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Release Dates

11/18/16 Nintendo
11/18/16 Nintendo
11/23/16 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 62
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Pokémon Sun/Moon (3DS) > Opinions (76)

Machina posted 07/11/2023, 07:51
+20k in the last 6 months.
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Machina posted 09/05/2023, 11:08
+10k in the last 6 months.
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Machina posted 08/11/2022, 05:59
+10k last quarter.
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boypita posted 28/07/2017, 05:44
15,67M :)
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Shikamo posted 19/07/2017, 08:21
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boypita posted 24/06/2017, 06:13
With 15.44M as of 31st March I wonder if it can reach 20M, US&UM is going to cut its legs so we´ll see :)
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AnmolRed posted 14/06/2017, 08:18
This game just doesnt stop selling! almost 5m US
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Green098 posted 14/04/2017, 10:51
This game is never going to leave the weekly charts at this rate lol
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Zach808 posted 08/04/2017, 08:01
Back over 100k weekly. I guess this game will stay around 70-100k weekly for the rest of the year, which is pretty good for this series.
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Munchies posted 26/03/2017, 02:23
13M here on VGChartz!
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Kerotan posted 23/02/2017, 04:17
Yeah but that includes digital. With Digital obviously gta V is higher too.
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lapusuh posted 22/02/2017, 03:11
​I too was always leery about work at home offers because they always seemed to be scams. But soon after hit by recession, I was a little frightened. I wanted to have a backup plan just in case. So, I took your advice and got my Home Profit System (cuz they offered a Moneyback Guarantee,) . It worked like a charm - I was earning money right away! I eventually did get laid off, just as I had feared, but since I had been using the Home Profit System I had money to fall back on. Now I'm doing better than I had at my job!,,, if u want to know more info must visite this site, +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+​
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pikashoe posted 20/02/2017, 08:53
14-15 million? None of the main releases have ever sold less than 15 million (not counting 3rd version s or remakes). The range is more like 15-17 million.
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Green098 posted 16/02/2017, 08:48
Yup, by December 31st 2016 they had officially sold 14.69 million. In a few months time they will be the highest selling 3DS game and who knows what it will manage to sell lifetime. 20 million is not that farfetched (pardon the pun)
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LipeJJ posted 15/02/2017, 03:23
@FlukyNintendy Except it already sold more than 15m according to Nintendo. And that's not counting 2017. It will reach 20m eventually...
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fluky-nintendy posted 13/02/2017, 05:12
Pokemon games kinda stack at max 14-15 million, this one will be no different. GTA5 on ps4 alone has potential to reach at least 17-20M.
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Kerotan posted 09/02/2017, 02:52
Well the latest week in the USA it sold on par with gta V V. Wouldn't say it's obvious. But if it does pass it out, gta V will pass it in the end.
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Goodnightmoon posted 08/02/2017, 10:07
Yes, it will surpass GTAV on PS4, that's pretty much obvious.
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Kerotan posted 08/02/2017, 08:07
Selling very well. Anybody think it can catch up to GTA V ps4?
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Jranation posted 03/02/2017, 11:41
Pokemon topping the US chart again in the first week of 2017!
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Shikamo posted 02/02/2017, 11:06
fixed but still undertracked
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Kerotan posted 01/02/2017, 07:16
Are those numbers shipped? Btw streak I meant gta V ps4 sku only.
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Munchies posted 31/01/2017, 11:53
Official numbers: 14.69M as of December 31st.
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Jranation posted 31/01/2017, 09:56
Oh wow! VGCHARTZ are either quite spot on (assuming theres like over 1mil digital sales) or quite far of. Thought it was overtracked.
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Jranation posted 29/01/2017, 11:17
Topping the US Chart again!
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StreaK posted 28/01/2017, 05:54
In order to top GTAV's worldwide sales it has to sell over 70 million copies LMFAO. Not going to least anytime soon. GTAV is a 2013 game that made the top 10 list in 2016. That is unheard of.
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zilemiwaka posted 28/01/2017, 03:31
I saw the receipt that said $6460 , I did not believe mother in law woz like they say actualy earning money in their spare time from their computer. . there aunt started doing this for under thirteen months and recently cleard the depts on there mini mansion and bourt a great Aston Martin DB5 . go to this website....

