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Alternative Names

Dragon Quest: The Chapters of the Chosen

Dragon Quest IV: Michibikareshi Monotachi

ドラゴンクエスト IV 導かれし者たち





Release Dates

09/16/08 Square Enix
11/22/07 Square Enix
09/12/08 Square Enix

Community Stats

Owners: 216
Favorite: 7
Tracked: 4
Wishlist: 11
Now Playing: 4

Avg Community Rating:


Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen (DS) > Opinions (26)

MonstaMack posted 11/03/2011, 05:11
$13 on Newegg picked it up. Now time to sell that NES copy..
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Fededx posted 27/02/2011, 02:17
I absolutely loved it! First DQ game I played, and it was such a rewarding experience... Currently playing 5, about to beat it, and already bought 6. Still have to buy 9 though...
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Opa-Opa posted 04/02/2010, 06:25
Finally beat it. Only took 31 hours, a lot of down-time between chapters because of work made that happen this week. I have to say, I was impressed, this being my first DQ game to beat. Now onward to V, VI, and IX.
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aragod posted 15/09/2009, 04:34
When was this game last updated? I'm from Europe and I know it has sold here a good few hundred thousands, yet "Others" has still 0...

Btw I love the game, I've got DQV ordered, and I can't wait for DQVI and DQIX, I'm even thinking about buying DQVIII for PS2 despite the fact that I don't own PS2!
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Beoulve posted 03/05/2009, 10:42
"Khuutra posted 15/01/2009, 09:23
Now I may only be in chapter 2, but I think the accents are hilarious. The game is awfully charming."

I agree
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IxisNaugus posted 28/04/2009, 01:03
The game was a nice surprise for me. I'm not one for mega standard RPG's but DQ has this odd spark to it, i love how its ridiculously difficult. I'm glad i decided to pursue this series. I'll pick up DQV when the price drops a bit and when i finish IV. Can't wait for DQIX and X! :)
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Thechalkblock posted 23/04/2009, 12:16
If I enjoy this DQ (which I assume I will) I will get DQV
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NeoStar9 posted 21/03/2009, 04:18
I think because they don't seem to advertise the Dragon Quest games outside of Japan. From what I can tell you can't even buy Dragon Quest 4 in stores anymore or to begin with. Online sure but not in stores such as Walmart.
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coonana posted 08/02/2009, 11:47
It bugs me so much that US and Other markets ignore Dragon Quest games. Maybe Square Enix should take measure to appeal to these markets more in the Dragon Quest games.
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spaceworlder posted 17/01/2009, 11:29
Also, love the Russian dog and cat "accents."
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spaceworlder posted 17/01/2009, 11:28
This game rocks. Can't wait for V & VI.
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Khuutra posted 15/01/2009, 09:23
Now I may only be in chapter 2, but I think the accents are hilarious. The game is awfully charming.

But then, I just came off of the original Dragon Warrior. I do miss the Middle English-y talk.
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Kenryoku_Maxis posted 14/01/2009, 10:15
@Sky Render

Yes, that is the other major problem. And Square-Enix came out strong with advertising the series both in the niche market at places like conventions and with actual television commercials. Including one very well crafted one for Monsters: Joker for the DS. But that was the last time they actively advertised the series. And following Joker, the series started going down in quality and sales.

On the flip side, even if they did start putting in more money on the advertising side, it wouldn't change much if they didn't fix their localization standards. No one outside of Japan takes the series seriously. From the public to review sites. Giving the series 8.0 scores and saying things like "More could have been done with it though, and the end result is a product that still feels very archaic when compared to the other RPG offerings on DS"-IGN. That 'more' that could have been done with it was done in the original game, but removed or altered by the localization team. The Party chat feature that was removed, as well as all the near indecipherable British/Russian/French/etc 'accents' that are replacing the remaining dialogue and making the game laughable in comparison to even poorly translated games of the past. If other people are willing to tolerate these accents, then that's good for you. But the fact is, the general public won't and it will hurt the series over the long run. As it did on the NES.
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Sky Render posted 14/01/2009, 05:57
Quoting Malstrom, Kenryoku_Maxis?

