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Tantalus Interactive



Release Dates

03/04/16 Nintendo
03/10/16 Nintendo
03/04/16 Nintendo

Community Stats

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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (WiiU) > Opinions (64)

fedfed posted 13/01/2017, 03:37
3rd of December should be a safe million seller even with adjustments!
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b00moscone posted 09/12/2016, 05:29
1m! Congrats :D
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fedfed posted 24/11/2016, 03:40
Surely it will pass 1 mil this Xmas... to then be put down to 750 at Easter....
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b00moscone posted 29/06/2016, 08:42
It's legs seem to be holding very well, ~10k in the US alone per week, so it'll reach it with ease :)
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fedfed posted 29/06/2016, 10:21
Come on - I can see the mil mark now!

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curl-6 posted 10/06/2016, 04:04
The delay of both Zelda and NX gives this title a little more breathing room; now it'll get a holiday season before its legs are cut off.
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KrspaceT posted 09/06/2016, 07:41
Based on Windwaker HD numbers, it is possible this title will manage to pick up steam at holidays: perhaps they'll bundle it with Wii U's.
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fedfed posted 03/05/2016, 12:18
This game is good - this version is way better then original - let's hope 1 mil lt!
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korn62586 posted 27/04/2016, 08:42
It's good when vgchartz corrects sales numbers.
That's their job.
Idk why people would be upset about this.
I love this Web site and
WiiU ...R.i.P.
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Kerotan posted 21/04/2016, 03:04
Because official NPD numbers are in so they were just correcting the estimates
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FarleyMcFirefly posted 20/04/2016, 02:54
Holy smokes. It's a lower number every time I come to this page. I thought for sure that this would sell 2 million retail. It seems like it will take forever to hit 1 million.
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boypita posted 18/04/2016, 11:25
This is ridiculous, from 0.88 to 0.78, now to 0.72... :/
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boypita posted 18/04/2016, 05:09
OMG why did they keep adjusting it down? D:
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Ryng posted 17/04/2016, 03:04
Looks like in the end my 400K prediction including digital was very close.

Maybe a bit overestimate, eh.
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Kerotan posted 15/04/2016, 05:03
Heavily over tracked in March according to NPD.

NPD = 308k

Still good sales all the same.
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korn62586 posted 12/04/2016, 07:25
Anybody else get reminded of Metroid Prime when you play the Goron dungeon???? Great dungeon imo, but just makes me wanna play Metroid Prime :D
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b00moscone posted 02/04/2016, 10:52
Not quite yet, it seems to have been adjusted down :/
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Ryng posted 02/04/2016, 07:24
Zelda U + NX combined surely gonna sell +1m first week.
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LipeJJ posted 02/04/2016, 03:41
Looks like it already crossed the 1m mark. Congrats! Not bad for a remaster.
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bayetubapa posted 31/03/2016, 05:30
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Jranation posted 31/03/2016, 10:27
1 million First Week for Zelda U has a chance! BUT! The NX might ruin it...............
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Munchies posted 26/03/2016, 08:09
1M next week... huge!
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Jranation posted 25/03/2016, 09:09
And that didn't took long!
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Luke888 posted 25/03/2016, 09:14
Almost 1M in 2 weeks (and we don't even know the Digital sales), really good for an HD upgrade...
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yogefiyig posted 20/03/2016, 08:04
Start working at home with Google! It's by-far the best job I've had. Last Wednesday I got a brand new BMW since getting a check for $6474 this - 4 weeks past. I began this 8-months ago and immediately was bringing home at least $77 per hour. I work through this link, go to tech tab for work detail.
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Skullwaker posted 18/03/2016, 06:34
Actually sold slightly higher than my prediction even without Japan (which is an additional 50k). Pretty good for a remaster on the Wii U, should have no problem getting to 1m.
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curl-6 posted 18/03/2016, 12:36
Very nice opening week for a HD remaster.
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OneKartVita posted 17/03/2016, 11:24
Good first week sales for a remaster. Do Zelda games usually have good legs?
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Darwinianevolution posted 17/03/2016, 05:47
It will reach 1m in no time. Good numbers for the 3rd time Nintendo releases the game.
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Shikamo posted 17/03/2016, 04:36
Great Numbers!
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think-man posted 17/03/2016, 03:05
I think sold really good for a remaster.
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Ryng posted 15/03/2016, 06:29
Honestly, i think Twilight Princess in March NPD including digital will sell less than VGC first week at retail...
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b00moscone posted 15/03/2016, 06:16
A "disappointment" compared to the pre orders, but honestly these are great sales, only 40k below Smash 4's FW in US.
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garretslarrity posted 15/03/2016, 05:24
Well that was a disappointment.
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Dadrik posted 15/03/2016, 05:06
745k pre orders but "only" 424k first week in the US ?

