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Alternative Names

スター・ウォーズ バトルフロント (2015)





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All, PC, XOne

Release Dates

11/17/15 Electronic Arts
11/19/15 Electronic Arts
11/20/15 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 27
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Tracked: 2
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Star Wars Battlefront (2015) (PS4) > Opinions (33)

No9tro posted 25/06/2018, 11:41
The fact that this is the best selling Star Wars game is a crime against humanity
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Rob5VGC posted 31/05/2018, 08:01
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Kerotan posted 21/12/2016, 11:46
Currently rank 80 on this. Max rank 100. Not sure if I'll ever make it but it's possible. Loved all 4 expansions.

As for sales it will be well on its way to 9m by years end. The question is when it passes 9m next year will it ever leg it out to 10m over the remainder of the gen.

A superior battlefront 2 would damage legs. Either way. Insane sales on ps4!
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quadraticadder posted 13/12/2016, 02:41
After reading the comments, it looks like I'm among the very few who was disappointed that the game hasn't got a campaign.

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hunter_alien posted 10/10/2016, 03:33
With the support this is getting, it will blow past 8 million at retail this year, maybe even 8.5. Massive success for EA if you ask me.
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thewastedyouth posted 22/05/2016, 05:48
this game sold more in Europe than America???? what
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Teeqoz posted 14/05/2016, 01:58
Will tgis leg it out to 10 million?
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Rob5VGC posted 01/03/2016, 08:23
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akhmenhawk posted 01/03/2016, 02:10
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SlayerRondo posted 19/02/2016, 01:44
Seven million in next weeks sales chart.
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Mr Puggsly posted 03/02/2016, 06:19
@kooltrex - You can enjoy a game and object to the handling of DLC. I buy CoD games because I enjoy playing the campaign and some multiplayer. But I refuse to pay $50 for more maps.
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kooltrex posted 24/01/2016, 09:12
Too all the people that complain about DLC and bad practices and bought this game you have no right to complain.
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tokilamockingbrd posted 23/01/2016, 12:01
Never underestimate the power of the force.... 6.55 mil... wow. EA's 13mil estimate all formats totals sales is looking pretty spot on (or even a bit low).
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OneKartVita posted 12/01/2016, 12:08
6.2m retail in just 6 weeks.
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Azhraell posted 06/01/2016, 08:10
6M next week? holy shit
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OneKartVita posted 27/12/2015, 01:03
Reports suggest Sony shipped a boat load (noahs arc) of these things to stores and they practically all sold. Ps4 sales must be insane and I'm so happy.

They nailed the base game of this reboot and it will allow them to drive onwards and upwards with battlefront 2.
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darkneal posted 23/12/2015, 04:45
@Roronaa_chan - lets just agree that we disagree. Nevermind. Great sales for battlefront none the less. And the success of the movies only gonna drive these sales onwards.

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Mr Puggsly posted 23/12/2015, 01:43
@Roronaa_chan -Well don't all games sorta come and go? You say nobody talks about Titanfall but its still an active game. On a good day you might see 10K players online. Respectable when you consider there are people also playing various CoD games, various Halo games (I saw 22K on Halo: Reach today), BF, Gears, Star Wars BF, etc. Bottom line, Titanfall is nearing 2 years old and its still easy to find thousands of players at anytime.

I'm not sure why Titanfall is being discussed on this wall, but between sales and whatever MS paid for exclusivity. Safe bet it was a success.
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OneKartVita posted 22/12/2015, 03:10
This will be pushing 6 million first week of January. Insane.

