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Alternative Names

ファイナルファンタジー XIII


Square Enix



Other Versions

All, PC, X360

Release Dates

03/09/10 Square Enix
12/17/09 Square Enix
03/09/10 Square Enix

Community Stats

Owners: 1,025
Favorite: 70
Tracked: 30
Wishlist: 100
Now Playing: 78

Avg Community Rating:


Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) > Opinions (823)

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COKTOE posted 09/09/2017, 01:18
A fantastic entry in the series, with it's main flaw being that it takes a very long time for the combat to reveal it's greatness. Makes FF VII look like a pile of oily rags. Set that shit on fire and give FF XIII a try. Before long, you'll be glad Aeris is dead.
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Dadrik posted 05/12/2016, 12:39
Combat was pretty aight, graphics were great, musics were godlike, game was pretty long, but the thing is that the game takes pretty much 25 hours to actually take off and feel like an actual FF game. And it still has meh characters and an average story.

The game isn't THAT awful, but it's certainly painful to play at times, since we know it might end up be great, but we have to stick through hours of ultralinear gameplay before it finally gets interesting.

FF X was very linear too at the beginning, but it at least made up for it with a great story and a shorter "intro", imo.
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VXIII posted 09/01/2016, 05:01
The 4th best selling in the franchise ( 7.45M ) behind VII, X, and VIII .That is without counting the PC version.
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fatslob-:O posted 31/07/2015, 07:32
Looking back I can say it was a great game ... :)
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ExplodingBlock posted 19/06/2015, 09:34
Walk in a straight line, fight easy battle. Repeat
There you go, the entire game in one sentence
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TrevDaRev posted 26/09/2013, 01:24
19th PS3 '5' million seller.
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Jozu posted 21/05/2013, 04:09
Derp I was looking at the wrong thing nevermind.
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Jozu posted 21/05/2013, 04:08
Looks like its now sold 7.3 million now that the Xbox version was adjusted up about 400k.
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think-man posted 23/12/2012, 01:39
Worst Final fantasy from main series.
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A203D posted 14/12/2012, 08:29
Won't reach 5 mil this year, but it has sold over 7 mil copies including 360 version. FF13 was a financial success, but there are other things more important to fans of the series. FF13-2 was clearly not one of those things.
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shanbcn posted 08/05/2012, 02:12
I think now it will reach 5m for sure this year.
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SnakeDrake posted 13/04/2012, 03:01
Brought this game 2 years ago and finished it this year
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VGKing posted 10/03/2012, 10:44
Has a good chance to reach 5mil before the end of the year.

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XJordanXCLBX posted 11/02/2012, 09:03
Last week sales lifetime were higer than this week lol
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Rob-Ot posted 09/02/2012, 04:28 what I said I meant FFXIII-2 is so much better than XIII that it makes XIII look shameful
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A-unlimited posted 09/02/2012, 01:07
@ Rob-Ot, I don't think so. XIII bored me a lot and was far away from being a JRPG and ven far away from being a good game. XIII-2 has more variety with some miniquests, alternative places, riddles and other mini games. Even the story, which isn't that great, is better than it's predecessor.
Just my opinion
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Rob-Ot posted 05/02/2012, 01:25
Rest In Peace now. Your sequel brings shame to you.
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VGKing posted 25/01/2012, 03:43
Sold more in America this week than Gears of War 3!
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Sparking posted 24/01/2012, 04:55
Back in the Top 40 this week, sold 13k in USA even though the totals only gone up by 8k...

