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Crystal Dynamics



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Release Dates

10/11/16 Square Enix
10/13/16 Square Enix
10/11/16 Square Enix

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Rise of the Tomb Raider (PS4) > Opinions (70)

Replicant posted 09/10/2018, 01:14
@hiccupthehuman - Call it what you want. Darrell Gallagher was "let go".
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hiccupthehuman posted 23/09/2018, 02:53
@Replicant From where do you pull the info that he was fired?

Cause from the Square Enix CEO Phil Rogers's statement it's pretty clear he left on his own and was not fired, and that there was no bad blood. "I am sad to see him go but respect HIS decision and we should all celebrate the sheer blood, sweat and tears he has put into our company over the last 10 years!" Seems like you're making things up.
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Replicant posted 16/09/2018, 09:38
@Mr Puggsly - Darrell Gallagher from Crystal Dynamics made the deal with Microsoft, got fired by Square Enix, and now has a highly paid position at Microsoft as the studio head at "The Initiative". Talk about under-the-table agreement. :/
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Mr Puggsly posted 07/12/2017, 06:18
It seemed like an odd move for SE, but it was just timed.

I wouldnt be surprised if SE needed some quick money and MS offered. We can only assume it a lot of money to get their attention.
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oniyide posted 22/09/2017, 06:20
it wasnt neccesary the game was already being made, and would have came out for both systems the same time. MS paid to keep it off PS4 for a bit, that simple
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drmaster2 posted 06/09/2017, 03:03
If the Microsoft deal was somehow necessary to help this game get made/funded, I'm ok with it, but man I'm so happy to see worldwide sales on PS4 higher than Xbone.
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oniyide posted 05/09/2017, 08:07
SE probably wont make this mistake again
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Jedidiah-Rose posted 02/09/2017, 06:09
This just confirms that the deal with Microsoft was bordering on lunacy. They should have been thankful that the game was being released on their Xbox at all, this is as close to a Playstation franchise as one can get without it being exclusive. less than a year on and it's already surpassed the retail sales, can't imagine how much the digital sales have added to boot.
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Mr Puggsly posted 26/06/2017, 08:54
@Replicant - He left to go work on Call of Duty.
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Replicant posted 26/03/2017, 09:32
It seems that Square Enix wasn't at all satisfied with the sales numbers, since they fired Darrell Gallagher (CEO of Crystal Dynamics who made the deal with Microsoft) shortly after the XB1 version released.

With digital, Tomb Raider (2013) sold 5 mill between PS3 and PS4, which is the majority of its sales. How could Darrell possibly think that keeping RotTR away from PS4 would benefit the IP?

I enjoy the games a lot and I really hope this haven't damaged the IP long term. Hopefully, we'll see Shadow of the Tomb Raider (or whatever it's gonna be called) as a multiplat release without any exclusivity.
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Kerotan posted 21/03/2017, 05:50
There's no telling him lol.

The fact the ps4 version has dominated the xb1 version in sales with such a late release just proves this title would have been another one like far cry 4 etc that would have a 3:1 ratio in favor of the ps4. Massive loss in revenue. I highly doubt MS broke the bank to cover the losses. And if they did I can see why they're so reluctant to invest in console software lately. Because if they did it was a massive waste. Did nothing for lagging hardware sales.
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oniyide posted 19/03/2017, 06:29
@mrpuggsly pushed units?! no it didnt, it barely moved the needle. As for assumptions, come one now. This game released much later on PS4 and this version STILL managed to pass X1 version and shows no signs of slowing down
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Mr Puggsly posted 13/03/2017, 07:24
Those sales are your assumption Kero. Also, MS paid them to compensate for lost sales.

Revenue isn't the same as profit, they could have made the same profit going exclusive. Also they went exclusive to lower the risks of financial failure. Hence, there was no guarantee RotTR would be a hit.

Ya know Kero, we've been discussing this for too long. Maybe its time to move on. The game is doing fine either way, let it go. No need to be bitter anymore.
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Kerotan posted 03/03/2017, 05:50
If this launched day 1 on ps4 it would have sold a minimum of 3m by now and possibly 4m. Plus all ps4 copies were sold at a discounted price.