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Zach808 posted 27/01/2017, 09:29
Is it even possible for it to catch Black Ops 3? Combined, all versions of that game are probably sitting at about 25 million, so unless Sun/Moon starts doing Red/Blue numbers, it has no chance. It'll be a stretch for it to pass 8th gen GTAV as well (though more realistic), with that sitting at almost 20 million.

Really goes to show how badly Infinite Warfare is doing, though, considering Sun/Moon has already passed the PS4 and Xbone versions of that game combined.
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Jranation posted 27/01/2017, 06:55
Wow! Another 1mil+
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Kerotan posted 27/01/2017, 03:35
So 600k over tracked. I wonder how long until it catches bo3 and will it pass out gta V.
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Scarftail posted 27/01/2017, 02:15
X and Y sold 12.26 million units between their launch (October 2013) and March 2014. According to this, Sun and Moon literally sold about the same figure in ONE MONTH. I hope the Nintendo Switch port doesn't screw over this unprecedented sales speed.
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TorterraBoy posted 27/01/2017, 02:15
I'm really surprised at these sales, im going to buy my second copy because I want to see this game outsell Diamond and Pearl lol
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Shikamo posted 27/01/2017, 02:14
Holy Shit look this week sequence :O
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Salnax posted 27/01/2017, 01:48
Only about 2.2 million behind X/Y's lifetime now! And if the legs of X/Y and ORAS are any indicator, this should still sell 4 million or so more in 2017. Even if it ends up lower, this should end up outselling BW and XY, and maybe RS.
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Munchies posted 26/01/2017, 08:17
6 weeks doing one million. Truly the king!
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ash3336 posted 23/01/2017, 01:05
NSMB Wii did this multiple million + weeks back in 08.
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NSS7 posted 23/01/2017, 10:21
Not even GTAV (PS3 + X360) can sold a million for 5 week in row.
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Luke888 posted 22/01/2017, 10:41
So wait, this could have become the best selling game ever on 3DS IN 2016 ???
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Jranation posted 18/01/2017, 09:22
Well...... That was too easy! Too easy! PoGO have really shaked the Pokemon franchise!
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Munchies posted 18/01/2017, 08:48
I think it could go as high as 11.5 million to be honest. This is utterly astonishing.
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PAOerfulone posted 18/01/2017, 07:47
11 Million for the next numbers.
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gokocuja posted 18/01/2017, 04:04
I bought brand new RED Ferreri by working ONline work. Six month ago i hear from my friend that she is working some online job and making more then 98$/hr i can't beleive. But when i start this job i have to beleived herNow i am also making 98$/hr if you want to try just check this out.....

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PAOerfulone posted 18/01/2017, 05:31
Depending on how strong the legs are after December, we could be looking at 20 million.
God Damn, it looks like Ryng_Tolu has struck again!!
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Luke888 posted 17/01/2017, 06:13
Already 11th best selling Pokémon game, next week it'll break its way into top 10 surpassing Fire Red and Leaf Green
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Munchies posted 17/01/2017, 05:15
9,859,471 after four weeks.

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PAOerfulone posted 15/01/2017, 10:46
@ Zach808
Media Create figures for the week ending December 4th had it at 223,051 copies sold in Japan for that week, so that adds around 930k to it, an UK's numbers that just got posted adds 70k, and we still don't know France, Germany, the rest of Europe, and Rest of the World numbrers.
So Yep, another week over 1 million.

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Munchies posted 15/01/2017, 01:13
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Zach808 posted 14/01/2017, 07:03
You mean the US sales actually went UP? O.o. Could we be looking at another million+ week?
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PAOerfulone posted 14/01/2017, 05:30
With the addition 700k from the U.S. in Dec. 10th week.
This'll be at 9.08 million without Europe and Japan. With 2 huge weeks left before Christmas.