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Chaos-Emerald posted 14/01/2012, 06:10
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Zim posted 14/01/2012, 03:54
@Rob-Ot as I stated on the FF13-2 wall. Week 4 was a holiday week for ff13-2, whereas for ff13 week 3 was. So yes FF13-2 sold more in week 4 however it is an anomaly.
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Rob-Ot posted 14/01/2012, 02:47
In Week 4 XIII-2 did more than FFXIII
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Heavenly_King posted 14/01/2012, 05:06
hopefully VSXIII will save the franchise
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A203D posted 12/01/2012, 04:55
Its not really easy to compare WRPGs and JRGs. but i think FF13 wasnt that good. havent played much of Skyrim yet. sales wise it will show how many people were unhappy with this when FF13-2 comes out. Skyrim, well the numbers speak for themselves.
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Ham_Burgular posted 09/01/2012, 12:52
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XJordanXCLBX posted 07/01/2012, 12:12
around 30000 this week thats good
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Iveyboi posted 04/01/2012, 06:25
@ XJordan.....cocaine is a hell of a drug
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XJordanXCLBX posted 02/01/2012, 05:13
This is way better than skrim in my opinion and skyrim is broken on ps3
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Ham_Burgular posted 31/12/2011, 03:43
This games sold 6.5 million copies thats not bad at all.
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miqdadi posted 31/12/2011, 10:49
Skyrim will be the all time best selling RPG, On home consoles, against the mighty FF VII also not just against FF XIII. But I think all RPG genre will benefit from this success, if they are clever
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A203D posted 25/12/2011, 06:09
I think Skyrim's success can only be good for JRPGs, they will find success again on the shoulders of From Software, Monolith, Mistwalker, Namco and Level 5. with any luck FF15 will save the series from irrelevance.
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VGKing posted 21/12/2011, 11:02
Of course they are. JRPGs are a dying breed.(unfortunately)
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yahoocomReborn posted 12/12/2011, 12:33
Skyrim's first month sales (all formats) are larger than FF13 life time sales (all formats)
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A203D posted 12/12/2011, 09:43
A sequel was probabily planned before FF13 came out. it seems like the sequel will have a lot of improvements, but i'll wait to hear what people have to say before i think about getting it.
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miqdadi posted 10/12/2011, 02:45
I think the game is already close to 7M, on both machines, The game is fine, I don't think the 2nd will sell as good, But 3M is sure I believe, it is still FF
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Ideas posted 10/12/2011, 02:40
why is it sad?i think it's better using same engine and releasing FF main title within 2 years instead of waiting 5 more years!every company needs money to run including SE!!
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Heavenly_King posted 09/12/2011, 03:05
I think SE is doing XIII-2 because they didnt earn the money expected with the release of XIII. So they are using the same engine, adding things here and there; and will sell it for 60 bucks. Plus they will also release DLC. It is really sad
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Heavenly_King posted 09/12/2011, 03:04
I think SE is doing XIII-2 because the didnt earn the money what they expected with the release of XIII. So they are using the same engine, adding things here and there; and will sell it for 60 bucks. Plus they will also release DLC. It is really sad
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Rob-Ot posted 25/11/2011, 11:51
I agree with A203D, it has it's moments and I don't dislike it as much as I used to but overall it's just not that great. XIII-2 looks more promising.
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A203D posted 22/11/2011, 06:34
It has its moments Chris-Jiang, but for some fans it was just a poorly written anime soap opera; rather than a spirtual successor to FF7 which is what was originally promised.
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Chris-Jiang posted 22/11/2011, 01:35
I used to believe that this game isn't very good.But after saw the story video,I'd like to buy this at least for the HD world.that's so beautiful
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Chris-Jiang posted 22/11/2011, 01:32
I saw the FF XIII-2' ad,so I bought one type on the internet.
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The_Joker_Product posted 19/11/2011, 01:56
I think it could reach 5 million, its only 250k away, its sold 30k in the last 4 weeks. The new one may give it a boost.
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SolidGear3 posted 18/11/2011, 08:40
XIII-2 I meant...
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SolidGear3 posted 18/11/2011, 08:39
Story was the best part. I hope they tone down the difficulty for X-2 though.
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shanbcn posted 16/11/2011, 11:08
This will never reach 5m, terrible legs.
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MrMofongo624 posted 14/11/2011, 03:38
I agree with you ado3d. I think the next ff should have a better story, similiar combat system, amazing graphics as usual, non linearity, and much more exploration with different things to do.
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A203D posted 11/11/2011, 03:36
I know what Sqaure Enix are saying. they think adding 200 monsters to catch and train and multiple tree dialogues makes a game better. i think if people want monster training they will buy Pokemon, not FF, if they want multiple tree dialogues they would buy Mass Effect, not FF. the point is they havent actully fixed the poor dialogue of FF13, or the unrealistic characterisations. i think their creating more problems by trying to add things that dont need to be added while not improving on the things that were trutly bad in FF13, like the story.
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The_Joker_Product posted 09/11/2011, 04:28
10-2 was alot worse than 10. They say 13-2 will be alot better than 13.
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cars298 posted 09/11/2011, 08:32
good as compared to the earlier ones.....
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A203D posted 08/11/2011, 05:34
Well FF10 sold 8mil and 10-2, sold about 5mil, with that logic 13-2 should do about 4mil. but since i think it was very unpopular compared to FF10, i cant see it doing over 3mil. i can realistically see about 2.5-3mil.
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DakonBlackblade posted 07/11/2011, 06:12
I hope youre right, I realy do Id love to see XIII-2 d very well and sell like 4 mil + copies.
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The_Joker_Product posted 07/11/2011, 02:15
2 million....theres no way thats happening, thats not even a realistic number. This one sold over 2 million in EMEAA the new one isnt going to drop over 50% from that.
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DakonBlackblade posted 07/11/2011, 10:08
@ The_Joker_Product sorry dude but even me, beeing the FF entusiast that I am know XIII-2 wont sell anywhere near 4 millions, the preoders in Japan right now are "only" 600k less tham XIIIs preorders were at the same time from launch. XIII-2 will sell around 700-8000k on Japan, will probably not do very well on the USA were most of the XIII hatters are and sell another 800k or so on Europe for a total of about 2 mil. Thats how I see it going anywhay, Im buying 1 for sure.
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A203D posted 06/11/2011, 10:17
Not sure if 6.6 mil is right, Sqaure have said they only shipped 6.2 mil copies.
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The_Joker_Product posted 01/11/2011, 11:17
This one sold 6.6 million, the new one wont have much trouble selling over 4 million. It wasnt a hated game, it may not be FFVII or FFX but its user scores are fine, here its a 8.1, metacrtitic a 8.2, IGN a 8.6, Gamespot a 8.4. The new one looks to be an improvement it wont fail.
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A203D posted 28/10/2011, 06:08