But yeah, DQ has some issues to overcome in the US. Not so much the translation as the poor marketing effort. Have you ever seen any ads for a DQ game that weren't web-centric and limited to Square-Enix's site or direct affiliates? 'Cause I haven't.

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bigjon posted 25/12/2008, 07:32
got for Cmas, was 29.99 at GS so I swiped it up. I will try to get into the DQ series so I can get hyped for DQX in a few years.
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bigjon posted 14/12/2008, 12:42

; ) not anymore.
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Khuutra posted 11/12/2008, 05:58
Looks like might be picking this up...
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Kenryoku_Maxis posted 18/11/2008, 07:47
The game is going to sell horribly. As every Dragon Quest game in the future will continue to with the gimmicky translations and lackluster localization jobs it gets.

When a company treats a game like its a secondary product compared to to its other major franchises, its sales reflect that. Too bad Square-Enix isn't seeing the writing on the wall, as they are running their Final Fantasy brand into the ground and their other major franchises are either selling poorly or haven't been touched in 10 years. DQ could have been a great 'second tier' to set up outside of Japan, but they decided to shoot it dead.
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arsenal009 posted 05/10/2008, 01:34
btw, no euro sales for this & final fantasy, very sad.
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arsenal009 posted 05/10/2008, 01:33

32k*$40 is $1.3 mln

Say if developers only get 1/3 of that, it is MORE than enough to pay for translation costs.

I'm sure they would make profit if it sold 32k lifetime in NA.
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Rei posted 29/09/2008, 02:21
Amazing game
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mrstickball posted 29/09/2008, 06:39
32k opening week? This is why the US can't have Mother 3 :(
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Mithos posted 29/09/2008, 12:43
Where are the "others" numbers???
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Sky Render posted 28/09/2008, 07:35
I remember looking forward to this on PS1 ages ago when DQ7 promised a release of it on the back of its manual. It remains the only previously-US-released DQ game I've never owned (and with DQ5 and 6, remains one of the only main-series DQ I haven't won; that'll be fixed shortly).

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mrstickball posted 23/09/2008, 08:38
Picked it up for my new DS. It's a faithful, GORGEOUS port of DQIV.
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sc94597 posted 25/08/2008, 10:19
Releases in the U.S soon. Can't wait. The only Main Series Dragon Quest I've played is VIII and I thought it was great game. I can't wait for the other remakes and IX too.
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Shipping Total

1,600,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (26)

MonstaMack posted 11/03/2011, 05:11
$13 on Newegg picked it up. Now time to sell that NES copy..
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Fededx posted 27/02/2011, 02:17
I absolutely loved it! First DQ game I played, and it was such a rewarding experience... Currently playing 5, about to beat it, and already bought 6. Still have to buy 9 though...
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Opa-Opa posted 04/02/2010, 06:25
Finally beat it. Only took 31 hours, a lot of down-time between chapters because of work made that happen this week. I have to say, I was impressed, this being my first DQ game to beat. Now onward to V, VI, and IX.
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aragod posted 15/09/2009, 04:34
When was this game last updated? I'm from Europe and I know it has sold here a good few hundred thousands, yet "Others" has still 0...

Btw I love the game, I've got DQV ordered, and I can't wait for DQVI and DQIX, I'm even thinking about buying DQVIII for PS2 despite the fact that I don't own PS2!
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Beoulve posted 03/05/2009, 10:42
"Khuutra posted 15/01/2009, 09:23
Now I may only be in chapter 2, but I think the accents are hilarious. The game is awfully charming."

I agree
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IxisNaugus posted 28/04/2009, 01:03
The game was a nice surprise for me. I'm not one for mega standard RPG's but DQ has this odd spark to it, i love how its ridiculously difficult. I'm glad i decided to pursue this series. I'll pick up DQV when the price drops a bit and when i finish IV. Can't wait for DQIX and X! :)
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