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Polyphony Digital



Release Dates

02/22/05 Sony Computer Entertainment
12/28/04 Sony Computer Entertainment
03/09/05 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 520
Favorite: 32
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 6

Avg Community Rating:


Gran Turismo 4 (PS2) > Opinions (81)

hellobion2 posted 26/11/2023, 12:46
series is better than forza
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Azhraell posted 01/02/2014, 03:07
They most likely added European numbers in rest of the world.
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Fusioncode posted 12/01/2014, 06:32
The hell happened to European numbers??
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AZWification posted 12/12/2013, 09:22
0.01k in Europe?? Please fix this shit.
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ethomaz posted 07/02/2012, 02:51
Shipped 60k last quarter and 250k last year... 11.44m shipped lifetime.
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Aj_habfan posted 06/02/2012, 01:51
Wait nevermind, its good
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Aj_habfan posted 06/02/2012, 01:50
apparently it was adjusted back down for some reason? PD shows11,440K shipped, I doubt many are left on shelves at this point
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TrevDaRev posted 28/01/2012, 03:24
11million! First racing game I ever bought.
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Kai Master posted 27/01/2012, 10:36
11.38m, they finally adjusted it !
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postofficebuddy posted 17/12/2011, 03:55
Shipped another 200k in the first 9 months of this year. Absolutely no question that this is undertracked. Almost a million in the channel almost 7 years into its shelf life is totally unrealistic. Looks like my prediction will hold true, over 11.5 million shipped.
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Riku148 posted 06/09/2011, 06:21
The best driving game on ps2
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pots555 posted 10/08/2011, 08:51
Just bought this. Very impressed by the graphics. This game seems to be huge.
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dsage01 posted 05/07/2011, 02:33
GT5 overtracking this! This game took 50 weeks to sell 6.33 million
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salacain posted 25/04/2011, 11:20
sory for some gramar errors
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salacain posted 25/04/2011, 11:19
This is Its a great game. when i first bought it i LOVED it. the graphics at the time made evry thing look photographed. the car selection was Huge. gt5 and gt4 are both great
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postofficebuddy posted 15/03/2011, 02:25
Anyone else think this could crawl to 11.5 million shipped? It's at 11.19 million and it shipped 70k last quarter.
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Michael-5 posted 14/03/2011, 03:25
Also the game was only adjusted by 7%, Add 7% to 9 million, it's still under 10 million. Do the math :P. Why does 10 million matter so much for you CGI? If the game sold 9.96 million lifetime, would that be the end of the world? It's still above GT2.
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Michael-5 posted 14/03/2011, 03:23
Over-inflated is the word I wanted to use. People think far too highly of this game on a sales front. Over-predicted would refer only to pre-launch predictions. All my predictions are based on calculated estimated fitted to trends. Everything is speculation, but I at least provide rational reasoning for it. I don't assume the game will sell well just because it did alright in it's first few weeks, I go a little more in depth then that. Remember this is the only GT to be released in a Holiday window, and it is showing signs of weaker legs.
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postofficebuddy posted 13/03/2011, 04:03
I still say this is undertracked. 750k on store shelves seems like an awful lot.
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Michael-5 posted 12/02/2011, 11:59
Prcko - GT4 was not released during a holiday season. Have you no idea how much Holidays boost sales? GT4 is selling 60% as well as GT4 now an shows signs of weaker legs. No garentee it will even break 10 million.
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prcko posted 06/02/2011, 12:37
gt5 outselling gt4 for 200,000 for this 10 weeks,it's gonna be 11 million ltd for sure!
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Michael-5 posted 05/02/2011, 02:07
CGI - I love GT5. I dislike overinflated beleifs about sales. If People though Gears 3 will sell over 10 million I'd be on that just as bad. Week 10 and GT5 is only selling 2/3rds as well as GT4 :P
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jester2358 posted 30/01/2011, 05:19
not t mention its tracking 600k ahead in emeaa and is matching the americas sales. your argument that the week 9 sales are 25k lower is somewhat irrelevant considering gt4 is being outsold by almost 250k in the same time frame, holiday release or not its impressive
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jester2358 posted 30/01/2011, 05:14
@michael5, everyone knew the holiday boost would help lol, I dont know what you are trying to say.
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Michael-5 posted 20/01/2011, 03:15
Well, GT5 sales are now lower then GT4's. Holiday boost made a big impact on GT5 sales after all. Looks like I was right.
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bugrimmar posted 02/01/2011, 03:14
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leatherhat posted 01/01/2011, 10:12
Nice job jester
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jester2358 posted 01/01/2011, 07:26
look at that i was right, gt5 is tracking ahead of this game and will beat its ten week total.
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postofficebuddy posted 18/12/2010, 04:23
This is probably slightly undertracked. Polyphony's page is shipments but I find it hard to believe that there's almost 700k on store shelves this late into its life cycle. It's basically impossible to find a copy that isn't used in my area.
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jester2358 posted 09/12/2010, 03:30
@johnsobas that was my thinking as well the holiday release should help it americas and emeaa legs considerably
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johnsobas posted 08/12/2010, 02:12
the only reason that would be possible is because GT5 is released in late november while GT4 was released in July
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yahoocom1984 posted 03/12/2010, 12:27
jester2358, in your dream
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jester2358 posted 02/12/2010, 10:39
i think gt5 will have a better first 10 weeks than this.
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A203D posted 23/05/2010, 03:14
Yeah possiblly, MW2 and GTA4 are more popular. but looking at these sales GT5 will keep selling better than those for years to come, because theres other popular sandbox and shooters, GT5 will be in a league of its own when its out, esp in EU.
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haxxiy posted 03/04/2010, 11:08
Halo fan below me warning.
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headshot91 posted 06/02/2010, 11:44
@iwarmachine and hellomoto
no it won't its pretty obvious....
MW2 is a much more popular game than gt5 and that will rape this game in sales for say week 1 -5 as an example.
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ps3-sales! posted 22/12/2009, 04:08
It's still selling 17k a week haha. This game is the definition of legs.
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iWarMachine posted 17/12/2009, 05:00

