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VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Dragon Quest: The Hand of the Heavenly Bride

Dragon Quest V: Tenkuu no Hanayome

ドラゴンクエストV 天空の花嫁





Release Dates

02/17/09 Square Enix
07/17/08 Square Enix
02/20/09 Square Enix

Community Stats

Owners: 171
Favorite: 13
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 19
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (DS) > Opinions (50)

MANUELF posted 21/05/2011, 04:46
I just received my copy, im pretty hyped to play it
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Fededx posted 01/02/2011, 11:02
Yep, I've already preordered it, and now I'm playing DQ5, after beating 4. So far, it's an amazing game!
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Reconnection posted 20/12/2010, 11:44
Dragon Quest VI coming! :D
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Fededx posted 06/11/2010, 12:06
It's a rare game nowadays in the US. I think that's why it's not selling well, it's hard to find. Hope they bring DQ6 to America despite this sales...
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ishiki posted 29/10/2010, 02:31
My favorite game this gen... even though it's a remake... It never got relased in the US so it counts :P
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IxisNaugus posted 24/10/2010, 05:58
Finally got a hold of a copy. The game is stupid rare now for some reason.
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Skeeuk posted 25/05/2010, 08:31
dammit, i bought DQ 4 today, when i got hom game and instuctions were DQ5, how is DQ4 i really want to play it
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Fededx posted 28/04/2010, 02:32
Already enjoying it :P It's amazing!
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Opa-Opa posted 18/02/2010, 10:55
No retail store in my area (much less state in the US!) carries this game! I had to order this bitch from amazon....sigh....when will we all learn to love dragon quest together as one world?
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Fededx posted 23/01/2010, 01:51
I can't find this game anywhere... I really want to play it =(
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LokeSTL posted 16/07/2009, 06:27
Wow! Finally started playing this yesterday, and am suprised at how awesome it is!. I mean, I love DQ games, but this one may be the best one I've played so far. It's a shame that this isn't selling better in the US since, in my opinion, V is even more fun that IV was.
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SuperDave posted 12/06/2009, 04:34
It really sucks that no one outside of Japan seems to buy into this series, because it's really good
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atma998 posted 01/05/2009, 03:32
Yay I finally got my Liquid Metal Slime!!!!
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*~Onna76~* posted 22/04/2009, 03:07
Got European version cheap from Check over there guys, they're really fast in shipping within EU and have low prices

@Man we don't count here at VGC when it comes to sales.
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IxisNaugus posted 18/04/2009, 12:42
I swear vgcharts hides the Others data from me on purpose. I just know this is not selling well over there.
Why is it great games such as this get the rawest ends of the deals (outside JAP anyway), what is wrong with Europeans...
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Man posted 15/04/2009, 11:53
How come theres no EU data? Did it sell really badly or just not tracked?
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Khuutra posted 03/04/2009, 06:36

Still don't care about the "faithfulness" of the translation. I hope it's half as charming as DQIV.

Will be picking this up soon.
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Domo-Kun posted 02/04/2009, 09:07
It is what it is.

Awesome game, 10/10.
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Plezbo posted 23/03/2009, 08:25
I havent ever played a fan translation of this game, so I don't know what changed or stayed the same. But I will say that this game kicks ass. Yeah, some of the dialogue seems more "Earthbound-ish" than standard JRPG fare, but all RPGs dont have to be daftly serious. The gameplay is awesome and the 2.5D presentation looks great. Akira Toriyama's beautiful drawings make for a fine cast of friends and villains. Anyone who likes a good dungeon grind will appreciate this game.
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atma998 posted 17/03/2009, 02:58

Hey the translation is perfect. If you don't like it fine, but now move on. It's just too annoying.
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ZuZayLi posted 15/03/2009, 09:39
bah like always, vgchartz don't put the Other numbers of some Square Enix games!!
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Fossil posted 09/03/2009, 04:48
Kenryoku_Maxis Has a point. To use a different medium, Gurren Laggan's dub didn't change a damn thing and it single-handedly saved Sci-fi's ass and pulled it out of the gutter. As a whole, this is just another textbook example of one company treating it's foreign branch like a red-haired step-son, only now the treatment is entirely the fault of said branch. Seeing these translations makes me think the 90's retro wave has already started.....
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TomHoang posted 06/03/2009, 10:07
This is the best game I've ever played, and the US sales make me sad =(
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Kenryoku_Maxis posted 05/03/2009, 07:46

Unlike Mr. Kennedy there, some of us have a different view of what staying 'true to the Japanese original' is. And it sure isn't Dragons impersonating Ned Flanders or Ludman getting his name changed to Rodrigo Briscoletti just so he can go around spouting 'Ravioli, Linguine, Bambino, Tutti-Frutti!'

And yes, all of that really happens.

Regardless, the sales are slumping even worse than DQIV. As I predicted. And no, I'm not happy about it. More than anyone I want DQ to sell. But frankly, it needs more marketing and this localization IS substandard at best. And nothing close to the original creators vision, unlike the claims of the localization team.

