, 07:45

terrible A.I.

Anyone giving it a higher score is obviously playing co-op.
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BladeOfGod posted 03/04/2009, 08:01
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GameAnalyser posted 03/04/2009, 04:51

yeah trying to put away shame for having grossed less due to Japan and price cut
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iron_megalith posted 03/04/2009, 05:29
Not scary which makes me sad. Although it has one great co-op. That's what I enjoyed.

Still... RE5 doesn't feel like Resident Evil. I give it a 7.5
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NinjaBlade360 posted 02/04/2009, 11:43
SubiyaCryolite there are zombie hyenas mixed in with regular dogs in chapter 2-1
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SubiyaCryolite posted 02/04/2009, 08:45
Im happy its doing well. I just wish capcom was creative in the monster department. Taking on half decomposed lions or packs of zombie hyenas would have been least they put in lickers.
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Agamemnon862 posted 02/04/2009, 07:51
360 Version slowly closing in.
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Barozi posted 02/04/2009, 06:42
Godlike game.

Probably best co-op experience in a TPS.
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Monges79 posted 02/04/2009, 12:51
Disappointing. Sheva ruined the single player experience. RE4 much better. Graphics are nice though.
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SpartanFX posted 02/04/2009, 05:53


no way man.

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RockSmith372 posted 01/04/2009, 11:09

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oliminator1994 posted 01/04/2009, 08:52
great game but mostly poor 6.5/10
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sabby_e17 posted 01/04/2009, 08:39
good game. 8.5/10
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SpartanFX posted 01/04/2009, 11:34
9.2 for me.awesome game.
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arsenal009 posted 01/04/2009, 07:09
So RE4 did over 6mln on GC, PS2, & Wii combined. U guys think this will do more or less on PS360 combined?
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xxxvitoxxx posted 01/04/2009, 04:52
9.5 for me
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Resistance09 posted 01/04/2009, 03:25
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AdventWolf posted 31/03/2009, 11:36
They're Zombies, they can't be that smart :P.
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geddesmond2 posted 31/03/2009, 09:22
yeah definitly 10/10 for me and my favourite game this gen.Now lets hope we dont have 2 wait 4 more years for RE6.
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Heavenly_King posted 31/03/2009, 08:57
for me it is a 10/10. It is a really great game. Worths every buck
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ItzMeeSnitchez posted 31/03/2009, 08:37
8/10 on it's own, 5/10 compared to resident evil 4.
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Thechalkblock posted 31/03/2009, 08:35
Good game overall. 9/10
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ItzMeeSnitchez posted 31/03/2009, 04:04
i am the only one who has it.
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Kantor posted 31/03/2009, 12:50
Ooh, beating the 360 version. For now.

I don't think I'll ever pick this up. Wasn't very impressed with the demo. The reviews are positive, but I know better than to blindly follow reviews.
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geddesmond2 posted 31/03/2009, 10:43
i'm assuming he was talking about shevas ai.All resident evils have enemies with ai that you can just run past them all.Its done like that,thats why every game has unlockable items for completing the game fast(except RE4 that didn't have any)thats just like an extra game mode added to it.

lol you talk about the hydra like your the only one who has it lol
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ItzMeeSnitchez posted 31/03/2009, 05:30
the ai is pretty much the exact same from res evil 4, which means you can just run past all the zombies. unless you have an infinite ammo hydra like me. then i don't mind shooting them. it's honestly not that great, it probably didn't take a long time to program, but it's fun.
seriously, what kind of ai is it when you can stand on the top of a ladder and they all climb up and you cut them down with your knife until they're all dead. that's pretty intelligent right?
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geddesmond2 posted 31/03/2009, 12:53

the ai seemed very smart compared to alot of other games i played and if you expect more than this from a game they your gonna be waiting along time my friend cas this game is awesome and thats coming from a long time fan from the n64 days
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snyperdud posted 31/03/2009, 12:38
I thought it wasn't that great.

The A.I. was just awful,the game didn't feel fluid.

I don't like the action-direction either.It wasn't terrible but I expected more.

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Drage posted 31/03/2009, 12:17
Why does it matter if one version beats the other in sales? Christ...

