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Nintendo EAD



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Release Dates

09/11/15 Nintendo
09/10/15 Nintendo
09/11/15 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 48
Favorite: 7
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Super Mario Maker (WiiU) > Opinions (34)

fedfed posted 08/12/2016, 03:50
this game legs in JP are crazy. USA sales in 2016 are lower than EU and Jp
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curl-6 posted 09/09/2016, 06:07
It will reach 4 million, which is an attach rate of over 25%, or 1 in 4 Wii U owners. Not bad.
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fedfed posted 29/06/2016, 10:22
Maybe 4 mil it depends on what wii u selects will do once NX is out!
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Skullwaker posted 04/05/2016, 04:44
Woo 3m! 4-5m should definitely be possible. Also the box art for this needs to be updated too, that logo is real old school xD
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Shikamo posted 04/05/2016, 08:45
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Nautilus posted 02/02/2016, 02:04
Undertracked by a good amount.Official numbers put it at 3.34 Millions at years end.Assuming a 10 to 15% digital rate, retail numbers should be around 3 millions
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Munchies posted 11/01/2016, 09:56
I so need to buy this! I'm hoping for 5 million.
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Luke888 posted 23/12/2015, 10:16
Nice ! more than 17% atach rate, and it's gona grow !!
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Illusion posted 22/12/2015, 06:09
Congratulations SMM. 2 million is a significant achievement on the Wii U.
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Munchies posted 22/12/2015, 02:10
Super happy for this!
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b00moscone posted 22/12/2015, 01:55
2 million! Congratulations
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Munchies posted 19/12/2015, 10:11
2 million next week.
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b00moscone posted 12/12/2015, 10:44
Its selling about the same as SMB U did, and that was a launch title and bundled, so i'd say this will do just fine.
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Goodnightmoon posted 06/12/2015, 02:32
Dissapointed with this sales? Is gonna reach 2m in 3 and a half months on the freaking wiiu, thats everything but dissapointing.
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retroking1981 posted 04/12/2015, 10:26
Bit disappointed with these sales, I expected more tbh.
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LipeJJ posted 21/11/2015, 05:07
Sexy legs! Will sure hit 2m+ this year alone!
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Skullwaker posted 13/11/2015, 03:30
1m on VGC! :)
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xboxonefan posted 12/11/2015, 09:29
now at 1.05M
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CWegzz posted 12/11/2015, 06:12
Well, the Wii U has another million seller now :]
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S.Peelman posted 08/11/2015, 12:06
@darkneal: I'd take Nintendo's report over VGC's numbers thank you.
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fleischr posted 06/11/2015, 10:13
Sept 30. Nintendo directly acknowledges fans on Twitter "Thanks to you, #SuperMarioMaker has sold more than one million units worldwide!" - pretty sure that means 1 million sold-in. Either way, it's undertracked like many other Mario games on WiiU
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Barozi posted 06/11/2015, 03:53
1.88m is shipped and ("more than") 1m is sold-through. It's really not that hard.
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Ultrashroomz posted 06/11/2015, 03:17
Edit: NVM
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Ultrashroomz posted 06/11/2015, 03:14
Hmm, not bad, I wonder when it'll hit 1M.
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Skullwaker posted 05/11/2015, 07:50
@darkneal they're not conflicting. They announced 1m had been reached on September 30th. Later on in the financial report, it was revealed 1.88m had been sold by that point. Both are true statements and not conflicting.
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MotherBound posted 05/11/2015, 02:32
Guys, here is the financial report
"With respect to Wii U, Super Mario Maker, which was released globally in September offering a new taste to the Super Mario
series, marked 1.88 million units in sales and got off to a good start."
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darkneal posted 05/11/2015, 12:46
@S.Peelman - its hasn't though has it? Two conflicting statements from nintendo based on what you guys are saying. Lets just stick to what vgchartz say, eh?
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MotherBound posted 04/11/2015, 02:28
500k in two days that's sick
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garretslarrity posted 02/11/2015, 08:33
Super Money Maker.
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b00moscone posted 02/11/2015, 04:51
Just about 500k FW, great opening!
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S.Peelman posted 30/10/2015, 12:42
Nintendo says 1.88m as of september 30.

Great start.
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Darwinianevolution posted 01/10/2015, 12:59
Nintendo announced on September 30 that the game had reached 1m units sold.
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ExplodingBlock posted 12/08/2015, 09:38
Want now
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ExplodingBlock posted 07/08/2014, 03:20
Want now
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Shipping Total

4,020,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2020

Opinion (34)

fedfed posted 08/12/2016, 03:50
this game legs in JP are crazy. USA sales in 2016 are lower than EU and Jp
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curl-6 posted 09/09/2016, 06:07
It will reach 4 million, which is an attach rate of over 25%, or 1 in 4 Wii U owners. Not bad.
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fedfed posted 29/06/2016, 10:22
Maybe 4 mil it depends on what wii u selects will do once NX is out!
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Skullwaker posted 04/05/2016, 04:44
Woo 3m! 4-5m should definitely be possible. Also the box art for this needs to be updated too, that logo is real old school xD
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Shikamo posted 04/05/2016, 08:45
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Nautilus posted 02/02/2016, 02:04
Undertracked by a good amount.Official numbers put it at 3.34 Millions at years end.Assuming a 10 to 15% digital rate, retail numbers should be around 3 millions
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