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Alternative Names

Zelda no Densetsu: Breath of the Wild

ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド


Nintendo EPD



Other Versions

All, NS

Release Dates

03/03/17 Nintendo
03/03/17 Nintendo
03/03/17 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 43
Favorite: 17
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (WiiU) > Opinions (37)

Aidman posted 12/05/2022, 11:24
1.70 + 26.55 = 28.25 millions combined WiiU+NS so only 1.75M left to reach the 30 millions IT is HUGE for a Zelda Game
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garretslarrity posted 23/01/2020, 10:06
I see we now have 1.67M for this version. Can anyone confirm the source?
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Roar_Of_War posted 28/07/2017, 12:38
Over 5 million now according to Nintendo (Switch ver 3.92 + Wii U ver 1.08), and those numbers for Wii U are old as well. So above 5 million. :)
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fedfed posted 26/06/2017, 12:06
Hail to the last and greatest Wii U million seller!
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Wman1996 posted 21/06/2017, 04:17
Would not have expected it to reach 1 million, at least this fast, on the Wii U. I suppose not everyone is on board to spend $300+ for a Switch, can't find one, or felt they were owed a new Zelda game on the Wii U.
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Fededx posted 19/06/2017, 01:29
I knew the Wii U version would sell well enough. It's zelda after all. I still don't have a switch, and have already completed this game on my old U, loved it!
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xboxonefan posted 18/06/2017, 07:19
last wii u million seller
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Shikamo posted 18/06/2017, 02:56
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Munchies posted 18/06/2017, 02:37

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Goodnightmoon posted 11/06/2017, 10:16
1 Milion yay!
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fedfed posted 25/05/2017, 10:05
well 4th if you consider Hyrule warriors!
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fedfed posted 25/05/2017, 10:05
The Third Zelda Million seller on WiiU¬!
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curl-6 posted 12/05/2017, 12:50
Why do you find it so unlikely that this has passed a million?
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Helloplite posted 11/05/2017, 02:24
No way it has passed the million marked. Maybe shipped. It would be greatly surprising if it has reached the 900-950k mark. It will do 1 million overall by the end of the year however.
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curl-6 posted 28/04/2017, 12:58
According to Nintendo FY2016 report, this has passed a million
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StreaK posted 21/04/2017, 06:06
@goodnightmoon Simple answer...No. lol
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yecoye posted 20/04/2017, 07:48
my best friend's mom makes 89 an hour on the internet.. she's been unemployed for 7 months and the previous month her payoff was 13501 working on the internet a few hours each day. check out this site


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Goodnightmoon posted 20/04/2017, 02:32
@ Streak Could you stop going to everywhere zelda related to talk about horizon? Is getting already too obvious and annoying
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S.Peelman posted 19/04/2017, 11:33
Twilight Princess on Gamecube still managed 1.56m according to VGC. Breath of the Wild is already almost halfway, hope it'll beat it in the end!
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NintendoPie posted 17/04/2017, 04:24
DevilRising, Wii U was dead from its conception. Nintendo's handling of it only made the situation worse.
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StreaK posted 16/04/2017, 01:31
Pretty crazy!!! Horizon has 2.20 total while the combined WiiU and Switch sales for BOTW are 2.11. These games have virtually sold identically, except that Horizon has the more European market while Zelda has the more American market. Good on both!
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curl-6 posted 15/04/2017, 12:36
Should still manage to claw its way past the million mark; one final million seller for the ol' Wii U.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 14/04/2017, 11:40
I agree DevilRising, they probably realized that they have a masterpiece on their hands along the way, so why release it on a limited potential console, than delay it and use it promote a new one :/

I own WiiU version too, it is amazing, one of my favorite games of all time
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Goodnightmoon posted 14/04/2017, 09:56
NPD says 460k on March, this version is doing pretty well too
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DevilRising posted 10/04/2017, 07:59
I'd say that Nintendo is doing this on purpose. Remember, the GC (original) version of TP eventually sold over a million copies, in part because it was actually available. I think Nintendo is purposefully only making the Switch version available in stores, because obviously, they want people to buy a Switch to play it. Good business strategy, but shitty for the (original) Wii U version. I own it, and I must say, I haven't noticed much slowdown or frame stutter. It's perfectly fine, and I honestly believe that if they had released this as a Wii U exclusive, as originally intended, when it would have mattered (back in 2015, of course imagining they even could have managed that), I think this game could have given a major shot in the arm to Wii U's life. Not "saved" it. But surely seen it doing better than it is now.

I honestly feel that they rushed Switch out the door, incomplete and obviously few launch window games, specifically because Wii U was already dead, thanks to their own handling of it.
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curl-6 posted 09/04/2017, 12:40
Makes you wonder how many copies of this version Nintendo even shipped. I had to preorder mine and haven't seen it on shelves anywhere
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Mr Puggsly posted 08/04/2017, 10:10
Would ahve sold better if you could actually find a copy. Every retailer I've been to never had them but tons of Switch copies.
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b00moscone posted 28/06/2016, 05:13
And it's back!
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b00moscone posted 04/05/2016, 04:38
Has gone completely off the US pre-order charts.
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Luke888 posted 16/04/2016, 10:01
only 2 more moths and then I'll preorder this with NX *-*
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Darwinianevolution posted 23/02/2016, 09:01
It's february 2016. No news of this game in a long time. Supplies are running low. We won't be able to make it without any release date soon. If you read this, tell my family I love them.
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gcube2000 posted 29/11/2014, 02:31
Should I get this game? If I do it better be great
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Goremichel posted 29/10/2014, 02:51
I wait and wait and it doesnt released !!! ahhhhhh
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ExplodingBlock posted 20/08/2014, 04:07
Cool boxart
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S.Peelman posted 28/02/2014, 01:15
Can't wait to see what this game will be. I'm betting it'll blow everyone's mind.
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Pavolink posted 26/11/2013, 04:24
Release date 2020. Man, that's for Wii4
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tbone51 posted 17/07/2013, 02:12
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Shipping Total

1,700,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2020

Opinion (37)

Aidman posted 12/05/2022, 11:24
1.70 + 26.55 = 28.25 millions combined WiiU+NS so only 1.75M left to reach the 30 millions IT is HUGE for a Zelda Game
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garretslarrity posted 23/01/2020, 10:06
I see we now have 1.67M for this version. Can anyone confirm the source?
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Roar_Of_War posted 28/07/2017, 12:38
Over 5 million now according to Nintendo (Switch ver 3.92 + Wii U ver 1.08), and those numbers for Wii U are old as well. So above 5 million. :)
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fedfed posted 26/06/2017, 12:06
Hail to the last and greatest Wii U million seller!
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Wman1996 posted 21/06/2017, 04:17
Would not have expected it to reach 1 million, at least this fast, on the Wii U. I suppose not everyone is on board to spend $300+ for a Switch, can't find one, or felt they were owed a new Zelda game on the Wii U.
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Fededx posted 19/06/2017, 01:29
I knew the Wii U version would sell well enough. It's zelda after all. I still don't have a switch, and have already completed this game on my old U, loved it!
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