Did Microsoft pay enough to cover roughly $100-150m in lost revenue? If they did what a massive waste of money. If they didn't then SE dun goofed.

And you keep bringing up the word bitter regarding sales. Take a look at the colossal software numbers all the top ps4 titles have done. I am soooo happy this gen as a fan of Playstation and videogame game sales.

Can you guys say the same? Think about that for a bit. I'm the happiest guy here :)
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Mr Puggsly posted 25/02/2017, 08:59
@oniyide - Did it hurt X1 sales? We don't we really know the impact of these deals because we can only see what happened.

While RotTR didn't do mega numbers on X1, it did well and likely pushed units. This is why MS will continue to do exclusive deals and so will Sony.
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darkenergy posted 22/02/2017, 11:20
@mentore nah it came from you
@Kero not sure how that has to do with ROTTR's success on X1 but I'm happy it performed well on the Xbox One.
@Dyllyo nah not a waste of money.
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oniyide posted 19/02/2017, 08:57
Mr. Puggsly what good is a "boast" if it didnt really improve your sales?
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Mentore posted 17/02/2017, 10:17
darkenergy, That logic came from your buddies don't worry
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Mr Puggsly posted 15/02/2017, 08:00
Again Kero, they got the exclusive deal so we can assume it was a lot of money to make that happen. But it was also just a timed deal so its cheaper than full exclusivity.

The IP isn't damaged, people like you are just bitter. MS got something to boast about for a holiday, SE got a payday, and RotTR is a success on all platforms regardless of being late.
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Kerotan posted 13/02/2017, 10:18
Lmao darkenergy as a lover of Playstation and videogame sales how could I be unhappy this gen. Playstation closing in on 100 retail million sellers already. I'm ecstatic!

And Puggsly contradicting yourself again. First you say MS paid well and now you say we don't know what they paid. Which is it? I got both outcomes covered.

Either a bad deal for SE or a bad deal for MS. No too ways about it. Ip damaged and it didn't do diddly squat to improve the bad xb1 sales.
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Dyllyo posted 12/02/2017, 06:30
Lol. The PS4 version has already sold as much as the Xbox One and 360 versions combined. So much for wasting money on that year exclusivity deal. The game would have performed better without it :)
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darkenergy posted 11/02/2017, 11:10
@mentore Halo 5, Gears 4 and Forza 5/6 didn't flop (if Forza 5 did flop then there wouldn't be a 6 LOL) your logic failed there

@Kerotan it seems your are upset about ROTTR's success on X1.
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Mr Puggsly posted 11/02/2017, 09:16
Again, you dont know what MS gave them and it RotTR is selling at par with TR 2013 on 360. Relatively speaking it did well on X1 and its doing great on PS4 for being late. Things worked out fine for SE and MS had a big name exclusive for the holiday.

Kerotan is just mad it didnt bomb. He already admitted hes upset X1 had it first.
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busbfran posted 08/02/2017, 11:46
RotTR sold excellent on the xboxOne considering the base numbers it had to work with, it's doing better then the reboot and the 360 had 80 million sold.....where is your logic?? MS is one of the riches companies in the world I think you forget that. They would of payed shit loads for a 1 year exclusivity.
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Kerotan posted 08/02/2017, 08:11
Lol stop making things up. ROTR sold modestly on XB1. The real money maker for third parties on console are the beastly ps4 sales.

SE lost out on a shit ton for this title for ps4. I doubt MS paid enough to cover making it a bad deal for SE.

But if they did pay enough it's a bad deal for MS. Their version sold modestly despite the exclusivity and let's be honest it boosted fuck all hardware for them. Just a waste of money.
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Mr Puggsly posted 07/02/2017, 10:43
You keep speaking as if RotTR was failure on X1, but its selling at par with TR 2013 on 360. You decided it was a failure based on nothing.

RotTR has strong sales on X1, strong sales on PS4, strong PC sales, and they got MS money on top of that, so quite frankly I think SE is fine.