I will get this once I get the cash.
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SpartanFX posted 30/03/2009, 05:32
such good game.If you don't have it and you like action games(lol i know)shame on you.
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Dark Odin posted 29/03/2009, 02:03
Amazing game! i´m loving it
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tombi123 posted 28/03/2009, 11:28

Actually the gap got bigger...
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 28/03/2009, 12:26
lol, this game is getting adjusted up and down like crazy.
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Skeeuk posted 27/03/2009, 07:55
im really enjoying this game with an old work buddie.

the co-op gameplay is awsome and voice is very clear.
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bb posted 27/03/2009, 06:15
PS3/RE5 --------------360/RE5
J 3.02M/0.41M------J 1.01M/0.10M
A 8.23M/0.42M-----A 16.91M/0.65M
O 10.15/0.49M------O 11.67M/0.41M
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monlosez posted 27/03/2009, 04:33
The gap is getting smaller and smaller with less and less help from Japan.
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Lurker posted 27/03/2009, 02:44
@ Seraphic_Sixaxis

Ninja Gaiden already slayed both of them.
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Egghead posted 26/03/2009, 11:40
The 360 version has cut down the gap quite a bit though.
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sabby_e17 posted 26/03/2009, 10:46
4 million ltd?
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xxxvitoxxx posted 26/03/2009, 03:20
29,000 in japan this week
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FuriousGeorge posted 25/03/2009, 11:40
Wow. Sales for RE5 were better then I expected them to be.

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Avarice28 posted 25/03/2009, 10:27
Oh! well this confirms that dead rising 2 and lost planet are releasing day and date the same on both consoles (ps3>360). Fixed
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Avarice28 posted 25/03/2009, 10:25
to fabius and jonop lolz now even you know the power of the playstation brand. Now go tell your little fanboys that the ps3 is back and is always going to rule all multiplats from this day forward. /sarcasm/ but seriously how in the world did anyone think that the 360 had a shot at out-performing a former sony franchise? Oh! wll this confirms that dead rising, lost plane are released day and date on both systems.
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Theo posted 25/03/2009, 07:16
Wow, these sales have surpassed my expectations. Also this game has surpassed my expectation on how fun it was going to be. Thoroughly enjoyed it :D
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Seraphic_Sixaxis posted 25/03/2009, 01:33
Just goes to show how much japan cares about capcom games, if sony got CL II to be remade exclusively OR get a sequel to it OMG we'd have a DMC/GoW slayer.
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erodrig85 posted 24/03/2009, 11:10
i knew this was going to sell better on sony's platform main reaseon it always been known to be their home console since re 1
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DiplomaticImmunity posted 24/03/2009, 11:08
nice 1 million
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snyperdud posted 24/03/2009, 03:39
This game is HUGE.
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SpartanFX posted 24/03/2009, 02:55
this game is awesome with a big brand name(Resident Evil) ,,,why would it not do great?

loving the game
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geddesmond2 posted 24/03/2009, 01:13
so good to see this do well.
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Signalstar posted 23/03/2009, 11:29
Million Seller 29
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MontanaHatchet posted 23/03/2009, 09:34
Others adjustment, and a new week brings a million sales. Glad to see the game doing well.
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SpartanFX posted 23/03/2009, 02:45

I have only seen capcom ads which shows the signs for both consoles (here in Canada)
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geddesmond2 posted 22/03/2009, 06:49
i still havnt seen a ps3 add for it,but about 4-5 times a night i see that xbox 360 add.its mostly on film 4 and itv 2-4 that i see it shown.wat station have yous seen ps3 add on
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Cheat1011 posted 22/03/2009, 05:10
Holy shit, who expected Japan to have the biggest opening?
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blazinhead89 posted 22/03/2009, 03:26
Good game. Not RE4 quality, but still very good.
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SpartanFX posted 21/03/2009, 01:04
everything about this game is impressive.loving it
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headshot91 posted 21/03/2009, 11:27
lol whoever said this would flop. FAIL!
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xxxvitoxxx posted 21/03/2009, 01:37
million seller next week, im hoping that it reaches re4 sales (3million)
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Squall_Leonhart posted 20/03/2009, 10:35

There is a PS3 ad, at least here in the UK there is, i have seen it as much as i have seen the 360 one!

This game will break 1 million next week, good going for the game
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geddesmond2 posted 20/03/2009, 10:04
ive seen about 50 adds on tv about resident evil 5 and at the end it says available on xbox after seeing the adds only one thing pops into my head,dam sony f**ked up.people are being mislead by this should have put an add out aswel.i had someone at work try tell me its only on the xbox dispite the fact i have the game and i told him this lol
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GamerBOB posted 20/03/2009, 06:30
Probably not the thread for this but people trying to claim that 360 higher sales are due to RROD are just ignorant of the facts. M$ has fixed a huge amount of them. Turn around is 10 to 15 days (from my own experience) on having the problem fixed. People that say they have gone through multiple Xboxs tend to be lying fan boys.

