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Game Freak



Release Dates

11/21/14 Nintendo
11/21/14 Nintendo
11/28/14 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 68
Favorite: 10
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 4
Now Playing: 5

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Pokémon Omega Ruby/Pokémon Alpha Sapphire (3DS) > Opinions (97)

Machina posted 07/11/2023, 07:51
+30k in the last 6 months.
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Machina posted 09/05/2023, 11:05
+40k in the last 6 months.
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Machina posted 08/11/2022, 05:58
+30k last quarter.
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bl00dyroar posted 13/01/2017, 11:55
13.18 according to nintendo
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Rob5VGC posted 08/09/2016, 09:11
11 million!
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Ljink96 posted 08/09/2016, 08:53
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Zach808 posted 02/09/2016, 08:06
Another 100k+ week! Looks like this will probably make it to 12 million pretty easily. I wonder if this will make Sun/Moon sell 5 million first week compared to X/Y's 4 million?

And yes, this is having life breathed back into it. Before the GO craze it was doing around 20-25k weekly or so. Now the sales have been boosted enough to go right back to #1.
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Jranation posted 29/08/2016, 11:50
No wonder the PoGo is dying! Everyone is buying the main series!!!! XD
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Jranation posted 29/08/2016, 11:50
#1 again in the US!!!
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Slait posted 29/08/2016, 03:31
Breathing life into this? You make it look like it didn't sell well before GO. it already had around 12.2 million sales, but this site is quiet slow with their updates & correct numbers.
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Slait posted 29/08/2016, 03:31
Breathing life into this? You make it look like it didn't sell well before GO. it already had around 12.2 million sales, but this site is quiet slow with their updates & correct numbers.
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Munchies posted 27/08/2016, 03:25
Pokémon GO breathing some life into this... I'm excited for SM's possible performance.
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Rob5VGC posted 27/08/2016, 01:22
3 million in Japan.
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b00moscone posted 20/08/2016, 05:24
And now it's up to 70k in the US, crazy.
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Jranation posted 19/08/2016, 01:20
Oh dang! That global sale!!!
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Rob5VGC posted 18/08/2016, 11:18
The power of Go.
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b00moscone posted 18/08/2016, 03:46
100k after 2 years is insane.
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Poliwrathlord posted 15/08/2016, 03:54
Damn, Pokefever hit this game really good.
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b00moscone posted 15/08/2016, 01:26
Jesus, that boost in the US
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Jranation posted 12/08/2016, 09:28
Nice one in EU on the latest chart!
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b00moscone posted 03/08/2016, 10:31
Remakes of Pokemon games tend to simply have lower sales, but in this case it seems EU has simply had better legs with the game.
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Poliwrathlord posted 28/07/2016, 08:02
Why are Japan sales so low? Doesn't it usually sell more there than at least Europe?
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PAOerfulone posted 25/07/2016, 04:40
FireRed/LeafGreen, you have been surpassed!
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Shikamo posted 04/03/2016, 11:22
10m :)
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b00moscone posted 26/02/2016, 10:26
10m! Congrats :D
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Junkrixx posted 25/02/2016, 06:52
And it's the 10th Pokemon Game who enters in the 10M club! Congratulations!
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Junkrixx posted 25/02/2016, 06:47
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Junkrixx posted 25/02/2016, 06:46
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Munchies posted 24/02/2016, 10:26

Welcome to the 10M club!
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Munchies posted 11/01/2016, 09:49
100k last week. It's doing super well. Should hit 10M before February.
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Illusion posted 07/01/2016, 03:01
And to think in 2001 everybody was saying that the Pokémon fad was dying off...
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Munchies posted 23/11/2015, 04:43
9 million!
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S.Peelman posted 30/10/2015, 12:02
Nintendo says 10.69m as of september 30.

