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Intelligent Systems



Release Dates

10/07/16 Nintendo
10/13/16 Nintendo
10/07/16 Nintendo

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Paper Mario: Color Splash (WiiU) > Opinions (40)

Brodymccaul posted 15/06/2020, 04:46
If you take into consideration that this game is super controversial and it came out on a console that didn't do well. Right before the release of the switch. It did pretty good
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Omega_Phazon_Pirate. posted 01/05/2018, 06:34
Nope, it had no legs to begin with...And even if you were to take VGC sales as factual, it still sold bad compared to it's predecessors. Switch has nothing to do with this, it just isn't that good of a game.
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Stuart23 posted 27/02/2018, 02:33
Switch totally killed the legs of this game.
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fedfed posted 27/01/2017, 11:50
Shame! it deserves 1.5 mil
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curl-6 posted 27/01/2017, 04:30
With Switch right around the corner, it will be interesting to see if this can make it to the million mark
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Fededx posted 27/01/2017, 02:19
It is slowing down but it already sold much much better than I've expected. And I'm glad it does, I hope it reaches the million mark, it deserves it, specially after all that thrash everyone said before playing the game.
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fedfed posted 23/01/2017, 12:56
It is selling much less that what I have expected in December....
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fedfed posted 18/01/2017, 11:47
it should make it to 1 mil if not adjusted by a lot
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rjason12 posted 18/01/2017, 12:11
Wayyyy better than sticker star, though doesn't hold a candle to the first 2.
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Goodnightmoon posted 11/01/2017, 09:47
Half Million already :) And still has 3-4 strong weeks ahead, lets see if can climb to 700k before 2017 first week, nice to see holidays reviving the game as I expected.
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fedfed posted 11/01/2017, 01:19
I am still hoping in a million seller!
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goldmario79 posted 23/12/2016, 03:15
I'm no fan of the Sticker Star games but seriously KLMarine.. you should definitely try and play the game for a few hours before making a judgement on this. I was extremely biased against Bowsers Inside Story because it wasnt TTYD and ended up sorely regretting it- BIS is a wonderful game with great story and design, top-notch music as well. Now you get something like the stinking pile of garbage like Super Paper Mario and its different..i spent 90% of the time before beating it wanting to go run finger nails down a chalk board!
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zippy posted 22/12/2016, 09:10
Yes!!! Starting to show legs, its a great game.
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b00moscone posted 22/12/2016, 11:44
Well, lesson taken from this: Don't underestimate Black Friday and holidays D:
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Goodnightmoon posted 22/12/2016, 02:53
420k after Black Friday :D It sold better than any week before, good legs, I can see this climbing to 600k or even 700k before the end of the year.
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Goodnightmoon posted 22/12/2016, 02:39
@KLMarine so you haven't even played any of those games and you want this to flops just because people tell you TYD is better? Honestly that's pathetic, have your own criteria, there is a reason why most of the people that plays this one likes it and it had many positive reviews. The game is not doing so bad all things considered btw, is having a good holydays.
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KLAMarine posted 20/12/2016, 07:11
Game seems to have underperformed. Good. My understanding is TTYD is the best so hopefully we get a return to that. Give the people what they want.
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DevilRising posted 18/12/2016, 02:36
Personally, I'd like them to make a Super Paper Mario 2, but with Color Splash's level of graphical fidelity. That would be amazing. SPM was my fav. entry in the series, a great hybrid platformer-rpg, and while I know a lot of people want them to make a standard rpg style game again, SPM was the highest selling entry in the franchise, and to me, the most fun. I would love another game in that style.
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Goodnightmoon posted 14/12/2016, 10:09
325k on its 7th week, sales are steady and even growing, next 5 weeks sales should keep this rhythm or even grow more so this is looking like Color Splash is gonna have a great holidays.
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Fededx posted 13/12/2016, 06:20
Amazing legs!
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b00moscone posted 06/12/2016, 09:23
I think it'll end up with sales ~475k by the end of year. I honestly can't see it reaching 1m unless it'll make an extremely tedious crawl to it after years and years or there's a Switch port.
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Screamapillar posted 03/12/2016, 05:40
Make a true JRPG Paper Mario for Switch, Nintendo. Your audience will come if you build it.
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PAOerfulone posted 28/11/2016, 09:33
I think it'll be somewhere between 600-800k by the end of the year, afterwards, throughout 2017 will be interesting.
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Goodnightmoon posted 22/11/2016, 10:25
I'm seeing legs, as I said before, is not until Holidays when we'll see this game potential.
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Fededx posted 22/11/2016, 02:37
It's showing some good legs, it may say well during holidays. But yeah, sticker star sold more than 2 millions, and super paper mario on Wii more than 3,this sales are low, Nintendo should make notes.
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HintHRO posted 13/11/2016, 01:39
It is very bad when you compare it with other Paper Mario games. Being it on Wii U shouldn't be a reason for the low sales since MK8 sold 8m and Splatoon 4m while being a new IP. Wii U has a massive drought so this game should sell more with a Mario in the title. Hopefully Nintendo gets the message.
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Ljink96 posted 07/11/2016, 11:30
So far, 120K isn't that bad. Especially on the Wii U with a game that people didn't want.
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b00moscone posted 07/11/2016, 08:35
It was only Japanese sales really keeping it up, though as Christmas approaches it'll be interesting to see how it sells.
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Goodnightmoon posted 07/11/2016, 04:04
It didn't fall too much on the 2nd week, maybe we starting to see legs. I don't really think we can call this game is a flop until holidays is over.
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linkhouse posted 04/11/2016, 11:53
Paper Mario: Color Splash is a good and funny game! Hope more will give it a try.
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think-man posted 02/11/2016, 10:05
Not surprising, i asked at my game store and they said they got zero copies of this game delivered to them.
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busbfran posted 01/11/2016, 01:14
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Ultrashroomz posted 01/11/2016, 05:05
I find it funny how Nintendo used an ad describing how similar Color Splash is to Splatoon, and practically begging people to buy this game. :P
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HintHRO posted 27/10/2016, 02:24
''It's like fans didn't want a sequel to Sticker Star. How surprising. Did you hear anything, Miyamoto?''
''Saaarry, too busy wiz motion contrors gnagnagna''
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b00moscone posted 26/10/2016, 07:09
Yeah, no way would FIFA 17 sell only 70k second week :P
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b00moscone posted 26/10/2016, 07:09
Yeah, no way would FIFA 17 sell only 70k second week :P
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Goodnightmoon posted 26/10/2016, 03:20
The sales are fake, something's wrong with the new update in general, not only with this game.
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b00moscone posted 26/10/2016, 11:38
I think it's impossible for it to only sell 40k, due to the fact that 30k was sold in USA alone, and according to Japanese sales figures it must've sold around 20-25k, so I find this hard to believe. I reckon it may have to do with the lack of EU and Japan figures on VGC.
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zippy posted 26/10/2016, 08:02
I refuse to believe that this has only sold 40k global in its first week.
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PAOerfulone posted 26/10/2016, 07:37
Welp, straight to Switch you go.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (40)