yes it's pretty obvious.
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HelloMotto posted 26/09/2009, 11:39

yes it will
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headshot91 posted 21/09/2009, 09:31
NO WAY will it do similiar numbers to this!!!!
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gustave154 posted 22/08/2009, 12:55
europeans really love GT
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Squall_Leonhart posted 15/08/2009, 10:36
GT5 should do these numbers or better since the game looks like it is going to be simply amazing
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sabby_e17 posted 14/08/2009, 06:56
Nice adjusted to 10 million! WOOT!
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RPG posted 14/08/2009, 06:48
Ah finally adjusted to where it should be, surpised it took so long. Big in Japan and NA but a monster in EU. It's very easy to tell why people think GT5 will sell systems in EU.
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Carl posted 14/08/2009, 06:42
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 14/08/2009, 08:53
Others numbers are just ridiculous. What a beast this game was.
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HelloMotto posted 13/08/2009, 04:44
Wow this game got adjusted up by 1 million!
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krimoz911 posted 07/08/2009, 01:13
wow, still selling
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invetedlotus123 posted 07/08/2009, 12:02
Fila Brasileiro

This game sold near 1 million with all smaller markets together.
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sabby_e17 posted 22/07/2009, 09:04
Wow this is still selling. Sold 1800 copies last week.
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shanbcn posted 20/07/2009, 05:24
It has great chance of reaching 11 million.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 18/06/2009, 11:03
Update already!
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RPG posted 08/06/2009, 08:26
Had a look at the PD website and according to them 10.68 million copies have been shipped.