It's a good reboot and it gives DICE a solid base to work on for battlefront 2.
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Roronaa_chan posted 20/12/2015, 01:56
Huge success? More like huge disappointment. Maybe the 2nd will be a success with the help being on PS4 but the first just came and went with a whimper. nobody talks about it or plays it. It quickly fell into oblivion. As for your post being amauter it is because you said almost 6M even though it doesn't even reach 5M, and because you used an article that does not say anything about sales, just a number padded with millions of accounts to play free weekends of the game. The salt level of your reply indicates you know I'm right and are just venting out of frustration so don't bother with a forced comeback.
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Azhraell posted 20/12/2015, 04:05
The salt is strong here
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darkneal posted 19/12/2015, 08:39
@Roronaa_chump - why? Titanfall is a huge success, much to Sony fanboys annoyance. Unlike your failure of a pointless post. Twat.
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OneKartVita posted 19/12/2015, 02:33
This sku is beasting!!
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Roronaa_chan posted 18/12/2015, 07:59
darkneal that was some amateur posting
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haxxiy posted 15/12/2015, 01:25
@darkneal - this was "unique users" instead of sales, which is the way Respawn always reported. The often God-awful videogame media misinterpreted a twitt. Either way, of course the game had decent sales on X1, but of course it would sell more on PS4. A bit too touchy, aren't we? What about I mention this will likely outsell Halo 5 2:1?
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darkneal posted 14/12/2015, 10:33
@OneKartVita - More amateur hour Xbox bashing. Even just judging the game by notoriously dodgy VGchartz numbers its hit almost 6million. Nevermind this article:
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OneKartVita posted 06/12/2015, 05:03
Almost double the numbers on ps4 to the next nearest sku. God EA must be hurting knowing they didn't bring titanfall to the ps4.
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b00moscone posted 06/12/2015, 03:19
"20150" I think you got the date wrong guys.
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darkneal posted 06/12/2015, 02:01
Not as dumb as writing Battlefield instead of battlefront though. Eeek
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darkneal posted 05/12/2015, 12:38
Ign reported today that there are more players on Ps4 than Xbox and PC combined. Then they go on to talk bout the global shift in console power, blah blah. So based on how close the actual US numbers are between Xbox and Sony the truth is (as always) more players for Sony in Europe. OR....Xbox and Pc fans are smarter and quickly realised what a basic underwhelming shooter Battlefield is and movex on. Either way, Ign are dumb motherhumpers.
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SlayerRondo posted 04/12/2015, 05:52
While I think this game made a few missteps along the way its still a fun fast paced shooter that released at exactly the right time.
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Mr Puggsly posted 04/12/2015, 04:15
@TurboElder - Oh boy, you clearly made that comment before seeing its sales.
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TurboElder posted 23/11/2015, 12:46
Another FPS without single player campaign with average sales, when do the big companies learn?
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (33)

1 123,467 915,730 921,168 464,473 2,424,838
2 18,310 432,368 319,217 200,095 969,990
3 9,484 208,770 209,447 105,799 533,500
4 8,401 184,991 190,752 94,604 478,748
5 6,207 245,626 216,343 119,482 587,658
6 9,923 262,755 260,716 132,676 666,070
7 13,153 101,816 125,740 55,514 296,223
8 6,140 49,607 57,208 26,375 139,330
9 2,905 38,115 34,918 18,764 94,702
10 2,332 30,401 25,264 14,537 72,534
No9tro posted 25/06/2018, 11:41
The fact that this is the best selling Star Wars game is a crime against humanity
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Rob5VGC posted 31/05/2018, 08:01
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Kerotan posted 21/12/2016, 11:46
Currently rank 80 on this. Max rank 100. Not sure if I'll ever make it but it's possible. Loved all 4 expansions.

As for sales it will be well on its way to 9m by years end. The question is when it passes 9m next year will it ever leg it out to 10m over the remainder of the gen.

A superior battlefront 2 would damage legs. Either way. Insane sales on ps4!
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quadraticadder posted 13/12/2016, 02:41
After reading the comments, it looks like I'm among the very few who was disappointed that the game hasn't got a campaign.

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hunter_alien posted 10/10/2016, 03:33
With the support this is getting, it will blow past 8 million at retail this year, maybe even 8.5. Massive success for EA if you ask me.
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thewastedyouth posted 22/05/2016, 05:48
this game sold more in Europe than America???? what
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