1 n/a 49,910 29,550 12,673 92,133
2 26,853 20,919 12,879 5,341 65,992
3 9,410 12,776 11,483 3,479 37,148
4 5,028 12,509 19,813 3,920 41,270
5 4,040 12,106 11,185 3,315 30,646
6 2,668 13,110 13,508 3,674 32,960
7 2,252 18,850 17,504 5,167 43,773
8 2,223 40,006 39,850 11,128 93,207
9 2,587 23,041 37,574 7,286 70,488
10 3,341 38,784 28,887 10,203 81,215
Brodymccaul posted 15/06/2020, 04:46
If you take into consideration that this game is super controversial and it came out on a console that didn't do well. Right before the release of the switch. It did pretty good
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Omega_Phazon_Pirate. posted 01/05/2018, 06:34
Nope, it had no legs to begin with...And even if you were to take VGC sales as factual, it still sold bad compared to it's predecessors. Switch has nothing to do with this, it just isn't that good of a game.
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Stuart23 posted 27/02/2018, 02:33
Switch totally killed the legs of this game.
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fedfed posted 27/01/2017, 11:50
Shame! it deserves 1.5 mil
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curl-6 posted 27/01/2017, 04:30
With Switch right around the corner, it will be interesting to see if this can make it to the million mark
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Fededx posted 27/01/2017, 02:19
It is slowing down but it already sold much much better than I've expected. And I'm glad it does, I hope it reaches the million mark, it deserves it, specially after all that thrash everyone said before playing the game.
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