I knew pre orders estimates could be approximative sometimes, but that's quite a margin over here.
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DaAndy posted 07/03/2016, 07:49
So 1 week before launch 745k pre-orders in the US.
Somehow I doubt it a bit. But even a launch week with "only" 600k would be quite awesome already. I am really looking forward to seeing the charts here on vgc and to seeing official numbers somewhen later.
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Nuvendil posted 25/02/2016, 01:18
The consistent great performance of this on Amazon has bee pretty insane. For all the flak it catches in salty YouTube comments there seems to be plenty of interest. Not shocking I suppose but still kinda am using :P
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TheMagicMax posted 19/02/2016, 01:35
over 600k pre-orders.. how high will it climb? Week 1 sales may be insane!
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PAOerfulone posted 06/02/2016, 05:07
So it seems like these pre-orders may be more accurate than I initially thought.
And if they're spot on, we could be looking at a launch of 1 million copies sold at launch. It'd be the first Wii U game to do it since Mario Kart 8... And that's just for a remaster of a 10 year Zelda game from the Wii and GameCube...
Oh Dear God, I can only imagine how high Zelda Wii U would be...
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b00moscone posted 05/02/2016, 09:33
Its also doing very well on Amazon UK. It will be interesting to see how much this sells.
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Goodnightmoon posted 05/02/2016, 09:29
@Nuvendil I know and is right that is looking like a hit on Amazon but man... those are some epic numbers for a WiiU game, if this is happening with TPHD, how massive is gonna be the new Zelda?
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Nuvendil posted 05/02/2016, 09:07
@Goodnightmoon I don't know, the game has done exceptional on Amazon for months. It sold out numerous times until finally I guess Nintendo greatly increased the planned initial shipment and Amazon increased their initial order. Shoot, it's high on Amazon right now.
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Goodnightmoon posted 29/01/2016, 09:34
This preorders are too high, I have a hard time believing this, but anyway that shows that at least the interest for the game is high.
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DaAndy posted 29/01/2016, 04:41
And if these pre-order numbers are true, then it is already now (actually 1 week earlier^^) the biggest 1st-week opening of any game on WiiU in the US.
MK8 had 435k and SSBU 416k.
This will be very interesting and I hope we will not be disappointed when it finally is releasing on March 4th.
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garretslarrity posted 29/01/2016, 03:31
493,000 pre-orders just in the US. As unbelievable as these pre-order numbers seem to be, they are at least consistent.
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PAOerfulone posted 23/01/2016, 02:12
If those pre-order numbers are true, (which I STILL seriously doubt they are), then this game could sell more in the U.S. in its first week than Wind Waker HD did from its release to the end of 2014.
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b00moscone posted 18/01/2016, 04:40
Pre-orders now above 400,000.
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loquitito posted 08/01/2016, 04:15
Realmente no recuerdo si algĂșn juego de Wii U tuviera unos pre orders tan elevados.
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TheMagicMax posted 08/01/2016, 02:19
Those pre-orders are insane.
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b00moscone posted 19/12/2015, 01:04
These pre-orders are bae. Although they are overtracked, as a result they can act sort of as a guideline of how much it will actually sell. It will be interesting to see the final pre order numbers.
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PAOerfulone posted 08/12/2015, 03:33
As much as I'd love for those pre order numbers to be true, given how much I love Twilight Princess, those can't possibly be accurate.
You expect me to believe that this game is pulling in 3x yhe pre orders in just 2 weeks, that WW HD did overall?
There is no way in hell that is accurate. Even if Twilight Princess is the more popular of the 2.
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Nuvendil posted 08/12/2015, 01:55
I don't know what's crazier, these preorder estimates or the fact that they might actually be right given how well it did on all the relevant lists the month it was announced. And that was just the freaking Amiibo bundle for many places.
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xboxonefan posted 07/12/2015, 10:05
5 million seller incoming
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b00moscone posted 07/12/2015, 05:42
Jesus! Even more pre orders than last week!
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Gammalad posted 07/12/2015, 03:29
There is no way in hell those pre-order numbers are right...
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Salnax posted 06/12/2015, 11:30
This should do pretty well, at least a million copies. Wind Waker HD sold about 1.5 million, and although that game had a more general support for a remake, Twilight Princess originally sold twice as much as Wind Waker. Not to mention the amiibo will probably sell games on its own. One can argue that this game can sell better because of the larger installbase, but I won't.
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MotherBound posted 29/11/2015, 05:29
There is an official boxart, no need to use a fake one
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Paatar posted 29/11/2015, 04:27
Poli, considering the fact that Twilight Princess it the best selling Zelda game of all time and that it comes with an amiibo that's sick as hell as well as a CD track as a pre-order bonus, is pretty assuring that these pre-order numbers are correct.
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Poliwrathlord posted 29/11/2015, 03:25
These pre-order numbers have to been false.
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b00moscone posted 28/11/2015, 01:31
Interesting. WWHD had 78,079 pre orders on its last week and this has taken it over completely in one week. I wonder if this game will be able to surpass the GC version, or even 2m...
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garretslarrity posted 28/11/2015, 06:14
Those pre-order numbers. My damn.
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PAOerfulone posted 27/11/2015, 10:11
Well not counting remakes, Twilight Princess is the best selling Zelda game of all time.
So it wouldn't surprise me if those pre order numbers were accurate
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Arfen posted 27/11/2015, 09:32
O_o wtf!!! are this pre-orders numbers for real?
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Paatar posted 27/11/2015, 08:07
130k pre-orders in the second week. That actually is probably correct too. Dang. Awesome.
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Shipping Total

1,160,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2021

Opinion (64)

fedfed posted 13/01/2017, 03:37
3rd of December should be a safe million seller even with adjustments!
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b00moscone posted 09/12/2016, 05:29
1m! Congrats :D
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fedfed posted 24/11/2016, 03:40
Surely it will pass 1 mil this Xmas... to then be put down to 750 at Easter....
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b00moscone posted 29/06/2016, 08:42
It's legs seem to be holding very well, ~10k in the US alone per week, so it'll reach it with ease :)
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fedfed posted 29/06/2016, 10:21
Come on - I can see the mil mark now!

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curl-6 posted 10/06/2016, 04:04
The delay of both Zelda and NX gives this title a little more breathing room; now it'll get a holiday season before its legs are cut off.
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