I'm more impressed by the performance of this remake than by the performance of XY, it has a good shot at outselling it's remade predecessors.
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Zach808 posted 08/10/2015, 06:20
I'm kinda shocked. Looks like even though the main series games have taken a slight hit from the mobile market (though it really should've been more than just 1-2 million considering how much of a hit the 3ds took overall), the remakes have refused to budge at all (depending on how this holiday goes, but with no new game this year I think the sales will be pretty good). I'm wondering if it will sell more than the FRLG and HGSS in the end? Just goes to show that Pokemon fans are a dedicated bunch.
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tbone51 posted 07/10/2015, 11:22
@skull FRLG is at 12mil I think and and HGSS is at 12.6mil+
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Skullwaker posted 26/09/2015, 04:38
Nintendo reported 10.27m as of June 30th, so it should be very close to beating FRLG (I believe Nintendo reported around 10.81m for that). It has an amazing shot at beating HGSS and becoming the best-selling Pokemon remakes, which would be a fantastic achievement.
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Munchies posted 21/09/2015, 01:09
ORAS is passing FRLG this year! How exciting. I think it has a shot at matching HGSS sales.
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Spade posted 20/09/2015, 06:49
Wow... 10 million+ for this, 15 for X/Y, unreal numbers.
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garretslarrity posted 17/09/2015, 06:13
According to Nintendo, as of June 30, 2015 ORAS has sold (shipped + digital) 10.27M units. Welcome to the 10M club.
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Mega_Plantain posted 31/07/2015, 05:28
By far the best game I've played. Love the music, love the plot, love everything.
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Skullwaker posted 03/07/2015, 09:23
This game will surely make it to 10m retail with there not being a new mainline Pokemon game this year. Should have some good legs until holiday 2016.
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NintendoPie posted 28/06/2015, 11:13
I'd say this is under-tracked by about ~1.2 million. Nintendo's numbers are 9.94 million including eShop sales.
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Junkrixx posted 25/05/2015, 06:18
8.12 M!
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xboxonefan posted 25/05/2015, 04:30
Its already at 10M with digital
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tucotuti posted 08/05/2015, 10:01
Should be 10 million already.
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Munchies posted 14/04/2015, 01:05
Can't wait for new numbers come April 30th!
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t3mporary_126 posted 08/04/2015, 05:56
Wow American sales are greater than Japan! That's rare for a Pokemon game, right?
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Ryng posted 04/04/2015, 04:40
Already at 10,000,000 shipped?
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ExplodingBlock posted 03/04/2015, 01:32
Passed the 8 million mark!
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Sumori posted 17/02/2015, 08:42
Hope keep selling beter than X/Y
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garretslarrity posted 28/01/2015, 07:18
Nintendo has just confirmed in their financial report that Pokemon ORAS has sold (shipped + digital) 9.35M copies in 2014. So I guess they will reach 10M!
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tbone51 posted 28/01/2015, 08:49
9.35mil Shipped+Digital (2014)!
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Ryng posted 25/01/2015, 04:12
Massive undertracked in Europe... amazing this sales!!! :D
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I3LuEI3omI3eR posted 24/01/2015, 11:29
I think it's on pace to beat Pokémon X/Y in sales.
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I3LuEI3omI3eR posted 24/01/2015, 11:28
I am really surprised by how much this has sold...
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garretslarrity posted 09/01/2015, 03:53
Don't forget to add 1 to these figures because I bought mine digitally.
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jetforcejiminy posted 08/01/2015, 05:11
pretty sure this game has already outsold (w/ digital) the ps vita.
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Munchies posted 07/01/2015, 02:54
Slaying as it should.
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tbone51 posted 20/12/2014, 11:27
@Ninsect I had the numbers in increase somewhere. I just kno UK/France and Australia/NZ were up by quite a good amount. Here is the info i got for official #s so far...

Wha do you mean by1.6mil in Europe Week1? It shows here ORAS sold 666k FW. XY probably had about 550k-600k in Europe. All i know is XY sales WW were off in the beginning (overtracked, especially US) but Nov/Dec it was heavily undertracked. (Odd)

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Ninsect posted 20/12/2014, 06:43
@tbone: In that case this couldn't have sold 1.6m first week in EU. Maybe XY did something like 400k+and this 940k-1m
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ExplodingBlock posted 20/12/2014, 05:27
I remember playing Sapphire on my GBA back in 2005 and having a blast, picked up Alpha Sapphire a little after I got Smash. All I can say is that it is AMAZING! So much better than X/Y!
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tbone51 posted 20/12/2014, 01:32
@Ninsect, it is up 135% (Europe)
That said XY were overtracked for the first couple of weeks but since dec, its been undertracked and by far.
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OfficerRaichu15 posted 20/12/2014, 01:22
about 1.6 million eu first week going by chartz x and y numvers and the 135% better opening thats around 4 million already
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OfficerRaichu15 posted 19/12/2014, 07:42
well nintendo did show a graph a few months ago and or as were killing x and y in preorders there
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Meret posted 19/12/2014, 06:26
+135% compared to X/Y Launch Sales in Europe ofc, there's eShop, too, but I don't think all those 135% lost in digital space. ORAS is also shipped 7,7 million in ~9 days.
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Ninsect posted 19/12/2014, 05:49
I just can't see how it would top the last one by 135%. Didn't they mean 35%? :P
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Ninsect posted 19/12/2014, 05:48
Is XY's opening week in Europe on VGC correct?
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NintendoPie posted 18/12/2014, 01:14
Under-tracked much...?
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Munchies posted 15/12/2014, 02:45
135% higher than X/Y in Europe? Any receipts? That'd mean it opened with almost 1.5 million, almost 900k undertracked, which is insane.
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Meret posted 15/12/2014, 01:21
Nintendo said that in Europe ORAS debut 135% higher than X/Y debut. So it should be more than 1 million first week. Massively undertracked.
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tbone51 posted 12/12/2014, 06:31
Here is what i got from Official Numbers Only so far...