I really dont think its selling 4mil copies. maybe 3mil, but new fans wont buy this game. all of the sales will have to come from people who bought FF13. and i'm willing to bet not many people even finished it.
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The_Joker_Product posted 26/10/2011, 09:53
1-2 million Worldwide? hell no itll sell 4 million at least with Xbox. Itll sell over 1 million in Japan alone.
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DakonBlackblade posted 26/10/2011, 04:13
@A203D I dont think Square is concerned about XIII-2 sales, they pretty much know it wont sell nearly as well as this game but they arent expecting it to, its a considerably low budget game, built upon a DLC that was planned for XIII using the same engine character etc etc as XIII. Itll probably sell aroound 1-2 million worldwide and Square will make a very hughe profit from it.
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PlaystaionGamer posted 22/10/2011, 10:38
i brought this 2 days ago for £10! im getting into it tonight hopefully! but might complete Enslaved first
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yahoocom1984 posted 10/10/2011, 03:21
THis game shipped 6.2 million so VGchartz overtracted this game because here the data says 6.5 million
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A203D posted 06/10/2011, 04:52
Its probabily selling a few copies here and there. Square should do a White Knight Chronicles and put FF13 in free with FF13-2, to incentivise people who didnt get it to pick up 13-2. personally i don see people who didnt play FF13 getting 13-2 and i cant see many people who got FF13 queing up for 13-2.
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Mordred11 posted 06/10/2011, 03:12
has the game completely stopped selling?
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skeleton_fingers posted 05/09/2011, 07:54
HAHA Most of Japan would have bought their copy by now. An easy mode and English language option is only gonna net them 30,000 or something!
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VXIII posted 04/09/2011, 06:48
False alarm , it was released 21 July, and hasn't sold a single copy according to these numbers :)
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VXIII posted 03/09/2011, 08:33
In Japan that is
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VXIII posted 03/09/2011, 08:33
Ultimate Hits version was pushed back to Sep 4th
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Mordred11 posted 02/09/2011, 08:50
doesnt deserve these sales
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pablogers posted 01/09/2011, 05:54
i liked the game, i know it have a lot of weak points but the graphics are just too beautiful..
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thelalaby posted 29/08/2011, 02:59
Battle system is best of the series but the Crystarium system didn't really do much for me, had it been better the game would have been so much better. I also have my complaints about the story... but overall, it may not be the best but I loved it! :)
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DakonBlackblade posted 21/08/2011, 08:42
Lol this wall is funny, half of the people badmouth the game the other half chear for it lol.
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miqdadi posted 14/08/2011, 11:59
I believe the game should have sold more by now
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Xen posted 13/08/2011, 11:35
What a piece of trash.
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atma998 posted 11/08/2011, 10:14
4.67M... Is this game died or is it still selling?
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Heavenly_King posted 05/08/2011, 10:40
this game sucks!
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Boutros posted 02/08/2011, 04:29
Deserves moar!
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pslee posted 25/07/2011, 10:41
i like this game.
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yahoocom1984 posted 25/06/2011, 11:19
darthdevidem01, VG uses MC number in Japan not Famitsu
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skeleton_fingers posted 24/06/2011, 01:30
I'm guessing the PS3 version has sold really close to 5m by now despite what this says.
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Diablerie posted 23/06/2011, 06:57
Have had this game since the day it came out, but never really found the time to play it. Right now I am just starting Chapter 5 and I am enjoying myself so far (FFIX being my favorite and FFXII being my least favorite).
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A203D posted 16/06/2011, 08:51
@miqdadi. people want FF to at least be an RPG experience - this wasnt that. however based on FF13-2 its seems like they've really listened to what people have said. even a professional novelist has been hired to write the story this time.
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darthdevidem01 posted 16/06/2011, 04:47
in Japan! Famitsu puts PS3 version at 1.904 Million just revealed today!!!!!!!22This awesome game is HEAVILY undertracked 31323
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yahoocom1984 posted 13/06/2011, 01:29
FFXIII-2 is shit
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darthdevidem01 posted 10/06/2011, 08:09
FFXIII-2 is blowing this out of the water.
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darthdevidem01 posted 28/05/2011, 01:37
Felt good to hear this won GOTY at the German users choice game awards show.
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miqdadi posted 24/05/2011, 10:13
The best RPG out there, all I can say is that some people want FF VII to be out every time there is a new FF coming out
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VXIII posted 23/05/2011, 07:52
too many mistakes
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VXIII posted 23/05/2011, 06:02
Played the game yesterday and remembered how good was it , seriously it's a very good game (8.2), I guess tha haters affected me a bit ... @italo244 that sounds reasonable enough but I think 1,8 for americas is a little bit too high with xiii-2 around the corner
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kcoward posted 22/05/2011, 12:28
One of the worst Final Fantasy will eventually be one of the best selling......smh
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A203D posted 17/05/2011, 04:13
Mad55, the majority of sales took place in the first 3 weeks. the combined sales are great - dont get me wrong, but its all just returning fans - i dont think new players are buying FF and i don think they will if the developers dont shape up!
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italo244 posted 15/05/2011, 02:07
@VXIII hope it will sell at least 2 millions in japan, 1.5m in americas and 1.8m in EMEAA 5,3m total.
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ishiki posted 13/05/2011, 06:22
Plus all final fantasy games has been in the bargain bin... that's where I got my FF7 after all.
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Mad55 posted 13/05/2011, 12:12
a203d the first 10 weeks are 3.9 milliion no price cuts were done before then the game sold great
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VXIII posted 11/05/2011, 05:02
Unlimited Hits version incoming in Japan on July 21 ,should get some spikes in sales
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ysobad posted 28/03/2011, 04:10
under trackced?
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A203D posted 18/03/2011, 06:54
Like i said the 'amazingness' of a game selling 'insert number here' after being in the bargain bin for 6 months and for having a multiplatform release will be determined when FF13-2 retails.
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Boutros posted 16/03/2011, 02:00
FFXIII (PS360) is now the third best-selling Final Fantasy game in Americas and EMEAA. It will eventually end up being the second best-selling Final Fantasy game in Americas and EMEAA. Amazing.l
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cory.ok posted 12/03/2011, 06:43
i enjoyed it, i dunno why it gets such a hard time, ill be getting 13-2 also
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A203D posted 20/02/2011, 06:47
thread about the potential sales of 13-2.
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A203D posted 20/02/2011, 06:47
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 1   2   3   4   9 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (823)