Anybody with half a brain knew Uncharted 4 was gonna get delayed. I called it and Sony fans got very angry at me.

I think Kerotan would have been really happy if this bombed on PS4. But since that didn't happen he focuses on sales lost. Although he ignores the deal they had with MS helps cover lost sales.
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SuperBudgie1582 posted 06/02/2017, 06:29
Can you stop being such a fanboy for a second and be happy the game is selling well on both consoles and will definitely get another entry.
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Kerotan posted 06/02/2017, 07:04
Lol that makes no sense. So because MS made a bad deal they will just give up? By that logic after their platinum games Scalebound deal failed they'll never try fund an exclusive again xDDDD

And SE wouldn't have known it would be a bad deal at the time. Uncharted getting delayed really fucked them up.

Anyway ridiculous statement.
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Mr Puggsly posted 03/02/2017, 12:40
If it was a bad deal for MS, then MS wouldn't keep buying timed exclusives.

If it was a bad deal for SE, they wouldn't have got involved. Again, you assume too much without knowing anything.
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Kerotan posted 02/02/2017, 04:33
It's one of two things.

Either MS broke the bank and got a bad deal, or they didn't break the bank and SE got a bad deal.

Simples :)
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Mr Puggsly posted 02/02/2017, 11:29
@Kerotan - The reason I'm reluctant to say SE got a bad deal is because we don't know how much MS gave them or how much this would have sold on PS4 at launch. All we know is it sold well on all platforms.

I think RotTR accomplished what MS wanted, it was a notable holiday exclusive that sold fairly well and they only bought timed exclusivity (cheaper than complete exclusivity like SFV has).

Perhaps SE could have made more money not going exclusive, maybe MS paid enough to justify timed exclusivity, perhaps the MS deal guaranteed this would be a profitable project, who knows? Ultimately, SE and fans should just be happy RotTR is a success.
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SuperBudgie1582 posted 02/02/2017, 01:57
With Steam, this is well over 4 million. All in all, I would say a success.
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Kerotan posted 01/02/2017, 07:23
Yeah I'm salty it came to xbox first. Lol that's why I haven't even bought the game. The only TR in the series I've played is the 2013 one they gave free on ps plus.

This game would have sold millions more on ps4 a year ago and at a higher price per copy. Unless MS paid $100m which I doubt it didn't turn into a good deal for SE.

Meanwhile capcom mad SFV would would have sold like shit on xbox but got money from Sony.

It was a bad deal for both SE and MS.
SFV was a bad deal for Sony only.

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Mentore posted 31/01/2017, 09:38
SF5, Halo5, Forza56 and Gears4 all sold less than their last gen predecessors ;-D
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Mentore posted 31/01/2017, 09:31
This is selling because it's a good game.

SF5 is a flop just like Halo5, Forza56 and Gears4 (except SF5 is not being saved by bundles)
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Mr Puggsly posted 27/01/2017, 04:32
They are selling alot on PS4, they got MS exclusive money, just accept its doing fine Kero. We all know youre upset it came to X1 first, get over it.

SFV is a disaster for Capcom and waste of money for Sony. Its bad for everyone.
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Kerotan posted 27/01/2017, 02:41
These are the kind of games that sell 2:5/3 times better on ps4 vs xb1. Of course it would have sold better. Microsoft would have needed to pay enough to cover a few million extra sales. And they would have sold a lot at $60 on ps4 if it launched day 1. Which they didn't in the end.
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Nautilus posted 27/01/2017, 01:56
For anyone who said that the PS4 version wouldnt sell well, well heres the proof.Now, wether or not it would have sold better without the MS deal, we may never know, but at this point, with the game sales, money from the DLCs and the money Square got from the deal, its clear that the game was very profitable.
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Kerotan posted 23/01/2017, 08:33
Of course it hurt them before we're talking the actual deal with Sony vs Microsoft. stop trying to slither your way out of this. Just accept your wrong and move on.