I've had problems with both of my 360s they have both been fixed promptly and to my satisfaction. I must admit I've had no problems with my PS3 allthough I do play it less.

Any way, back on topic. I was stating that I thought US sales of RE5 on PS3 vs. 360 would be closer than they are. Mostly based on the fact that the series is so popular amoungst hardcore Sony fans. Not a slam or a praise for either system.

I love the game and hope it does well. I think the controls are very similar to RE4. It's not that scarry but hella fun.

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Fenristh posted 20/03/2009, 03:48
Gearbox: The aiming, the movement, all the way down to the reload animations, enemy animations and even the sniper rifle sound effects.
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Dark Odin posted 20/03/2009, 03:36
I think that it´s undertracked in Others....

but hey, that´s a million in two weeks! ^^
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cochise313 posted 19/03/2009, 10:55
@ gamerbob

well ps3 outsold the 360 by almost 200k overall.
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Kamahl posted 19/03/2009, 10:14
million seller next week... i dont like the game but thats good for the PS3 i suppose
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Gearbox posted 19/03/2009, 09:49
lols uhm re4 and re5 are nowhere near the same in terms of gameplay...
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Fenristh posted 19/03/2009, 08:59
Re5 was awesome but it was too much of a recycled RE4 in terms of gameplay. Story was lacklustre and the fast pace is great, but not RE.

Im a huge RE fan and personally I prefer the old games that were actually scary as RE games, but as an action type game, Resident Evil 5 is amazing.
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DiplomaticImmunity posted 19/03/2009, 08:50
game is awesome, AND STOP IT WITH THE BASHING, for the love of god, u guys are not true RE fans
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Theo posted 19/03/2009, 08:46
Really good sales for an average game. But it has coop so it redeems itself.
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JamesCizuz posted 19/03/2009, 07:52
I can not believe you would say that. You sir, are not a real RE fan. RE was never about Zombies, it was about developing a biological weapon, to be used against people and to make people into a biological weapon. Sure at first this meant zombies, if you ever actually read the documents found, game per game you would notice. In zero it talks about the origin of the virus. In code veronica they mention an origin point of the leeches. Each RE is just building on top of that, if it changes genre it can't hurt it, because it never was a specific genre, when RE4 came out, it wasn't a new strain, but a whole new idea on bio-weapons, which of course was a plagus. In RE4 they even talk about finding the origin, which is linked to Africa.

Who is the real RE fan here, someone who just thinks it's about zombies, or someone who actually played and understood the changes?
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 19/03/2009, 07:36
cant believe people actually "love" this game, though I suppose those people are non-RE fans. i can't believe i'm actually gona say this, but Bioshock was even scarier than this game.

It took RE4, put better graphics in, then took out everything that made RE4 still an RE game.

RE4 wasn't scary, but it was atleast EERIE and FREAKY. I had forgot I was even playing an RE game while I was playing 5. This game is just a cheesey action game. Zombies on motercycles, zombies with guns, get the hell out.

I already knew the game was going to suck before it came out, but I had hopes that atleast the plot was good- and boy was I wrong. It took the ever epic Wesker and made him look like a puss. I loved how they made the game cliche, with plot about *SPOILERS* changing the world, taking over, and things like that *END SPOILERS.* I used to love Wesker. I never liked Chris that much, but I used to have an appriciation for him. I thought Sheva would be cool, but WOW, lamest characterization ever.

The last hour of the game was good. The rest of the game was decent to bad.

Thanks Capcom.
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Barozi posted 19/03/2009, 04:01
It won week 1
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SpartanFX posted 19/03/2009, 10:06
love this game.SP is so awesome
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euroboys77 posted 19/03/2009, 09:57