1 1,464,964 n/a n/a 1,464,964
2 179,951 n/a n/a 179,951
3 107,330 n/a n/a 107,330
4 33,571 n/a n/a 33,571
5 16,595 n/a n/a 16,595
6 7,268 n/a n/a 7,268
7 5,256 n/a n/a 5,256
8 3,720 n/a n/a 3,720
9 3,517 n/a n/a 3,517
10 2,147 n/a n/a 2,147
COKTOE posted 09/09/2017, 01:18
A fantastic entry in the series, with it's main flaw being that it takes a very long time for the combat to reveal it's greatness. Makes FF VII look like a pile of oily rags. Set that shit on fire and give FF XIII a try. Before long, you'll be glad Aeris is dead.
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Dadrik posted 05/12/2016, 12:39
Combat was pretty aight, graphics were great, musics were godlike, game was pretty long, but the thing is that the game takes pretty much 25 hours to actually take off and feel like an actual FF game. And it still has meh characters and an average story.

The game isn't THAT awful, but it's certainly painful to play at times, since we know it might end up be great, but we have to stick through hours of ultralinear gameplay before it finally gets interesting.

FF X was very linear too at the beginning, but it at least made up for it with a great story and a shorter "intro", imo.
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VXIII posted 09/01/2016, 05:01
The 4th best selling in the franchise ( 7.45M ) behind VII, X, and VIII .That is without counting the PC version.
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fatslob-:O posted 31/07/2015, 07:32
Looking back I can say it was a great game ... :)
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ExplodingBlock posted 19/06/2015, 09:34
Walk in a straight line, fight easy battle. Repeat
There you go, the entire game in one sentence
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TrevDaRev posted 26/09/2013, 01:24
19th PS3 '5' million seller.
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