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Alternative Names

Friend Collection: New Life





Release Dates

06/06/14 Nintendo
04/18/13 Nintendo
06/06/14 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 12
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Tomodachi Life (3DS) > Opinions (50)

Machina posted 09/05/2023, 11:03
+10k in the last 6 months.
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Machina posted 08/11/2022, 04:52
+20k in the last 6 months.
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fedfed posted 18/08/2016, 03:02
Europe! it is selling better!
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Darwinianevolution posted 15/05/2016, 12:26
What will arrive first, the million in North America or the 2m in Europe?
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S.Peelman posted 30/10/2015, 12:10
Nintendo says 4.48m as of september 30.
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NintendoPie posted 06/07/2015, 03:45
Europe went absolutely bonkers for this game. What casuals.
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Screamapillar posted 18/02/2015, 01:49
It's not a new IP. It's a sequel to the DS game Tomodachi Collection that came out in Japan in 2009.
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Clyde32 posted 19/01/2015, 06:42
So overtracked in US and undertracked in EU?
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 07/01/2015, 11:32
New IP that's doing well.
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OneTwoThree posted 03/01/2015, 06:12
I'm sure Nintendo is working on a successor already. Hopfully they make it a bit more substantial, now that they see how much money they can make off it (I haven't even played it, but all the reviews suggested that it's quite a short-lived game).
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mii-gamer posted 29/12/2014, 06:33
A successful new Ip to join Nintendo's impressive repertoire.
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Meret posted 19/12/2014, 06:31
Nintendo said it sold 1,000,000 in Europe.
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tak13 posted 19/12/2014, 05:33
Yep clydy!By 280k!The weird is that a vast proportion of the undertracking size comes from France!200k!:O
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Clyde32 posted 18/12/2014, 04:44
This is hardcore undertracked in Europe.
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NintendoPie posted 13/11/2014, 07:49
Europe are casuals confirmed.
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garretslarrity posted 30/10/2014, 03:19
Nintendo has reported that this game has sold (shipped + digital) 3.12M copies as of September 30, 2014.
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S.Peelman posted 08/10/2014, 10:30
Will be interesting to see what this game does over the holidays in the west. It already has good legs, but it also seems like a game that is going to be picked up by a lot of casuals doing their holiday shopping.
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sundin13 posted 30/09/2014, 09:46
Apparently its sold 200k in France, and right now VGC has it at 116k. While some of that may be digital, it looks like it may be undertracked.
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AfricanSanta posted 13/09/2014, 05:26
I wonder why Europe likes this game so much :0
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 18/08/2014, 04:46
Even though this game didn't boom at start it's kept decent legs in the West. Also remember a lot of people may be downloading this and not purchasing it from retail
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Shulk55555 posted 15/08/2014, 06:06
And Kept going up! yeah!
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NintendoSupporter<3 posted 11/08/2014, 04:51
Didn't buy this game, but it has great legs I see. Plus portables get more download numbers than home consoles so..
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Shulk55555 posted 08/08/2014, 03:58
I F..king love this game. Soo brilliant!
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leedlelee posted 26/07/2014, 08:49
Can we agree that maybe people were a little too quick to dismiss Tomodachi as a flop in the West???
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ExplodingBlock posted 23/07/2014, 03:01
Thx for sales
Fun game
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ExplodingBlock posted 20/07/2014, 07:10
Two million is coming
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pikashoe posted 18/07/2014, 05:15
This is impressive.
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 17/07/2014, 01:35
I bet the demo is helping sales I remember sales were low but they've stayed on global top 10 and actually seem to risen after the demo was released. Also this game is probably downloaded digitally a lot so this probably passed 2.5m if not 3m
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ebw posted 13/07/2014, 05:40
Nice growth rate in Europe, and seems to be giving a lift to HW, too. Can it make #1 in Europe next week?
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Shulk55555 posted 10/07/2014, 08:13
This is one of these games you donĀ“t expect. But then you play sort times every day... love it.
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Pillow posted 03/07/2014, 02:02
this is the kind of game you play a little everyday, thus digital is the way to go.
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RupeeHunter posted 02/07/2014, 05:49
Sales seem to be increasing every week. This just may be a hit!
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biotonne20 posted 01/07/2014, 07:23
I've seen TONS of advertisment on german tv. Looks like it's working :)
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supernihilist posted 01/07/2014, 06:07
Ryan eats crow. Thus is pure blue ocean.It prints money.
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sethnintendo posted 28/06/2014, 02:23
Digital sales are probably decent. This game will probably sell ~30% of its sales through digital.
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swii26 posted 27/06/2014, 03:06
Digital must doing well
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benji232 posted 20/06/2014, 10:38
Definetly undertracked.. Reggie said in an interview that it was performing much better then their expectations. I doubt 24k first week is *beating their expectations*.
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Gammalad posted 19/06/2014, 04:17
I can't see this game doing well at all in the west, which is kinda sad because its an enjoyable game.
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greencactaur posted 18/06/2014, 09:40
I guess Watch DOgs kind of overshadowed everything else =o
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RupeeHunter posted 18/06/2014, 04:08
Oh, I wasn't aware that this game was already out in Japan. That makes complete sense though...haha
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Nintentacle posted 06/06/2014, 08:07
I wonder how much more they can sell with the US version. I'd bet on at least 500k.
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leedlelee posted 15/04/2014, 02:47
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NintendoPie posted 10/04/2014, 09:44
It's happening.
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leedlelee posted 17/12/2013, 10:05
I remember hearing Nintendo was considering releasing this in the West...
I wonder if it will happen...
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Salnax posted 12/06/2013, 05:14
Say Hello to the 7th Million Seller In Japan Alone! Hmm... America is still at only 5, and Europe's at a mere 3. Most of the World is falling behind Japan.
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tbone51 posted 03/06/2013, 03:49
a mil seller next week confirmed lol
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tbone51 posted 03/06/2013, 03:49
a mil seller next week confirmed lol
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NintendoPie posted 12/05/2013, 02:28
Tracking far above the first game... currently.
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sethnintendo posted 28/04/2013, 03:38
Japanese seem to love life sims.
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Meret posted 28/04/2013, 12:02
Great opening!
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Shipping Total

6,720,000 Units
As of: March 31st, 2023

Opinion (50)

Machina posted 09/05/2023, 11:03
+10k in the last 6 months.
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Machina posted 08/11/2022, 04:52
+20k in the last 6 months.
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fedfed posted 18/08/2016, 03:02
Europe! it is selling better!
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Darwinianevolution posted 15/05/2016, 12:26
What will arrive first, the million in North America or the 2m in Europe?
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S.Peelman posted 30/10/2015, 12:10
Nintendo says 4.48m as of september 30.
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NintendoPie posted 06/07/2015, 03:45
Europe went absolutely bonkers for this game. What casuals.
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