DQ games sell millions in Japan. And tons of Anime games do well in America. Why do they feel they need to change the game when they bring it over here? There's no logic behind these changes and it sure hasn't helped the sales.
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blaydcor posted 05/03/2009, 02:23
Everything Skyrender says.
And I'll just reiterate it anyway, the accents rule. Lighthearted =/= childish, the same way that 'gritty' =/= mature
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luzer7072 posted 03/03/2009, 04:51
@ Kenryoku_Maxis:

Man, you're impossible.
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Sky Render posted 24/02/2009, 05:59
I really don't care any more if they opt not to stick faithfully to the Japanese script like fan translations do. Honestly, I don't think that'd be nearly as interesting, as the plethora of puns and bad jokes in the Japanese text would just be lost that way, and it wouldn't be funny at all instead of being funny due to new jokes in the same spirit.

Oh, and the game is a blast to play. Not surprising in the least.

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IvorEvilen posted 19/02/2009, 04:16
While I don't like all the name changes, I don't really think any of it is dumbing down, especially not the accents... that would make it less for young children. I love the dialects, and a lot of the name changes.
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Kenryoku_Maxis posted 18/02/2009, 11:16
I amend my previous statement. After playing the game, the accents are still there. Some even worse than before. "I can 'ardly muster up the energisms to do anythin' these dasies. I'm so 'ungry!"

This on top of nearly every name being changed and other major alterations to try to 'dumb down' the game to make it target a child market.

SquareEnix is just never going to learn.
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Louie posted 09/02/2009, 04:24
@metalgearmatt: It is. Definitely!
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Kenryoku_Maxis posted 24/01/2009, 08:45

That depends on what you are looking at. DQIV focuses on the characters and a chapter based system. And while all Dragon Quest games focus on their characters, this one is the one game that can probably be said to have the most powerful plot and uses monsters in the party for battle.

But focusing on which will be better of the DS Dragon Quest games, it looks like this game is going to be indefinitely better just because of DQIV having the horrid translation and localization with edited content. And so far, all videos for this game have shown that they learned their lesson and have changed that practice. Making this game better by default.
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metalgearmatt posted 21/01/2009, 02:29
Is this better than DQ4?
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Cactus posted 11/11/2008, 09:04
Release date confirmed for Feb.
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gameplayer369 posted 01/09/2008, 09:03
I want this game and DQ6.
I'm going to get DQ4 but i'm not intrested in it like 5&6.

Nice figures for DQ5.
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FaRmLaNd posted 26/08/2008, 09:43
This just reiterates how big dq IX is going to be. I can't wait to see just how much it can sell week 1.
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Kenology posted 22/08/2008, 02:56
This game has some legs for a remake of an old RPG.
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MANUELF posted 09/08/2008, 06:10
That is worldwide, how much it sold in Japan?
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Onimusha12 posted 09/08/2008, 02:16
Slavedemonxi I'm sure it would have sold more on the DS.
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Untouch posted 08/08/2008, 03:28
1m sales in 3 weeks.
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Thekirby45 posted 05/08/2008, 05:56
when does this come out in america?
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Slavedemonxi posted 03/08/2008, 09:20
Onimusha, how did you come to that conclusion? Crisis core for the psp has sold 1.5 million, and i'm sure square was happy with those figures. Although i will say those first week sales were impressive.
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Onimusha12 posted 03/08/2008, 03:31
More proof the Ds is the only handheld Square-Enix needs bother with.
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ZenfoldorVGI posted 01/08/2008, 01:25
Lol, this will sell a million in Japan alone. It's confirmed for US release right, along with the other DQ remakes?
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Barrios posted 30/07/2008, 05:44
This is fantastic. Isn't this a record?
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MontanaHatchet posted 26/07/2008, 03:34
Very impressive.
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elvenearth posted 24/07/2008, 09:27
Well people aren't being forced to buy it. There is obviously demand for this rehash business.
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ZenfoldorVGI posted 24/07/2008, 03:36
I'll buy it when it comes out. Looks great. Never played it before.

Square makes DS owners happy.
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arsenal009 posted 24/07/2008, 03:11
Square must be loving their rehashes
I can see why FFXIII will take forever to come out :P
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Sky Render posted 10/07/2008, 03:30
Actually, the PS2 version was quite different from this one, which is being engineered to resemble DQ4DS (which was engineered to resemble DQ7).

Never underestimate the power of a portable version, especially for a series like Dragon Quest. The ability to play anywhere is especially valuable to RPG players who also have full-time employment.

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johnsobas posted 21/06/2008, 11:07
isn't it cool how companies can millions of dollars by just releasing the same thing over and over. This is quite similar to the remake released on the PS2, but we're probably looking at another million seller.
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Shipping Total

1,700,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (50)

MANUELF posted 21/05/2011, 04:46
I just received my copy, im pretty hyped to play it
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Fededx posted 01/02/2011, 11:02
Yep, I've already preordered it, and now I'm playing DQ5, after beating 4. So far, it's an amazing game!
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Reconnection posted 20/12/2010, 11:44
Dragon Quest VI coming! :D
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Fededx posted 06/11/2010, 12:06
It's a rare game nowadays in the US. I think that's why it's not selling well, it's hard to find. Hope they bring DQ6 to America despite this sales...
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ishiki posted 29/10/2010, 02:31
My favorite game this gen... even though it's a remake... It never got relased in the US so it counts :P
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IxisNaugus posted 24/10/2010, 05:58
Finally got a hold of a copy. The game is stupid rare now for some reason.
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