Capcom got the better deal. SE fucked up.
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Rob5VGC posted 22/01/2017, 10:35
Over 1 million idiots bought this faster than the Xbox One version in the same time frame resulting in not teaching SE a lesson. :D

lol at Mr. Puggsly and Kerotan.
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Mr Puggsly posted 22/01/2017, 10:16
Capcom didn't anticipate SFV being a disaster and that likely hurts them as well , not just Sony.

Basically all games released during the holiday have their prices reduced, CoD included. So your argument doesn't hold water.

Yeah, TR2013 sold really well on PS4 and RotTR is doing great in spite of being late. And again, MS gave SE money, but you keep ignoring that.

Anywho, get over it. Just be glad you can play this great game on PS4 and many are buying it regardless of being late.
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Kerotan posted 21/01/2017, 11:59
BTW TR 2013 before it got bundled on xbox one was being outsold by the ps4 version by over 3:1. Crazy different in the potential sales for TR. ROTTR definitely lost a shit load of sales and most of them happened on ps4 at budget prices. Massive revenue loss.
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Kerotan posted 21/01/2017, 11:50
So if Sony paid and bomb and MS didn't break the bank Capcom clearly got the better deal. You just backed up my point. Bravo!
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Mr Puggsly posted 18/01/2017, 03:59
By your logic anything MS does with the X1 is a waste of time because its behind PS4. Compared to average console sales X1 is not selling poor at all, its viable. PS4 however is selling very well.

Here's an easy comparison, PSP did great in spite of being way behind DS. If Vita sold half as well as PSP (or even as well as X1), it would be a viable platform. Hence, X1 is doing fine even if PS4 is doing a lot better. Vita was not doing fine, its a failure, and its basically dead.

SFIV sold a lot better than TR2013 on 360. Timed exclusivity is also cheaper than an actual exclusive. If anybody broke the bank its Sony and they paid for a bomb. MS just bought a year exclusivity and now RotTR is selling really well on PS4 for a late game.

Bottom line, SE got exclusivity and great sales on multiple platforms. Meanwhile Sony and Capcom are stuck with a disaster. Those are the facts. You simply attack RotTR because you dislike MS and completely neglect it worked out fine.
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Kerotan posted 17/01/2017, 07:08
Again you're ignoring Sony gave money for SFV. Capcom got money for a title that was going to sell like shit. Although at the time they didn't know.

SE got money for a title that would have sold superbly on ps4. Lot of lost revenue there.

So either MS broke the bank and made it worth it or they didn't and SE fucked up. If MS broke the bank they fucked up because it did absolutely nothing for the poor xb1 sales.
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Mr Puggsly posted 17/01/2017, 11:56
@kazuyamishima - Clearly you don't know how well SFIV sold.

@Kerotan - Again, you ignore the money MS gave SE. Its still selling really well on PS4 as well. So get over it, RotTR is doing great.
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kazuyamishima posted 13/01/2017, 08:33
It´s has no sense to compare a fighting game vs an action adventure game sales

Fighting games never sold a lot of units (the only exception is smash bros)
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Kerotan posted 13/01/2017, 03:58
Shifting the goalposts as usual. I said better deal for capcom not Sony. Capcom got money out of Sony for a title that would have sold like shit on XB1.

SE got money for a title that would have been in beast mode on ps4.
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Mr Puggsly posted 26/12/2016, 11:38
SFV lost out on huge sales everywhere from making a mediocre game and going exclusive. I don't know how much Sony gave them but SFV is a disaster for Capcom and may have been a bad deal for Sony. Like I predicted this easily surpassed SFV in spite of being a year late.

We don't know how many millions this will sell on PS4. Its about to pass a million physical units, perhaps 2 million is next. If it sells at par as TR 2013 on PS3, I'd call that a great success for a year late game.

You don't know how much SE got from MS. But we do know they got timed exclusivity money on top of great PS4 sales. Bottom line, the sales are strong enough to justify more Tomb Raider, even though people like yourself thought MS/SE was killing the series.
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Kerotan posted 26/12/2016, 10:24
And I'm saying capcom didn't lose fuck all by it not being on XB1. Meanwhile the ps4 version will sell millions less.