this is a video with one boss....
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erodrig85 posted 19/03/2009, 05:49
one thing i like is co op gameplay n that is lag free online plus waiting 4 npd report sales 4 this game for PS3
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erodrig85 posted 19/03/2009, 05:42
just got it 4 ps3 not that great prefer old school zombies but 28 weeks later style plus they should had classic ps1 controller lay out n had like a uncharted drakes fortune gameplay n i thought this game sold lots in europe or japan
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NicholasCage posted 19/03/2009, 05:02
1mil first week? maybe not :\
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xxxvitoxxx posted 19/03/2009, 04:03
i expected more from the EU sales (both consoles)
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superbeast1370 posted 19/03/2009, 02:16
amazing first week sales. I bought the PS3 version, even though RE5 sucked.
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pointman06 posted 17/03/2009, 05:40
Outstanding game! RE4 was my favorite video game of all time until now - RE5 now has that honor. Yes, its strayed from its original "horror" roots, but in my opinion its for the better. Its basically RE4 on steroids, and who doesn't like that?
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 17/03/2009, 04:36
this game tore my heart away from RE. if this is the way theyre going with the series, the only capcom franchise I'll still like is Ace Attorney. thanks for making me waste another 60 bucks, capcom. biggest disapointment in a while.

terrible story- "hey, im a girl, i wana save africa, lets go."
"hey, i'm chris, lets do it."

i forgot I was playing a RE game the whole time. not eerie, not freaky, not at all scary.
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Thechalkblock posted 17/03/2009, 07:19
Beat it today, a great game. 9/10 for me.
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sjhillsa posted 16/03/2009, 04:47
Agreed, a 9.0 got mine today too. It may be an 'action' game, but its' damn good. Great Stuff!
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xxxvitoxxx posted 16/03/2009, 08:33
got it today, im on 3-3 and im loving it, easily a 9.0
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Slimebeast posted 15/03/2009, 11:08
Slimebeast posted 12/06/2008, 02:41
"I predict 93% on Gamerankings, and over 2.5 million copies lifetime sales."

- While it seems I was wrong about the GR score, I'll add that first week sales will be 850,000.
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Hunter-121 posted 15/03/2009, 04:17
"It" is the boss down in the cave. At first you have to battle through those downfalling sections with the green lamps. You have to shoot them to get in the next section. Later he´s digging into the ground and tries to cut you in parts.
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chinmoku posted 15/03/2009, 01:47
The numbers in Europe fort he first week will outsell the xbox sales, as usual. And in America the xbox sales will lead again. It will be a close battle :)
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MetalGearSolid_4ever posted 15/03/2009, 10:50

What "it" arre you referring to?

The enhanced licker? Saddler? or the OMFG beast Salazar turns into? Or el Gigante? Or the lake monster? Or that bearded guy?
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SpartanFX posted 15/03/2009, 07:12
@mega dude

100% agree

I played RE5 demo before buying KZ2 and i though man this game is beautiful.but now that i ahve played KZ2 for more than 35 hours(SP and MP) i m not wowed by the RE5 graphics at all but i still think it looks good.not KZ2 good but good.

loving the game
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Megadude posted 15/03/2009, 06:16
Loving it- though KZ2 has spoiled me graphix wise.
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Thechalkblock posted 15/03/2009, 02:47
Awesome game.
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blaydcor posted 14/03/2009, 10:56
Man, Kyuu, if you think that new RE's have bad/non-scary bosses, you never fought "It" in Resident Evil 4
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sizynski posted 14/03/2009, 03:22
No first week estimates? I'm surprised. I'll say 500k on PS3 and 700k on 360.
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Theo posted 14/03/2009, 05:19
The tunnel level with the lamp was really cool, reminded me alot of Half Life with Alex and your torch :D
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Dgc1808 posted 13/03/2009, 10:07
I need this.
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jadakiss1217 posted 13/03/2009, 04:39
Love this game

Agree with Aprisaiden--hate having to revive Sheva every 5mins
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Aprisaiden posted 13/03/2009, 01:05
The game is decent but i hope capcom try to fix the problems with solo play (if only sheva was more like ashley from RE4).
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theshizzolator posted 13/03/2009, 10:07
Old skool resi is not dead it lives with Nintendo! Cant wait for the classics series!
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paixtis posted 13/03/2009, 09:53
stop this clisse talking.resident evil needs this change.the franchise needs this change to go further.old school resident evil is dead...
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 12/03/2009, 09:49
This game is amazing. For the first three chapters it feels a bit too much like RE4 HD, but after that it really starts to carve its own identity.

Crazy guys in tribal masks and giant crocodiles FTW!
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Egghead posted 12/03/2009, 09:44
500k in JUST Japan lifetime. This is going to sell nicely
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StarcraftManiac posted 12/03/2009, 04:12
Got it! The game rocks!

Just finished the first bos, one crazy mothafocker... In the style of that thing you have to fight in RE4 in the underground complex (chapter 4 or 5?) With the red eyes... But even crazier! XD. Wasn't too hard.

