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Alternative Names

Fire Emblem if


Intelligent Systems



Release Dates

02/19/16 Nintendo
06/25/15 Nintendo
05/20/16 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 38
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Fire Emblem Fates (3DS) > Opinions (49)

Machina posted 04/08/2023, 03:09
+40k in all of 2022.

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PAOerfulone posted 01/07/2017, 09:28
Last official numbers for Fates from Nintendo came from their Fiscal Reports from April 2015 to March 2016, which had Birthright and Conquest combined at 1.84 million, BEFORE the European launch and just after the North American launch.
Take that 1.84 number and add .85 million to it (the amount that is tracked on VGC from March 26th, 2016 - 1.03 million - to May 20th, 2017), that would put this at 2.69 million as of May 20th + whatever digital sales that are not tracked.
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Dreamcaster posted 08/04/2017, 01:25
2 million shouldn't be too far away, but damn... those European sales could be better.
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 21/12/2016, 11:27
I checked this a few weeks ago and it was at 750k. Now it's at 810k. The holiday season is being kind to this game :}
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Jranation posted 12/11/2016, 02:33
This game is quite confusing to count.
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b00moscone posted 11/10/2016, 07:46
I think with Fates, Fire Emblem has certainly been solidified as a big first-party IP in the west. However, I think it will probably only do these numbers on handhelds, I doubt it'd have the same impact on a home console.
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Nautilus posted 15/09/2016, 01:46
@darwinianevolution I think its quite the oposite actually.First of all this game will keep on selling at least until the end of next year, even with the NX, and since the legs so far are good, it will still have good physical sales.But as you stated yourself, the digital sales should be big due to the different versions aproach(which sucks by the way).Considering everything, and the fact that this game was already at around 1.85 months ago(I think it was before the european launch), Fates should be well ahead of 2.5 million at this point.Lifetime sales should reach 4 million in my opinion.
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Darwinianevolution posted 12/09/2016, 06:37
I'm sure a good chunk of its sales are digital, jut to have the game whole in one package. Cutting this game into three parts was a terrible decision, but the game sold well enough regardless of it. It could have topped Awakening if that wasn't the case.
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PAOerfulone posted 01/07/2016, 11:27
Europe may have had a relatively weak opening compared to NA and Japan, but on the bright side its showing some good legs!
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b00moscone posted 01/07/2016, 06:06
While the first week was only marginally better, it seems to be holding up a lot better than FE:A.
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Jranation posted 14/06/2016, 06:08
It could be 2mil now from the numbers Nintendo gave us (which includes digital sales / people who bought the 2nd story through digital)
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Darwinianevolution posted 13/06/2016, 11:31
@Dadric. What were you expecting? Just the long wait and the weird format release are enough to kill the hype. I will buy this game when I find a Special Edition, or when it's significantly discounted at digital.
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Dadrik posted 12/06/2016, 10:48
Honestly, it wasn't a big release in EU.
Little to no marketing, little hype overall, except for fans of the saga...
No wonder the numbers aren't that high
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b00moscone posted 12/06/2016, 12:22
EU sales seem a bit low, looking at the growth NA had from Awakening.
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Ryng posted 09/05/2016, 02:48
According to NPD Fates has sold a bit under 450,000 unit lifetime at retail by end of March. VGC has the game at 444,000 unit.

