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Sega Sports R&D



Release Dates

11/15/13 Nintendo
12/05/13 Nintendo
11/08/13 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 4
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Tracked: 0
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Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games (WiiU) > Opinions (5)

Slarvax posted 24/09/2014, 03:33
Huh... If we can trust VGC, this game has insane legs.
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supernihilist posted 20/02/2014, 06:10
this shit always ends up selling well, Nintendo knows his shit
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IMP_ervious posted 30/12/2013, 04:46
Up to 40k sold this week. Pretty decent holiday boost and still a potential for a boost when the Olympics start up at the beginning of the year.
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ganondorf7799 posted 01/12/2013, 03:54
There is no 3DS version this time. Just bought the game yesterday and played it for about 8 hours, really some great mini games.
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NoirSon posted 28/11/2013, 07:27
I remember seeing a commercial for this one, didn't actually think it was already out. Hope the 3DS does better.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (5)

1 n/a n/a 1,172 70 1,242
2 n/a 9,161 4,618 2,278 16,057
3 n/a 7,222 3,236 1,771 12,229
4 n/a 14,003 3,972 3,296 21,271
5 4,803 12,324 5,445 3,019 25,591
6 6,805 20,788 9,258 5,095 41,946
7 10,397 29,094 13,906 7,188 60,585
8 7,555 18,680 10,666 4,719 41,620
9 7,867 6,697 4,778 1,750 21,092
10 2,850 4,390 3,251 1,154 11,645
Slarvax posted 24/09/2014, 03:33
Huh... If we can trust VGC, this game has insane legs.
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supernihilist posted 20/02/2014, 06:10
this shit always ends up selling well, Nintendo knows his shit
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IMP_ervious posted 30/12/2013, 04:46
Up to 40k sold this week. Pretty decent holiday boost and still a potential for a boost when the Olympics start up at the beginning of the year.
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ganondorf7799 posted 01/12/2013, 03:54
There is no 3DS version this time. Just bought the game yesterday and played it for about 8 hours, really some great mini games.
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NoirSon posted 28/11/2013, 07:27
I remember seeing a commercial for this one, didn't actually think it was already out. Hope the 3DS does better.
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