2.00mil Japan (by Dec 7th) [17 days]
1.50mil US (Nov 29th) [9 days]
192k+ France (Nov 29th) [2 days]
152k+ UK (Nov 29th) [2 days]

Total From Official Numbers So Far: 3.84mil!!! (Excluding alot of places!)

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Munchies posted 06/12/2014, 04:58
This is killing X/Y. Guess it'll steal most of X/Y legs.
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TreeTurtle posted 05/12/2014, 06:33
^Mistake, it did include Europe.
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TreeTurtle posted 05/12/2014, 06:32
Nintendo claims it has already sold 7.7m unit's without including Europe numbers. I wonder if it will outsell X&Y :O
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tbone51 posted 04/12/2014, 04:24
@Screamapillar: Yeah my bad, i should of added Week 1 NoA. 1mil is too low :0
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Screamapillar posted 04/12/2014, 12:16
@tbone51 Well, sales from week ending Nov 29th haven't been posted yet. So you have to wait for EU launch sales and week 2 NA & JP before making claims that it's under-tracked.
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tbone51 posted 04/12/2014, 08:05
7.70mil under 2 weeks Shipped+Digital! Must be heavily undertracked here!
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GdaTyler posted 04/12/2014, 02:26
LOL too much water. Wtf was that IGN writer thinking?
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kopstudent89 posted 02/12/2014, 04:47
I mean the details were gorgeous and there's so much content in this game that has been refined, BUT too much water. Not for me.
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KoiIroRazu posted 29/11/2014, 11:46
@GdaTyler: they are referring to the IGN review
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GdaTyler posted 29/11/2014, 06:23
I hope you all are joking though. If you're serious then that is a pretty petty complaint as it was like that before.
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GdaTyler posted 29/11/2014, 06:21
SuperJortendo. You all must be suffering from bad memory. It's always been like that from Hoenn. Where you been?
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SuperJortendo posted 28/11/2014, 07:23
I bought it but returned it upon seeing all that water. What happen Nintendo?
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ExplodingBlock posted 28/11/2014, 06:07
Skipped, there was waay to much water for my liking!
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tbone51 posted 28/11/2014, 02:58
Too Much Salt........ Water :0
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Xaric6 posted 27/11/2014, 11:55
too much water
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ZTxGhost posted 27/11/2014, 08:13
Pokemon continues to be a license to print money.
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Munchies posted 27/11/2014, 07:04
I have yet to buy my copy. Slay, ORAS.
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NintendoPie posted 26/11/2014, 08:58
Not bad. *insert slightly pleased face*
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garretslarrity posted 26/11/2014, 06:46
Very strong first week sales. Maybe this could reach 10M sold.
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tbone51 posted 26/11/2014, 05:25
3.04mil Sold FW (3 days). Excluding Europe! Might be undertracked, Find out Next time on Hoenn Adventures!
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Munchies posted 24/10/2014, 04:32
I predict 9 million LTD. Gotta keep my expectations very low.
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gcube2000 posted 08/08/2014, 09:58
I predict FW to be around 2.5 million and around 7 million by the end of the year... and maybe 11-12 million LT ... For X/Y, me and my friends either pre ordered it or got it day one and one of my friends got it at Christmas. There was 7 of us (including me) that got X/Y by the end of the year. This time there's 4 or 5 of us (including me) getting it by the end of the year. So there's a lot less hype built around OR/AS. This will have major sales though. It's Pokemon. There just better be a better after game to this one. With X/Y there was a terrible after game.. almost all of us don't play it anymore because of this.
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garretslarrity posted 03/07/2014, 08:23
@drake_tolu: You're crazy, but you're my favorite kind of crazy.
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drake_tolu posted 29/06/2014, 02:09
IMHO, this game will sell more of Pokémon X and Y...
For me little less of 15,000,000!!! :D
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tbone51 posted 25/05/2014, 06:47
*Crosses Fingers for 10mil as well!

Lets hope for at Least 8mil
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garretslarrity posted 11/05/2014, 04:15
I want these games to sell 10M.
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Shipping Total

14,600,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2023

Opinion (97)

Machina posted 07/11/2023, 07:51
+30k in the last 6 months.
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Machina posted 09/05/2023, 11:05
+40k in the last 6 months.
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Machina posted 08/11/2022, 05:58
+30k last quarter.
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bl00dyroar posted 13/01/2017, 11:55
13.18 according to nintendo
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Rob5VGC posted 08/09/2016, 09:11
11 million!
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Ljink96 posted 08/09/2016, 08:53
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