Capcom wouldn't have needed much to cover the low xb1 sales but SE definitely would have needed a shit ton of cash from MS. which I doubt they got.
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Mr Puggsly posted 22/12/2016, 07:30
Heh,the reason SE gave RotTR to X1 is because of a financial deal. Its not an excuse, thats the reason MS got it.

Capcom got Sony money and the game bombed hard. RotTR on the otherhand may sell at par with the last game on 7th gen consoles.

Essentially Im just RotTR is in a good place thanks to strong sales and money from MS. If you wanna talk about "fuck ups", I say go talk about SFV.

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Kerotan posted 22/12/2016, 07:20
Strawman again!!!

You just used Microsoft gave SE money as an excuse.

Well guess what, Sony have capcom money. And as it turns out the game would have sold like shit on the one platform they ignored. So capcom ended up getting compensated likely a lot more then it needed. Big win for them.

Meanwhile SE bet on XB1 which ended up getting destroyed by ps4 and most titles like this sell x3 on the ps4. It's still selling well because ps4 is a software behemoth (xb1 isn't) but it pales in comparison to the huge numbers it would have done last year. Especially considering there was no uncharted 4 back then and the thirst was real.
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 21/12/2016, 10:29
This is hilarious. I remember I basically ignored console gaming all year. When I saw the sales for this in October on PS4 I thought "Wow....that's pitiful". Turns out it literally launched like a week before I checked it's sales XD. It got like 500k in it's first month on PS4... THAT IS FREAKING FANTASTIC for a game that was marketed like an exclusive. This was actually selling better than Uncharted 4 for a few WEEKS on PS4 for Amazon. I think Uncharted 4 is barely outselling it now on Amazon though, since exclusives do better on holidays.
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Mr Puggsly posted 21/12/2016, 09:45
By the way, SFV was actually one of the "biggest fuck ups ever." RotTR is doing amazing in comparison to SFV.

Between X1, PS4, 360, and PC this is probaby well into 4 million sales and growing. You also keep neglecting MS gave them money which helps compensate for lost PS4 sales.
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Mr Puggsly posted 21/12/2016, 09:32
SFV sold pitifully on PS4 because it was a lackluster product and Capcom milked the IP. Sony bet on SFV when they should have bet on RotTR. They bet on SF because it sold great last gen.

RotTR isn't selling horrible on X1. It sold well over a million physically and more digitally. That means its probably selling at par with TR 2013 on 360. Meanwhile this PS4 version of RotTR is doing great. It may achieve the same numbers as TR 2013 on PS3. There are also sales on Xbox 360.

You're trying to spin RotTR as a failure but its not.
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Kerotan posted 21/12/2016, 08:52
That's the definition of the strawman theory lol.

SFV would have sold pitifully on XB1. They covered most sales with ps4/pc. The game quality let it down. Releasing a half finished product not exclusivity.

Meanwhile ROTR sold poorly on xbox and is selling a fraction on the ps4 compared to what it would have a year ago. One of the biggest fuck ups ever. Never bet against Sony!
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Mr Puggsly posted 10/12/2016, 04:43
You say Playstation users are the money makers and for the most part I agree. Regardless, MS keeps getting exclusive deals. So the money they pay must be pretty good.

SFV did bomb on PS4, but maybe the money Sony gave them helped make up for it.

RotTR on PS4 is going to easily surpass SFV. Maybe Sony invested in the wrong exclusive.
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Kerotan posted 09/12/2016, 01:44
SFV was not an appealing product at launch. If it launched on XB1 it would have bombed. A third of the ps4 sales max. Meanwhile ROTR would have Brasted on ps4. X3 the xb1 sales.

When will they ever learn, don't ever snub Playstation. We are the real console money maker for devs.
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Mr Puggsly posted 23/11/2016, 04:08
Okay Kerotan, youve made that point countless times. Time to get over it.

Sony helped kill SFV and MS potentially hurt the sales of this. Bottomline, this game is still doing solid and SE got MS money.
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Kerotan posted 22/11/2016, 05:54
Should hit a million this year but sales pale in comparison to the big numbers this sku would have done if released last year.
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Mr Puggsly posted 21/11/2016, 11:24
That 7 million figure is from years of sales on 5 platforms.