I recommend you play the game on the hardest mode, those crazy zombies just run at you!!! And there's plenty of moments where you'll be scared (a little). At least there's the tense atmosphere!

Limited edition FTW!
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xxxvitoxxx posted 11/03/2009, 02:12
none of the RE tittles were scary kyuu
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xxxvitoxxx posted 10/03/2009, 03:20
well said halil23 =), also 350k on ps3 is awesome while 74k on the 360 is good too but i was expecting 100k
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oliminator1994 posted 09/03/2009, 10:34
5GB initial install rules out my already slim chance of purchase...
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snyperdud posted 09/03/2009, 06:38
350k first week.

Damn fine opening.
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xxxvitoxxx posted 08/03/2009, 09:11
mmm my bet is 280k-300k 1st week and 100k for 360
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Dark Odin posted 08/03/2009, 04:09
222k first day in japan:$1275160.htm
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xxxvitoxxx posted 03/03/2009, 12:49
a true fan will admit that the formula was dying down and needed to change...ur just a fanboy
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 02/03/2009, 09:34
if you as a RE fan "admitted that the old games began to suck," then your not an RE fan, and shouldnt be able to call this game an RE game. leave that to the fans.
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xxxvitoxxx posted 02/03/2009, 02:17
this game is resident evil, your just a blind fanboy of the old ones, admited the old ones began to sucked
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 01/03/2009, 09:34
no, this game is not RE. thats why this is the last one in this style. RE needed to evolve, and will again, but in a different and hopefully better way
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Thechalkblock posted 23/02/2009, 04:43
This game is awesome.
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Terrell posted 22/02/2009, 02:05
i dislike the aiming but i like the bosses
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xxxvitoxxx posted 09/02/2009, 03:25
this game will OWN
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metalgearmatt posted 07/02/2009, 02:45
Ehhh, I might rent this.
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Simulacrum posted 04/02/2009, 05:09
First day for me.
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Thechalkblock posted 01/02/2009, 09:21

Don't worry RE isn't about horror anymore, it's about action for better or for worse.
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xxxvitoxxx posted 20/01/2009, 05:57
demo coming on feb 2nd
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terislb posted 13/01/2009, 08:44
so wheres the resident evil in this game`?
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TyePhoid_PAL posted 28/12/2008, 07:16
Looking forward to this. Something 360 fans have enjoyed is a campaign tailor made for coop with Gears. Finally get sum coop action.
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SpartanFX posted 24/12/2008, 03:14
this and killzone 2 are my day one purchases of Q1 09
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xxxvitoxxx posted 22/12/2008, 05:33
lets hope it sell great
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Sephiroth357 posted 09/12/2008, 05:21
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Dante666 posted 14/10/2008, 02:16
How would you even know if this game rocks...its not out until next year.
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AnarchyWest posted 15/07/2008, 10:14
anyone else going through all the resident evils again?
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Slimebeast posted 12/06/2008, 02:41
I predict 93% on Gamerankings, and over 2.5 million copies lifetime sales.

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nextgreatchamp posted 05/05/2008, 12:58
i wanna get this but i might get too scared. lol.
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Mirson posted 05/03/2008, 11:40
This game rocks.
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 1   2   3   4 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (383)

1 323,228 n/a n/a 323,228
2 60,755 337,453 296,572 166,940 861,720
3 28,508 133,854 142,015 74,712 379,089
4 16,497 77,715 68,167 38,424 200,803
5 10,221 54,265 46,173 26,323 136,982
6 7,036 33,514 33,029 17,829 91,408
7 5,335 23,461 25,084 13,165 67,045
8 4,417 17,331 22,064 10,955 54,767
9 4,248 13,656 17,341 8,624 43,869
10 3,974 11,497 14,294 7,160 36,925
RafaelKaito posted 21/02/2017, 09:55
RE5 > RE4.
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Azhraell posted 05/02/2014, 03:36
This still can reach 5 million.
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withdreday posted 05/06/2013, 12:31

Shut the hell up. You post the same thing on every comment. The west doesn't buy JRPGs and Japan buys Apple which is from the US. You should at least know wtf you're talking about when you post stuff like that
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 29/12/2012, 10:57
They count GE but yeah it over tracked.
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Heavenly_King posted 20/10/2012, 10:51
This game in reality has sold lot less because the cumulative shipments of RE5 (PS3/360/PC) are 5.8M.
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Jac0b posted 20/05/2012, 12:19
Defiantly going to reach 5m thanks to Resi6 :)
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