I seriously doubt 1 million are on shelves.
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FilaBrasileiro posted 06/06/2009, 11:33
PD: Actually we have sold 10.6 million units of GT4
VGC: 1 million are in store shelves LOLLOLOL
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whofwhof posted 06/06/2009, 02:46
gran turismo 3 americans 7.14m
gran turimso 4 americans 2.76m

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Carl posted 21/05/2009, 12:17
According to the Polyphony site...

This is at 10.5Million.
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metalgearmatt posted 16/05/2009, 05:35
I think GranTurismo is Sony's mascot!
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sabby_e17 posted 04/05/2009, 02:17
Looks like this wont be reaching 10million. It sold 600 copies this week!
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Halo_John posted 29/04/2009, 01:44
I think that this game will sell better than Halo 3, it good to see that this game is still selling:)
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Seece posted 26/04/2009, 01:21
Won't reach 10 mill .. its on about 900 a week now!
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NanakiXI posted 16/03/2009, 07:07
Will reach 10mil+ Congrats!
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metalgearmatt posted 13/01/2009, 10:43
i guess 5 million American's stoped liking Gran Turismo after 3...
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chido posted 13/01/2009, 02:15
minus what it cost to make, which was a lot. many millions of dollars.
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chido posted 13/01/2009, 02:14
sony has not made billions from this game. 100 million max since its 40$
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 09/01/2009, 09:36
This game is still selling. 15k last week.
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Snake612 posted 29/12/2008, 01:12
Good lord, these are some great sales. Grand Tursimo 5 will do amazing!
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FaRmLaNd posted 12/12/2008, 02:43
Well the current version of halo is on track to sell more then 10 million, but no single version has sold that much yet.
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321tttrini4everz posted 05/12/2008, 03:59

wow...which halo game got past 10 million ??????
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FPSrules posted 01/12/2008, 05:47
i estimate sony has made billions off this series alone.

hope GT5 lives b3yond its hype and sales top at least 10 million
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NSS7 posted 24/11/2008, 08:36
Sony ver of Halo (i mean the sale)
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Xen posted 06/10/2008, 07:02
The best racer ever... until GT5 comes out. Incredibly fun and relaxing.
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Okain posted 23/09/2008, 10:55
Pokemon but with cars. Nah I joke, or do I? Anyway a top racing game that still hangs around with next gen racers. A sick track selection and hundreds and hundreds of cars to choose and tune literally everything, (just dont expect anything like need for speed no sound systems, body kits and hydrolics and nitrous blast blurs, GT is real shit like gear ratios, differential adjustments, suspension specs etc...) GT5 will impress these GT 1-4 is proof enough.
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Blackcum101 posted 24/07/2008, 04:34
real numbers
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321tttrini4everz posted 03/07/2008, 05:15
this game sold 10.06 million copies on April 30, 2008 since release

vgchartz correct this plz
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Munkeh111 posted 02/04/2008, 11:47
@ okey dokey: it came out as 9.9m, which isn't too bad
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 30/03/2008, 11:57

This game actually sold just under 10 million copies

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NSS7 posted 21/03/2008, 04:41
WOW this gaem was so popular in Europe.
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Audiomatic posted 07/03/2008, 01:17
best until GT5 comes
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zexen_lowe posted 27/01/2008, 02:30
Best driving game ever
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leo-j posted 31/12/2007, 10:11
It looks as good as forza 2 on the Xbox 360..
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Kamahl posted 25/11/2007, 07:03
one of the best games ever made
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Shipping Total

11,760,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2017

Opinion (81)

hellobion2 posted 26/11/2023, 12:46
series is better than forza
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Azhraell posted 01/02/2014, 03:07
They most likely added European numbers in rest of the world.
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Fusioncode posted 12/01/2014, 06:32
The hell happened to European numbers??
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AZWification posted 12/12/2013, 09:22
0.01k in Europe?? Please fix this shit.
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ethomaz posted 07/02/2012, 02:51
Shipped 60k last quarter and 250k last year... 11.44m shipped lifetime.
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Aj_habfan posted 06/02/2012, 01:51
Wait nevermind, its good
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