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Alternative Names



IO Interactive



Other Versions


Release Dates

11/13/07 Eidos Interactive
07/10/08 Spike
11/23/07 Eidos Interactive

Community Stats

Owners: 64
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (X360) > Opinions (24)

goldeneye0065r posted 03/01/2012, 09:42
the sequel sucked
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Salem posted 14/11/2010, 04:37
Awesome idea, terrible exexution, could have been great, bit i think its not as bad as people say it is
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zzyoshiman posted 11/11/2009, 01:15
lol the Japanese knows not to buy a crappy game
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Kasersky posted 07/11/2009, 03:30
this is so fucking stupid, how does this pos sell this many copies then good games get neglected...
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Sanzee posted 15/08/2009, 09:01
Oh lordy lord, how this game sucks ass
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drakesfortune posted 31/05/2009, 02:12
I guess they took a huge number off the totals for this game.

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Strategyking92 posted 18/07/2008, 08:18
lol @ japanese launch.
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Xander1979 posted 16/07/2008, 09:11
I like this game, and its great that its sold million already.
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RockSmith372 posted 09/07/2008, 04:48
it's a shooter, and xbox 360 is based all around shooter games.
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toastboy44562 posted 19/06/2008, 04:55
how the heck does this outsell devil may cry 4
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Oemenia posted 31/05/2008, 07:14
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, stop buying trash like this, go buy stuff thats worth it like Japanese 360 exclusives. Its crap like this that is dooming this gen
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wareagle372 posted 18/04/2008, 12:23
million seller!
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DeadOnArrival06 posted 10/04/2008, 05:04
Great game. I'm glad its doing well across both platforms. 360 is almost a mill, now let's hope PS3 catches up to a mill so IO can go ahead with a sequel.
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playnext3 posted 18/03/2008, 10:00
million selller in one or two weeks
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Strategyking92 posted 03/03/2008, 03:12
uh..... *hugs*
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MontanaHatchet posted 24/02/2008, 03:14
^And that's coming from a guy who owns Manhunt 2.

Alright, my Gs on the block, give me a brothuhly hug for that frying!
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coonana posted 07/02/2008, 05:13
Wow it just shows that the average 360 fan will buy anything with blood and cussing. Everyone talks about the attach rates and how well the good games sell on 360. But I keep seeing crap like this sell well?????
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segajon posted 24/01/2008, 04:30
Wow did not expect sells to keep going, now it will def reach 1mil.
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jpelles posted 28/12/2007, 01:03
Funny thing is that Gamespot thing probably is the cause of this game selling better then expected across PC, 360 etc...
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segajon posted 27/12/2007, 06:28
.48 million sold possibly another million seller for the 360?

I doubt it but at this pace it will be close.
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hunter_alien posted 22/12/2007, 10:21
The game is decent ... not as good as I expected , but its still decent ...
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andrebloues posted 19/12/2007, 10:35
I think this game has been rubbished unfairly. It is unique and I loved it.

Dont listen to all the rubbish and be a sheep, experience it for yourself before deciding
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honeal2g posted 03/12/2007, 12:45
Agreed this game sux ass ps3 and 360 fanboys unite and give this game the score it deserves (1/10) i will never purchase another edios game...wait there are no good games to buy o well....
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mikhailk5 posted 03/12/2007, 01:19
This game will go down in the record books forever because of the controversy it has caused in the videogame editing industry. A.K.A. The firing of Jeff Gerstmann. And if all the rumors are true nobody should buy this game because Edios is a disgusting publisher.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (24)

1 n/a 51,020 n/a 9,004 60,024
2 n/a 29,877 35,916 11,119 76,912
3 n/a 18,710 42,240 10,178 71,128
4 n/a 19,702 34,854 9,151 63,707
5 n/a 25,784 32,000 9,759 67,543
6 n/a 28,136 29,127 9,707 66,970
7 n/a 14,460 28,608 7,209 50,277
8 n/a 12,066 13,278 4,291 29,635
9 n/a 7,878 6,595 2,464 16,937
10 n/a 6,234 4,848 1,889 12,971
goldeneye0065r posted 03/01/2012, 09:42
the sequel sucked
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Salem posted 14/11/2010, 04:37
Awesome idea, terrible exexution, could have been great, bit i think its not as bad as people say it is
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zzyoshiman posted 11/11/2009, 01:15
lol the Japanese knows not to buy a crappy game
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Kasersky posted 07/11/2009, 03:30
this is so fucking stupid, how does this pos sell this many copies then good games get neglected...
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Sanzee posted 15/08/2009, 09:01
Oh lordy lord, how this game sucks ass
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drakesfortune posted 31/05/2009, 02:12
I guess they took a huge number off the totals for this game.

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