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Alternative Names

Zelda no Densetsu: Majora no Kamen 3D





Release Dates

02/13/15 Nintendo
02/14/15 Nintendo
02/13/15 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 41
Favorite: 8
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D (3DS) > Opinions (32)

Machina posted 04/08/2023, 02:37
+30k in all of 2022.

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boypita posted 30/04/2016, 01:32
I hate Nintendo for not giving us numbers for this and LBW -.- this was at 2.03 in the last fiscal year. It had passed more than a year since then, we want numbeeeeers D:
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Shikamo posted 26/12/2015, 08:13
Congratz 2m!
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b00moscone posted 23/12/2015, 12:35
2 million! Congrats!
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Samus Aran posted 17/10/2015, 06:53
Digital sales aren't that high... This is severely undertracked.
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hunter_alien posted 10/10/2015, 01:01
Yeah, with digital sales included... never the less, most likely a solid 3 million seller LT
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Samus Aran posted 29/08/2015, 03:59
This game already sold 2 million at the end of March lol...
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Azhraell posted 24/08/2015, 12:21
This did pretty good in japan, I thought zelda was dead there
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Stellar_Fungk posted 04/07/2015, 03:08
I can't add this game to my library.
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Ryng posted 23/06/2015, 12:49
This game is seriusly undertracked in Europe......
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oniyide posted 31/05/2015, 12:02
@OneTwoThree me too, man. me too
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leedlelee posted 06/04/2015, 10:16
The "Similar Games" function is a riot...
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Ganoncrotch posted 05/04/2015, 11:19
Similar games - Angry birds trilogy. But not Ocarina of Time 3d. Actually made me lol.
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OneTwoThree posted 13/03/2015, 11:51
Somehow I'd love it if this outsold Ocarina 3D.
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Skullwaker posted 10/03/2015, 09:41
And the 3DS gets another 1m seller! Wooooo!
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Nirvana_Nut85 posted 10/03/2015, 09:27
2.26 million to go!
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 06/03/2015, 02:41
Could this outsell original?
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Zugdar posted 03/03/2015, 09:38
Impressive for a remake.

@slayerrondo @Darwininevolution Keep in mind the install base is crazy higher now though.
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Mystro-Sama posted 28/02/2015, 10:16
I guess the 3ds can still print money.
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Skullwaker posted 28/02/2015, 07:44
This game is incredible. Deserves every penny.
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ExplodingBlock posted 28/02/2015, 07:41
I love this game!
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Kerotan posted 28/02/2015, 02:49
Excellent sales
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SlayerRondo posted 28/02/2015, 02:34
Took The Ocarina of Time remake 8 weeks to reach the sales Majora's Mask was able to reach in a week.
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Darwinianevolution posted 28/02/2015, 01:24
How were the OoT 3DS first week sales? Just to compare.
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OfficerRaichu15 posted 28/02/2015, 01:20
welp guess its already a million seller by now :P
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Ryng posted 28/02/2015, 12:57
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Ryng posted 27/02/2015, 03:13
900,000 first week is very well. :)
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ExplodingBlock posted 14/02/2015, 05:13
Bought this today
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 12/02/2015, 10:08
Could outsell original
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Ryng posted 17/01/2015, 07:59
hope for 3-4 million as OOT. :D
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ExplodingBlock posted 07/01/2015, 10:59
Anyway hyped for this
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ExplodingBlock posted 25/11/2014, 03:43
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Shipping Total

3,460,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2022

Opinion (32)

Machina posted 04/08/2023, 02:37
+30k in all of 2022.

Message | Report
boypita posted 30/04/2016, 01:32
I hate Nintendo for not giving us numbers for this and LBW -.- this was at 2.03 in the last fiscal year. It had passed more than a year since then, we want numbeeeeers D:
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Shikamo posted 26/12/2015, 08:13
Congratz 2m!
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b00moscone posted 23/12/2015, 12:35
2 million! Congrats!
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Samus Aran posted 17/10/2015, 06:53
Digital sales aren't that high... This is severely undertracked.
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hunter_alien posted 10/10/2015, 01:01
Yeah, with digital sales included... never the less, most likely a solid 3 million seller LT
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