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Jranation posted 14/01/2017, 05:24
Pokemon topping the US charts again!
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Dadrik posted 11/01/2017, 01:16
@Ljink96 Sarcasm, read about it
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Ljink96 posted 11/01/2017, 02:30
@teamsilent13 Yeah, a series that sells 10-15 million per game is dead. Okay. Then what's call of Duty? Lifeless?
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zodanubud posted 10/01/2017, 01:32
I be certain best friend had been realie taking h0me money part-time on their apple laptop. . there friend brother haz done this 4 less than 10 months and as of n0w paid the loans on their h0me and bourt a brand new Cadillac . look at this +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+
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Rogerioandrade posted 04/01/2017, 05:34
7,14 million in just two weeks? Not bad, not bad at all
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Slait posted 30/12/2016, 04:53
but everything after that was better. lmao it died for bandwagoners i guess
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teamsilent13 posted 30/12/2016, 04:09
I keep telling you guys pokemon died after 2nd gen ;)
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Spade posted 28/12/2016, 11:44
Damn... kinda flopped :(
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 26/12/2016, 12:36
Pretty sure this game is undertracked even further. Didn't some of the sales figures from the US and Europe get excluded EVEN IN the official sales posted recently? I think the official sales are missing a few weeks so this is bound to be undertracked even as of two weeks. either way, can't wait to see how this does.
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Zach808 posted 23/12/2016, 09:17
2 weeks, and it's already blown past both versions of Infinite Warfare combined.

Just... Holy crap. Could this possibly pass FIFA?
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Screamapillar posted 22/12/2016, 12:05

Right, and that's not even including eShop sales and download cards :)
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Goodnightmoon posted 22/12/2016, 03:01
+7m in 2 weeks, holy fucking shit :O
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lanawez posted 18/12/2016, 12:28
William . I can see what your saying... Raymond `s article is surprising, last week I bought a top of the range Acura from making $4608 this-past/month and-a little over, $10,000 this past month . with-out any question its the easiest work I've ever had . I began this five months/ago and almost straight away startad bringin in minimum $82 per-hr
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Jranation posted 17/12/2016, 02:35
Nothing aint coming close to it on the 2nd week at the US Chart!
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Slait posted 16/12/2016, 12:57
this game will do good just because of the old bandwagoners and other people that will probably come back thanks to Pokémon GO.

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tbone51 posted 15/12/2016, 04:34
@garret Its going to blow past 15mil lifetime. Game as of today will easily be over 10mil sold. That said im going with 19mil. Just watch :p
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garretslarrity posted 15/12/2016, 07:22
I am very impressed that they outsold X&Y's first week without Europe! However, we should mention that Sun and Moon released later in the year compared to X&Y, and on a larger install base. Nonetheless, these will easily go to 14M, probably 15M, lifetime.
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 15/12/2016, 02:55
These sales are incredible!!! Sold almost as much as Fallout 4 did on it's first week despite being on only one platform AND not having EUROPEAN sales!!!! Would've sold better than Fallout 4's first week with Europen sales no doubt.
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Rob5VGC posted 13/12/2016, 09:43
Pokemon! Getto da ze!
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b00moscone posted 13/12/2016, 05:22
Absolute insanity.
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Munchies posted 13/12/2016, 05:21
4,266,813 first week.

SM sold more than XY without Europe.
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Darwinianevolution posted 13/12/2016, 04:37
Damn, its japanese release made every other game's sales anemic. Pokemon SM sales 1.85m in first place, CoD IW in second place 11.3k. Western numbers shall be interesting.
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Luke888 posted 09/12/2016, 06:25
It'll be a long journey to top X/Y, but I think these games can do it, heck, they could top 20M !
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Ryng posted 27/11/2016, 05:48
Watch this game selling +20 million lifetime. ;)
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garretslarrity posted 15/05/2016, 06:27
My absolute favorite starter set of any generation.

Will easily sell 12M without even trying.
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Luke888 posted 12/04/2016, 10:13
I expect preorders to rise as of May 15th, once people know what game has the coolest Leggendary they'll know what version to go for...
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Munchies posted 26/03/2016, 03:17
First comment!

And it charted on this day for the first time on the Pre-Order chart. We're not ready for the slayage upon us.
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Shipping Total

16,320,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2023

Opinion (76)

Machina posted 07/11/2023, 07:51
+20k in the last 6 months.
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Machina posted 09/05/2023, 11:08
+10k in the last 6 months.
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Machina posted 08/11/2022, 05:59
+10k last quarter.
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boypita posted 28/07/2017, 05:44
15,67M :)
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Shikamo posted 19/07/2017, 08:21
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boypita posted 24/06/2017, 06:13
With 15.44M as of 31st March I wonder if it can reach 20M, US&UM is going to cut its legs so we´ll see :)
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