This is north of 2 million in physical sales, it sold about a million on PC according to SteamSpy, and its selling digitally on 8th gen consoles. Its also still selling.

Maybe it wont sell 7 million, but its doing fine. Certainly profitable and they got money from MS for exclusivity.
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darkneal posted 19/11/2016, 11:02
Tomb Raider 2013 sells over 7million copies, Square Enix have a fit (expecting COD sales?!wtf). Rise sells 2 million so far and we don't hear a peep. Like Respawn with Titanfall 2 its Crystal Dynamics I feel sorry for. Great studio, great game.
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aceospades posted 08/11/2016, 04:09
we all call it a mistake that they released this as a timed exclusive, but we don't know how much MS paid. The bigger issue is how will this affect future Tomb Raider releases even if they release on all platforms.
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Rob5VGC posted 07/11/2016, 07:15
...for all involved.
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Rob5VGC posted 07/11/2016, 07:14
So not only did Phil's plan to counter Uncharted 4 fail in the 1st week of U4's release, but the PS4 version of RoTR(1 year later) outsold the Xbox One version in the 1st week. I think a lesson was learned here today.
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Kerotan posted 07/11/2016, 01:52
Lol the fact this beat the x1 sales after a year delay shows how much SE fucked this up. Imagine how much the ps4 version would have sold if it released last year.
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NSS7 posted 06/11/2016, 03:27
US first week
XOne - 105,081
PS4 - 107,927
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Mr Puggsly posted 05/10/2016, 01:49
People have gone full circle on this release. First the X1 killed it (even though it sold well on Xbox and PC). Now people expect it to be a hit on PS4.

Bottom line, people want great games even if they're a year late.
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Skratchy posted 20/01/2016, 07:19
Outsell the Xbox version? I think people have been calling it that since the timed exclusivity deal was announced :P
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xboxonefan posted 09/01/2016, 02:06
Looks like its going to outsell the Xbox version
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (70)

1 20,776 83,104 187,098 59,333 350,311
2 6,054 27,618 64,051 20,029 117,752
3 3,018 12,943 36,404 10,447 62,812
4 2,015 12,003 32,651 9,505 56,174
5 1,436 16,377 34,883 11,362 64,058
6 1,125 22,710 39,643 14,307 77,785
7 1,353 32,607 97,963 27,356 159,279
8 1,336 18,056 80,633 19,528 119,553
9 1,912 28,690 64,298 20,435 115,335
10 3,008 46,445 57,519 25,350 132,322
Replicant posted 09/10/2018, 01:14
@hiccupthehuman - Call it what you want. Darrell Gallagher was "let go".
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hiccupthehuman posted 23/09/2018, 02:53
@Replicant From where do you pull the info that he was fired?

Cause from the Square Enix CEO Phil Rogers's statement it's pretty clear he left on his own and was not fired, and that there was no bad blood. "I am sad to see him go but respect HIS decision and we should all celebrate the sheer blood, sweat and tears he has put into our company over the last 10 years!" Seems like you're making things up.
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Replicant posted 16/09/2018, 09:38
@Mr Puggsly - Darrell Gallagher from Crystal Dynamics made the deal with Microsoft, got fired by Square Enix, and now has a highly paid position at Microsoft as the studio head at "The Initiative". Talk about under-the-table agreement. :/
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Mr Puggsly posted 07/12/2017, 06:18
It seemed like an odd move for SE, but it was just timed.

I wouldnt be surprised if SE needed some quick money and MS offered. We can only assume it a lot of money to get their attention.
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oniyide posted 22/09/2017, 06:20
it wasnt neccesary the game was already being made, and would have came out for both systems the same time. MS paid to keep it off PS4 for a bit, that simple
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drmaster2 posted 06/09/2017, 03:03
If the Microsoft deal was somehow necessary to help this game get made/funded, I'm ok with it, but man I'm so happy to see worldwide sales on PS4 higher than Xbone.
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