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Review Scores



Alternative Names

Yokai Watch 2 Ganso / Honke


Level 5



Release Dates

09/30/16 Nintendo
07/10/14 Level 5
04/07/17 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 7
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Yokai Watch 2: Bony Spirits / Fleshy Souls / Psychic Specters (3DS) > Opinions (25)

Zeruda-Hime posted 01/10/2019, 03:26
I bought this game for 8 euro and i am loving it. :) (90 hourse to finish the story line and more to find the Yo Kai o.o)

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PAOerfulone posted 11/02/2019, 02:27
Where on Earth did that 7 million units shipped figure come from?
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Green098 posted 11/05/2017, 08:22
Wow this game is doing phenomenal in Japan! I definitely expect a Yokai game is currently in works for Switch, it would definitely keep the Switch doing 3DS numbers in Japan.
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greencactaur posted 06/12/2016, 09:38
Yokai Watch is great, but I don't think the audience is big enough to warrant 2 separate games outside of Japan :(
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boypita posted 19/10/2016, 03:47
I was expecting a better debut in USA :/ It´s a great game, everybody should give it a try :)
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Mafuba posted 11/01/2015, 02:40
Yeah you already said the exact same thing on the page for the other game.
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qwertyDANIELqwerty posted 30/10/2014, 01:07
In my opinion, this game does not look good. I feel people just want it because its popular in Japan, so they immediatly want it localized
Message | Report posted 29/09/2014, 08:47
Best game ever XD
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garretslarrity posted 28/08/2014, 04:08
Somehow the weekly sales increased. Wow.
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NintendoPie posted 27/08/2014, 12:15
M'kay, that's not as bad as I thought you meant.
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Raziel123 posted 25/08/2014, 02:30
@NintendoPie lol it's not that at all. It's just the games they like/play/buy.. i'd never touch them in a million years
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garretslarrity posted 21/08/2014, 02:36
My goodness...... these sales.....
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tuyiooo posted 19/08/2014, 10:58
Confirmed for Western Release
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biotonne20 posted 18/08/2014, 08:53
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NintendoPie posted 07/08/2014, 03:53
Japan isn't relevant anymore to him because they like Nintendo more than Sony.
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Devil_Survivor posted 29/07/2014, 03:08
@Raz- What the hell does that even mean? Care to explain instead of just making blanket statements. A lot just say Japan "isn't relevant" and never provide an rationale for this conclusion.
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GamingGuy1802 posted 26/07/2014, 02:52
WOW! Sales too OP
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Pillow posted 26/07/2014, 12:27
@Raz, you know this is a 3DS game right? not a MOBILE app.
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Raziel123 posted 25/07/2014, 04:03
this is why japan isn't relevant anymore
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pbroy posted 25/07/2014, 01:24
Insane sales
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S.Peelman posted 22/07/2014, 02:48
Lol wow outsold it's predecessor's lifetime numbers in just the first week! And yet another million-seller for 3DS.
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garretslarrity posted 22/07/2014, 06:19
How many sequels outsell its predecessor in the first three days?
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Spade posted 22/07/2014, 03:56
Is this... for real. Damn...
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Maraccuda posted 22/07/2014, 02:42
Geez, usually sequels sell less, but to sell 1.3mill in a week is quite the amazing feat. Nintendo have no reason not to localize this now.
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GodOfPeace3 posted 22/07/2014, 02:26
1.3 million sold in 1 week for this? Never even heard of it.
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Shipping Total

7,300,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2019

Opinion (25)

Zeruda-Hime posted 01/10/2019, 03:26
I bought this game for 8 euro and i am loving it. :) (90 hourse to finish the story line and more to find the Yo Kai o.o)

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PAOerfulone posted 11/02/2019, 02:27
Where on Earth did that 7 million units shipped figure come from?
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Green098 posted 11/05/2017, 08:22
Wow this game is doing phenomenal in Japan! I definitely expect a Yokai game is currently in works for Switch, it would definitely keep the Switch doing 3DS numbers in Japan.
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greencactaur posted 06/12/2016, 09:38
Yokai Watch is great, but I don't think the audience is big enough to warrant 2 separate games outside of Japan :(
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boypita posted 19/10/2016, 03:47
I was expecting a better debut in USA :/ It´s a great game, everybody should give it a try :)
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Mafuba posted 11/01/2015, 02:40
Yeah you already said the exact same thing on the page for the other game.
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