Not bad. (it's also 560,000 including digital, but that's another story)
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Nautilus posted 27/04/2016, 11:15
1.84 million as of 27 April.And thats WITHOUT Europe.Damn, FE really had a rebirth.
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Darwinianevolution posted 13/04/2016, 10:15
Is there a way to know which version has sold the most? Technically we are counting two games on retail (three on digital), and people might buy the two versions, or just one and download the rest.
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Nuvendil posted 13/04/2016, 04:11
And to think this franchise was on death's door two releases ago.
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Meret posted 12/04/2016, 03:58
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b00moscone posted 04/04/2016, 10:33
The USA legs!
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LipeJJ posted 02/04/2016, 03:42
Very good! It has potential to become the top selling Fire Emblem to date.
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Jranation posted 01/04/2016, 11:09
Wow! And without Europe and Digital!!!! We could be looking at 2million soon! With the digital DLC ofcourse.
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TheMagicMax posted 01/04/2016, 06:07
Wow, the US - legs seem to be very good. Sold even more compared to last week. Europe numbers will be interesting
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Nautilus posted 01/04/2016, 02:20
1 Million and it didnt even launched on Europe yet.And not to count that the digitals for this must be huge, due to the discount.Huge win for Nintendo
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Darwinianevolution posted 31/03/2016, 01:31
Does this mean each version has sold half million?
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Rob5VGC posted 31/03/2016, 08:55
1 million.
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Skullwaker posted 30/03/2016, 02:45
Reached 1m very quickly, and without Europe! :P Box art for this needs to be updated also.
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Ryng posted 29/03/2016, 04:21
@atma998 lol
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atma998 posted 29/03/2016, 12:42
I wonder if this can outsell Awakening?
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Munchies posted 26/03/2016, 08:11
The amount of digital sales Fates has is probably crazy! I bet this will be forever massively undertracked here.
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Darwinianevolution posted 26/03/2016, 07:44
I called every retailer on my region, and all the special editions sold out in a matter of minutes. They didn't have even time to put the game on their websites it was sold out that fast. Nintendo is making so many special editions their audience don't have the oportunity to even buy it. I want your game complete in one cartridge, and I'm willing to pay, just let me get the thing!
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PAOerfulone posted 26/03/2016, 03:13
Well that didn't take very long! 1 million!!!
Next, Awakening just has to hit 2 million!
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Shikamo posted 25/03/2016, 07:34
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xboxonefan posted 25/03/2016, 03:57
1 million congrats nintendo
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b00moscone posted 25/03/2016, 02:33
1m! Congrats :D
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Goodnightmoon posted 25/03/2016, 11:10
1 Million and still has to be released on europe, YAY!
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tbone51 posted 16/03/2016, 03:09
@noir I'm sorry but this format is amazing. We get 3 games per release? Sign me up. Birthright and conquest are beyond different. This game is dual release gone right. It's a step in the right direction imo
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NoirSon posted 12/03/2016, 03:36
If you cost the branch DLC as well, this will probably wind up doing double the profit of Awakening... which almost scares me that they might continue the dual release format in future releases.
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PAOerfulone posted 11/03/2016, 12:46
Bottom Line: including digital sales for both NA and Japan, this game shattered 1 million a long time ago.
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PAOerfulone posted 11/03/2016, 12:45
Oops, not preorders, the USA sales numbers
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PAOerfulone posted 11/03/2016, 12:44
It seems that VGC undertracked the preordered by a good 50k so it should really be over .93m here.
Damn, good call Tolu!
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Darwinianevolution posted 10/03/2016, 02:27
It looks like this game will reach the 1m sold even before the european release.
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Ryng posted 08/03/2016, 01:24
300,000 first week in USA it seem. It should be close to 400,000 in February NPD including digital, and still well over 300,000 at retail.
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PAOerfulone posted 13/02/2016, 01:24
The cashier at my local GameStop said they've been getting so many preordered of Fates that they are strongly considering doing a midnight release.
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qwertyDANIELqwerty posted 19/12/2015, 03:35
Most hyped game for 2016, but on the other hand it's essentially the full game experience is $99.99
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b00moscone posted 19/12/2015, 01:14
Pre-orders are looking good. This is sure to surpass 1m and most likely Awakening
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PAOerfulone posted 14/11/2015, 05:52
Is it February 19th, yet?
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Darwinianevolution posted 25/10/2015, 10:22
When is this coming to the West, Nintendo? Avoiding spoilers for almost a year is hard, you know?
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RingoGaSuki posted 29/07/2015, 03:16
So far, this is GOTY for me. Definitely deserving of its high sales. Will sell 2.5-3m lifetime imo.
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Shipping Total

3,090,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2022

Opinion (49)

Machina posted 04/08/2023, 03:09
+40k in all of 2022.

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PAOerfulone posted 01/07/2017, 09:28
Last official numbers for Fates from Nintendo came from their Fiscal Reports from April 2015 to March 2016, which had Birthright and Conquest combined at 1.84 million, BEFORE the European launch and just after the North American launch.
Take that 1.84 number and add .85 million to it (the amount that is tracked on VGC from March 26th, 2016 - 1.03 million - to May 20th, 2017), that would put this at 2.69 million as of May 20th + whatever digital sales that are not tracked.
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Dreamcaster posted 08/04/2017, 01:25
2 million shouldn't be too far away, but damn... those European sales could be better.
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 21/12/2016, 11:27
I checked this a few weeks ago and it was at 750k. Now it's at 810k. The holiday season is being kind to this game :}
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Jranation posted 12/11/2016, 02:33
This game is quite confusing to count.
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b00moscone posted 11/10/2016, 07:46
I think with Fates, Fire Emblem has certainly been solidified as a big first-party IP in the west. However, I think it will probably only do these numbers on handhelds, I doubt it'd have the same impact on a home console.
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